My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3436: Master Musashi!

Deathly silence permeated the entire battlefield——

Tang Quan, the death of the corpse man, made many small and medium-sized forces who watched the battle in silence directly recognize the reality!

Ye Di, can really kill Daxian!

"Yedi, it doesn't matter who the other party is! The corpse-plasterer is the Baoqing Guizang, and his power is only limited to a few people. He dares to kill this person! I am afraid that the Guizang master already knows this. Will be madly retaliated by the entire Baoqing Guizang!" Someone dared not speak loudly, and was whispering to the same door.

"Jiyun Immortal Palace is okay! Only Tang Quan is a great sage. Now that he is dead, this immortal gate has no threat to Ye Di, but Baoqing Guizang is the top three power in the Jin Dynasty. I still don't know that I have caused a disaster!"

"I am implicated, all I am implicated! Just now, the corpse-handling people asked for help from the Zhandao Ancestral Sect and the Six Star Palace, but they were indifferent. Why is that! Aren't they also here to kill the night emperor and grab the fruit?"

"Who knows! The Supreme Dao Hall Master has suffered heavy losses. Could it be that the Patriarch of the Dao Ancestral Sect and the World War Ancestor of the Six Star Palace are scared? The Night Emperor? Isn't this a big joke?"

"The complexion of the Master of Extreme Dao is as ugly as it is, and it is obvious and incomprehensible. Why don't those two super sects help!"


Six stars palace.

"The rumors outside are about to start." Mrs. Xinggong sighed.

Luan Xingyu opened her big shiny eyes and looked at Ye Di through the battleship. It was the first time that she had followed a person for so long, and she was still a strange man——

"Mother, I... I have a strange feeling when I look at him." Luan Xingyu lowered his head. Although he said that, his heart was extremely complicated and he didn't know how to describe it to his mother.

"Back then, your father, who became the ancestor of the war, was also constantly finding his own path in the blood. It is not surprising that you feel the breath of the strong." Mrs. Xinggong said lovingly.

Mrs. Star Palace has always been known for her fierce temper in the Six Star Palace, but she is the only one who is compliant with this poor daughter——

"No, it's very strange in short." Luan Xingyu knew that her mother could not realize the feeling of her, and her voice was softened. The low voice was almost inaudible.

"Madam, no matter how much rumors there are outside, as long as the Golden Dynasty does not pursue it, everything will return to peace." An elder said to Mrs. Star Palace.

"Even if the Golden Dynasty pursues it, our six star palaces have already left the Golden Dynasty. They can't control us! Besides, who has our war ancestors been afraid of?"

"Hmm -" Mrs. Xinggong calmed down, and then asked, "You think, why don't you think that the ancestors of the sect is not shot? They are not like this style of force."

"Maybe because of Yedi's fierce power..."


Now, the main battlefield!

Goddess Rose broke free from the calming technique!

Ye Di, she still far underestimated it!

Tang Quan and the dead man are both great sages! However, Ye Di was cut off by Ye Di alone. If the goddess Qiangwei did it herself, it would be absolutely impossible. At best, she could only be in the same echelon with Tang Quan. Xian, who has cultivated for a long time, has cultivated the good fortune of heaven and earth, and these She is far from qualified to compete with other great sages——

When she broke free from the concentration technique, the goddess Rose had disappeared quickly, appeared at a distance of more than ten meters, and sweat was already on her forehead!

"Who gave you this divine treasure?" Su Jin moved his hand, and a drop-shaped divine treasure appeared in the eyes of Goddess Rose.

"Give me back!" The goddess Qiangwei reached out with difficulty.

Although the practitioners have rules and are mortal enemies, this special divine treasure has become the trophy of the emperor, but she cannot bear, and cannot bear the consequences of losing this divine treasure!

"Excessive." Su Jin said with a solemn expression on his face: "I didn't turn you into a prisoner of this king just now. I am merciful to you. Are you really embarrassed to ask for it?"

"I don't know what it is, it was given to me by my mother--" The goddess Rose had a strong panic in her eyes. She had already guessed that if she lost this treasure, she would be angry with her mother.

"Then let your mother ask for--" Su Jin said coldly.


The goddess Rose asked for nothing, and now she could hardly face the gaze of everyone around her, she...the goddess of blood, lost! It's the kind of completely lost face!

In the distance, bursts of blue secret light came out slowly!

Su Jin looked over...

"It's too late, I'm still a step late!"

In the blue secret light, several figures appeared, and one of them was Su Jin who was very familiar with it, it was Jin Wuxiang! !

"Baoqing Ghost Store?" Su Jin asked coldly.

"The dead man, you killed it?"

There were three people here, and Jin Wuxiang Su Jin knew that the prince of the Jin Dynasty was in power. The other two people, one man is seven feet tall, and from above the eyebrows, there is a blue lotus pattern covering the entire forehead. The other is a female nun who seems to be a transparent shadow, and can only vaguely see the outline!

But among the three, Su Jin felt that this woman was the strongest, and Jin Wuxiang was the weakest!

"Kill you kill, why ask knowingly?" Su Jin looked at the man and asked.

"I am Musashi in the Baoqing Ghost Store, and this is Oniqing Master. Since you killed my Daxian, then come with me. As for how we Oni Zang punish you, I can't be the master. "Master Musashi's pupils showed a strong killing intent.

"Ye Di, but after more than half a day, we met again!" Jin Wuxiang didn't have any worries at all, but it seemed that when he saw Ye Di again, his tone was unimaginably happy--

"You will be destroyed in the same day as your Jin Dynasty." Su Jin glanced at Jin Wuxiang.

Su Jin doesn't care about Jin Wuxiang!

But this Baoqing Guizang's Musashi, don't be too arrogant, he just killed two great sages, but this person does not seem to have seen it, as if his own life and everything of himself will be controlled by their Baoqing Guizang! That kind of feeling, to be intuitive, as if they were convicted by them!

Really consider yourself supreme? I bother! Su Jin smiled contemptuously.

"The corpse-plasterer was beheaded just now, and the villain can't help! Please also Musashi for punishment!"

On top of those three hundred lions, people keep admiring them!

"Musashi-sama! The ancestors of Zhandao, and Liubu Xinggong, watched our Daxian be beheaded and were indifferent! They didn't respond even if it was for help!"

"Really?" Mr. Musashi looked at the two places coldly.

"Six Star Palace, where is the ancestor of the world war! Why don't you take action when you cut the ancestral door!" Jin Wuxiang asked.

"The prince is so angry--" Mrs. Xing Gong made a voice from the battleship, and continued: "The husband gave an order to wait for me to watch the battle, but didn't say that I would stand with the Jin Dynasty."

"What?" Jin Wuxiang was stunned.

Universe war ancestor, neutral?

wrong! If you show a neutral posture, you don't need to mobilize the crowd. If you leave the warship like this, the lady of the other star palace said so tactfully, is it possible that the ancestor of the universe should stand on the side of the emperor?

Suppressing the intense anxiety, Jin Wuxiang darkened his face and stopped asking.

The current situation can no longer be said. Jin Wuxiang has also looked for the Zhandao Ancestral Sect before, and now the other party ignores him, I am afraid that things are a bit difficult!

But Jin Wuxiang didn't worry much at this time, at least the "Baoqing Guizang" was completely on the side of the Jin Dynasty! And that Yedi was wrong, he shouldn't cut off Master Musashi's confidant!

"Come with me to Baoqing Guizang, you can still save some pain." Musashi walked out, he ignored Goddess Rose, and said while looking at Su Jin.

"You are really confident--" Su Jin glanced at Master Musashi coldly, "I just killed you Daxian, but I just warmed up, I hope you can perform better, at least not like those waste."

"Hahaha!" Musashi-sama seemed to be irritated and nodded slightly, "Today, don't take any action, I'm all alone!"

"Musashi-sama..." Jin Wuxiang was anxious first, and quickly said, "I'm with Musashi-sama."

"No need!" Musashi shook his head.

"Yedi's methods are beyond your imagination!"

"Is King Jin not confident in me?"

"Confidence is naturally there! This way! I use the Wuxiang Tower to bless Musashi. This way, it can be safer. Just now, the Yedi only used the sword to destroy the master of the Supreme Hall. To the effect--" Jin Wuxiang said solemnly.

"Okay, you can only help me with the Wuxiang Tower." Musashi was a little alert, but he felt that the problem was not big. Although the Supreme Hall Master was strong, he was still far from his level.

Jin Wuxiang was relieved, and then looked at Su Jin murderously, and displayed the Wuxiang Tower Spirit with his palm...

A gleam of golden brilliance began to fly out from the Wuxiang Pagoda, wrapping Master Musashi's body. From the outside, Master Musashi seemed to be inlaid with gold rims, with brilliant radiance!

"In the land of the Buddha, you flee quickly, but now it’s the same to clean you up—"

The corner of Su Jin's mouth curled into a playful arc, and a red halo rose from his body, and then a town demon tower shattered the surrounding void, and appeared outright!

"This is--" Jin Wuxiang was shocked.

A ray of chaotic light flickered from Su Jin's palm, and Jin Wuxiang immediately felt the ‘Wuxiang Tower Spirit’ in his palm, cutting off contact with him!

how come! how come! Jin Wuxiang was simply incomprehensible. This was beyond his cognition. The Wuxiang Pagoda that he had originally figured out was out of control in a tremor, and was actually submerged in that demon tower in an instant!



On Su Jin’s Demon God Avenue, the Town Demon Tower actually broke through the shackles, soaring one after another, but one breath broke through to 15,000!



The huge town demon tower finally stopped at the 19,998 floor! That tower, not up to the top, no clouds, into the stars!

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