My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3427: Heaven and earth, reform!

Wang Qiang, when she saw the green lotus bud, the shock that it caused to her was also unparalleled! She finally understood why the life stele could breed endless life energy. It turned out that the king-grade celestial bone could have such a dumbfounded transformation!

"Eternal blue sky, a lotus--" Wang Qiang gave a wry smile at the corner of his mouth.

Before the incident, Feng Guyi took a great risk to help the emperor. After Wang Qiang knew the identity of the emperor, the original status of the emperor was already shocking enough, but when this green lotus appeared, It seemed... as if not the status of the World-Honored One, it seemed that there was less shock than this Qinglian was born.

The green lotus made by Wang Pintian's bones has manifested in the world in an unprecedented way!

Why is this happening!

Jin Wuxiang's spirits and souls trembled, his eyes staring, not believing what he saw in his eyes, Ye Di, he... how good is he? Can have such a magnificent fetish!

"Not good!" Jin Wuxiang suddenly woke up, "Master Shenxiu! Get out!"

Xiao Shenxiu lost her temper in an instant--

Little Shenxiu slowly opened her hands and said lightly: "Since this is the case, let me be annihilated in the Buddha's land!"

Wait to die!

Xiao Shenxiu knew there was no way out!

The green lotus shook slightly, and wisps of blue light, like a delicate rainbow, gradually surrounded Xiao Shenxiu.

"Tianming Killing Buddha? You are not guilty of death--" Su Jin sighed lightly. He admitted that after Xiao Shenxiu opened his hands, he moved compassionately. If it weren't for himself, this person would surely obtain the Taoist Fruit of Heaven and Earth. Since then embarked on the open road of ancient sages.

"The evil spirits have assimilated my Buddhism and Dao, so that I have the power of shocking the world, but...I am no longer who I was at the beginning, I would like to die!" Xiao Shenxiu seemed extremely tired.

"It's life or death, but you can't help but you can make a choice--"

Su Jin thought about it carefully, turned his hand, he took out a sutra box, and floated in front of Xiao Shenxiu, "Hold the sutra in his hand and let the Buddha choose whether to accept you."


In the distance, Xiao Suxian only felt that the wooden fish on his back turned into a ray of golden light and appeared in front of Xiao Shenxiu.

"Knock the wooden fish, try it--" Su Jin said lightly.

"It's nothing more than death!"

The little **** Xiu sat down, first put his hands together, then stood with one palm in front of him, raised the mallet in the other hand, chanted the scriptures, and directly knocked it proficiently. He hasn't respected the Buddha for a long time, hasn't recited the scriptures for a long time, and hasn't seen it for a long time. Xiang this Muyu from the Palace of Heavenly Kings, but his approach is very skillful.


Pieces of Scripture escaped from him, with strands of black willow patterns appearing.

"Don't knock!" Jin Wuxiang's eyes widened, "Master Shenxiu! If you continue to knock, you will be wiped out!"

Muyu's voice is always firm.

"Now, what should I do?" Song Qianji asked with a sullen face.

"The general situation is gone, return home, it is up to the family elder to decide--" Chi Yuhe calmly said.

"Niluantianyu must be on the bar with Yedi, our family, uniting Niluantian, Yedi shouldn't worry about it." Song Qianji said a little relieved.

"There is also the Golden Dynasty. Little Shenxiu, whether he lives or die, is the enemy of Yedi! I really don't believe it. The Supreme Ninth Secret has united so many powerful worlds, and I am afraid of him!" Chi Yuhe also said.

"Let's go! The Yedi has been overwhelmed by the Heaven and Earth Sovereign. Let's go--" Bai Daofeng didn't want to stay for a moment, especially now that he saw the green lotus, he felt a sense of crisis that he would fall at any time.


Array texts were transmitted in circles, circulated from the sacred stone in Song Qianji's hands, and directly enveloped several people! But at this moment--



Song Qianji and Chi Yuhe shook their bodies, and the cultivation of their bodies, like tides, quickly retreated. Their avenue, under the shaking of that green lotus, was almost cut off!

"Ye Di!!" Song Qianji red eyes, screamed wildly: "You dare to break my road!"

"My Chi family doesn't share the heavens with you!" Chi Yuhe felt like a broken bone all over his body. The pain made his face pale, and he couldn't feel any great sage's will stay in his body!

" ruined me--" Bai Daofeng's face was sad--

"Aren't they together?" Yun Zhibai and Wang Qiang came.

It was Yun Zhibai who was talking. He couldn't help but feel a little more lucky when he saw the misery of Song Qianji's people. If he chose to stand in a group before, I am afraid that he will end up like these people now!

After a few gazes filled with hatred, the formation pattern turned into a piece of white light, which directly wrapped Song Qianji and others, and directly transmitted it back——

"Master Shenxiu! Stupid!" Jin Wuxiang hated himself so much that he stomped fiercely, and a huge tower shadow enveloped him.

"Remember, the Jin Dynasty will be destroyed within three days." Su Jin looked at Jin Wuxiang and let him leave.

The Lord Niluan and the five hundred immortal great sages were all startled by Su Jin's words——

The Jin Dynasty had long been able to advance to the High God Realm. Why did the Ye Emperor have the confidence to destroy the opponent within three days?

"What a big tone!" The Lord of Niluanyu groaned in pain, "Go! Go back to Niluantian, prepare for battle! Yedi! You'd better, come to Niluantian first! I will tell you to go and not return at that time. !"

"After the end of the Jin Dynasty, it will be as you wish--" Su Jin said quietly.

"You can't destroy the Golden Dynasty in three days. Your Yedi is a big laughing stock. I'm against chaos and wait anytime! I'm afraid you dare not come!" The Lord of Niran and the five hundred terrible immortal heroes , Turned into hundreds of divine lights, fleeting.

Su Jin's mouth curled slightly...

It is sacred and famous.

When the little Shenxiu chanted, he felt a sense of fit far beyond Guanyin for the Holy Spirit. He seemed to be a born Buddha. If he hadn't been decapitated, he would not be incapable of embarking on a path comparable to the Immeasurable God and Buddha.

The Lord Buddha looked at Xiao Shenxiu, then at Su Jin, he stopped talking--

That Qinglian, I don't know how powerful it is, after shaking, after she sprinkled a meticulous iridescent color, the evil power entangled with Buddhism in Xiao Shenxiu's body quickly turned into a little bit of fluorescence.

Moreover, the blood on the clothes of the Little God Show Buddha is also disappearing!

The smooth and neat neck, the original ‘卍’ suppressing seal, is not there anymore, even if there are wisps of Buddha Liu Wen Luo, it gradually spreads——

When Su Jin looked at Xiao Shenxiu, he couldn't help but be surprised.

In the past, Su Jin knew that the Buddha had two colors, one is cyan light and cyan, which is generally the sacred golden Buddha light, but after the baptism of the little godxiu, the black willow pattern on the neck seems to be a little more transparent, faintly closer to the brown. It is actually a kind of Buddhism and Taoism, but the whole world, only this person has it.

It may also be the reason why Xiao Shenxiu is a "Destiny Killing Buddha".

"You... deliberately save me." After reciting a scripture, Xiao Shenxiu felt his whole body suddenly enlightened, and the road in front of him was enlightened.

"It was the Buddha who chose to save you--" Su Jin shook his head.

Little Shenxiu was silent, and suddenly a seven-color brilliance broke out in the position of his heart!

"Seven orifices and exquisite Buddha's heart?" The Lord Buddha said in surprise.

"For the rest of my life, I will rebuild the land of the Buddha." The little Shenxiu sighed, bowed to Su Jin, and then knelt to the position of the Immeasurable God and Buddha!


Su Jin looked at the top of his head, in his heart, and at his feet, the three pieces of crystal red power of the Great Divine Dao were vigorously rising, and the momentum was many times stronger than before!

"Heaven and earth, reform!"

Su Jin's mind suddenly heard a heavy drink. These four words made him hard to understand. The origin and fruit of the heaven and earth were transformed into the power of the world, so only these four words were left?

"Old ancestor, ancestor, don't stop me—"

A playful flaming red figure turned into a fire-colored Changhong, and was stopped by a gourd in front, that was the ancestor of the Linggong!

"Little Huo'er, no..." the ancestor of the spirit palace said anxiously.

Before, Linggong had chosen not to stand in line and didn't offend Yedi, but he didn't work as hard as the ‘Knowing Shou Dao Realm’, so how could he ask for help?

"Big Brother Ye Di! Brother Ye Di!" Huo Yuan Yang hurriedly shouted in spite of blocking, "Seeing that our Spirit Palace is not an enemy of you, you help me defeat Huo!"

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