My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3422: Drink the sun and the moon again

The hall that was killed by the town gradually solidified. Upon closer inspection, the entire hall was extremely mysterious. It seemed that there was all vanity and bliss in it, as if it could satisfy everyone's dreams——

"Chang...Eternal Life Hall!" The Golden Armored Zun Zun's eyes showed a terrifying light. Although he is now powerful, this hall inherits the origin of the Ye Emperor. Now the Ye Emperor is receiving the Tao fruit of the'Heaven and Earth Lord', under the blessing , He found out that he did nothing!

I can't die! Jin Jia Zhan Zun is now full of this idea in his mind.

In a different time and space, the Golden Armored Zhanzun was a slave and a servant, and spent endless years, just for this day, he saw that his goal was about to be achieved, but he suffered such a disaster!


The Golden Armored War Venerable erupted with a strong sage's light all over his body, but even so, when he was severely hit by the "Eternal Life Palace", he still squirted out blood!

The key to the despair of the Golden Armored Warlord is still behind. He wants to dodge, but the "Eternal Life Palace" will always manifest on top of his head, as if it will move away with him. There is no escape, no escape. !

The most mysterious and most desirable "Eternal Life Palace" among the heavens, once again ruthlessly!

Su Jin was a little surprised. Looking at the Golden Armored Warlord who even coughed up blood, he didn't expect that he would not be able to kill this person, but he didn't mind, after all, the other party couldn't bear it several times—

Song Qianji, Bai Daofeng, and Chi Yuhe all stopped their bodies and were stunned by the sight in front of them. The appearance of the Palace of Longevity seemed to have completely disrupted their plans. Who is this Ye Emperor? Heavenly Secret, Eternal Life Hall, Eternal One Art, Donghuang Bell, he actually owns them all!

"It's defeated, the Golden Armored Warlord is about to lose!" Bai Daofeng vaguely regretted, according to Ye Di's current strong momentum, I am afraid that they can't stop it.

"Eternal Life Palace can be owned by Ye Di. If this person walks out from here..." Chi Yuhe couldn't even think about it, and he was shocked. Although he only saw the Night Emperor today, he knows the character that the other party must report. , Ye Di said before, although he will not kill them, he will abolish every one of them, and then he will open the door!

"Can't even Xiao Shenxiu get close! He is not an expert in Buddhism and Taoism? Doesn't he possess the power of demons and evils?" Song Qianji couldn't help being confused at this time, panicking the way.

"Today the night emperor is immortal, we, and our clan, will pay an unbearable disaster! Do your best!" Chi Yuhe's face was distorted, and he said grimly.

"How do you work hard? Originally, we still had an ancestor of the Spirit Palace, but he also left, otherwise he still has a lot of strength to fight." Bai Daofeng said.


Little Shenxiu now emits endless black light. At that moment, his headless body seemed to stiffen, and black willow branches grew from his body. In addition, a circle of black clouds floated above him——

"Broken!" Xiao Shenxiu pointed at the Buddha seal of the 卍 character in front of him. The huge 卍 character seemed to be rendered dirty and gradually no longer bright. After a bang, the Buddha seal of the 卍 character burst directly!

Xiao Shenxiu, kill!

A circle of black wicker, cutting the void, Su Jin was quickly surrounded by it——

"Brother Shenxiu, where is your previous bravery and righteousness? Now it's up to me to prevent Heaven and Earth from being respected?" Su Jin didn't care, staring at Xiao Shenxiu and asked quietly.

"You are not worthy..." Xiao Shenxiu said in a voice.

Su Jin smiled, "Give me half a stick of incense, and you will become a mob. Some people who know who I am should also wake up—"

Xiao Shenxiu paused slightly...

In addition, the people of Jin Wuxiang and the Supreme Nine Secret are also a little puzzled!

"The Art of Mirror Sky!"

A wave of aqua ripples slowly enveloped Su Jin. At this moment, everyone's eyes were all looking at one person! is her? !

It was Feng Guyi wearing a crown!

Feng Gu’s whole body is connected to the water ripples around Su Jin, she said indifferently: "The golden armor killed me more than two hundred great sages. I had a deep hatred with me. I don’t care who you are. Just help me kill him. , You and I are both clear, and I will not provoke you again—"

In Alien Time, didn't even dare to provoke Ye Di?

In the early years, the king of different time and space was an ancient god! Now this daughter inherited her father's throne, she was a magnificent woman, and she said that she didn't dare to provoke Ye Di?

"Hehe, since you changed your mind and chose to cooperate with me, of course it is not too late. In the future, in your different time and space, how can you compete with Niluantianyu? You still need me..." Su Jin said proudly.

Feng Gu said angrily: "Do you want to harm me in another time and space? Although I can't provoke you, I don't want to get too much trouble. This is just a deal. You kill the Golden Armored Warlord for me. "

"What you said is wrong, from the moment you shot, you have been on my night emperor's thief ship--" When Su Jin waved his hand, he took out a jug of wine and took a sip from the sky.

At this moment, Xiao Shenxiu turned his arm into a knife, and directly cleaved a piece of black power!

But the water ripples were like ripples, and his attack didn't even make a big ass!

"Different Time and Space, one of the supreme divine arts!" Jin Wuxiang said a little annoyed.

"Feng Guyi! You can think about the consequences of doing this!" Chi Yuhe shouted loudly.

"Feng Guyi! You are not afraid of revenge from the Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret and Niluan Tianyu! You are still too late to wake up!" Song Qianji also shouted.

"Kill this woman, there will be no king in the different time and space!" Chi Yuhe felt that Feng Guyi would never look back. This woman is alone now, and I am afraid I can only gamble on the Ye Emperor to succeed, otherwise she will not be able to go today!

Su Jin is drinking silently, he needs time, even if he fights for an extra second, he will fight for it! Now, the power of the **** of heaven and earth is not only merging into the ‘Great Divine Dao’, but also in his sea of ​​qi, the sky bone seems to be beginning to transform, transforming into an unimaginable situation!

The wine, Su Jin drank the supreme style!

Drink the world, then drink the sun and the moon!

Faced with so many tycoons, he is still standing, this is the best proof!

In the distance, Yun Zhibai and Wang Qiang, all quietly watching——

"Sister, you didn't tell them all about Yedi's flaws, did you?" Yun Zhibai asked.


"He has the biggest flaw?"

"Yeah." Wang Qiang's eyes flickered, as if he didn't want to mention it, and then the voice transmission said: "Ye Di's biggest flaw is women. Although his body is not tyrannical, but relying on the power of divine arts, these people may not be Can kill him."

"Without Feng Guyi's help, can he stop Xiaoshenxiu?" Yun Zhibai asked in surprise.

"Can--" In Wang Qiang's pupils, the Zhou Tian and eight collaterals in Ye Di's body were all very clear, but in Ye Di's sea of ​​energy, there was a glowing brilliance that was shining, she couldn't really see it.

"It's no wonder my sister refused. You once said that the most unhappy man." Yun Zhibai smiled.

Wang Qiang's cheeks sighed silently, the blush on her cheek had already filled the entire beautiful face, but she was silent and could not answer.

"I hope you can stick to the Taoist heart, sister, and don't be captured by the emperor. If the emperor can experience this disaster and successfully walk out, the future will definitely be a peerless powerhouse who shines in the sky." Yun Zhibai was a little jokes. Tao.

"Also!" Wang Qiang looked at Yun Zhibai with embarrassment, complaining, "Brother, do you know why Feng Guyi changed her mind? Because she knows who Ye Di is—"

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