My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3402: Curse of Immortality

"The Emperor Ye saw it for nothing, he must be a boring person--" Huo Yuan said: "I was afraid that a little bit of the'Star Flame' would be released, so I would burn him directly."

"Well... Sister Yuanyang is so amazing, we naturally have learned it." Chi Yuhe even claimed to be.

As the Supreme Nine Secrets entered under the Buddha, after marveling at the miraculousness of the ‘Silence Land’, no one was found watching them from a distance.

Su Jin curled his lips, these people are not small, if he weren't looking for Yongling Yushu, he would definitely have to attend the meeting for a while, but now he doesn't have the time.

Soon, after Su Jin followed Feng Gu for a while, he changed direction alone and began to sense the location of Yongling Yushu carefully.

The area under the Buddha's body is too huge. It is the same as Su Jin's previous time on the Buddha's body. Now he is in the state of'No Word Heaven's Secret' and cannot use his power. As a result, his search speed is slow as a snail!

"Could it be in the center?" Su Jin hesitated to look forward. He felt that the closer to the center area, the stronger the glory of Yongling Yushu. This time, I am afraid that he will be involved in the dispute.


Inverse chaos domain master, with five hundred great sages, rushed over unscrupulously!

Su Jin saw the crazy behavior of the Lord of the Inverse Chaos from a distance, and it seems that this person is bound to fight against the little **** show!

Without hesitation, Su Jin began to speed up the pace——

At this moment, in the center of the bottom of the sea, there is a very dark crack, but it is only a few hundred meters square. The little **** Xiu stood quietly on the edge of the crack. He stretched out a hand, his fingers above the cracks in front of him, and a wonderful Tao rhyme wrapped around the fingers. On, after two breaths, his index finger turned into a golden ashes!

"The power of the curse." Little Shenxiu muttered to herself slowly, he was almost certain that in this small rift, Heaven and Earth Sovereign's body was located, but this terrible curse made him hesitate, and some did not. Understand this power.

So desperate to fall into, the **** that may be cursed and burnt will not be left, is it really worth it——

"Heaven and Earth, Curse of Immortality." Xiao Shenxiu's voice gradually became cold, "The living dead...need to take one person to try his might."

"Xiao Shenxiu! Heaven and Earth are my Niluan Tianyu's honor, you don't want to mess around!" The Lord Niluanyu is full of brilliance, even if it is him, now he dare not face up to Xiao Shenxiu, he is being five hundred Daxian blessed, that's why I had the confidence to drink like this at the little **** show.

Xiao Shenxiu's lonely back, slowly turned around, his quirky figure suddenly disappeared!

When Xiao Shenxiu appeared, she was on the verge of five hundred great wise men! This silent method makes people feel scalp numb! Not even a trace of Taoist rhyme fluctuations came out! Thousands of times more mysterious than teleportation!

"You--" The five hundred great sages all trembled.

Xiao Shenxiu's headless body, flat neck incision, at such a close distance, is still very shocking, even the five hundred great sages, all feel terrible!

"Take you a great sage." Little Shenxiu raised her arm, a giant arm wrapped in black willow leaves, directly condensed, and grabbed a great sage fiercely. The ease of sacking and fetching things directly made everyone No temper!

The Lord of Inverse Chaos has a calm face, without opening a word--

Little Shenxiu seemed to ignore the others, and directly carried the middle-aged Daxian, and once again appeared on the edge of the crack with his hand held down!

"What do you want to do?!" Daxian, who was picked up by Xiao Shenxiu, was now in a trance, his fear was not concealed at all, and he was still shocked by the means by which Xiao Shenxiu caught him!

"Take you...try the spell." Xiao Shenxiu said.

Try the spell!

The Lord Niluan and the other great sages were infinitely shocked! Is the legend true? There really is an immortal curse in the world! Legend has it that Tiandi Zun was dragged down by the curse of immortality and was finally suppressed in Tianjinghai! But this is just a legend, a legend for countless years!

"Please, I don't want to die--" Daxian was captured, and now I'm all thinking about why he was caught!

"You won't die, never... at best, it's eternity wandering in life is not as good as death." Xiao Shenxiu imprisoned this person, gently tossing it over the crack in the ground, controlling it not to fall.

Chi Chi Chi Chi——


Under the gaze of everyone, Daxian, who was thrown away by Xiao Shenxiu, began to look like ignited paper, and his body disappeared inch by inch. At the end, he actually recovered again, but his body continued to turn endlessly in burning and incompleteness!

The Lord Niluan and the five hundred great sages all took a breath, and then fell silent.

This terrible scene was once suffocating!

Little Shenxiu silently looked at her regrown finger, the finger began to burn and was mutilated, and then he chopped off the finger.

The intensity of the curse of immortality is more than expected.

"Heaven and Earth are not far away from us in the cracked ground, but what should we do now? As long as they enter, they will be transformed into the living dead, the living dead who are not as good as the dead!" Among the five hundred great sages, someone retreated. , I feel very difficult.

"Even the chaotic space cannot be blocked, unless there is a way to eliminate the curse!"

"Unexpectedly, even Xiao Shenxiu would not dare to go on. This trip is destined to be empty, empty!"


The little **** Xiu thought quietly, and the voices of those great sages seemed to be completely excluded by him.

"Do you want to obtain the heaven and earth respect?" Xiao Shenxiu made a voice, and the voice appeared in the ear of the Lord Niluan.

"Naturally think!" The face of Niluanyu's master changed, and Xiao Shenxiu said that there was nothing good.

"The curse of immortality has flaws. As long as someone is willing to absorb these curses, they can reach the strength that you and I can bear." Xiao Shenxiu's voice is calm, "As long as you are willing, you can naturally let the heaven and earth go with you to the Tiandi Tianyu."

"It should be what you think--" Niluanyu domain master shook his head.

"Heaven and Earth, only the body exists. As long as I master it, I promised you to go against the chaotic universe, but these five hundred great sages are the price. Let me ask you one more question... Are you...reluctant?" Xiao Shenxiu seemed a little tired.

The Lord of Nichao became flustered.

Five hundred great sages, he is absolutely not willing!

This is unbearable! But listening to the meaning of this little **** show, if you are not willing, this person may also want to force a shot——

"Retreat!" The master of Niluanyu burst out suddenly, and his whole body suddenly retreated.

"It's late..." Xiao Shenxiu said lightly.

The black willow branches grew quickly! The five hundred great sages felt like a cage all around, with wicker stalking constantly!

In another place, Feng Gu's face is not so good-

At the same time, the person in the Supreme Nine Secrets has also appeared in the field of vision!

Song Qianji, Bai Daofeng, Fire Yuanyang, Chi Yuhe, Yun Zhibai and others saw this situation, and their expressions changed greatly!

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