My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3437: Jintianwu

The deafening movement resounded in every corner of the entire Golden Dynasty! At this moment, the monks of the Golden Dynasty, no matter where they are, as long as they look up, they will see a golden and red demon tower, breaking through the stars, reaching the point of stunned people——


Jin Wuxiang, a mouthful of old blood, spit out five feet away!

The Pagoda of Wuxiang, from the time when Jin Wuxiang built the foundation of the gods, he followed him to the present, and I never thought that it would make others perfect at once! Moreover, this Wuxiang Taling inherited his origin. In this way, after being directly taken away by the Ye Emperor, the avenue inside Jin Wuxiang's body has already ignited a raging fire——

This is a road injury that is difficult to extinguish!

"The original divine treasure of the Nine Princes was seized, and he suffered a very heavy Taoist injury!" The monk in the Supreme Dao Palace stared blankly at Jin Wuxiang being injured. Is this still the famous Nine Princes of the Jin Dynasty?

"The Pagoda of No Phase, one of the most profound national treasures of the Golden Dynasty, is the most important weapon of the country. It was taken away by the Ye Emperor today and lost forever!"

"It's not lost, but the demon tower of the same night emperor is combined into one. The two together, it turns out to be a peerless divine treasure. This demon tower is probably far better than the original blessing of the nine kings. The Wuxiang Tower!"

"The golden light blessed by the Wuxiang Tower on Musashi-sama has also disappeared, and the Wuxiang Lord has not yet succeeded, and he was seriously injured first! This emperor of the night is also too incredible, even using this method to make Jin Wuxiang lose his combat power—"

"Originally, only one person killed the night emperor, but now the two great sages were beheaded to death by him. Our hall master lost a great sage arm, and the Scarlet Rose Goddess has damaged an extremely important water drop divine treasure!"

"You don't know anything! I heard that the domain masters of Niluan Tianyu were entrapped by the emperor, including the five hundred great sages, all turned into immortals and will be tortured like eternal purgatory."


Scarlet, the goddess Rose is now numb, and she has already retreated, but even so, the extremely prominent nine kings of the Golden Dynasty were injured, which still made her unacceptable.

Ye Di, why is it so hard to kill.

Ye Di, how can he fall!

"Ah! You return my sacred treasure--" Jin Wuxiang's eyes were filled with unconcealed fear. He felt the size of the sun in his body, the fire filled with Taoism, and when he spoke, it was already intolerable. He is now outside his body, At the beginning, wisps of Dao Fire sprouted out. If there was no Wuxiang Tower, he would be burned to death by Dao Fire alive!

"You are very good." From the expression in his eyes, Musashi-sama obviously had a little meaning for Su Jin. This person might be worthy of his opponent!

"Musashi-sama! Please... please be sure to take my Wuxiang Tower. No matter how much my Jin Dynasty pays, I would like to ask Baoqing Guizang for help!" Jin Wuxiang knew that threatening Yedi was useless. , Had no choice but to ask Master Musashi for help in a flustered tone.

"There is no such thing as a'no-phase tower' in the world, but his demon tower has broken through the shackles of the heavenly control. I will kill him and take it for you. Then you will use the source for a little sacrifice and hurt yourself. It will be healed." Mr. Musashi said.

"Okay! Please!" Jin Wulian sat down busy, trying to suppress the wounds in his body with his origin. He just rushed over, but he didn't expect to end up like this, but now it is important to save his life. Don't be ashamed!

The figure of the woman who was not far from Jin Wuxiang stared at Ye Di unexpectedly now. Although she did not speak, she still felt a little surprised at the situation when Ye Di took the plunder just now.

Ye Di, really hard to deal with.

Even though Musashi Dang looked straight at Yedi, he said lightly: "Boy, use all your powers, I want to see, you are only one person, can you make the Golden Dynasty upturn?"

"Will not disappoint you."

No one knew that Su Jin was actually quite surprised. His Demon Town Tower directly took possession of the Phaseless God Tower, and there seemed to be unimaginable mysteries contained therein, too late to explore.

In this case, Su Jin was not polite, and gently raised his palm...

As Su Jin raised his palm, the town demon tower rose to the ground! Under the shaking of the mountains, the shadows of the towers began to manifest in the heaven and earth——

Jin Wuxiang almost died of anger when he saw it, isn't this the magic of his Wuxiang Tower?

"Relying on this tower, you can't beat me--" Master Musashi shouted, "Bring out your true skills!"

Su Jin's eyes narrowed.

Although the Musashi in Baoqing Oni Zang made him a little bit pressured, the phantom of that woman was a real source of threat, but this Musashi was able to take advantage of it.

Then, the towers of gods shrouded the surrounding area of ​​200,000 miles into a kingdom of demon towers. In the darkness that obscured the sky and the sun, the red light in the gold made people feel a sense of specialness in their hearts. Feeling strange.

"Musashi-sama, break this tower country!" Jin Wuxiang said anxiously. He didn't expect that even if it was him, unless he ignited the great sage's divine intent and burned the great sage's body, the step that could be achieved would be easily displayed by the emperor. The kingdom of this tower will turn into a small world, and will be suppressed by endless heavens. Once this blow is underestimated, it will fall into endless passivity.

"It's late." Su Jin said lightly.

As soon as the voice fell, Su Jin pointed to the star field west of the Golden Dynasty——

The black night sky began to fade with a round of golden sunlight...


Musashi's heart beat violently, and he looked sideways to the west! On that vast golden sun, a three-clawed monster bird slowly emerged from

"Jin Tianwu! The sacred bird of the Golden Dynasty!" Jin Wuxiang was stunned, completely stunned.

"How could it be like this!" There is a strong sense of crisis in the goddess Rose. It is always known that the golden sky is an existence enshrined in the golden dynasty era. If at this moment in the golden dynasty palace, you can see the'golden sky wu' everywhere. The totem exists, but this divine bird is only circulated in the legend, no one has seen it, even the king of the current Golden Dynasty has never seen it.

Now it has appeared!

"Golden Sky Crow, taken from Jinri——" Many people said in fear in the **** neon clothes.

"With this method, the World War Venerable can't do it! The old ancestor who killed the ancestral door, killed the three corpses, I am afraid there is no such method, who is this Ye Di! Who is it!"

"The Golden Dynasty provokes the Ye Emperor. It is said that the Nine Kings are extremely confident and instigate His Majesty to kill the Ye Emperor here, seize his Dao fruit, seize his opportunity, and want all the benefits of the Ye Emperor, but now... The more impossible it is, it seems to have brought a crisis of extinction to the Jin Dynasty!"

"It is rumored that the Emperor Ye will turn the Golden Dynasty into a grave of all living beings! The grave of all living beings, how terrible! Now that the black bird appears this day, I don't know how the Emperor Ye did it!"

"Our Scarlet offends such a terrifying existence--"

"Hallmaster of Extreme Dao, the staring eyes are almost falling off, does he regret it too!"


The Master of Extreme Dao, who lost a great sage arm, wished to see Ye Di be beheaded to death, but from the current situation, Ye Di still has the upper hand! Even Baoqing Guizang's Musashi might be a bit dangerous. This is something he never thought of before!

"Don't panic!" Jin Wuxiang forcibly calmed his mind, and then explained loudly: "This night emperor owns the Vulcan Avenue! This is the power of the flames that he has obtained by operating the Vulcan Avenue divine art!"

Hear the explanation of Jin Wuxiang.

Master Musashi and the others, all suddenly ——

"It seems that the night emperor is not as terrible as he imagined. The Musashi in Baoqing Ghost Store should be more than enough to deal with him." The cultivator of Jidao Temple immediately felt relieved.

"We are trapped in this tower country and we can't move out. This is so strange!"

"Musashi killed the night emperor. Once the night emperor falls, the kingdom of the tower will inevitably fall apart. Poor this person has a good idea, but in fact it is difficult to threaten Mr. Musashi."

"Sit down and watch the show! Musashi is not easy—"

"Not good! Not good!"

The sudden roar suddenly awakened all the monks present! The sky west of the Jin Dynasty blocked most of the "Golden Sky Crow", flapping its wings and crying, and it was flying low, flying from the sky to the west, and it looked like it was going to pass the royal city!

The earth was being scorched, and countless creatures disappeared in the flames. After a long time after the huge golden sky flew past, in the silent flames, from time to time there was a creepy voice of sadness—

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