My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3423: Old man, palm the lamp!

"Who is it?" Yun Zhibai put away his joke, looked at his sister with a solemn expression.

Wang Qiang bit her lower lip with her teeth, "I dare not say--"

"And what my sister dare not say? You must have seen something, is there really a terrifying secret in Yedi!" Yun Zhibai was frightened.

"Feng Guyi said it was right." Wang Qiang said to Yun Zhibai: "A different time and space can't provoke Ye Di."

"What about Niluantianyu?" Yun Zhibai asked.

"If the Dao Fruit of Heaven and Earth Venerable is completely obtained by the Ye Emperor, it will surely bring a great calamity in Niluan Tianyu, and Niluan Tianyu will fall to the highest position." Wang Qiang said.

"It's so awesome--" Yun Zhibai rarely had to say what his sister said when he was not calm, which made him look forward to, and he knew that the answer would be revealed soon.

"When he came, we all knew that the emperor Ye had the identity of an envoy from the heavens in this world. He could remove the imprint of the heavenly slave, but this identity was fake." Wang Qiang said.


Yun Zhibai's mind was full of rumblings, all blank——

"Yes, fake. He is not the messenger of God."

"It's not the messenger of God, why can he still remove the slave mark?" Yun Zhibai felt that Wang Qian was suggesting the identity of the Ye Emperor. He was shocked, and there was an idea in the depths of his mind. It was this idea that caused him to suffocate. He said dullly: "He is..."

"Yeah." Wang Qiang nodded heavily.

"Interesting, really interesting! Unexpectedly, we'know Shou Dao Jing', we can still be friends with such an existence, sister, you have to fight, see if we can let Shou Dao Jing and him become a family!" Yun Zhibai's heart is fiery.

"Brother--" Wang Qiang stomped, not following the way.

The other side.

Using the deity, Xiao Shenxiu stepped into the endless ripples of water. From his point of view, Feng Guyi's "Mirror Sky Technique" was not unsolvable! This level of magic is not as good as Yedi's wordless Tian Mi! But one thing is more troublesome and tricky, and that is, with the help of the entire different time and space, Feng Guyi has achieved the position of great sage. This technique may take a while to break.

"Feng Guyi, you are confused!" Song Qianji stepped on the battlefield, and slashed a hundred swords against Feng Guyi, but these sword lights were all submerged in the mirror air technique!

No way!

This woman's technique is really powerful, at least in terms of life-saving, Song Qianji and others can't break it!

"It would be great if Yun Zhibai brother and sister were here! With this mirror air technique, Wang Qian can definitely see the flaws!" Song Qianji was dying of anger, and he was about to successfully kill the Ye Di, but now he was caught in the battle by Another Time and Space Rebellion, there was a big trouble.

"You can only look at the little **** show! No, there is also that Niluantianyu, five hundred great sages!" Bai Daofeng also said.

Sure enough, the Lord of Niluanyu refused to release the night emperor. Although tortured by two curses at all times, they still have a lot of combat power.

"Although the mirror air technique is mysterious, but my five hundred immortal great sages can burn the endless great sage divine intent, and can quickly break this technique!" The Lord of the Inverse Chaos Territory hated extremely, and quickly led the five hundred great sages into the mirror. In the sky!


The Golden Armored Warlord is now suffocated and dying, his hair is disheveled, and all his tights are bursting! He worked so hard to absorb the divine will of more than two hundred great sages, but in these few resistances, he was exhausted! He was unwilling, really unwilling!

"Ye Di! I curse you for falling here, turning into an eternal ghost, not to be overborn!" The Golden Armored War Venerable roared again and again.

Immediately afterwards, the Palace of Longevity came again!

The Golden Armored War Venerable directly turned into a piece of flesh and blood, and was shocked by life. Those flesh and blood were all shining with the light of the great sage, but at this time, he did not even keep the sage, and eternal dying-

"He is dead!" Jin Wuxiang, the nine princes of the Jin Dynasty, looked at the murdered man in amazement, and there was unavoidable panic in his heart!

"Jin Wuxiang, you don't want to do it yet! If you break the mirror air technique earlier, you will be able to kill this pair of dogs and men!" Chi Yuhe asked.

Dog men and women?

Su Jin glanced at Chi Yuhe, which seemed to be referring to him and Feng Guyi——

Chi Yuhe's words just fell.

A piece of golden light flew from a distance in the void——

There is a Buddha!

"Your opponent, it's me..."

It was an old man. He seemed a little tired in the past two days, but fortunately he was too late to come.

"Who are you?" Jin Wuxiang felt that his back was cold, and suddenly faced the golden colored glaze Buddha.

"Old man, palm the lantern!" The Buddha King with the lantern is very different now. He retrieved his memory, all the pieces were spliced ​​together, and he woke up completely.

Song Qianji and others, all dumbfounded——

Lord Buddha!

The existence of the same name as the confession holy Guanyin!

This head is too scary, you know, the saint has passed away, and the lamp is still there! If this were to be spread out, it would be an unimaginable event. Even if it was the little **** show, in front of the lamp-holder Buddha, it would be a junior. After all, the little **** show was under the seat of the holy Guanyin!

"Didn't the Lord Buddha come here to behead the devil!" Jin Wuxiang's heart was shaken, and he asked quickly.

"Who is the devil!" The Buddha-handed lamp looked at Jin Wuxiang.

"Yedi is a demon!"

"It's nonsense, Ye Di proves that the highest level of'Samadhi' is a demon? My Buddhist family, are you able to talk about it?" The Buddha King with the Lantern was rarely angry, and said directly at Jin Wuxiang.

"Senior must not be deceived by the Ye Di! He has the sacred sacred Scriptures, and he is taking the Heaven and Earth Zun suppressed by the immeasurable gods and Buddhas. How can he insult the word Buddha by such a devilish act!" Jin Wu asked the opposite. Tao.

"Since Tiandi Zun can no longer suppress it, he naturally wants to perfect others. Speaking of it, this is still an internal matter of my Buddhists. You have to argue again. Although I am far from recovering, I can still fight you. "The Lord Buddha stretched out his right arm in the palm of his hand, and his palm seemed to be a thought of the universe, as if it turned into an infinite world, and directly grasped the golden Wuxiang in his palm.

This is called...

This is far from recovering?

Song Qianji, Chi Yuhe, and Bai Daofeng were all dumbfounded. The Lord Buddha was still very powerful, and Jin Wuxiang could easily control it in his palm.

"Too much bullying!" Jin Wuxiang's eyes contained monstrous anger.

When looking at the surrounding Buddha's light, Jin Wuxiang knew that this is the world of suffering of the Buddha King. If he does not quickly withdraw, he will be affected by the Buddhist scriptures in the sky for the next 10 million years, and will lose his fighting spirit and no longer see the sky.

Jin Wuxiang simply no longer hides his clumsiness, he puts the tower spirit of the'Pagoda of Wuxiang' in his hands, and the tower spirit surrounds the mysterious spirit of Wuxiang and quickly wraps him.


At the feet of Jin Wuxiang, an octagonal tower suddenly opened up a floor. He had to do his best to get out of this sea of ​​bitterness!



The Pagoda of Wuxiang increased layer by layer, quickly condensing on the soles of Jin Wuxiang! However, it was also due to the mystery of the sacred tower. When it soared to the 5,000th floor, Jin Wuxiang seemed to have touched the edge of the'Bitter Sea Great World'. With his huge arm, he tried his best to break a golden barrier and finally escaped. Came out.

"That's OK?" Song Qianji felt Jin Wuxiang's strength.

The eyes of the Lord Buddha quickly condensed golden Buddha's brilliance. A Buddhist temple, condensing from his body, above the temple, there is a lotus-patterned Buddha seat with a red fire relic on it, which is burning with raging flames!

"It doesn't matter if the Buddha's eyes are in the dust! I will fight you for life and death!" Jin Wuxiang forced directly towards the Lord Buddha.

However, now Feng Guyi's face is getting paler and paler. She won't be able to hold on for long. She knows that this is a bet. If she can't hold on, she won't be able to bless the'Mirror Sky Technique', then she will lose! Not only will Ye Di be beheaded, but also her entire different time and space will be implicated!

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