My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3442: Dao slave to protect the way?

The entire Jin Dynasty, at the moment Su Jin and Gui Zang stopped, seemed to be quiet—

In this scene, even if Jin Wuxiang is fanciful, no matter how he dreams, I am afraid that it is actually a ghost... step back!

Baoqing Guizang is almost the strongest power in the Golden Dynasty. From the perspective of the Heavenly Fate Dao where Guiqing increased Musashi, if the two brothers and sisters directly unite, they will definitely be above all forces! But even so, Guizo... still retired!

This retreat scared not only Jin Wuxiang, but also the countless small and medium-sized forces that came nearby after hearing the news——

"Gui Zang he... he retired!" An incredible light broke out in the eyes of the Supreme Dao Hall Master. He originally had a bottom in his heart. After all, the Golden Dynasty still has the backbone of the Ghost Zang, even if the ancestral door of Zhan Dao, six stars Gong didn't help. He thought that the Ye Emperor who was invading also had the power to fight, but the idea seemed too good, and the reality was a bit more cruel than expected!

"Brother——" Guiqing also looked beautiful, but what happened, her brother took a step back? In her opinion, this is simply an impossible situation.

He took a step back before he played!

what's the situation!

"What kind of power Ye Di possesses that makes Guizang very jealous. Guizang must have discovered something just now. Otherwise, a cultivator of this level can be pinched to death by Guizang!" Someone said in the ancestral door of Zhan Dao. They were surprised, although they were still waiting, but because they did not know the details of the night emperor, they were only the people in the six star palaces who did not take action before, so they would not move.

"Just now Guizang stopped the'Golden Sky Crow' alone. The relaxed feeling of walking in a leisurely courtyard is not like being afraid of the night emperor. Don't Guizou know! He stepped back this step, for the Golden Dynasty, it will be Eternal death!"

"If the ghost store does not make a move, we will cut the ancestral door, I am afraid we can only watch it, now Jin Wu has no hope for the ghost store, he only hopes that the Supreme Ninth Secret and the people of the Tiantian domain will come soon!"

"Six Star Palace, did Huanyu Zhanzuo know Yedi's trump card long ago? He has the power to deter ghosts, but fortunately, we did not rush into the ancestral door!"


More than cut the ancestral door.

All the elders in the six star palaces, including Mrs. Star Palace, were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded!

Just now, the star lady has just finished talking——

After all, as long as Yedi is decadent and unable to fight the Guizang, she cannot risk offending the "Baoqing Guizang" to cause trouble to the six stars palace, but now...Master Guizang, retreat without a fight. ! It was a threat to Su Jin, and he didn't say anything!

"This rain, after leaving, it will fall in March! Never stop!" Mrs. Xinggong muttered to herself, repeating what Yedi had just said. She looked at the pouring rain, two of them were particularly eye-catching. You must know that the only people who can stand with Guizang are her husband, the ancestors of the world! But now, there is one more night emperor!

"The identity of the emperor was originally very strange. He was born out of the instant gods realm. He claimed to be a person from the sword pavilion outside the sky. It is certain that he is not a monk in the instant gods realm!" The elder general said previously.

"Could it be that the ghost storehouse is dreaded by the night emperor Tiandi Zun's Tao fruit? However, just based on the power shown by the previous night emperor, he obviously hasn't achieved that day, and he can't threaten the ghost storehouse!"

"What will happen to the ghost store? Could it be that the Emperor Ye is allowed to destroy the Golden Dynasty like this?"


Every family, no matter how big or small, has caused an unprecedented uproar!

In the depths of Guizo's eyes now, in addition to shock, she was shocked--

If he knew the identity of Ye Di in advance, then he would never stop the "Golden Sky Crow"! It is even more impossible to help the Jin Dynasty! Think of the abrupt appearance of Jin Tianwu just now, combined with the crystal red color of the appearance of the three pupils of the Ye Emperor, he only knew the true identity of the Ye Emperor in an instant!

"Golden Dynasty, it’s only the individual who made the mistake--" The pressure of the ghost is extremely high, as if the entire star field is pressing on him. He has never felt the pressure, but he still needs it regardless of whether the night emperor listens or not. Plead for this golden dynasty!

"If my strength is low, my family, my friends, my brothers, my land, and all my possessions will all be wiped out by the Golden Dynasty? You only see my ruthless side, but not the details. Some things behind thinking..."

The crystal red color in Su Jin's eyes gradually disappeared, and then he said faintly: "Now, you have only two ways to go, first, fight with me, life and death! Second, get out of my vision, where Where will you stay cool!"

Yedi’s words did not hide at all--

What exactly is going on!

Although Ye Di was threatening before, he only said that a gust of wind and rain indicated that the wind and rain will last for three months, but now? How come Chi Guoguo threatened the ghost hiding!

"If I were a ghost, I would just shoot this night emperor into fleshy flesh! He simply...he doesn't know how high the sky is!" The monk who has the Great Dao Hall panicked when he looked at it. Is this a ghost? How dare not even a Yedi be killed!

"Ghost! If you withdraw from this dispute, the Golden Dynasty definitely has no chance to save!"

"Master Guiqing, use your heavenly destiny to bless the ghosts, how could the emperor of the night be the opponent! You...what the **** are you Baoqing Guizang?"


Guiqing is also in a bad heart now. Just now, Ye Di hijacked her avenue, called the wind and the rain, and brought down the worldless catastrophe. The power of those curses, in her opinion, is definitely an extraordinary curse!

"Brother, can't you kill him?" Gui Qing couldn't help but walked directly into the void and appeared beside the ghost hiding.

"You go--" Gui Zang secretly clenched his fists, feeling one head and two big, he really didn't want his sister to be involved.

"I will use my lifelong power to bless you! Golden Dynasty, our Baoqing Ghost Store must save, our roots...are still in the Golden Dynasty." Guiqing shook her head resolutely, and refused to give in.

"What do you know! I'll let you go, you go -" Gui Zang roared suddenly, and Gui Qing was stunned for a while.

Since childhood, my brother Guizang has never yelled at her like this!

"Could it be that my brother, can't kill a Ye Di? Are you afraid of him?" Gui Qing almost cried, also impatiently.

"Yes, I can't kill Ye Di, our Baoqing Guizang can't offend her, Jin Dynasty, can't save her! What else do you want to ask? Get out of me after you ask!" Guizang Qi was shaking all over.

Ghost Ching froze--

At the same time, there are also the six star palaces, the hall of supremacy, the ancestral gate of the sword, and all the spectators!

I can't provoke, Gui Zang said it himself, I can't provoke Ye Di...

"Why! My brother, the idol that I have been trying hard to catch up with since I was a child, why should I personally admit that I am inferior to others! I have always been proud of having such a brother, you... now you have to give up everything? Give up your homeland!"

Guiqing was about to be mad, and finally shouted, "Okay! If you don't kill him, I will kill him!"

Su Jin looked at the two siblings who were making noisy, and fixed his eyes on Gui Qing's face——

"Ghost, it seems that you and me are bound to have a battle." Su Jin's tone was calm and indifferent, and continued: "And your sister, I have already planned. After this, I will become a slave to my guardian. ——"

Dao slave!

Gui Zang's eyes were full of crazy colors.

In the six stars palace, Mrs. Star palace's face paled in shock.

Yedi, in front of the ghost hiding, wants to accept his sister and be a Dao slave to protect the road! This is how confident you should be, constantly challenging the bottom line of ghosts and forbearance——

"This person is too much. Guizang hasn't killed him yet. As far as Guizang is concerned, it is not difficult to do this step!" The elders of the star palace looked a little angry.

In my heart, some of the elders in the Six Star Palace still stand on the side of the "Golden Dynasty".

"What is the reason for Guizang's repeated patience? Although he is very strict with this sister, he has never let others bully her! Now, Ye Di let her sister be a slave! Is this... still tolerable?"

"I originally had doubts about Zhanzu's plan. From this point of view, Zhanzu's plan is extremely clever. I am afraid that only our Huanyu Zhanzu knows Yedi's hole cards, and there are holes that threaten the ghost hiding——"

"What will Guizo do?"


Jin Wuxiang glanced around, the Supreme Nine Secrets, the masters of the Niluantian domain have not yet arrived, and now he can only hope that the ghosts can stop the Yedi, and don't let those cursed rain fall into the imperial city!

What Guizang would do is also something that Jin Wuxiang extremely expected. According to his thoughts, Yedi’s request like this must be tantamount to encountering Guizang’s Nilin——

"Do you really want to fight?" Gui Zang looked at his sister, then at Su Jin, his voice was difficult to figure out.

"Don't waste time, destroy the Golden Dynasty, and I will go to the Supreme Ninth Secret. You can do it. Anyway, it won't take a long time to destroy your Baoqing Ghost Store."

Su Jin urged, although his tone was not particularly awkward, but the confidence in it still shocked people.

"I'm alone, let's get some advice!" Gui Qing faced Su Jin without persuading him at all.

"Your avenue, I can break it in an instant, don’t ask why, I can even hold your avenue, you should be able to see what level of Taoist power I have. If you fight with me, you will die. --" Su Jin said with disdain.

"What's the fear of death! Others are afraid, I'm not afraid!" Gui Qing was not only disappointed in her heart, but also desperate, and her incomprehension of her brother Guizang made her almost want to die!

"Together--" Su Jin held his hand and turned his face sideways, saying that he didn't care.

Outside of the pouring rain, under Guiqing’s feet, yin and yang were swirled heavily, and the supreme luck of the entire Golden Dynasty was all blessed in her body. Her eyes were godless, and her nearby radius was a million miles, as if there were nine palaces in an array. A special golden light!

She does not bless the ghost store, but blesses herself, which is enough to prove how disappointed she is with this brother——

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