My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3412: Little God Show


The magnificent ‘swastika’ Buddha seal collapsed in the bang. Su Jin seemed to have anticipated this situation, and when he was in danger, he turned into a giant star giant figure and appeared directly!

Xiao Shenxiu came in stride holding the "clean bottle"!

The star giant gave a cat waist slightly, and then his body was like a galaxy across the sky, and he raised his fist and smashed it towards the little **** show——

On the other side, Su Jin was enveloped by a bright yellow light, and the burning Buddha clothing in the sky seemed to be unable to block his light!

"Yedi has turned into a dragon, it is still a golden sacred dragon rare in the heavens!" Bai Daofeng said blankly.

The golden sacred dragon is too huge. Once the entire body is condensed, it will look like a supreme heavenly fault, with brilliant golden qualities. Every dragon scale on its body contains the extremely powerful dragon power, and this golden sacred dragon, It's much more than what you see on the surface!

"The **** seat on the head, the claws fall on the temple, and the body is in the galaxy——" Song Qianji shocked.

"Can you see clearly what is on the dragon's back? That temple seems to contain the most extreme secrets in the world."

"Eternal Life Hall! The Golden Sacred Dragon carries on its back is the Eternal Life Hall!" The ancestor of the Spirit Palace finally couldn't calm down. The Ye Emperor turned into the Golden Sacred Dragon and revealed such a terrible secret. Now, the Longevity Hall is here! Just relying on this longevity palace is enough to set off a **** storm in the Supreme God's Domain.


Little Shenxiu naturally discovered the existence of the'Golden Sacred Dragon'. He was so angry that he fisted like shattering the galaxy, severely shattering the star giant, and shouted at the Golden Sacred Dragon: "In addition to having the invincible opportunity, you also Is there anything like me!"

The huge figure of the golden sacred dragon, as if frozen in the void, the dragon head looked down at the little **** show——

The "Buddha clothing" of the little **** in the void has been suppressed by the Hall of Longevity. Su Jin will use the power of the Hall of Longevity to wipe out the mystery of the Buddha's clothes.

"Brother Shenxiu, Tiandi Zun has no relationship with you. It's better to put down the butcher knife as soon as possible and leave. This king may open a side, and you don't care about it." Su Jin's voice was made by the Golden Sacred Dragon, which naturally had an extraordinary shocking effect. .

"Let down the butcher knife? Can I still become a Buddha? Very well, your heavy chance has made me see hope. I will take the path fruit from you today, and use you to completely achieve my demon body!" Ignoring the star giant, he stepped into the void and stared at Su Jin's dragon eye.

"How do you take away my Tao fruit?" Su Jin said with disdain.

"Jing Ping Hei Liu, can take everything from your rebirth, you will be the same as that of the earthly respect, become my little **** show opportunity, this can explain why you can appear here and meet me--" The little **** show's tone is extremely serious.

"You're a real show, the show of Dihua." Su Jin almost laughed out loud and continued: "Do you understand what your teacher's thing is? Dare to take my chances like this."

"I am invincible here." Xiao Shenxiu said without fear.

"Come on, let me take a look at how you get my Dao Fruit!" Su Jin shook the golden holy dragon's claws.

Three Buddha halls, Buddha glory soars on the dragon claws!


At the Great Leiyin Temple, a strong bell sounded, a piece of Buddha suddenly appeared, illuminating the little gods not far away——

"Little Shenxiu is going to be real." Song Qianji said with a solemn expression with a frightened heart.

"Emperor Ye has delayed so much time by virtue of his profound blessings and various opportunities. Once Xiao Shenxiu no longer intends to compete with him in the Buddhist Dao, then the disaster is coming. Ye Di doesn’t know how long he can carry on. "Yun Zhibai couldn't help being anxious. As a monk, although he knew that there shouldn't be such an emotion, it was a matter of his sister's life and death, and he couldn't control it at all.

"Back then, Guanyin Goddess of Worship was the strongest existence under the'Great Immeasurable God and Buddha'. This clean bottle of black willow was his strongest Buddhist artifact. It's difficult." Bai Daofeng also said.

"Sister Qiang want to come on--" Huo Yuanyang was anxious. Seeing Wang Qiang's place of enlightenment, she didn't seem to be progressing smoothly. There hasn't been much movement yet.

At this moment, the clean bottle in Xiao Shenxiu's hand, Hei Liu Shu gave a hint of dreamlike luster.

On the surface of the clean bottle, it seems that there are thousands of gods and Buddhas who are chanting the sutras. Although the clean bottle may not seem big, if you feel it carefully, it seems to be able to absorb the universe and destroy thousands of powers.


The Great Leiyin Temple rang another bell without rushing--

The sound of the bell made Xiao Shenxiu annoyed!

Chi Chi Chi, a touch of black willow tips, as if swarming from all over the void, quickly growing out. Around the entire golden sacred dragon, a black willow forest seemed to grow, and the black willow seemed to have endless karma exploding! Not only Su Jin, but the Nine Secrets of the Highest Secrets, Another Sect Time and Space, and Jin Wu, etc. all heard a terrible voice, which was a voice that seemed to be suffering endless pain!

"You are defeated, you will be helpless facing me now!" The little **** Xiu said in a brutal manner.

"So confident?" Su Jin laughed, his figure manifested on the Wutian **** seat on the dragon's head, sitting and looking at the little **** show, "I ask you a question, do you dare to answer it?"

"Why not dare!"

"You hold the Buddhist artifacts for the holy Guanyin in your hand, among them the black willow, is there an opponent?" Su Jin asked.

"Naturally not." Xiao Shenxiu responded indifferently.

Su Jin was full of innocence, and gently pointed at the three temples——

Da Leiyin Temple, Daxiong Hall, and Sumi Bodhi Temple, even though they floated out of the dragon's claws, Xiao Shenxiu didn't care at first, but after that, she seemed to realize something, and her body shook slightly.

These three temples are actually incomparable to the "Eternal Life Hall" in the eyes of others, but one of them is unremarkable, unremarkably on the left side of the Daxiong Hall.

Strands of entwined lotus petals began to shine out of the ‘Sumi Bodhi Temple’ with a unique brilliance——

"You can't..." Xiao Shenxiu said unbearably.

The six-character mantra of Buddhism, on the imaginary sacred tree entwined with lotus petals, seemed to blossom in an instant, and the lotus branches quickly swam out and penetrated into the black willow forest!

Looking from a distance, Feng Guyi felt an indescribable shock in her heart. She realized something, as if she also understood why the Buddha's Land had blessed Ye Di!

"The clean black willow for the holy Guanyin is burning--" Jin Jia Zhan Zun said in disbelief.

"The Bodhi tree returned to the land of the Buddha. This Buddha tree once grew on the body of the Buddha, and finally disappeared and was lost forever." Feng Gu said coldly.

"This is... the Bodhi tree?" On the Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret, the fire mandarin duck's round apricot eyes, watching the golden Buddha flame burn in the black willow forest, she may never forget this scene—

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