My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3434: Dead end

Heaven and earth return!

The face of the Master of the Great Dao, now as if it had been cut by an ice flower, was cold and painful! He also mocked Yedi just now, thinking that he hadn't had time to rebuild the Tao fruit of Heaven and Earth Venerable. As a result, he never thought that slapped his face in public would come so quickly that he caught him off guard--

In the darkness, the phantom that represents the heaven and earth is like a nightmare in the dark night, with red and black veins flowing like magma all over the body!

Rumble! Void, earth, trembling!

Tang Quan's eyes widened. He didn't believe it. He was a great sage, possessing a great sage of immortality, and there is still a mighty power to suppress him!


It is heaven and earth!

"Heaven, earth, kill!" The giant phantom, with a roaring sound in the gloom, seemed to be coming from the utterly empty sky. The dead body man and Tang Quan were the first to bear the brunt, their eyes were occupied by a red light, that monstrous murderous aura , I want to be solid, almost everyone has seen it, behind this heaven and earth Zun Xuying, a pair of bright red wings began to spread out——


"Not good!" Tang Quan yelled, and a flame was lit up with the great sage's will. He was wrapped in the burning great sage's will, and he felt a sense of security in his heart!

"Friend Tang Quan, take action together!" The corpse posers knew that they were the first to come. Even if the Ye Emperor had murdered, he would use them first, but now they dare to be careless and get close!

The corpse poser burned with a faint blue great sage divine intent. This is the unique divine intent of the Baoqing Ghost Cang monk. The destructive power and hurting power are far beyond the ordinary divine intent.

Tang Quan nodded, "Okay!"

The corpse pendulum stood majestic in the burning blue divine intent, and he grabbed it fiercely and grabbed a warhammer condensed by divine intent. This warhammer was comparable to a mountain and had an amazing momentum.

"Kill!" The corpse **** raised his warhammer, and smashed at the phantom of the heaven and earth that was ushering in—



The corpse poser smashed into a void, but he flew upside down! And Tang Quan's condition was not getting better, he was originally injured, and under the culling of the ghost of the earth, the sound of broken bones could be heard by himself!

So fierce?

The complexion of the Master of the Great Dao Palace began to look anxious!

"Cough cough." The corpse poser was smashed thousands of miles away. Now his arms are folded, and the veins in his body are shattered. Fortunately, his great sage is extremely unique, and he will soon be able to recover. Don't be too cruel!

Almost cut off the avenue of the dead man! The corpse poser now has a touch of fear in his mind. He was in a hurry and observed the injury. His internal organs almost couldn't function. Although his injury is lighter than Tang Quan, it is not much better!

"I have blood and martial arts skills!" The Hall Master of Extreme Dao shouted loudly. While the phantom slaughtered the corpse man and Tang Quan, his whole body began to be enveloped by a wave of bright red blood.

In a flash.

Master of Jidao, one stroke ten, ten transforms one hundred!

This'Blood Martial Skill' is not an ordinary external incarnation, but an extreme method that can burst the power of the deity to the extreme. So far, he can only transform one hundred and three himself, and each The avatar can have 60% of its power, which is already a very terrifying method!

"You Luo Qimeng of neon clothes——" The goddess Qiangwei flicked her gauze sleeves gently, and a gleam of blood brilliance spread out.

This technique is extraordinary!

Among the blood-colored neon clothes, there are many fellows of Goddess Rose, all looking at Su Jin in surprise——

Su Jin had just clearly wanted to fight a battle. He had already held a sword embryo with an open front in his hand, but the goddess Rose's magical skills were so dreamy that he was directly hit by the night emperor!

Now Su Jin's eyes were flashing abnormal red, as if he was deeply plunged into a dream, which could be seen from standing on the shoulders of giants quietly.

"The goddess is amazing!" The younger sister in the same school with scarlet dresses quickly laughed.

"You Luo Qimeng is too strong, even the Scarlet Lord, Senior Sister Qiangwei's mother, can't display it at her age. This is one of our bloody's supreme magical skills, and Yedi's tricks are also normal— —"

"Senior Sister is really strong. Tang Quan and the corpse poser are both great sages, but they were seriously injured in the hands of Ye Di. Our senior sister didn't have to work hard at all. We directly imprisoned him with magical skills. This Ye Di is now powerless. To break away from the dream, to kill or to cut, I am afraid we have to make the decision!"

"Those forces are all reckless, and it depends on our blood!"


At this time, Goddess Qiangwei quietly listened to the compliments of other fellow students, she gently closed her eyes, and wanted to confirm again if Ye Di was trapped in Qi Meng——


"You are shameless!" The imposing manner of the goddess rose suddenly burst out from her body, she opened her humiliated eyes, and stared at the night emperor on the star giant!

The magical skill of Youluo Qimeng will make people fall into a fantasy dream. In that kind of dream, everything you want will come true. Anything you can get will be obtained by recruiting people, but when Goddess Rose just confirmed, I saw a scene that she could not forgive!

Never forgive!

Many people don’t understand why Rose Goddess is so angry, but when everyone sees Su Jin’s situation, this young man, who is revered as the emperor of the night, has his eyebrows erect, but he doesn’t seem to have caught the illusion.

"Goddess is not angry, I'll kill him." One hundred and three of the masters of the Great Dao Hall looked at the Rose Goddess together, and then the figures staggered and appeared near the star giant!




The Master of the Great Dao Palace changed his face, and his heart could not help but panic!

Now, in the eyes of the Master of the Great Dao, the monks of many powers, and the deity of the Ye Emperor, there are a total of 3,000 Ye Emperors!

Three thousand shadow phantoms!

Yedi’s move stunned the audience——

Except for the deity who was still immersed in the illusion of incomparable bliss, the other 2,999 incarnations of the Ye Emperor all began to transform into a thousand void sword intents. Each Ye Emperor has a different posture. His Aotian Bone Not long ago, he had just accommodated the charm of time and space and was promoted to the king rank. Now combining his time and space swordsman avenue, it is mysterious and unspeakable!

"Damn it!" The Supreme Hall Master was really stunned, but he didn't believe that the incarnations of Ye Di had offensive power, so he still had to take a risk to fight!

Qiang Qiang--

The idea that the Master of the Great Dao Palace was striving was wonderful, but the reality seemed to be a heavy punch that would torture him for life! The sky is full of time and space swordsmanship, sword marks are like fish, and the 2,999 emperors incarnate, holding their swords in their hands, directly turning the surroundings of the Supreme Hall Master into a worldless killing field!

Hundreds of incarnations of the Supreme Dao Palace Lord burst out with a strong and extremely bright light——

Qiang Qiang--

The Supreme Hall Master was flooded by the sword light, he was madly burning the great sage divine will, and he could barely hold the countless number of time and space sword marks, but in this way, he was very passive, extremely passive!

"I'm very angry!" The Hall Master of Extreme Dao roared. He burst into a world of fierce power in the sword light. When his figure emerged, he broke one of his left arms and burned to sacrifice countless years. Xian Arm, with that burst of power, he was able to emerge!


The Master of the Great Dao Shocked heavily, broke away from the sword light, and retreated into the disciples, but he almost couldn't stand it, and was hurriedly supported by the disciple of the sect!

It’s miserable, it’s too miserable. The Master of the Great Dao Palace lost a great sage arm. This is the arm of the origin great sage. Even if he has recondensed one now, he doesn’t know how many years it will take for the great sage’s divine body to reach flawlessness. Get up, this is worse than Tang Quan and the others.

Seeing that the master of the Great Dao Hall was disheveled, his face was cut with more than a dozen sword wounds, and suddenly there was a sound of air-conditioning around!

"This night emperor is really extraordinary." In the battleship of the six stars palace, Mrs. Star Palace was a little surprised.

Supreme Master, not weak! But to the point where the night emperor could burn the great sage’s arm, the annihilated time and space sword light just now was too scary, enough to bury a super great sage——

"How does Daddy compare to him?" Luan Xingyu immediately asked when he was so surprised at the moment.

"Now... naturally your father is better than him, but not necessarily in the future." Mrs. Star Palace said seriously.

This is the truth-

But this is the truth, enough to make people look forward to the future of Ye Di, even the elders of the six parts, now there are expressions of approval, if Tang Quan and the dead body man are injured, it can be said that he has gained the respect of heaven and earth, which is caused by external forces. Because, but just now, the power of kendo has to make people look at it with admiration.

The goddess Rose was flushed now, and she rarely showed the anger of her silver teeth. In the next moment, the person in the blood could hardly stop her. She disappeared directly and appeared not far from the giant star! Only thirty steps away from the deity of Yedi!

"I'm killing you!" The goddess Rose gently held her hands in front of her, a divine treasure that turned like a drop of water, quietly floating.

The blood in Su Jin's eyes disappeared suddenly, as if it had been washed away directly, his voice was as loud as a dragon roar, resounding in the ears of all creatures!



The goddess Rose seemed to be frozen, her eyes were set as hatred, but what interested Su Jin was not the coldness of her ice, but the divine treasure floating in front of her heart like a drop of water——

This treasure, Su Jin’s calming skills, can't even be calmed--

As an eternal technique, even if Su Jin is poor, the opponent can only reduce the time limit, and it is impossible to move, but the drop of water still swayed slightly, which is extremely magical.

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