My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3417: Open your eyes

"Of course it's not as powerful as the World Honored—"

With a crisp voice, Yongling Yushu quickly said: "The origin of the **** of heaven and earth is unknown, but one thing can be confirmed. It is only suppressed under the Buddha, not the invincible power of the instant gods."

"In that case, it must be contended?" Su Jin didn't care about it at all. His original plan was to find Mo Hongyu and leave. What kind of heaven and earth has nothing to do with him?

"The immeasurable gods and buddhas have already stood up. If you don't care, let the heavens and earths be born, and rely on my current strength, even if you have the blessings of the buddhas, you will never return to the gods and heavens. That extradition has already been spent. I am most powerful." Yongling Yushu said.

"So, I can't return to the gods, when the gods of heaven and earth are born, the highest gods will destroy me?" Su Jin considered.



Although Su Jin didn't want to admit it, it seemed that it was really such a thing, but he suspected that Yongling Yushu had something to hide--

"Guide, who let Red Fish guide me here?"

"Yourself--" Yongling Yushu communicated with consciousness, and the voice continued to appear in Su Jin's mind.

Su Jin definitely didn't believe this nonsense of Yongling Yushu.

Immediately, Su Jin walked to Mo Hongyu's side, took her hand, and probed carefully. After finding that she was indeed cured, he really let go of his hanging heart.

"I can speak again." Mo Hongyu heard his own voice as he said.

"Since I'm here, it's not bad to take a look, I don't know if Brother Shenxiu is successful." Su Jin said calmly.

"This tree has communicated with you?" Mo Hongyu asked.


"Don't believe a word."

"Why? It makes sense, why don't I believe it."

"Don't believe me, I feel this is a conspiracy, a big conspiracy."

"Don't panic, go to the place where the **** of heaven and earth is, you should know the way--" Su Jin squeezed Mo Hongyu's face, and didn't plan to worry about this issue.


On the other side, Feng Guyi's position.

The scarlet heart of the mountain was faintly fading out with a trace of red power.

"Ah!" Feng Gu exclaimed. She had just caught a ray of red divine power and risked refining, but found that she had consumed 30% of her strength and could not refining a single strand, and she had hidden injuries in her body. How can she win this heaven and earth respect with her'different time and space'?

On the other hand, Xiao Shenxiu, everything seems to be proceeding in an orderly manner——

Looking at it in this way, the gap is big, and there is no way to fight...

"All the great sages, all bless me, I will try!" Jin Jia Zhan Zun immediately shouted.

"Why not bless my king?" Daxian questioned Jin Jia Zhan Zun's decision.

"The king's physique is not suitable!" Jin Jia Zhan Zun said coldly: "Furthermore, she has taken the risk of refining Heaven and Earth Zun's divine power and has been injured."

More than two hundred great sages all looked at Feng Guyi together, only to find that Feng Guyi's face was pale, and he did not refute the words of the Golden Armored Warlord.

"Let him try." Feng Guyi can only choose this way--

It is almost involuntary to say that more than two hundred great sages have all brought out the great sage's divine will, more than two hundred divine wills, air currents like pillars, gather above the golden armored warlord's head.

A ray of gloom flashed deep in the eyes of the Golden Armored Warlord!

"Wang, look at that little **** show!" Jin Jia Zhan Zun suddenly shouted to Feng Gu.

"Little Shenxiu?" Feng Gu looked at Xiao Shenxiu instinctively, but immediately she felt a sharp pain in her back, the golden light barrier was shattered, and her whole body was shaken by the palm of the Golden Armor Zhan Zun. , Fell heavily to a position about 30 meters away from the'Fengbei'!

This scene scared more than two hundred great sages!

"Wolf-Eater!" The golden armoured warlord's eyes were crazy, and the whole body began to gush out a black magical energy. In that magical energy, a wolf body with blue lines in black suddenly became manifest!

"Golden Armor! dare!" Daxian yelled.

"I can't control the flow of great sage divine will! are absorbing my power!"

"Stop it! Why are you doing this? It's because my king trusted you, you actually did such a wicked thing!"


More than two hundred great sages, all of their faces turned black. The golden armored warlord's body was enveloped by a black and blue "Sirius" giant shadow. The existence that he called as a wolf swallowing began to roar and roar, surrounded by dense wolf shadows. All are sucking the great sage.

"I'm waiting for half an era, and what I'm waiting for is today! The ancient **** emperor has already half-footed into the soil, but the new king is a woman in the upper ranks! There is no future under the control of this woman in different time and space!" Jin Jia Zhan Zun said angrily.

"The ancient **** emperor is still alive, you are not afraid!" A great sage desperately resisted the devouring power of the'Wolf-Eater', and directly roared, questioning the Golden Armored Warlord!

"Fear? Of course I'm afraid! But as long as I take the heaven and earth respect, I will not be afraid, your power, this king will laugh at it, but unfortunately, you can no longer witness that this king has become the glory moment of heaven and earth respect! "The Jin Jia Zhan Zun's aura is still on the rise, more than two hundred great sages, all of their power is flowing towards him——

"We have more than two hundred people, we have all kinds of power, and you have not much to use! Now we advise you to stop early!"

"When I pushed her into it, it was impossible to look back." The Golden Armored Battle Venerable looked at Feng Guyi who was enveloped in red light, and said with a stern face: "I watched you grow up, although I was a little bit reluctant. But don't blame me! blame it, you blocked my way—"

Far away.

The people of the Supreme Ninth Secret Realm are witnessing all this.

"What is the origin of this Golden Armored War Venerable? Even Sirius has it--" Song Qianji was slightly shocked. This scene turned around so fast, he admired the Golden Armored War Venerable's courage.

"The living Sirius is rumored to have the ability to swallow the sky and cover the moon..." Bai Daofeng was really shocked when he saw the Golden Armored Warlord Feng Gu flying away.

"Swallow two hundred great sage gods, he still needs refining, but he will use this wolf swallowing, the speed will be very fast." Chi Yuhe also said.

"I didn't expect people from different time and space to complete this golden armor warlord. His power will only get stronger and stronger. Now just a moment, it is infinitely greater than the breath of the little godxiu after all." Linggong ancestor also Anxiously said.

at this time--

A magical rainbow, like a meteor, crashed directly into the distance...

Jin Jia Zhan Zun, the supreme Nine Secrets, including the secret Nine Kings Jin Wuxiang, all were slightly startled!

"What a touching sight, it seems that Different Time and Space is about to take the new king to the throne——" In a rumbling sound, the ground under Su Jin's feet was shattered, and the figures of him and Mo Hongyu also appeared at the same time. come out.

The secret light of Yongling Yushu was scattered on Su Jin and Mo Hongyu, making the pair of handsome men and beauties appear to be particularly shocked!

"Ye Di!" Jin Jia Zhan Zun pulled his face down.

"Seeing you are tired enough, is it so difficult to seize a heaven and earth respect?" Su Jin shook his head, "Let you open your eyes today to see who is the originator of the plunder world!"

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