My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3403: Golden Dynasty

Xiao Shenxiu's sudden shot, directly caused the Ni chaotic Tianyu side to mess up the position-

The Lord of Niluan Domain yelled badly. He had just retreated into the five hundred great sages, and now he is also trapped by that strange black willow cage!

A piece of great sage's will burned vigorously, and the light became a piece of light. The Lord of the Niluan domain did not panic, and the prominent great sage's power continued to flow out of himself to jointly resist the means of the little **** show!


The Lord of Inverse Chaos saw the surrounding black willows instantly collapsed. Although the black willow cages on the periphery had not been broken, judging from the current situation, they still have no life worry for the time being.

"Little Shenxiu! I don't see you as good at me! I'm in the camp of Niluantianyu. Add me, 518, and they are already invincible. How can you cut it down?" Niluanyu The main shouted coldly at Xiao Shenxiu.

"It's nothing but a false name. We are the strongest here. This little godxiu is so alive that he doesn't know what is good or bad. He wants to take our lives to fulfill himself!" Daxian became angry.

"Once you are infected with the curse of immortality, you will endure unimaginable pain, I would rather die!"


Among the great sages near the periphery, there was a scream. It was a great sage in a gray robe. At this time, his feet were entangled by a black willow, and then the black willow leaf pattern quickly covered his whole body. The arms, face, and even the forehead of Yintang were all darkening, especially in the center of Yintang's eyebrows, there were black willow leaves drilling out—

The face of the lord of Niluan domain darkened, he never thought that this little **** show was so cruel, the power of five hundred great sages enveloped his body, and the other party could find a chance!

"I'll wait to work together to break through the cage and kill this evil spirit!" The Lord Niluan knows that this is the only chance, otherwise once their strength is weak, the other party's insidious ultimate move will come one by one!

Unexpectedly, Xiao Shenxiu did not kill Daxian again, and Ren Ni Chaoyu and others struggled...

The people of the Supreme Ninth Secret looked at it from a distance, and they were all shocked--

"This little **** show really has monstrous strength." Song Qianji exclaimed.

"Heaven and Earth respect the first person." Yun Zhibai also nodded, agreeing.

"Since Xiao Shenxiu is so powerful, why only surround it and not kill?" Bai Daofeng is uncertain, even she now sees the strength of Xiao Shenxiu, and then she hesitates: "Does he really want to drag five hundred great sages into it? In this rift in front of me? Even if it has the power of the sky, it is difficult to do it. After all, the other party is now united together like an iron bucket."

"He is waiting for someone."

It was a quiet woman who was standing beside Yun Zhibai, whose name was Wang Qiang.

In the Supreme Ninth Secret Realm, everyone knows that the first inheritance of the "Zhishou Dao Realm", Yun Zhibai, has a kind and beautiful sister. In terms of her cultivation strength, this woman has always been more mysterious. According to legend, she is average in strength but has amazing Taoism. Talent, and this time being able to go to the sky and clean the sea, it is precisely because she is the leader that she can make the trip.

"Waiting for someone?" Chi Yuhe was a little surprised, "Why is Sister Qiang so sure?"

"If you want to obtain the heaven and earth, you must go down this rift. The current plan of Xiao Shenxiu is feasible, and to move five hundred great sages, he can't do it alone."

Wang Qiang took a small step towards his brother Yun Zhibai, and said quietly: "So he must be waiting for someone to help him move."

"Could it be that you want to ask our Supreme Nine Secrets for help?" The Fire Duck asked in doubt, "But with us, it can't be done--"

"Little Shenxiu is very weird, surely someone will come." Song Qianji said anxiously.

If it is like what Wang Qian said, who else will come?

Hurry up and hurry, Su Jin finally arrived. He is currently watching from a distance the people of Niluantianyu are trapped by Xiao Shenxiu, and the person of the Supreme Ninth Secret is twenty miles in the direction of his left hand!

"These old dogs--" Su Jin sneered directly when he saw the miserable appearance of the Lord Niluan Domain and others.

Previously, the performance of the Lord of the Inverse Chaos was not like this. Relying on the five hundred great sages, he wanted to get rid of him quickly!

However, Su Jin was also very curious. Xiao Shenxiu just trapped the opponent with a black willow cage, without any intention to do anything next, could it be...someone came?

"Domain Lord, I feel something is wrong——" You Daxian quickly said to Nichao Domain Master.

"What's wrong? He just can't help it! Don't look at him too high!" The Niluan domain master shook his head, "It's just a heaven and earth respect, and he wants me to lose five hundred great sages. Since he is so capable, why not catch the difference? People in time and space?"

"Are you waiting for the emperor of the night?"

"Impossible! Ye Di is only one person, how can we move away from us?"

"But what exactly is Xiao Shenxiu waiting for?"


Things seem to have reached a deadlock--

The little Shenxiu is silent, and is very serious about controlling the power, and will not give the Lord Niluanyu and others a chance to get out of trouble, and the people of the Supreme Nine Secrets are waiting more and more anxious!

After half a moment!

In the darkness, a ray of golden light began to shine--

Su Jin frowned tightly.

Sure enough, someone has arrived!




A golden pagoda with a full nine thousand stories slowly condensed out. Once it appeared, even the Lord of Inverse Chaos did not react. Including him, all five hundred great sages were at the bottom of the tower by the golden pagoda town!

Song Qianji suddenly raised his head and watched the gossip Dao Formation under his feet emit a strong Dao Xia, and a golden tower also appeared above their heads, but at this time they were held together by the two brothers and sisters who knew the Taoist Temple. Can't get down!

"The Golden Dynasty! It turned out to be the Golden Dynasty!" Chi Yuhe roared out loud.

"I didn't expect Xiao Shenxiu to be waiting for them!" Song Qianji also had an ugly expression on his face, which was really difficult.

The Golden Dynasty does not belong to the power of their Supreme Divine Realm, and this power is extremely mysterious. Rumor has it that it has already started to fight with the power of the'Highest Divine Realm'!

At this moment, the golden pagoda trapping the five hundred great sages of Niluan Tianyu is exactly the non-phase tower of the "Golden Dynasty"!

"The agreement back then, you really kept the agreement--" Xiao Shenxiu said in an indifferent voice.

"That year, Goddess of Mercy was still alive." On the Pagoda of Wuxiang, a person walked slowly in the air.

"Fill these people into this rift valley, and then help me cut off the Ye Di, the early graces, it will be paid back." Little Shenxiu's voice tended to be cold.

"Ye Di...who is it?" The middle-aged man with the golden tower spirit in his hand looked at the little godxiu strangely.

The hearts of the dozens of the Supreme Nine Secrets were shocked-

How powerful is Ye Di? Little Shenxiu can't even kill it, and Jin Dynasty needs to help!

This is terrible--

Even Wang Qiang, a strange woman who was working hard to bless the Dao formation, couldn't help but listen carefully. Ye Di, what kind of person is he?

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