My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3435: The Fall of Daxian

"It's really an eternal technique!" The goddess Rose's thoughts are still running, and while she is shocked, a trace of fear will inevitably breed. Where on earth this night emperor comes from, how can it be so terrible!

"Goddess!" In the blood-colored neon clothes, there was an exclamation voice——

Every person in the **** color is not surprised! You must know that the goddess Qiangwei inherited her mother's blood and will, and in the future can lead the way to the ancient sage who changes heaven and earth, but she was appointed by Ye Diyi!

how can that be!

"Emperor Ye... just what kind of existence is he! One person at the same time faced Tang Quan, the corpse man, and just used the incredible swordsmanship, forcing the Supreme Dao Hall Master to burn the big sage arm, now... now even our goddess are Live and live still--" The monk with blood-colored neon clothes, with a numb face, looked at Su Jin dumbly, and then looked at the sealed goddess Rose again.

"Just gaining the Heaven and Earth Sovereign, can you be so powerful? This enchantment, I am afraid that only the ancestor of the ancestors of the sect, the world war ancestor of the six star palace can check and balance!

"Not necessarily! The big man in the Baoqing Ghost Store has not yet arrived. It is rumored that the Ghost Store can be comparable to the ancestors of the universe, and the famous Guiqing Master is equally powerful, but why hasn't he arrived yet? !"

"Probably underestimated the power of Ye Di——"

"Those hundreds of lions, under the fierce power of the heaven and earth, actually shook their heads on the ground in fright and fear! The corpse man and Tang Quan, unable to withstand the fierce power of the phantom, are dodge! "


Tang Quan was scared and almost cracked--

The phantom of the **** of heaven and earth, straddling the earth, when the punch was blasted down, several sacred mountains were directly shaken, and they directly rammed him and the body-plasterer!

"What the **** is Heaven and Earth Zun! Why is it so fierce!" The corpse poser has never experienced such a difficult battle. It is simply a one-sided crushing situation. He had anticipated the power of Heaven and Earth Zun beforehand, but he and that The view of the Supreme Hall Master is the same, the Yedi may not have cultivated the origin of the heaven and earth, because there is really no chance.

But what is this now! Could it be that Ye Di is really the kind of monstrous **** cultivation that can comprehend the origin of the heaven and earth in half a day without understanding it?

In fact, everyone guessed wrong--

Su Jin did not practice the origin of the **** of heaven and earth, just because the origin is in the body, and the "Great Divine Way" that is not the world is somewhat magical, and it is extremely easy to inherit. If he really understands the origin of the **** of heaven and earth for a day and a half , Tang Quan and the corpse man, it is impossible to live till now!

"It's not a way to go on like this!" Tang Quan hurriedly communicated to the corpse man.

"What can I do! Yedi is not too strong in combat, but his magic and the opportunities he has obtained are too great, if there is no heaven and earth, if there is no eternal magic, how can he persist until now!" The corpse man was annoyed.

The corpse man himself knows very well that if he continues to develop in this situation, he is really in danger of falling! He and Tang Quan were already very sad now, why didn't the Zhandao Ancestral Sect and Liubu Star Palace take action!

"You Baoqing Guizang's Musashi-sama, when will you come!" Tang Quan was almost shot by a sacred mountain, which contains extremely powerful heaven and earth power!

"I don't know!" The corpse poser said angrily.

"What should we do now?"

"Please also help from the Daoist ancestors!" The corpse poser quickly yelled at the ancestral door.

"You fellow Daoists of the Six Star Palace, dare to ask if Zhan Ancestor is here! This person is not good. If you don't take action at this time, when will you wait!" Tang Quan almost died, really! It was almost lost just now. If his body is suppressed under that sacred mountain, he will never stand up, and the great sage will be affected by the might of the world, unable to escape, and will instantly die in the darkness——

Six stars palace.

Mrs. Star Palace squinted--

"That's Tang Quan from Jiyun Immortal Palace, Madam... he is asking us for help." The elders with other tribes looked at Madam Xinggong with a slightly different expression.

"Don't worry about it." Mrs. Star Palace shook her head.

"That's right, since Zhan Zu had planned for a long time, it must have been predicted that the Jin Dynasty would have a catastrophe, but why did Zhan Zu have such confidence that Emperor Ding Ye would win this battle?"

"Zhan Zu thought, can you and I can figure it out? Look at it, if our six star palaces don't make a move, then Zhan Dao Ancestral Gate, I am afraid it will not be true."


no respond!

How can I not respond!

Tang Quan and the corpse poser had very ugly faces. They never expected that they would fall into such an embarrassing situation and be forced to this point by Ye Dishengsheng!

Su Jin's face now was only indifferent, and there was no trace of emotion flowing on his face.

Soon, Su Jin took a step and walked to the goddess Rose——

The Master of the Great Dao Palace was pale, he lost a great sage arm, and now he did not care about his heartache, and he suffered such a big loss in the first battle, to be honest, he didn't want to get ahead.

"Monster! Do you dare to touch our goddess!" In the blood-colored neon clothes, some people are one head and two big people, really afraid that Ye Di will cut off the rose goddess, otherwise it will be difficult for them to go back for business!

"You are very good--" Su Jin looked at the goddess Rose, and spoke regardless of the person in the blood-colored neon clothes. He gently stretched out his hand and provoked the goddess' chin.

Immediately, the drop-shaped divine treasure was sucked into his palm.

The goddess rose secretly screamed badly.

The drop-shaped divine treasure was handed to her by her mother before she left. At that time, her mother's face was extremely cautious. Now, Ye Di saw the mystery and was taken away by him.

"Isn’t it just greedy for you? How can you see that scene if you don’t resort to the magic of dreams? I have to say, I have been very happy in it, but I don’t know what you are in the dream and what is the real you. Difference." Su Jin lowered his head, face to face, and asked softly in the ear of Goddess Rose.

If Goddess Rose could speak now, she would definitely swear! Although she never scolds people, what this guy said is really cruel! Too angry!

"Ye Di! My Baoqing Guizang's Musashi-sama is here soon! If you kill me, you will be in the same situation as Baoqing Guizang! have received magical powers!" With no help, Dang Even began to threaten Su Jin.

Su Jin's face suddenly felt a little disdain--

The beautiful lady who looked like ice muscles and bones was in front. Just now when Su Jin put his hand on her chin, he felt a special sense of coldness. Now the fragrance of the nose is filled, but he does not want to be corpse. Destroy the scenery.

"Miss——" Su Jin said lightly.

The phantom of Heaven and Earth Venerable, as if connected with Su Jin's mind, shook slightly in the same place, and slapped the ground with a fierce palm!

A piece of sacred soil for hundreds of miles, like a small continent, was suddenly lifted up, and the dust in the sky was flying, blocking the sun, moon and stars!

The corpse man was stunned--

Tang Quan was directly desperate! Is this still damage that one person can cause? According to the news from the Jin Dynasty, the power displayed by the Ye Emperor may not be full!

The nine kings of the Jin Dynasty Jin Wuxiang, but it explains the situation! No one dares to speculate about the ruthlessness of Ye Di!

"I'm so angry!" The corpse poser was already seriously injured, but now being affected by the power of the heaven and earth, he can't use the method of teleporting space at all. If this continues, death is inevitable!

"Let's fight it! We are the same as the Master of the Great Dao, destroying the great sage, and resisting the heaven and earth!" Tang Quan looked at the corpse man with red eyes as if going crazy.

"That's all! That's all!" The corpse poser looked at the land block of hundreds of miles in the sky above his head. He said bitterly, and then looked down at his big sage arms, reluctant, very reluctant!

After Tang Quan reminded the corpse man, he almost didn't hesitate, his arms shook violently, as if sand, his arms were turning into the light of a superb great sage, wrapping him!

"The hatred of the broken arm is not shared! Ye Di, I hate!" Tang Quan felt the light of the great sage, and began to transform into a mysterious and mysterious light giant hand, this giant hand of light, as if there is no time and space, directly Want to take him away.

"I will sit and watch your night emperor's demise--" The corpse **** reluctantly gave up his arms, left shoulder blade and left arm, and began to burn, blazing, his anger seemed to have reached its extreme!

The Supreme Hall Master just now broke his arm for survival, and got rid of Yedi’s ultimate move in this way! Now they can...


This is wrong!

The dead man and Tang Quan were stupid on the spot----

The suffering of the broken arm made them very awake, but they did not break free from the suppression of the power of the heaven and earth, and the hands of light that their arms turned into are beginning to fade!

"No! I don't want to die!" The corpse poser raised his head and roared into the sky. He was full of regret now, and he should have come with Mr. Musashi!

"Ye Di! You can't kill me, you can't!" Tang Quan woke up from the sluggishness, when even in the power of heaven and earth, he turned to look at Su Jin with difficulty...

In the distant star giant position, Su Jin seemed to be dead and alive to them, and didn't care, as if two ants passed away silently!

Buzzing! !

The heavens and the earth’s mighty power, hundreds of miles of the sacred earth are glowing, and when the phantom of the gods of the earth lifts this piece of sacred earth, the void is shaking! Trembling!


The divine soil fell, and the extremely loud rumbling sound produced shattered the clouds, as if to disperse the night!

The crushed Tang Quan and the corpse poser turned into two long-lasting thick clouds, that is the great sage light of the entire divine body!

This scene is simply not too scary! Daxian, still two! Fallen!

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