My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3443: Avenue locks the sky

"Nice Dao slave, it's a pity that I have to find a dead end--" Su Jin looked at Gui Qing carefully, and at such a close distance, he looked more satisfied.

Guiqing’s "Tianyun Avenue" is very special. Su Jin felt that in the time of the ancient sages, Fuxi must have been to the "Golden Dynasty", because in this ghostqing road, there is the shadow of Fuxi Taoist god——

"Stop it." Guizang sent a message to his sister, "You are not his opponent."

"I don't believe it." Guiqing replied: "I want to see what is special about him that scared my brother who I think is invincible in the world!"

"When the corpse poser shot, our Baoqing Guizang had already offended him, and now the corpse poser has fallen, and Musashi is suppressed by him. If you do it again, things really have no room for reversal!" Ghosts said angrily. : "When my parents were alive, they told me to let me protect you all my life. Now you don't even listen to your brother?"

"Then tell me why you are afraid of him!"

"The reason why the Emperor Ye has just revealed his true identity is that he does not want the Jin Dynasty and others to know it. I said this time, it will not change the situation of the destruction of the Jin Dynasty, and I, you, Musashi, no one can live!" Gui Zang knows the truth well, knowing that Ye Di had a murderous intention, but he couldn't tell the identity of the other party——

"In this case, I will find the answer myself!" Gui Qing was so stubborn in front of her brother for the first time.

"Which one of the ancestors of the world warrior of the six star palaces and the ancestor of the sect is not as good as me? They are not willing to take action, don't you understand the matter! Golden Dynasty, it's over!" Almost slapped this disobedient sister, he was really helpless.

"The Supreme Nine Secrets, against chaos, the two forces are added together, and the Golden Dynasty is united, the night emperor is only one person, and the different time and space are not climate-" Gui Qing was plated with a layer of golden light and refused to give up.

Throughout the Golden Dynasty, the directions of the nine palaces, and the Taoist characters in arrays, all rose up. Her lines of Shenhe, the tumbling dragon and horse, and the snake tortoise with the ancient scriptures were all active!

Guiqing in this state is confident to fight Yedi——

"These forces are all going to perish! Don't you understand! Perish!" Gui Zang had a headache and a splitting headache. He had already said so clearly, the younger sister was still a muscle, and had no intention of turning back.

At this moment, Su Jin under Guiqing's gaze suddenly smiled——

If you fight, then fight!

Su Jin walked with his hand, and then said: "Master Guiqing, since you are so persistent, the king will accompany you to play, no matter how you evolve, follow its roots, or gossip and nine palaces, this is what I can The reason for holding your highway."

"Then you try again, can you hold me on the Dao of Fate again! In the future, I will be able to control the universe, collect my luck, and transform it into the power of heaven!" Guiqing said seriously.

"Try and try."

Su Jin stretched his waist and said, "I don't use all of my avenues. You are optimistic about the means to break your Heavenly Fate Avenue!"


Su Jin stepped towards that line of Shenhe!

In Gui Qing's surprised gaze, Su Jin's body gradually bred out an extremely mysterious Dao Xia. In that Xia, there seemed to be endless Yin and Yang Qi, lingering around Su Jin.

And the white and black yin and yang fish swirled, Su Jin descended like a Taoist god, this step, stepped on that line of sacred river!



The rising tide of the God River suddenly began to recede, as if trying to avoid the edge of the Ye Emperor. The dragons and horses no longer rejoiced. When the turtles out of the water bowed their heads to look at the Ye Emperor, the endless'dao' characters on their bodies actually began There was a faint resonance, and it flickered!

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Gui Qing exclaimed. She pointed a distance away, and her bare hand drew a path visible to the naked eye. It turned into a virtual palm, which was actually slapped on the turtle shell. !

At that moment, the infinite words on the tortoise shell flew out directly, scattered in the surrounding void of 100,000 miles!

"The avenue locks the sky? This Ghost Qing master has such a magical skill as the avenue locks the sky!" Jin Wuxiang never expected that a ray of light would usher in despair, and he never thought that Guizang tried his best to stop Guiqing. Out of such a strong force beyond the past!

Oni Zang's face has always been dark--

The Taoist characters all over the sky seem to be countless rare Taoist scriptures. The builders don't know who it is, and it seems that the **** turtle was born with it. In short, Guiqing’s ‘Great Way to Lock the Sky’ makes people regarded as a god!

"Emperor Ye is going to be in trouble." There was finally a smile on the face of Hall Master Jidao.

"The Great Master Guiqing’s Heavenly Fate Avenue has reached the point where the avenue locks the sky! I once heard the ancestors say that this woman will be the **** of the heavens in the future, and her achievements will be far above her brother." One of the elders said a period of misin.

"The avenue locks the sky, and all avenues, destiny, and rules are controlled in your hands. This is a way of mastering the Tao. In the past, the excellent Tianjiao of Taoism was extremely rare, but I heard that there was one in the Supreme Nine Secret's "Knowing and Shou Dao Realm". A talented Taoist woman with the appearance of a Taoist god, I did not expect that Da Shi Guiqing has become a worldless Taoist god."

"This is probably a turning point. Yedi still underestimated the Great Master Guiqing. This woman grew up in the shadow of her brother, and finally grew into a super power alone!"

"Emperor's Dao, Dao power, rules, and everything must be imprisoned! Moreover, in the case of one and the other, with the blessing of the supreme secret blessing, the Lord Guiqing is destined to win this battle!"

"I really want to see Ye Di's face now, I am afraid I will be surprised! Haha—"


What is Yedi's expression?

Gui Qing also wanted to make the other person take a high look, but Ye Di's face, as always, didn't even care about it! This made Guiqing feel even more resentful!

"Use all of your Taoist powers. I will break them all with one blow." Su Jin wanted to see Gui Qing's methods. At this time, he wanted to pity Xiang Yu Yu. The stronger the talent of this woman, the more suitable it is. Be his Dao slave to the Emperor of the Night!

"You still think about how to break open my "Away Locking the Sky"--" Guiqing's confidence is now bursting. She didn't see Su Jin's care, but saw the comfort in her brother's eyes.

"The avenue locks the sky, it's really amazing, but it's a pity that you met me."

Su Jin sighed: "However, your "Great Way to Lock the Sky" seems to almost mean it, you are optimistic, I will give you some pointers, what is the Great Way to Lock the Sky!"

Haven't waited for Guiqing to speak--

Su Jin immediately sat cross-legged on the void. At that moment, the words of Taoism in the sky were spinning rapidly. Those words of Taoism, flying from the sky and rising from the earth, were transformed by the evolution of the night emperor. Make a ray of light!

Gui Qing's face was pale, and her body was trembling! If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she would have thought she had hit an evil! Before, Ye Di hijacked her Heavenly Fate Avenue, and now... still controls her magical skills in "The Avenue Locks the Sky"!

Gui Zang's eyes changed, he was the first to see the difference between Ye Di at this time!

As for Guizang’s sister, Guiqing, she couldn’t help rubbing her eyes at this time. She vaguely saw that there was an extra shadow in the "Dao Xia" rising from Su Jin's body. That shadow is not the emperor of the night... …

" have the inheritance of the ancient sages!" Gui Qing's blow was huge, and her mind was blank. She finally knew why Ye Di was able to hold her way. It turned out that she had always been stupid and very stupid. Stupid, want to compare with Ye Di.

Just as desperate, there is Jin Wuxiang!

He got it.

As early as in the Buddha Land, the little **** Xiu wanted to kill the girl Wang who "knows and guards the realm of Dao". At that time, the Ye Di famous said to give the girl a great fortune, but at that time everyone knew that Ye Emperor had the inheritance of ancient sages, but Never thought it was this Gu Xian!

"Fuxi! Fuxi, the Taoist **** when the avenue originated!" Mrs. Xinggong yelled out of control in the Liubu Star Palace.

"No wonder Yedi can hold the Great Way of Heavenly Destiny of Guiqing! The Taoist God Fuxi created the Eight Diagrams and Nine Palaces. Compared with the inheritance of ancient sages, the way of Guiqing is like a toddler!"

"An inheritor of the ancient sages! With the inheritance of Fuxi Taoist god, this emperor of the night... is really against the sky!"

"Could it be that Gui Zang saw that Ye Di was the heir of Taoist God Fuxi, so he didn't dare to act?"

"The avenue locks the sky, how amazing! Now that the emperor is holding the Da Shi Guiqing's avenue, he has to personally display the "dao locks the sky" he has understood!"


What will Su Jin do?

The Taoist characters flow all over the sky, so jerky and unspeakable, Su Jin didn't even know the handwriting, but he raised his hand with Tao Yun's insight, and turned the Taoist characters into a golden'whisker.' '! !

Su Jin pointed to the two-foot-old golden whisk again, swept it gently, and swept towards Master Guiqing! !


The ghost hides the shadow, and the back appears directly in the eyes of Gui Qing...

This "A Great Way to Lock the Sky" turned out to be more than just a way to lock the sky and the earth, and the way to lock the avenue. With the action of the emperor of the night, it can evolve an endless offensive! Shengna's supreme luck is in the dust!

"Brother!" Gui Qing couldn't say anything now, only that the figure in front of her was extremely heavy!


Gui Zang erupted from his body with an extremely prominent great sage divine light, but he could explain the mystery of Taoism! The whistle that hits played out the charm of the Great Dao, directly ignoring the divine light of the great sage, and punched countless ancient characters of Dao Yun in the meridians and inner organs of the ghosts hidden in the sun!

"Puff~~~~" Gui Zang spouted a mouthful of great sage’s blood. He felt that his avenue was forbidden, and the inner organs seemed to be filled with rock, unable to push the great sage’s power. At this moment, he seemed to directly transform Where!

This is the way to lock the sky! !

"Sir... forgive me Baoqing Guizang!" Guizang trembled and knelt on one knee directly in the void. His eyes were sharp, and a terrible scar was burning on the chest that was just drawn by the dust. One blow, he will take it for his sister! Otherwise, with Guiqing's current cultivation base, he will definitely die!

"What's wrong with my brother!" Guiqing took a step left in a panic, and looked at Su Jin in disintegration. When she saw the flames on the scars on Guizang's chest, she finally knew that she was in trouble!

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