My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3428: Ready to go!

The sound of the fire duck shocked countless people——

Yun Zhibai and Wang Qiang watched the fire mandarin ducks pay their respects to the Emperor Ye, and when they looked at Su Jin, they were speechless.

"The Ninth Secret, I'm going to take a trip, let's talk about it then." Su Jin said calmly.

"Then you can hurry up—" Fire Duck looked embarrassed, "I am waiting for you in the family land."

Speaking can tell the truth.

The ancestor of the spirit palace was shocked, and he clearly knew what Ye Emperor meant. Now most of the Nine Secrets of the Highest Secret still regard Ye Emperor as his enemy. His spiritual palace is not his own spiritual palace. If he helped Xiao Huo'er suppress the Vulcan Dao in the future, Not necessarily hostile.

"Ling Palace, welcome Ye Di at any time." The ancestor of Ling Palace quickly clasped his fists.

"Senior's help, I have seen it in my eyes, you don't have to be so polite, you go back, her problem with the Vulcan Avenue, it is not difficult to solve, in a few days -" Su Jin said.

"I am ashamed of my spiritual palace that I haven't given any strength."

"It's kind of kindness that you didn't act on me."

"Hey! Thank you very much." The ancestor of Linggong hurriedly let the fire mandarin duck walk on to the gourd boa, and then left. Now Song Qianji's juniors have already gone back, if he doesn't go back in time to tell the truth, I'm afraid it will hurt Ling Palace.

"We have to go back too--" Yun Zhibai also looked at Su Jin.

"Together, sister Qiang." The fire duck beckoned.

Su Jin nodded to Yun Zhibai.

Wang Qiang took a deep look at Su Jin, until Yun Zhibai grabbed her and walked onto the gourd, she didn't react.

When he walked far away, Yun Zhibai said quietly, "Can't bear it?"

"Where is it?" Wang Qiang said in a huff: "Do you know the gap? He is the kind of unattainable existence, so it's good to see it from a distance."

Watching Wang Qiang and others leave--

Su Jin put the Wushi Bell, the East Emperor Bell, and the Bronze Wild Bell around his waist. The life monument and the Taoist tree disappeared under his control, and finally he called Mo Hongyu over.

"Congratulations...not the world-honor--" Feng Gu knelt on one knee and saluted Su Jin. She used the sound transmission to congratulate Su Jin.

"In the coffin..." Su Jin looked at Feng Guyi.

"Father, the king of the previous generation of different time and space... the ancient **** emperor." Feng Gu joined.

Su Jin thought for a while, and the wisps of green light turned into a cloud of color and fell into the golden coffin.

"I... I can get rid of the coffin!" The ancient **** emperor fisted the coffin lid and appeared directly!

Feng Gu was shocked!

The current ancient **** emperor, and the father in her impression, have changed greatly! The original father, with white hair and withered and old-fashioned, looked almost like an 80-90-year-old man, but the father in front of him... looks like a middle-aged man!

"The tens of thousands of golden soldiers in Different Time and Space, plus the strength of just a helping hand, are enough to pay back, this matter is wiped out. You Different Time and Space, go back away——" Su Jin said lightly with a big wave of his hand.

"No!" The ancient **** emperor made his mind, and wanted to hug Yedi's thighs, and quickly said: "It's only a war of gods, we are not afraid of wars of gods in different time and space! The emperor's rescue of great grace is unforgettable! Now the emperor wants to Who are you hitting? I am in a different time and space, you can listen to dispatch at any time!"

Feng Gu's eyes widened. Is this still his father? Why are you so flattering? This is a generation of peerless powerhouses, and a frightening ancient **** emperor! Mingzhen does not know how many big worlds exist!

"Now, you are not the king--" Su Jin calmly looked at the ancient **** emperor.

"I can give way." Feng Gu sighed deeply in his heart. Her position was originally passed on by her father.

"No, what I said is what my daughter meant, Ye Di can do his best!" Ancient God Emperor said seriously.

"Well, you guys will not move. I am going to the Jin Dynasty in half a day. Do you know the location of the Jin Dynasty?" Su Jin almost forgot about this. He still needs to know the location of the Shattered Day domain, and Supreme Nine Secrets!

"Leave everything to us!" Ancient God Emperor packed up and said.

"Yes, seniors go to prepare first, and meet here in half a day." Su Jin smiled.


Feng Guyi was speechless. When he followed his father into the deep space, there were still many great sages who were on standby there, and they were there!

"With all the connections to him, we can stay out of the different time and space. Isn't that bad, father?" Feng Gu asked.

"Don't be silly, where can you stay out of the matter? The lord of Nichaos is like a ghost, and with our defiance at a critical moment and the help of the emperor, he may be desperate to launch a divine battle. Our different time and space will definitely be affected. ." Ancient God Emperor said.

"With a father, they can't be so bold--" Feng Gu couldn't persuade his father at the first sight, and then wondered: "What kind of magical power does that Qinglian plant have?"

"I don't know." Facing this problem, the ancient **** emperor also became serious.


The Lord Buddha, after receiving a worship from the little godxiu, can only accept him. The Buddha's land is buried in the endless vicissitudes of life, waiting to be revived, everything has to be restarted!

Soon, Su Jinduan sat in front of the Great Boundless God and Buddha, facing the land of the Buddha.

"I have an agreement with the Abyss World to unlock the imprint of the Heavenly Slaves of the ancient survivors of the abyss when holding the Yongling Yushu." Su Jin said calmly.

Mo Hongyu frowned slightly, "It might make God angry."

"No need to persuade." Su Jin lifted it gently, and the Yongling Yushu flew into his hands. "I use the power of the world-honored to bless the Yongling Yushu. You communicate with the spirit of the Yushu and solve the monk's slave mark with the blood of the ancient survivors. ."

"Okay." Mo Hongyu didn't persuade her anymore. Su Jin is very important to her now. Whatever he says is--

The Yongling Yushu was slowly shaking, and a burst of secret clouds, like fireflies, quickly sank among the monks of the surviving clan bloodlines. The power of their bloodlines was stimulated, and the gods and races of the entire abyss world were all there. carnival!

Xiao Suxian came over!

"Thank you Ye Di!" The Princess of Heaven was most delighted. Ye Di promised to do it, although the process was not perfect—

"You go back and continue to be your heavenly princess." Su Jin said lightly: "As for you, Yuan Zhenzhen, whether you can let your people accept you again is no longer something I can manage."

Yuan Zhenzhen wanted to say something and stopped. Although she knew it was difficult, Ye Di seemed to have changed a little bit, perhaps after experiencing this calamity! It feels like Ye Di is even more terrifying!

"Senior Brother Shenxiu! I love you so much... You finally wake up!" Qingguang Kunpeng pounced on Xiao Shenxiu, "Hey, you have a smell..."

Dadiman was also very happy, and then looked at Su Jin and asked: "Lord! When will you conquer the Jin Dynasty! I, I can't wait!"

"Wait for the ancient **** emperor--" Su Jin said coldly: "It will probably not take a long time, not half a day."

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