My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3433: Heaven and Earth

One finger shocked the audience!

In the blood-colored neon clothes, the eyes of the goddess rose gradually condensed, and the finger raised by Su Jin, with incomparable calmness, is the most terrifying thing——

Gu Huatian, die!

In the **** color, although Gu Huatian's combat power is not the strongest, it is definitely of the middle and upper class. Yedi cuts this person so easily, and those who despised him before naturally shut up directly!

After all, in addition to the limited presence of super beings that can do this step, it is absolutely impossible for the younger generation to have such a method, even if it is the goddess of Rose!

"This finger seems to shock me and wait. Is it just because of a heaven and earth respect that can make a monster grow up to such a level? Shouldn't it, shouldn't it—" The monk of the Supreme Dao Temple whispered comments.

"The finger of the night emperor just now seems to have a taste of eternal magic, but it doesn't seem to be the same. It seems to be a means of condensing time and space. It is amazing."

"Our Supreme Hall Master, Deputy Hall Master, and any Primordial Elder can do this, but he will never be so relaxed. This Ye Di really makes the scalp numb."

"This person is mysterious, our Ji Dao Temple should not be a bird in the early days! Scarlet has already damaged one person. Looking at the Ji Yunxian Palace, except for the palace owner Tang's whole body injuries, all the others were cut off. And know how terrifying this Ye Di is—"

"We Jidao Temple, is there any evildoer comparable to this person?"

"No, although the young hall master built the ancient sage road, his foundation is unstable, and he still needs tens of thousands of years to make up for the incomplete Taoist rhyme, but as long as the young hall master is born, he will definitely be a blockbuster, and he will not lose this person."


Tang Quan, the lord of the Palace of Extreme Clouds, looks a little creepy now! He said before that Ye Di didn't show much power, but at the moment when Gu Huatian died, he suddenly felt that he was wrong! Because Ye Di didn't take his Jiyun Immortal Palace seriously!

Fortunately, otherwise, it would not be Gu Huatian, but Tang Quan himself!

Thinking of this, Tang Quan sweated on his forehead, and unknowingly put away his contempt--

"Such a method can indeed be proud of today's young Tianjiao generation." The Master of the Great Dao clapped his hands and stared at Su Jin: "But don't forget, how many existences here can embark on the road of ancient sages, you want to follow the world. Being an enemy is really not enough."

"The **** of heaven and earth does not come from your instant divine realm. It will be a matter of time before you dominate the fruit of the Tao and cause the wrath of the sky. I advise you to wake up in time, know when you are lost, and solve the source of the **** of heaven and earth. There may be a way to survive, otherwise There is no regret in the world to take medicine!" The corpse poser in Baoqing's ghost store looked at Su Jindao's face.

With so many great abilities, the seniors, the dead man knows that Musashi-sama will come soon, they have an absolute advantage, Ye Di, must pay for his arrogance!

"The ancestor of the world war is on that warship. You Ye Di has the ability to reach the sky, and you have to fall here. Be aware of it and abandon the Dao and soldiers. Then I will show kindness, maybe I will leave you a complete loss. , Don't let you be ugly--" In the ancestral door of Zhandao, there was also the elder Taishang who spoke, expressing his attitude.

Su Jin sighed lightly.

There are always some people in the world who have strong self-holding power. In Su Jin's eyes, these people are not the full power of the Jin Dynasty, but they can barely let him perform a trick.

"In that case, I, Ye Di, fight all of you!" Su Jin didn't want to see the faces of these bullies anymore, so he directly raised his arm and pointed to all directions!

"Everyone, Ye Di is so rampant, you can't just use him like this! It's him who is arrogant and wants to fight the audience, but we are not deceiving him by the number of people!" The dead man shouted steeply.

"Zhan Ye Di!"

"Zhan Ye Di!"


Almost all the major forces are shouting--

But there is only one force that can remain silent despite everyone's indignation, and that is the Six Star Palace, the ancestor of the universe, rumored to be on that warship!

Six stars palace, inside the warship!

One after another, glittering precious pearls adorned the eyebrows of a young girl. In the entire star palace, there were more than ten elders wearing nebula robes, several palace ladies, and a beautiful woman.

"Those people are really good at flattering. Zhan Zu was no longer in the Star Palace a hundred years ago, and now it is the wife of the Star Palace --" said an elder.

"Several powers are vying to express their opinions, I don't know what the lady meant..." There were also elders who hesitated to look at the beautiful woman.

"My husband has already used my divine knowledge to know me. We must enter the palace in six stars, and we must not help these people." Madame Xinggong was also a little puzzled, and she hesitated to say this.

"Huh?" All the elders were stunned.

"Why is this? Our six star palaces, although not under the control of the Jin Dynasty, the ancient clan is still here, why Zhan Zu intended to help Ye Di?"

"This is what the husband meant, just do it--" Mrs. Xinggong rubbed her forehead, a little sad.

"Golden Dynasty, Niluantianyu, Supreme Nine Secrets! Are our Six Star Palace going against these Supremes? Madam, think twice!"

"Elder Mu Yi, I said, this is what the husband meant! If you don't understand, don't hold the celestial part of the six books." Mrs. Xinggong is still very annoyed, but once the ancestor of the world wars, It was her husband who was not dead, and the entire star palace was still Zhan Zu's star palace, she was only in charge.


A dozen elders trembled and dared not say much.

"Mother, Dad didn't say when to come back?" The girl saw her mother being angry, and quickly moved forward and changed the subject with a smile.

"Perhaps soon, if the night emperor does not die, come back to the Six Star Palace with us, your father will definitely go home too." Mrs. Star Palace touched the girl's head with a smile on his face.

"Is there this big brother Yedi in the future?" The girl asked with her bright eyes that seemed to be shining stars.

Mrs. Star Palace felt a pain in her heart, stinging!

Daughter Luan Xingyu, can't cultivate! This is her eternal pain, and her daughter's words also brought back some bad memories of her.

"It must be better than him." Mrs. Star Palace nodded and said.

"My father has been away for a hundred years for me, hasn't he found the magical medicine for the pulse change——" Luan Xingyu said with some expectation, but there was also a lot of disappointment in her tone.

Luan Xingyu only knew that after she was born, she couldn't practice like ordinary people. He couldn't communicate with the sky, the veins and veins couldn't move the qi, and the sea of ​​Qi was dead. Many elders couldn't help it. No one can do it after seeking treatment.

In fact, Luan Xingyu didn’t know that she had made a mistake during the eight thousand and eight hundred years of her mother’s incubation. She was already dead, but the ancestor of the universe used an unimaginable wonder in the world. Living the aura of life that originally belonged to her--

At present, Su Jin heard the waves of killing, his expression naturally showed no fear, even the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, looking at Baoqing Guizang, Jiyun Palace Lord Tang Quan, Scarlet, Jidao Temple, The ancestral door of Zhan Dao came under threat!

"Today, the Golden Dynasty is going to kill you! But you shamelessly want to challenge the entire dynasty! At this moment, the Wuxiang prince must be watching you be beheaded and killed by me, and we will pick up all the fruits in your body, yours Efforts are destined to be given as someone else's wedding gown!" The corpse poser yelled.

"Ye Di! You will be greeted by endless darkness, and that is a dead end forever!" Tang Quan pointed to Su Jin and grew bolder.

"Come on Yedi! Let me see what you can do! How much of the Tao fruit of the heaven and earth have you learned? Why don't you take a look now! Of course, in my opinion, you probably still have time to do so now. Xiu Tiandi Zun!" When the Supreme Dao Hall Master thought of Tian Di Zun Dao Guo, his heart couldn't help but get hot.

Su Jin appeared on the shoulders of the star giant in one step. He wanted to win this first wave of deadly battles!

And to win beautifully!

The journey is definitely more than that. If such a series of small difficulties can't be resolved, how can he talk about conquering the heavens, how can he talk about becoming a famous powerhouse in the heavens! How about going against the sky!

A trace of wind blew, and the direction of the wind seemed to be treacherous. Su Jin's black hair was fluttering. Standing on the shoulders of the star giants, he was very small, but his fighting spirit had reached the strongest ever!

Su Jin suddenly raised his arm, pointing his head against the sky!

"Heaven and earth...return!" Su Jin shouted awe-inspiringly, spreading throughout the entire Jin Dynasty!


With Su Jin's finger, the celestial phenomenon changed and it suddenly became dim! There are four big characters that are scarlet and mad, shaking out from the void! Void split a star river around the four scarlet characters!

Tang Quan, the corpse-plasterer, the master of Jidao, and the goddess Rose! All people, at this moment, are all controlled by those four characters! And in the darkness, faintly, there is a large phantom that seems to stand up—

day! Ground! Respect!

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