My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3404: He is Ye Di!

"Yedi is here--"

Little Shenxiu's voice is cold, "This child is very tricky and has a wordless secret, so it is hidden nearby."

Upon hearing the power of the Jin Dynasty, he was stunned and said, "But Daxian?"

If it is a Daxian and possesses a secret, he will naturally be extremely careful.

"No." Xiao Shenxiu said.

"That's good, as long as the night emperor appears, I will suppress it by--"


Just a dozen sentences of dialogue, let the Ninth Secret of the Supreme Secret listen to the truth...

Song Qianji took a deep breath and said: "Trouble, in charge of the Pagoda of No Phase, this person is the Ninth King of the Golden Dynasty, Jin Wuxiang, the most terrifying existence in the entire Jin Dynasty."

"How mysterious is this phaseless tower? Why is there no movement on the side of the Tianyu Tianyu?" The fire mandarin duck said dumbfounded.

"This tower is extraordinary. It can open up countless worlds without phases. Once you fall into it, you will be trapped in eternal loneliness. This tower is rumored to be able to contain the heavens. How powerful is it?" Yun Zhibai looked at the fire mandarin duck.

"Everyone wants to kill Ye Di, I also want to..." Huo Yuan Duck laughed, "This little **** show can't kill him, it seems that it won't let me down--"

Song Qianji, Yun Zhibai and Bai Daofeng were all speechless.

Even Xiao Shenxiu wanted Jin Wuxiang to kill people, but Fire Duck couldn't wait to fight each other, then Ye Di... was such a good killer?

"Little Huo'er, talk a lot." The long-lost spirit palace ancestor glanced at the fire mandarin duck on the gourd. He was also very helpless. The misfortune came out of his mouth. He didn't know how many times he had instructed him. The incompetent Ye Emperor is nearby, how can you say more?


"Let's start--" Xiao Shenxiu said to Jin Wuxiang.


Jin Wu waved his hand at the "Pagoda of Wuxiang" that trapped five hundred great sages, and the whole pagoda began to rumbling, and then it rose from the ground!

On the ground, there really are no traces of the five hundred great sages!

Su Jin's eyes were cold. Fortunately, he had used the "No Word Tian Secret" to hide himself. If he appeared rashly, he would definitely not escape the suppression of this tower!

This "no-phase **** tower" is too terrifying, it accommodates five hundred great sages, and it also prevents the opponent from getting out of trouble!

Jin Wuxiang looked cautious, and directly moved the Wuxiang Tower to the top of the Rift Valley, screaming, like the ultimate purgatory in the world, constantly emitting!

"This old dog, the Lord of Nichaos, I'm afraid I didn't expect that he will end like this--" Su Jin's eyes flickered, and he could tell at a glance that the Rift Valley is where the'Heaven and Earth Sovereign' is. The unique brilliance of Lingyushu is also exuding!

"Little **** show! You can't die! I'm against chaotic universe, immortal will be your enemy! You can't escape, you can't escape--" Niran domain master kept screaming, but disappeared The part of his body seems to have been cut off by thousands of knives.

However, after a dozen breaths, the lord of Niluanyu felt itchy again, and the body that grew out of the missing position was torturing him endlessly!

"The curse of immortality! This curse will not limit our strength! It will make us stronger in the future! It's just... it's just that the price of this pain is too great!"

"Domain Lord! Kill me!"

"Ah...Little God Show..."


Jin Wuxiang looked cold and indifferent, and directly released the more than 500 great sages, letting them roll and howl above the rift valley——

"Good job." Xiao Shenxiu said.

"The Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secrets and the people of Different Time and Space? Do you want to deal with them on the spot..." Jin Wuxiang spotted Feng Gu and others, and asked Xiao Shenxiu.

Feng Gu was shocked!

She and Jin Jia Zhan Zun Zun Zang position is very good, even the highest Ninth Secret did not find her, how did the other party know!

"There is no need to take action, the curse of immortality is still being consumed, and after a quarter of an hour, this curse will fade to the point of disappearing." Xiao Shenxiu counted the time.

"These people are always a threat -" Jin Wuxiang said puzzledly.

Ignoring Jin Wuxiang, Xiao Shenxiu turned sideways slightly and suddenly said softly, "Ye Di, are you still refusing to come out?"

Su Jin curled his lips.

Is the head of this little **** show so funny? Since he knew he was there, and when he was in his early years, he would be taken away by Jin Wuxiangyou's "Pagoda of Wuxiang", so he was still so excited to show up!

"I think that Ye Di is as timid as a mouse. I really don't know why Lord Shenxiu valued him so much--" Jin Wuxiang glanced around, suddenly realizing the mystery of Wuzi Tian's secret. If it hadn't been for Xiao Shenxiu to remind Ye Di was nearby, I'm afraid he really knows nothing.

No figures, no fluctuations...

Su Jin squinted his eyes and made a plan immediately. He walked to the edge of the rift valley and stood 100 meters west of Xiaoshenxiu.

"Brother Shenxiu, do you want to kill me so?" Su Jinfa made a voice, his body changed from imaginary to real, and he hadn't exited the state of ‘No Word Heaven Secret’, but everyone was able to see him!

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Jin Wuxiang's eyes, and he dragged the golden tower spirit in his hand, "Wuxiang Tower! Go--"


The Phaseless God Pagoda passed directly through Su Jin's body, but the mystery of the Wordless Heavenly Secret was still there. This nine-thousand-story golden pagoda, trembling constantly, suddenly fell into nothingness!

Su Jin was surprised, this tower is really powerful!

Feng Gu smiled at the corner of his mouth. Now the tortured Lord Niluan and the five hundred great sages are not as good as death, and even the voice of speaking is gone, and Ye Di will be beheaded immediately!

This is an unexpected surprise!

"Ah? He is the emperor of the night——" A girl with a red mandarin duck, two flames jumped out of her pupils, staring at Su Jin as if she was looking at prey!

"The Wordless Heaven Secret, it's a pity that he hasn't repaired it to the extreme. This phaseless tower will be traced back to the space he really hid, and it will still be taken away." Song Qianji said.

"This person is careless." Yun Zhibai also nodded and said.

"Brother, I don't think it's necessarily." Wang Qiang looked at Yun Zhibai, "This person can make Xiao Shenxiu jealous, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

"He looks average, why can't Xiao Shenxiu kill him?"

"Hehe, this kind of stuff, even I can easily kill it..." Chi Yuhe shook his head. He believed in his own eyesight, but also puzzled Xiao Shenxiu's attitude.

just now.

Su Jin was full of innocence. It seemed that he was already a mortal in the eyes of Xiao Shenxiu——

"Brother Shenxiu, without me, no one would ever want to descend into this rift valley." Su Jin said lightly: "If you don't believe me, take a closer look, take a closer look--"

Streaks of gray charm, like smoke repeatedly, filled the entire Rift Valley, and the tumbling Lord of Inverse Chaos and others broke out again like a scream like a pig!

"What kind of curse is this! I—" Niluanyu master now scolded the eighteenth generation of Yedi's ancestor in his heart!

Xiao Shenxiu burst out with a strong killing intent, directly facing Su Jin! Stop him from seizing the world, die!

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