My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3413: Buddha Qi

"The Bodhi tree returns, and the night emperor rushes here. This seems to cater to the way of heaven, as if it is destined to——" Bai Daofeng responded to the burning mandarin duck, in fact, she was also very incredible in her heart.

"The black willow net bottle for the holy Guanyin naturally cannot compete with the'Bodhi tree'. It turns out that Ye Di had long been confident, but he just didn't want the little **** to lose too ugly, and don't forget, he hasn't let him yet. The Buddha is blessing him." Song Qianji sighed.

"With the Bodhi tree, the night emperor is protected by this tree, Xiao Shenxiu, as the destined killing Buddha, can't cut him at all, unless he uses the power of demons, but is also restricted by the Buddha."

"Emperor Ye, it's so hard to kill!"

"Have you seen that Jin Wuxiang now has a dead face, and he also knows that the'Golden Dynasty' has caused a big disaster." Huo Yuanyang said with lingering fear.

Fortunately, he didn't offend Yedi earlier, but the Supreme Nine Secret wanted to form a good bond with Yedi. Otherwise, as long as he didn't die in the Buddha Land, who could stop him once the matter of Heaven and Earth was over?

At that time, the emperor would retaliate wildly for everything--

For example, Niluantian, such as Alien Time and Space, and this Golden Dynasty!

The black willow forest, burned to death!

The soaring golden Buddha flame made Xiao Shenxiu a little unacceptable, and the bottle in his hand was clean, and he began to heat up. He could only choose to cut off the willow branches and leave the willow roots in order to preserve the Buddha treasure left by the holy Guanyin.

"You shouldn't destroy it!" Little Shenxiu's figure moved, and the whole person seemed to be turned into a stream of black smoke, and he killed him directly toward the Godless Seat——

With this punch, the black and red punches are like a wave, wanting to break everything!

Even in the face of the ‘Bodhi Tree’ or the Golden Sacred Dragon, Xiao Shenxiu will insist on killing Ye Di!

"From the very beginning, you were wrong." Su Jin walked away from the godless seat.


Xiao Shenxiu punched Su Jin's ‘Shadow Incarnation’ to disperse, and then another incarnation of Three Thousand Shadow Fantasy appeared in the distance.

"I'm right! Thousands of mistakes, it's my Buddha's cowardice!" Xiao Shenxiu appeared in front of Su Jin's shadow avatar again like a mad, with a fist shaken away.

"Since you stepped out of the Palace of Heavenly Kings and left the forbidden place, the gods and Buddhas have kept their eyes open, looking at you, observing you, and wanting to see your repentance, but it has not seen repentance, but has seen you. Su Jin's obsession with not realizing it!" Su Jin once again condensed into a shadowy incarnation, with shocking words.

Lying on the side of the Buddha, keep his eyes open?

Yedi's words shocked the audience! Jin Wuxiang looked around. When he came, he had never seen the "Boundless God and Buddha" open his eyes. This night the emperor was obviously scaring them!

Xiao Shenxiu's figure trembled--

Buddha, did you really open your eyes? Why, he can't see it.

"You are slanderous, thinking that I'm the kind of deceiver?" Xiao Shenxiu was not sure, but if there was a turmoil in his heart, he had to ask clearly.

"Along the way, I will persuade you over and over again." Su Jin said coldly: "This king masters the bright red altar, even if you are confident that it can't destroy you, but if you can weaken half of your strength, how can you stand up to the day? Respect? I didn't do that, because of your life, I won't take it!"

"Who! Who can accept me! I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Xiao Shenxiu's tone was obviously panicked.

Su Jin said nothing.

When Su Jin was silent for five breaths, the surrounding void seemed to tremble heavily--

"What's the situation?" Bai Daofeng asked in shock.

"Buddha, Buddha is getting up!" Linggong ancestor's words seemed to wake up the dreamer. Except for Su Jin, everyone's face was a little pale, staring closely at the distance supported by the'Xiyang' The Buddha body, as a result, I really found the Buddha body moving upward!

"Emperor Ye has become a prophecy. It turned out that the immeasurable gods and Buddhas opened their eyes all the time when the Buddha was opened to observe the world!" Song Qianji was frightened.

After all, they are not the people of Instant God Realm, so offensive, I don't know how to end here.

"Lying on the side of the Buddha, stand up at this moment, for fear of the catastrophe in the sky and the clean sea!" The back of the head of the ancestor of the Linggong was a little cold, "This place is not a place to stay for long!"

"Ah! My Buddha is merciful, my Buddha saves me—"

Somewhere in the rift valley in the distance, the Lord Niluanyu and the five hundred great sages all knelt down and kept kowtow. They were constantly tortured by the'curse of immortality', and the **** night emperor, the curse of God, also made them The pain has increased tenfold!

Now the Lord of Niluanyu can only ask for help from the Immeasurable God and Buddha, especially after hearing the news that the Buddha opened his eyes, this feeling became stronger and stronger.

The golden sacred dragon, with Su Jin's shadow incarnation, slowly dissipated.

The Buddha Su Jin opened his eyes and glanced quietly at the rift valley below. There was no visible object in the depths, and a faint red light escaped——


Almost instantly, Su Jin appeared beside Wang Qiang!

Jin Wuxiang was full of murderous intent, he didn't expect Ye Di to dare to walk out of the deity!

But in the next second, Jin Wuxiang stared at the rift valley suddenly, and his face changed suddenly, moving away from the edge of the rift valley!

Tianjinghai, Great Buddha Land.

Today's situation is particularly strong!

In the Big Buddha Land, countless broken Buddha statues seem to be affected by inexplicable mighty forces. The fragments are all put together. Each Buddha statue is facing the direction of the sky and the pure sea!

"What happened—" The cultivators of Instant God Realm all looked around in shock.

"Look at Tianjing Sea! Big Buddha, the Big Buddha is about to stand up!"

"Unbelievable, really unbelievable! Why does the immeasurable **** and Buddha no longer suppress Tiandi Zun? And this Buddha and Buddha statue, even opened their eyes!"

"Moved! Look at the Buddha statue, it moved—"

"What's going on, the Buddha statues in the entire Buddha Land are heading towards the Tianjing Sea, and something bad will happen soon!"


The horrible scene is constantly fermenting!

Tian Jing Hai ——

Little Shenxiu watched the big Buddha start to stand up, before sitting upright, he slowly folded his hands together and knelt in front of the Buddha! Not long ago, he questioned the ‘Great Boundless God and Buddha’, and did not receive the response from the Buddha, but now he knows that the God and Buddha have been paying attention to him, and he has ignored his unwillingness!

"Heaven and Earth, only I can stop. Once I leave this trip, I won't come back." Xiao Shenxiu spread his folded hands, then put the Jingbo in his arms, and said lightly.

"You can't stop it." Su Jin responded.

"If it weren't for you to obstruct it, I would have already done it." Xiao Shenxiu said calmly: "My Buddha is testing me, I beg you one thing, if I turn into a worldless evil spirit, you start the bright red altar, and...I will kill me. Tell you--"

"Do you think I will believe?" Su Jin asked rhetorically.

"You will believe it, I will go here, and most of it will encounter accidents." Xiao Shenxiu got up from the posture of kneeling, and then, regardless of whether Su Jin agreed or not, he appeared at the edge of the rift in one step!

Xiao Shenxiu opened her hands, as if she could bend down at any time!

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