My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3425: Wanyu Thunder

The Tao fruit of the heaven and earth really fell on Su Jin. It can be said that Feng Gu couldn't even think about it--

The Lord of Niluan Domain didn't expect that he threatened Ye Di with the battle of the instant gods, but he failed to threaten success, and Ye Di's longing look was not artificial.

Song Qianji and a few people are desperately anxious now, Yedi’s words are like a reminder, obviously, there is not much time left for them——

"The Golden Armored Warlord has died in battle, and now Feng Guyi is being guarded by the ancient **** emperor, this situation is difficult to break!" Song Qianjisen's face was cold, although he knew Ye Di was difficult to kill, but it is currently so unfavorable to them. The situation was something they had never imagined before.

"Once the Ye Di obtains the Taoist Fruit of Heaven and Earth, this son will surely soar into the sky, and the future may even threaten our Nine Secrets!" Chi Yuhe also said.

"You guys think of a way!" Bai Daofeng's face turned black. She was a female streamer. She didn't go with Linggong ancestors and others before. She was not greedy. Now the situation is very, very dangerous for her. She doesn't want to die here, the key death can't solve the problem, Ye Di must be looking for the door after he succeeds!

"Even Xiao Shenxiu has nothing to do for the time being, can we do it?" Song Qianji glanced at Bai Daofeng.


The golden light in the sky, constantly shining under the palm of the lamp-holder Buddha, Jin Wuxiang also showed tyrannical means, a tower of no-phase gods, and hundreds of towers were constantly turned into an attempt to besiege the lamp-holder Buddha!

The fighting became more intense.

The Buddha holding the lamp is worthy of the existence of the same name as the "Sheng Guanyin". The palms of the Buddha were swept away, and the Pagodas were smashed. He directly took the gold and completely suppressed the other's momentum.

"Master Shenxiu has endured all kinds of suffering for the birth of Tiandi Zun! He has spent countless efforts and can't let anyone take away the Tao fruit of Tiandi Zun! He is for the holy Guanyin to sit down and be with you. If you help him , The future is bound to be prominent in the heavens!" Jin Wuxiang was beaten up, and he didn't even touch the hair of the Buddha King!

Jin Wuxiang wanted to use a sacred pagoda to attack and kill the Buddha from behind the lamp, but the result was not what he imagined. The Buddha wheel behind the Buddha with the lamp seemed to be infinite. The pagoda was submerged by the light of the Buddha, and immediately lost contact. Fortunately, It's not that he has no phase tower spirit, otherwise he might be sucked away instantly.

"His ambition, for the saint Guanyin, had long expected that if he were not lucky, he would have died on the day of the Buddha's calamity long ago!"

The lamp-holder Buddha continued: "On the day when the Buddhaland was quiet, when I crossed the mud river, I almost found the little **** show, but it was too late."

"Don't you want to be the supreme Buddha King! Become an existence as high as the Immeasurable God and Buddha! All these, Lord Shenxiu can give you in the future!" Jin Wuxiang lost his temper in a moment, feeling as if he was talking to a piece of wood. , Completely helpless.


On the other side, the lord of Niluanyu was gnashing his teeth, and now he saw the appearance of Yedi Niu numb, he couldn't restrain the monstrous killing intent in his heart——

"This king likes to watch you upset me, but you can't get rid of me..." Su Jin sat down slowly, "I'm about to succeed, how about you?"

With that said, Su Jin's momentum began to rise under the gaze of the Lord of the Rebellion Domain and others, an astonishing rise!

A piece of Haitao's voice appeared in the ears of Song Qianji and others——

"What kind of sound is this? The sea waters of Tianjinghai, all turned into a dragon, and there is no sound of waves!" Bai Daofeng's expression changed wildly.

"The voice came from Yedi!" Chi Yuhe said anxiously.

"Damn it, I blame the'Zhishou Daojing'. If his two brothers and sisters are there and bless me to use "The Curse of Blood Thousand Yuan Bite", they may be able to stop Ye Di for some time." Bai Daofeng looked at Song Qianji, eyes Unwilling.

"Yun Zhibai and Wang Qiang have not left yet." Song Qianji said with a sullen face, "but they won't look back anymore--"

Chi Yuhe saw the figure of the brother and sister from a distance, and passed the sound transmission, "Brother Yun, do you want to think about it again?!"

"Considering helping you kill Ye Di?" Yun Zhibai responded.


"I can't stop it, I advise you to go back to the clan and ask the elder for your crime. Perhaps there is still room for reversal in the relationship with Ye Di." Yun Zhibai said.

"Shenzi Yun, as long as you promise to help, the benefits you get from the emperor will let you choose the "knowing and guarding the realm" first!" Song Qianji said in a deep voice.

"Sorry, not interested."

After Yun Zhibai responded, no matter how the other party persuaded him, he chose not to pay attention. Instead, he looked at his sister at this moment, "This Haitao voice, is it a harbinger of Ye Di's success?"

Wang Qiang shook his head and said, "I still couldn't see the sight of his anger, and it was hidden by a radiance, but it is certain that the sound of the sea waves appeared from his anger--"


Yun Zhibai was slightly stunned.

Just by relying on the sea of ​​air vision, the sound of waves can be heard, and it can be heard by people! Yun Zhibai can't imagine what this means!

Like Yun Zhibai, Su Jin is most looking forward to—

Su Jin has placed great hopes on this king-grade celestial bone in the sea of ​​qi. He has always regretted that this bone cannot be used for himself! But now it is different, the sea of ​​anger is shaken, Wang Pin Tiangu is undergoing an incredible transformation, and he doesn't even know if it is good or bad!


In the eyes of the monks in Instant God Realm, the eye-catching ‘Life Monument’ is also showing a special scene!

The endless power of life is passing through the tree of enlightenment, through this tree's origin and immortality, blessing the sea of ​​emperor's energy!




The sky high in the sky... split!

At that moment, Wanyu thundered!

In the same way, the resounding sea waves sounded like a rock breaking the sky, and the sound of beating the shore was extremely loud!

Feng Guyi was nervous, and if Ye Di succeeded, she would not be in vain to take such an adventure! Looking at this momentum now, is it because the Tao fruit has been achieved?


Feng Gu was shocked, and the sky was thunderous. Whether it was the Buddha's Land, the Abyssal World, or even the entire moment of God's Domain, it turned into a dark night.

In this scene, that kind of treacherous scene makes it hard to hide the panic!

The light of the Buddha holding the lamp seemed to dim, and in this dark night, it was almost faint to the point that it was hard to detect! Jin Wuxiang was even more surprised. The "Wuxiang Tower Spirit" in his palm could only be vaguely seen when he was close to his eyes!

what's the situation!

I stretched out my five fingers, completely invisible--

Su Jin's back was already soaked with sweat. He gritted his teeth and felt that his sea of ​​anger was glowing, but the pain was absolutely inhumane torture!

Wang Qiang's expression was dull, and a strange vision appeared in the depths of her pupils! She understood the problem and knew the reason!

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