My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3400: The legendary land

This axe, thousands of stars, suddenly dimmed!

Under the blessing of five hundred great sages and Feng Guyi, the lord of the reverse chaos domain seems to never believe the scene that appears in his eyes! The white galaxy that I played was directly split from the middle! The ruined Dao Yun was immediately swept away!


The body of Niluanyu's master shook, and the two galaxies that came upside down only shook him, even though he was blocked by a layer of gray brilliance around him.

Su Jin had some regrets on his face.

The power of the five hundred great sages is too unimaginable. The Lord of Niluanyu definitely has the strength to challenge the little godxiu now, and can even beat the opponent, not to mention that Feng Guyi imposed a time and space forbidden law for him!

"Are you capable of this?" The master of Niluanyu gradually felt relieved, watching the collapsed scenes of Aotian around him. Even if his vision changed, everyone was out of Aotian's scope.


Under the Tianjing Sea, Su Jin in the golden body state couldn't help but vomit a mouthful of Buddha's blood. The gray brilliance on the body of the Lord of the Rebellion just now was extremely mysterious, if it hadn’t been for Feng Guyi to bless the Lord of the Rebellion. With a layer of means, he can hurt the opponent no matter what!

"The end of the road, what else do you want to say?" Feng Gu said with a cold smile to Su Jin.

"The strength of your unity is nothing more than that." Su Jin calmed his mind and continued: "It's just a little bit worse, otherwise you will die if you rebel against the chaos."

Don’t blame Su Jin for secretly calling out--

Just as long as the Lord of Dichaos is injured, Su Jin can use the Buddhist scriptures to collect his blood. At least he can take this opportunity to mobilize the'Bright Red Altar' and destroy a major enemy, but he still cannot succeed.

"We have broken free even the space you can use, you are already powerless to resist." Feng Gu's voice was as cold as ancient ice.

"Is it?"

Su Jin squinted his eyes and said to Feng Guyi: "You have just been in my Ootian, where is it easy to escape? Only when the side-lying Buddha was lifted, it caused Ootian to collapse. You are still complacent."

Just now, the side-lying Buddha was lifted up?

The face of Nichao Domain Lord, Five Hundred Great Sages, Feng Guyi, and even Jinjia Zhanzun all changed!

The little Shenxiu disappeared silently, as if seeing Emperor Zhan Ye fail, he didn't want to take the risk on his own, so he went straight to the Buddha.

"The big Buddha lying on the side is clearly intact, so I didn't even lift it up!" The Lord of the Niluan Domain stared at Su Jin, "It's because of your lack of strength, you just made an excuse."

"Brother Shenxiu has gone, and when the Buddha rises again, he can enter the Lord of Heaven and Earth. By then, you can be sure to win?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

Feng Guyi's expression tense--

Sure enough, everyone discovered the disappearance of Xiao Shenxiu.

This person did not leave without reason!

"If you want to fight, I'll be with you at any time, but you better hope that you don't let me get the chance, otherwise you will definitely destroy your two supreme divine realms!" As Su Jin said, the golden body burst out with dazzling golden light, and directly put away the bright red altar. , Sinking into the bottom of the sea, also going back to the past!

"Heaven and Earth Sovereign is the most important thing. After we will fight for the Heaven and Earth Sovereign, it will not be too late to kill the Night Emperor." The Lord of Niluan Territory sneered: "Because the Lord didn't feel how strong he is just now—"

Feng Gu stopped talking as soon as he wanted to speak, watching Niluanyu bring five hundred great sages, swarming and chasing after her, but her different time and space seemed to fall behind.

"Father is blessing the'Alternative Reincarnation Sect.' Our great sages in different time and space have not yet arrived." Feng Guyi knew it well.

"You can take the guise of uniting against chaos. Now that our people appear, it may not be a good thing." Jin Jia Zhan Zun said.

"That's right, otherwise you will have to do your best for nothing, and you just need to be careful about the little Shenxiu for a while, and you can't be attacked by him."

Feng Gu decided immediately, fell deep to the bottom of the sea, and went with the Golden Armored War Venerable——

The deep black seabed...

Su Jin grabbed the golden Buddha light, hidden behind a stone Buddha, and saw two golden enchantments rushing from a distance.

These two people are really looking for death——

Su Jin watched Feng Guyi and the Golden Armored Warlord rush past, but knew that this road was heading towards Xiaoshenxiu. Just now he was the second one to leave, and he was the one who wanted to move the Tiantian and Alien Time and Space. Take it, but unfortunately none of the five hundred great sages were fooled.


A strange tremor appeared throughout the body of the Buddha entering the water.

"Domain Lord! We might as well wait here!" Daxian said.

Before, because of fear of encountering the little **** show, the lord of Niluanyu took five hundred great sages and quickly detoured. At present, the Buddha wall is hundreds of meters away. They have walked a long way and it is impossible to hit the little **** show.

And according to the position of the side Buddha, they should be under the crotch of the Buddha——

"I have a hunch that Heaven and Earth Respect is about to be born, and no matter who you see for a while, it doesn't matter who you see!" Niluanyu said in a cold voice.

"What if you meet Xiao Shenxiu?"

"Similarly! I wait for the strength, if he can shake, as long as he doesn't get close to the heaven and earth respect." Said the Lord Niluanyu.

"No problem! The forces here, we are the only one in Niluantianyu!"


Many people are eager to try--

Su Jin waited quietly. After a while, he would meet with the machine and act. If the heaven and earth obstructed him, he would not let Xiao Shenxiu and the others do what he wanted, and would fight for it.

According to Su Jin's current ability, he is absolutely qualified to do so!

Thinking of this, Su Jin's pupils quickly showed a grey and blue secret color.

Immediately afterwards, Su Jin seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, the same color as the surroundings. This is the terrifying part of the "No" word Tian Mi, and it is also his greatest support when winning the world!

As Feng Guyi approached the Buddha wall, he saw clusters of thick black willow branches, and from a distance he saw a headless monk standing quietly under a Buddha wall.


Lying on the side of the Buddha, continue to tremble!

Finally, everyone is waiting for this moment!

In Feng Guyi's field of vision, there seemed to be an extremely terrifying force beneath the Buddha, who was propping up the Buddha's body, and raised it several meters in a blink of an eye!

The little Shenxiu laughed intently. He saw the opportunity, and when the Buddha was propped up to a height of ten feet, he suddenly shook his hand and punched out a strange thing.

That is a block of soil half a square square--

"Sill the soil?!" Feng Gu turned pale, surprised!

"The legendary sacred soil." The Golden Armored Warlord was also eye-opening, carefully watching the operation of the little sacred show, this'breathing soil' is definitely a rare thing, although it seems to be only a small piece, it can grow rapidly. In the end it can even grow into a continent!

Su Jin's eyes changed slightly, his opinion was the same as the others! Xiao Shenxiu uses ‘remove soil’ to support the body of the Buddha that he wants to suppress again, so that he can go under the body of the Buddha and find the heaven and the earth!

Almost at the same time, Xiao Shenxiu stepped directly and walked in! That piece of glitzy land is still rising, and a large area is naturally opened below!

Su Jin vaguely felt a familiar breath--

Moreover, in the gap below the Buddha's body, the unique color of Yongling Yushu is exuded!

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