My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3432: Who will be crazy?

Jiyunxian Palace.

Baoqing ghosts, blood-colored neon clothes, even Jidao Temple and Zhandao Ancestral Gate, are all coming to support, Tang Quan and the corpse man have seen a lot of forces, but it is a pity that each of them can be comparable to these forces.

"The six star palaces ceased to support the royal family as early as ten thousand years ago. How did the Prince Wuxiang invite this star palace out? The ancestor of the universe is a person who can't get in--" The dead man was also amazed Tao.

"It is blamed that the emperor of the night is too arrogant. With only one person, he dared to challenge our Golden Dynasty. This is tantamount to handing over all the chances and treasures on him to let me wait!" Tang Quan smiled.

"He has the help of different time and space..."

"Although Different Sect Space and Time is also the Supreme God's Realm, in terms of strength, it is not as good as Niluantian, otherwise the owner of Niluanyu will not always want to attack Different Sect Space-time." Tang Quan felt the kind of understanding, very relieved. .

Just now Jiyunxian Palace suffered heavy losses and was almost destroyed! Now, all the major forces are coming out of their nests, and they are bound to encircle and suppress the Ye Emperor. In Tang Quan's eyes, this Ye Emperor is already a dead man, a dead man!

Tang Quan wanted to see Su Jin's face-changing expression--

Unfortunately, Tang Quan didn't see it.

Su Jin's face was as calm as ever, even too calm, as if it was these people who wanted to come.

If it were Baoqing Guizang and Jiyunxian Palace alone, there were too few people and too weak, and it was not worth showing off. There were more people, and the more the better, this was what Su Jin expected.

"The person sitting cross-legged behind the star giant is the night emperor--"

There were about 80 people in the blood-colored neon clothes. This scale is not big, but no one underestimates these people, and among them, men and women are very balanced.

"Goddess, look now, that's the evildoer who won the heaven and earth respect half a day ago, just because of this person, the people from Baoqing Guizang, Jidao Temple, Liubuxing Palace, and Zhandao Ancestral Gate are all here, look at it. "In the **** color, a female sister said with a smile.

The scarlet goddess, in a long dress with icy blue flowers, and Qing Yu’s face, does not have a trace of fluctuations. She is known for her firm avenues, persistence, and her character that resists thousands of miles away. They are all popular topics.

"The golden dynasty has never been attacked by one person. Whether it was the fall of God's domain in the early years or the catastrophe of the ancient battlefield hundreds of thousands of years ago, the foundation of the dynasty has never been shaken. The emperor of the night is really brave. "The scarlet disciple smiled.

"The Supreme Nine Secret's Zhishou Dao realm, it is said that the **** Queen Qiang loves this person, and I wonder if the news is true--"

"Fake, Wang Qian doesn't like people who provoke flowers and plants, this night emperor surrounded by flowers, how true is it."

"If he can let our goddess fall, I can admire him! Our scarlet goddess is like a big road stone, unshakable, and doomed to be alone for life."


At this time, the Master of the Extreme Dao led the crowd to walk not far from the dead man, he glanced at Tang Quan——

"How did the first battle feel?" The Master of the Great Dao asked curiously.

"He's very strong, but he's not too outrageous. He doesn't have the ability to kill me in seconds." Tang Quan arched his hands and smiled lightly.

The Hallmaster of Extreme Dao looked at Su Jin, he had a preliminary estimate in his heart, and smiled: "Friend Ye Di Daoist, at this moment, you see so many powerful seniors, can you really be calm in your heart? Fear of our strong?"

"Not enough." Su Jin glanced at the Master of Extreme Dao, and said lightly.

"Not enough?" The Hallmaster of Jidao condensed, feeling that the Ye Emperor is really too rampant.

"Yes, not enough to see."


In the world, how big is the daring and courageous person who dares to say "not enough" in front of so many world-leading forces?

Yedi is the only one, the only one!

The Master of Extreme Dao said indifferently: "Do you know what level of power is coming? The scarlet party is led by Goddess Rose. She and her mother were both born and built a foundation, and they will surely achieve it in the future. The existence of the eternal ancient sage, as well as the ancestor sect, the ancestor has successfully slashed the three corpses. These forces have the ability to change the world and the earth. When you say these words, I am afraid that you will be crazy."

"I'm still saying those words, not enough to read--" Su Jin paid attention to this guy lazily.

"Then what exactly is enough to see?" The Hallmaster of Jidao was all laughed angrily.

"Jin Wuxiang, the Jin family is here." Su Jin said indifferently.


All forces are speechless.

From their point of view, Ye Di was really a muscle, and that kind of arrogance could be called rampant! Just relying on the words that despised them just now, it makes people annoying to want to beat this person hard—

"I'll test your sharpness."

The voice of the person who speaks is so cold that it makes people feel as if they have fallen into an immortal ice cellar! She exceeded everyone's expectations! It turned out that the goddess in the scarlet neon clothes spoke!

she was……

It is the goddess Rose who is as firm as a rock!

"It's not my enemy, let's retreat for the time being -" Su Jin waved his hand and didn't even look at it!

The goddess Qiangwei stared slightly, "You... look down on me?"

"You say yes, that is." Su Jin closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Fry the pan!

Not only the more than 80 people in **** and neon clothes, even the other gates were shocked! Goddess Rose has extremely powerful means, but Ye Di judges that he is not his one-one enemy!

Do you look down on people like this?

"It's terrible, our goddess, in the future, we can prove that the highest ancient sage is humiliated by this evildoer!" In the blood-colored dress, a junior girl is gritting her teeth and looking at Su Jin, but she dare not speak loudly, after all, there is Yedi's. Fierce and mighty.

"He is qualified to say such things--" The goddess Qiangwei tilted her head slightly, although she was angry, she knew that the other party did not speak wild words thanks to her firm Dao mentality.

"If he has obtained the Dao Fruit of a Master of Demon Venerable, he really thinks he is the Venerable Heaven and Earth? The origin of the Dao Fruit requires countless years of penance before he can prove the Dao and become the Venerable Heaven and Earth. This good life is rampant, Goddess! I beg. Go out to fight, cut this scorpion!" In the blood-colored neon clothes, a young man in Chinese clothes roared directly.

"Okay--" Goddess Rose was allowed.

The young man in Huayi was dumbfounded at once, he just didn't complain, guessing that until now, everyone hadn't attacked Yedi, thinking that Goddess Rose would not allow him to play. In this way, it would be better to behave in front of Goddess. The result... the result was approved. What is it?

"Gu Huatian, this is your best performance opportunity. Haven't you always been admiring the goddess? After killing the night emperor and appearing for the goddess Rose, she will definitely remember you. It may not be impossible to become her Taoist companion in the future, you But take the opportunity!" A fellow said to Gu Huatian.

Become the Daoist of Rose Goddess! In the future, we will hold the blood together——

Gu Huatian couldn't help but began to fantasize in his mind, even if his eyes were bright, he strode out!

"Why do you want to see King Golden Lord? You don't deserve to see him if you don't want to see him!" Gu Huatian was full of strong murderous intent, and he walked towards Su Jin with passion.

"You didn't see him running away in embarrassment, returning to this old nest." Su Jin looked at Gu Huatian, his expression still.

"Who wouldn't be crazy! There are still some opportunities to make up words and fool them. Today, you are going to die in the hands of my Gu Huatian!" Gu Huatian gradually approached Su Jin.

"Who are you, there is no need to sign up because I am not interested."

Su Jin didn't want to say a word to this person, just pointed at Gu Huatian from a distance.

Gu Huatian seems to be frozen in place! Can't make an inch! The body seems to have turned into a stone, except that the mind can still function, no power can flow in the body!

What's the situation?


A cloud of blood mist exploded on Gu Huatian!

Ye Di, one finger, murder!

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