My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3416: Guide

The black willow forest, Feng Gu Yi and more than two hundred and forty great sages, can already vaguely see the situation of "Heaven and Earth Zun"——

It turned out that the earth that Feng Gu had stepped on and the cave passage she had just walked through were already within the torso of the Lord of Heaven and Earth.

Those huge passages are the meridians of the gods of heaven and earth, and in the eyes of everyone, those red divine powers are precisely the little Shenxiu who has been grabbed from a **** heart that can no longer beat.

In the dazzling red light, a bright red heart is as big as a small mountain——

"Yes, it is the **** of heaven and earth! It exists like this, although it is bright red, it is like a hard rock, and there are eight sealed monuments around this god, suppressing the place of the eight wilderness and Liuhe." Jin Jia Zhan Zun was excited. stand up.

"Without the suppression of the immeasurable gods and Buddhas and the shaking of the sealed monument, the little godxiu was able to absorb these powers." Feng Guyi looked at the little godxiu with a vigilant gaze, but his anxiety continued to grow.

"Wang! The eight sealed monuments are actually leaning on a skeleton. We don't have the power of a small god, how can we seize the heaven and earth?" A Daxian asked Feng Guyi.

The cold voice of Xiao Shenxiu appeared in Feng Gu's ear again: "Heaven and earth are respected, if you have the ability to fight with me, I won't stop—"

After all, Xiao Shenxiu walked to the other side and chose to sit down cross-legged. The other party indeed has the qualifications to threaten him. The Dao fruit of the earthly respect today is the most important, and it is of course best to avoid conflict for a while.

At present, Su Jin naturally did not know that Feng Guyi was in a dilemma.

The brilliance of the Yongling Yushu became more and more intense, and Su Jin walked along the passage into a small open area, which was far from the position of Heaven and Earth.

It seems to have been set up long ago--

Stone benches, stone tables, and even a garden were arranged. There was a stream in front of the garden. The water was dreamy blue, and the Yongling Yushu was quietly placed on the stone table.

A strange plant is particularly eye-catching outside the stream, but Su Jin's eyes are now on a red figure. She is no longer a bridal dress, but a bright red long gauze skirt, with snow-white jade muscles visible. .

Mo Hongyu turned her back to Su Jin, and the silk was like a waterfall. She sat quietly in front of the stream, raising her bare wrist slightly, and the crystal clear water slipped from her fingers.

"You came a little earlier than I expected--" Mo Hongyu's voice pulled Su Jin back to reality.

"Am I calling you Mo Hongyu, or should I call it another name?" Su Jin listened to the familiar voice, but there was an unimaginable sense of strangeness in Mo Hongyu's tone.

Mo Hongyu seemed to fall into the memory, looking at the water blue stream in the distance, and said: "I...I don't know..."

"From the time you descended in the Realm of Instant God, you disappeared for no reason, did you forget?" Su Jin looked at it several times and couldn't see the problem at all, but he was sure that this woman must be Mo Hongyu, but she felt strange, as if she had changed. Just like a human.

"Since you are here, I don't have to hide it." Mo Hongyu thought for a while, and even felt ridiculous to herself, and continued: "I'm just a guide."


Su Jin's expression was wrong--

As if knowing that Su Jin would be stunned, Mo Hongyu continued: "From Yongling Yushu, to Instant God Realm, to Nanfeng Academy, to Linji City, and Wuse Mountain, these are all guidelines in the dark. Now my The mission is complete, you..."

Su Jin's eyes slowly widened, and Mo Hongyu was talking, obviously lost her voice, but she was definitely still talking, because her mouth was still there!

What's happening here?

Guide, said something that shouldn't be said? Su Jin stared at Mo Hongyu carefully and shook his head slowly.

Su Jin didn't believe in God's will, but now he seems to believe it a little. It turns out that he got the inheritance of "Not the World Honored" from Nanfeng Academy. It was not because of a big luck, nor a deep blessing.

I remember that Su Jin saw the red clothes corners left by Mo Hongyu from Linji City and the five-color mountains of Taiji Sea. Looking at it now, Mo Hongyu’s identity as a guide has almost been confirmed——

But what is it for?

Su Jin stared at Mo Hongyu tightly.

"Don't use Heavenly Art..." Mo Hongyu's face gradually became anxious, and Su Jin knew about the mouth shape of his small mouth--

Su Jin smiled.

It turns out that Mo Hongyu is still the Mo Hongyu, pretending to be strange, just for his good!

Tianshu refers to the sky arm technique?

Mo Hongyu is a very individual woman, sometimes calm as a snow lotus, but after anxious eyes, emotions will show on her face——

When Mo Hongyu took out a snow-white paper sign from her arms, the writing on it had already disappeared. She was stunned, her eyebrows frowned, and she began to raise her hand, slowly writing strokes in the air. .

"Don't use the Eternal Spirit Yushu, to solve the divine domain slave repair, this place is dangerous, you leave quickly. I will not go with you." Mo Hongyu wrote.

"Give a reason?" Su Jin said lightly.

"Once the slave mark is released, the God Realm will once again provoke the Tian Slaves in an instant, and it will turn into a tomb of sentient beings. Unlocking the slave mark will harm the entire world. At that time, you will not be the world-honored status, and you will be conquered by other highest **** , Disasters can happen at any time.” Mo Hongyu wrote quickly.

"Bring me here, but let me leave?" Su Jin asked the doubt in his heart.

"Yongling Yushu means it's hard for me to control--" Mo Hongyu wrote, pointing to the Yongling Yushu on the stone table.

Su Jin took a cold look at Yongling Yushu and smiled: "It seems that it is time to destroy this tree."

No wonder, Mo Hongyu was seriously injured and dying, and was suspended by this tree. It turns out that this tree has long been born with wisdom, which can control Mohongyu——

"The world's slave seal, there is no need to untie it for now!"

Suddenly, Yongling Yushu shook the branch, turned into a light and flew onto Mo Hongyu’s shoulder, and even sent out a stream of consciousness, and communicated with Su Jin: "You ruined me, and Mo Hongyu can't live! My tree spirit **** Yuan has merged with her, this is the price I saved her!"

The voice was crisp, it was a different kind of girl voice.

"You brought me here, is it just for me to gain the inheritance of the world-honored?" Su Jin asked.

"You are not the world-honored person, so how can you inherit it? At Nanfeng Academy, you just got the key to memory--" Yongling Yushu said.

"and then?"

"You need the Dao Fruit of the Heaven and Earth Sovereign. Only in this way can you have some power to counter the other supreme divine realm." Yongling Yushu said, "If the world is not born, those people in the supreme divine realm, I am afraid that someone has already calculated it. , You will not be able to do so."

"There are very few people who know this, who knows?" Su Jin asked.

"In another time and space, Feng Guyi here, she is still suspicious of you, but the paper can't keep the fire, and can't keep it----" Yongling Yushu explained.

"Heaven and Earth Sovereign or not World Sovereign, which is more powerful?" Su Jin asked suddenly.

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