My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3424: Carry the war sword!

Feng Guyi's breath was unstable. Looking at that expression, Song Qianji and the others all looked at each other and saw this opportunity!

"Once she can't hold on, she will first emerge from the state of'mirror space art'. She can only choose to protect the night emperor or protect herself! As the king of different time and space, she is brave and brave, she will definitely go first Show up and fight for the last time for Ye Di." Song Qianjiyin smiled and looked at Chi Yuhe.

"At that time, cut Feng Gu Yi first, as long as there is no Mirror Sky Technique, the head of the night emperor will be screwed out by the little **** show!" Chi Yuhe also said.

"But this will offend different time and space--" Bai Daofeng said.

"I don't care about that much." Chi Yuhe shook his head without thinking.

"Close to her--" Song Qianji and the others were all rushing towards Feng Guyi quickly.

not good!

Feng Guyi obviously anticipated this situation, his eyes were angry, and he looked at these shameless people.

"From now on, there is no king in different time and space!" Chi Yuhe laughed.

"Dare you guys!" Feng Guyi calculated the time. She might be able to hold on for about a quarter of an hour, which is far from what Yedi had asked before, but she can only do this, the little **** The five hundred great sages of Xiuhe Niluantianyu are terrifying.

"Why don't you dare? Heaven and Earth respect everyone, why should they give up to this emperor?" Song Qianji asked rhetorically.

Just as Feng Guyi was desperate--

Song Qianji, Chi Yuhe, and Bai Daofeng were all startled, and they all felt a powerful killing intent!

"Kill my emperor, do you... have your teeth grown together?"

A long golden coffin, directly like a terrifying boat, cut through the sky suddenly. When it fell, the momentum alone shocked Song Qianji and the others!


The golden long coffin just flew, Song Qianji and others hadn't seen what the ancient gods looked like, and there was a hot feeling on their faces——

"Father!" Feng Guyi was inexplicably surprised.

"You did a good job. Fortunately, you didn't offend Ye Di in the end--" the ancient **** emperor said from the golden coffin, "Father protect you, who wants to take your life, first step on my old bone in the soil. Row."

"The technique of mirroring air, I won't be able to bless it for long," Feng Guyi said.

"Look at your feet."

"This..." As soon as Feng Gu looked at the ground, circles of golden patterns were converging, and then the powerful force merged on her.

"Old ghost! Do you dare to deceive me the Ninth Secret——" Chi Yuhe said in anger.

"Let someone from your grandfather's generation come and talk to me again, you...not enough weight." The voice of the ancient **** emperor made Song Qianji and Chi Yuhe look ugly.

Just now, the ancient **** emperor could easily kill them, but he chose not to kill. Naturally, he was concerned about the existence of some of the Supreme Nine Secrets, but it embarrassed them enough.

The dignified Ninth Secret was slapped! Moreover, they are all **** children, and they will take over the existence of the family in the future, so it is too shameless!

"What's the matter, why did this old guy say that just now?" Bai Daofeng secretly transmitted a voice to Song Qianji.

"The ancient **** emperor, actually said in person that he didn't dare to offend the emperor? Did he already foresee that the emperor would get the Tao fruit of the heaven and earth?" Chi Yuhe also realized that something was wrong.

"With this old ghost guarding us, we really don't have much to do! Now the situation is very bad. There is a lamp in front of the Buddha holding Jin Wuxiang, and now we can't do anything to Feng Gu--" Chi Yuhe some impatient.

After all, time is not on their side—

Yedi can drag it, but they can't!

Song Qianji and Chi Yuhe didn't know why even the ancient **** emperor had to stand on the side of the night emperor. If they united and cut off the night emperor and obtained everything about the night emperor, wouldn't he be fragrant?

Now, Su Jin is also somewhat relieved.

The Great God Dao seemed extremely greedy for the original power of the Heaven and Earth Lord, and Su Jin would not be worried about exploding his body. He threw a half jar of wine and looked at the little **** show in the mirror air technique and the constant burning of the great sage. The five hundred great sages of God's will and the master of the rebellious domain.


The "Lightning Mark" between Su Jin's eyebrows slowly opened, and his golden pupil of years was rendering a crystal red color, and the sword embryo in it was being baptized by the Great Shinto!

Trembling, the sword embryo is trembling!

Su Jin raised his arm, and the Kaifeng sword embryo condensed directly in his hand!

When the war sword is raised, the embryo of the sword will shine in ten colors in an instant!

At that moment, nine days were illuminated by sword light!

The monk in the realm of the gods in the Buddhaland immediately raised his arm to block the dazzling brilliance!

"Yedi holds the sword in his hand, is this going to be shot?" The cultivator of the moment God Realm asked in shock.

"The Dao Fruit of Heaven and Earth Venerable, has not yet been completely occupied, Ye Di does not intend to remain silent, Xiao Shenxiu and the five hundred great sages of Niluan Tianyu will be in big trouble!"

"How can Ye Di be so tyrannical! And the current situation is much better than before. There is Buddha King to help him, and the kings of different time and space are also helping him! At this moment, I don't know Nalan who has seen this scene. What should the lord think!"

"The Golden Armored Warlord was killed by the Eternal Town of the Palace of Eternal Life, and disappeared forever. The Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret and the Inverse Chaos Territory, so offending the Ye Emperor, revenge may come soon."

"Emperor Ye will definitely help us remove the imprint of the Heavenly Slaves. When that happens, we will return to the highest level in the Divine Realm, and help Ye Di to kill the Niluantian!"

"You didn't say that two days ago, didn't you want to kill Ye Di?"



At this moment, the Yedi War Sword slashed towards the five hundred great sages in the "Mirror Sky Technique"!


The Lord of Niluanyu took the brunt and was cut by a total of three thousand swords. His five hundred great sages were cut away by no less than a hundred people! Although they were cursed of immortality and truly achieved immortality, even if they were crushed by sword light, they would not fall, but they did not want it! This is the real pain of the skin, suffering the same pain as in death, the kind of pain that ordinary people can hardly understand!

"Ye Di!! You must not die!!" Niluanyu cursed.

"My divine body is very fragile, but yours is nothing more than that--" Su Jin seemed to have done a trivial thing. He didn't feel how strong he was now, but these people were blinded by pain and hatred. , Except for the accident of Burning Great Sage God, they couldn't avoid these time and space sword lights.

Su Jin raised his hand again, three thousand swords light, and swept towards Xiao Shenxiu——

"Your methods are useless to me." Xiao Shenxiu said calmly.

The black willows spread all over Xiao Shenxiu's body, enveloped him, all three thousand sword lights were cancelled out——

"You are a little clever, unlike some people, you are only worthy to exist in the depths of the darkness, you will not see the light, and you will be laughed at by the world." Su Jin pointed out, the angry reverse chaos domain master yelled.

"Now let you take advantage of your tongue! Later, I'm going to peel your skin and twitch your muscles! I will thwart you!" The Lord Niluan domain watched his body piece together bit by bit, he even Some despair, why endure this endless pain!

"Then you guys have to hurry up, I'm about to succeed--" Su Jin said lightly.


So fast!

The master of Niluanyu felt cold and cursed: "You can't succeed! As long as you die, I will immediately return to Niluantianyu and directly start a battle of God against you!"

"Yeah, I can't ask for it! How about I let you go now and give you a chance, you hurry back and kill all the people in the instant gods, I see them all annoying." Su Jin's eyes lit up and smiled.

Feng Gu was taken aback for a moment. If Ye Di reaped the Tao fruit of Heaven and Earth, what would happen after he succeeded?

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