My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3399: Split the Galaxy!

Try the axe!

Su Jin’s tone was unprecedentedly confident. When the Aotian King's bones first became ‘Aotian’, this stone axe was destined to transform into an extraordinary divine treasure, and he is now extremely looking forward to the power of ‘Aotian Shenwu’!

However, Su Jin didn't know that it was not this bone name that was shocked by others——


The face of Niluanyu and Feng Guyi, everyone present was slightly stiff, and the eyes that looked at Su Jin were all unbelievable! !

The second king bone!

The meaning of Yedi's words is very obvious, he has more than one piece, and there are two king-grade celestial bones on his body!

In fact, Su Jin didn't need to hide it at all. A piece of Wang Pin Tian Bone was enough to cause a **** storm. It doesn't feel much to say it now. It's good to scare the opponent anyway.

"In the end...what kind of existence did we provoke--" Feng Gu almost cried in shock. She still has hope in her heart. As long as Ye Di is not the'unworldly sovereign', they will still have a lot of'different time and space' Opportunity.

"Today I will kill you to get the bones." The master of Niluanyu began to be filled with madness.

In the eyes of the Lord of Niluanyu, the Heavenly Bone of the Emperor’s King Grade is too wasteful. If it is integrated with him, it is very possible to become a peerless ancient sage in the future. Once this idea appears, it will be like a wild horse. , It is difficult to suppress, the master of Niluanyu knows that this is a greed, but at this moment, who can resist the attraction of the'wangpintiangu'?

"bring it on!"

Su Jin slowly closed his eyes, and his whole person seemed to fall towards the starry sky behind——


In the black starry sky, there was a vaguely huge star giant standing up, this star giant directly grabbed Ye Di, and put it in his mouth!

When all this was done, on the forehead of the giant star, there were bursts of symbols connected by the stars shining!

"This Aotian King Bone is full of the stars in the sky, and it also has supreme blessings to his star giants!" The Lord Niluanyu secretly called a bad thing.

"It needs speed." You Daxian said anxiously.

"Feng Guyi! You different time and space, do you really want to watch it again?" The Lord Niluan was a little angry, and now it can be concluded that Xiao Shenxiu will not take action, but the pressure on them by Ye Di is really too great. Need help from people in different time and space.

"No problem!" Feng Guyi knew that to kill Ye Di, he could not tolerate the pool, and Dang even stepped out.

"It's a pity that the ancient **** emperor is not there!" The master of Niluanyu looked at Feng Guyi coldly, and continued: "You bless me with the "Time and Space Forbidden Law" in Different Time and Space."

"Okay." Feng Guyi nodded seriously, without any care.

A burst of mysterious secret clouds rose from the fingers of Feng Guyi's constantly changing hands, and the Lord of Inverse Chaos felt that there was a gray and transparent brilliance entwined all over his body. Test the energy.

In this way, the master of Niluanyu is a little relieved!


The entire star giant moved his body slightly. In the eyes of Feng Guyi and Wu Bai Daxian, although this star giant was not as strong as the ten-star renju not long ago, it has already made a qualitative leap in terms of single-body combat power. !

"Is the old technique repeated?" Feng Guyi was a little nervous. She had seen Su Jin's power when she slashed dozens of great sages with her own eyes. The ten-star link, the ancient starry sky, once stepped on by the star giant, the power is unimaginable !

Moreover, now I am afraid it is only stronger! Because this celestial giant has the blessing of Wang-Pin Tian Bone, and even has ‘Aotian Shenwu’!


Aotian Shenwu turned into a giant stone axe entwined with starlight, and he held it directly in his right arm under the beckoning of the star giant! !

"You just rely on such strength, you are far from being able to contend with me——" When the Lord of the Chaos Domain was alert, he didn't feel much pressure.

"Hehe, don't say it too early--" The Star Giant said, but Su Jin was talking in his voice.

"I hope you don't let me down!" The lord of Niluan hasn't had a warrior for a long time. One is a high-powered person, and the other is his position. Unless he has experienced the side-lying Buddha, he can be worthy of fighting. The First World War is very rare.

Of course, an alternative existence like Xiaoshenxiu is another way of saying——

Su Jin will not let the other party down!

The star symbol on Aotian Shenwu also lights up, and the stone axe seems to be connected to the arm of the star giant, and a touch of the ultimate heavenly power is pouring out on the right arm of the star giant!

The star giant's right arm began to glow with red and blue light!

"Is this?" Feng Gu gave a fierce heart, and then he thumped, jumping violently!

"Sky Arm! How could it be possible!" Among the five hundred great sages, one of the great sages already exclaimed.

"Who is this kid? Even the sky arm can be displayed. Is it true that, as the rumors say, this man is an envoy sent by God?"

"The star giant has the blessing of Ootian, and now the divine martial art of Wanggu's divine will is held in the hand by the heavenly arm, this...what kind of power should this have?"

"This method is not like a magical technique." There was a Daxian with a solemn expression, and continued: "During the divine war, the gods of the moment was imprinted by the heavenly slave, and the crystal stone scene recorded at that time still described the sky arm. This kind of majesty can never be imitated--"


The face of the lord of Niluanyu is so ugly now, it is so ugly, Ye Di's age is so outstanding that he can't imagine him, think he can have Tianjiao comparable to Yedi?

Can't think of it!

Absolutely not!

Su Jin used the vision of the star giant to directly raise his head, "This battle is endless! If I don't die, I will definitely go against the chaos!"

"You don't have a chance!" The Lord Niluanyu opened and closed his hands, and a red lacquer box floated in front of him. He still hesitated, handing the lacquer box to the great sages behind him, and confessed a few times.

After doing all this, the Lord of Niluan is full of the burning divine power of five hundred great sages!


The main body of Nichao Territory shook wildly, and he took a big leap, raising his hand to open up a galaxy towards Su Jin!

Kaka Kaka~~~ The starry sky trembled, how terrible is the Lord of Inverse Chaos blessed by the five hundred great sages? With this blow, the stars almost dimmed, and even Su Jin had to treat the galaxy that came through with extreme care!

"Give me... broken!"

Under the starry sky, Su Jin watched the river full of ruinous Dao Yun curling in, and raised the Ootian Shenwu with his heavenly arms! At this moment, he seemed to think back to the past, the thousands of scenes rushing to the spirit sea, he has never been so strong along the way!

Feng Gu was extremely nervous, and she eagerly hoped that Su Jin would fall. The blow of these five hundred great sages to bless the Lord of Inverse Chaos is absolutely the strongest existence!

This blow is destined to be the beginning of endless death for both sides!

In the dark starry sky, the stars seemed to flicker, and at the end of the white galaxy, there was a star giant holding up a stone axe——

Outrageously hack!

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