My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3444: Wind and rain behind

For a long time, the brother Guizang has been Guiqing's backing, but Yedi’s attack should have been borne by himself, but only because of his disobedience, everything has become irreparable!

"Why do you need to be like this? If you were soft in the beginning, this king would forget it. Now, your avenue will be destroyed and your wounds will be healed. I don't want to see this choice."

Su Jin kept sighing as he spoke. He was still very optimistic about the ghost hiding. Although he prevented his'Golden Sky Crow' method, fortunately, in the entire Golden Dynasty, only this ghost hiding made sense.

"I can't... I can't be a elder brother, let my younger sister bear all this--" The blood of the great sage in the corner of Gui hides his mouth, and he didn't expect to pass through the'Great Way to Lock the Sky' that Ye Di used ', can reach such a mysterious point.

There was no blood on Guiqing's face.

She has never been so nervous and scared like she is now!

"I, I'm willing to be your Dao slave, and please... I have accepted the magical skills of the Great Dao Locking Heaven——" At this moment, Gui Qing feels that all the things are not important anymore. My brother is the pillar of the'Baoqing Ghost Store' , Anyone can fall, but he can't!

"Closing is good, but this injury cannot be healed." Su Jin said lightly.

"You have the inheritance of the ancient sages! can save—" Gui Qing collapsed, she really didn't expect that there would be time to ask this Ye Di!

"Since you are willing to become my Dao slave, after I have destroyed the Nine Secrets of the Highest Secret and Niluantian, you can give it a try!" Su Jin pretended to be serious.

Now... he still refuses to save—

Gui Qing knows this level of Dao injury, for Ye Di, I am afraid that it can't be easier, but the reason for all this is because he, he does not believe that he truly becomes a Dao slave!

"Following the Venerable, it may be a good thing for you." Gui Zang felt the confinement inside his body and disappeared directly, but his strength was still not smooth. I don't know if it was because of the serious injury. Or other reasons.

This injury, one month and two months, is not deadly--

Jin Wuxiang's face now is so hideous that it can't be hideous anymore! He didn't expect that the ghost store would be so useless!

Before Guiqing somehow blessed Musashi, which delayed Yedi for some time, but now! It's over, it's all over!

That rain, a storm, like a group of wild horses running off the bridle, went by again between the rumblings, wherever it passed, no grass grew! All creatures, no more sound!

Yedi's ruthlessness made people horrified, as if there was a kind of frozen frost on his back!

"Dignified Guizang! To a night emperor who has not yet become a heaven and earth... bend your knees!!" Jin Wuxiang took care of his injuries, suddenly got up, and angered at Guizang!

"Everything I have done for the Jin Dynasty... I have no shame!" Gui Zang spoke out, and he clutched his chest. Yedi had just had a chance to kill him, but he still didn't do it. This means that as long as he recognizes the situation, he doesn't. As an enemy completely, Baoqing Guizang will not commit a terrible mistake and will not be destroyed by the opponent.

"Ye Di! Do you dare to destroy my Jin family dynasty! You have committed a heaven slave! Our Jin dynasty is about to become the supreme divine realm!" Jin Wuxiang was reconciled. He saw that the situation was gone. When he came, he was confident. Man, I never thought that Ye Di alone would cause such destructive consequences before using the power of the different time and space!

How to stop such a person!

Who can kill such a person!

The entire Golden Dynasty will be destroyed by him!

"The Nine Princes are right. Before the night emperor has become the **** of heaven and earth, the ghost store bowed his knees and showed his favor! This kind of person is not welcome in the Golden Dynasty!"

In the direction of the imperial city, a great sage divine light seemed to condense into a wall, separating the heaven and the earth. This was most of the power of the Golden Dynasty! To stop this cursed rain with the burning divine light of Daxian!

"Gui Zang, you treached your faith and allowed your sister to become the slave of the night emperor. His Majesty the King has issued a decree not to allow you Bao Qing Gui Zang to enter the Golden Dynasty!"

"What the national teacher said is reasonable! I shouldn't stop the Jintianwu, the corpse man in my treasure green ghost store, shouldn't be the fall of the golden dynasty, and now...Musashi has been suppressed in the night emperor's tower. Next, what I have done in exchange is only the revenge of the Golden Dynasty?" Gui Zang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at the wall of great sage burning with cold eyes.

"You Baoqing ghosts, including you, your sister, and all of your powers, are now killing Ye Di, endlessly dying with him, even if all of them are killed in battle, our king will treat your clan kindly! It is a pity that you have betrayed His Majesty the King——"

"Brother, get up." Gui Qing lifted up a Guizang with a knee bent, feeling a desolate heart.

Once you become a slave, what else can you say! Now, after being taken advantage of, the Jin Dynasty sanctioned her for "Baoqing Guizang"! This kind of fate is what they deserve!

Su Jin glanced at Gui Qing indifferently, and said lightly: "Your brother is right. As my guardian, you will be a towering slave in the future. There will only be benefits and no harm. Now, if you are lost, I will return. Care about."

Immediately, when Su Jin raised his hand, the "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower" of 19998 Zeng was directly taken back by him!

Musashi rushed out of the ground like a demon god!

Despite the embarrassment, even though the clothes were ruined everywhere, even if it was disheveled and disgraced, his eyes were fierce and powerful!

"Where is the emperor! I killed you!" Master Musashi scanned all directions fiercely, and directly saw where the emperor was, and he rushed over!

"Stop!" Guizang burst into tears.

Musashi was taken aback, and his heart full of killing thoughts suddenly retreated like a tide. What happened? Oni Zang and Oni Qing Da Shi, why are they not far from Ye Di?

Could it be that Guizang has already competed with Yedi just now?

No... I didn't win or what?

Before Musashi was fully resisting the suppression of the "Wuxiangzhen Demon Tower", he had no time to watch the battle. His virtuous power and his body were almost shattered by the "Wuxiangzhen Demon Tower"——

"You should thank Ye Di for not thinking about the predecessors, spare your life, and thank him for not killing!" Master Gui Zang glanced at Musashi coldly.


There was a cold sweat behind Musashi, what just happened? Why does Onizou say such things! Could it be that the "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower" just started to open, it was not the work of a ghost hiding!

"Now the Jin Dynasty, we are going to put a traitor on our'Baoqing Guizang', your current enemy... is the Jin Dynasty!" Guiqing dare not listen to her brother. As long as her brother is well, she will do everything. Willing to do it, even if he becomes the slave of the night emperor, willing to do it.

"That's right! Even if you lose to Yedi, you shouldn't take refuge in him! I have received news that the master of the Ninth Secret and Nirantian Domain is 1.9 billion miles away, and within a moment, he will arrive. My Jin Dynasty! You all wait to die!" Jin Wuxiang laughed miserably.

"Master Wuxiang! My Musashi is nothing! But...but do you know who you are threatening? He is Lord Onizo! You..." Even though Musashi understood the situation, he looked back and looked at Jin Wuxiang with cold eyes.

"Boss Guizang! He has just suffered a hard-to-heal injury! The previous Guizang never bowed down to others, but he knelt down for Yedi! Our Golden Dynasty, without you, Guizang! For a while! , The Supreme Ninth Secret and the people who are against chaos come, we will all be mortal enemies and will never die!"

Jin Wuxiang is too angry. Fortunately, Guizang is now very weak, so he doesn't have to worry too much—

Anyway, helping hands are coming soon too!

"Gui Zang performed such a humiliating gift to an underworld emperor, really is not worthy to become the golden dynasty, highly respected power." Ji Dao Hall Master Yin test.

Confident now. As soon as Jin Wuxiang said that a helping hand came, the Master of Jidao dare to speak!

"Ignorance." Guizang is also very helpless now, and can only respond with a voice--

"Ye Di! Faced with the Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secrets, the Heavens against Chaos, and the powerful powers of the three sides of my Golden Dynasty, can you still speak so loudly?" Jin Wuxiang sneered fiercely: "Betray my Jin The dynasty must die too!"

Su Jin didn't even care about Jin Wuxiang, the jumping clown.

At the moment, Su Jin once again took a big step towards the direction of the imperial city of the'Golden Dynasty'!

Behind, following the wind and rain.

It has to be said that Guiqing, as his protector of the Tao, is so suitable that it can no longer be suitable. This storm, Su Jin borrowed from Guiqing. Just now, the "Great Avenue Locks the Sky" also held the Great Avenue and was used by him. Come!

Regarding the Dao to lock the sky, Su Jin himself doesn’t know how to use it. He can’t understand those Dao characters unless he has a deep understanding. But as long as Guiqing can exhibit the "Bao Tianyun Dao", he can use this technique!

Of course, in the future, Su Jin will be able to comprehend "the great road locks the sky", but there is no time now——

The wall that was burned and condensed by the great sage's will, connecting the sky and the earth, seemed to separate the Jin Dynasty into two areas!

After a few breaths, Su Jin has appeared outside that wall! Wind and rain, really can not invade!

"You are the emperor of the night, you really can be called a worldless evildoer, but it is a pity that the Golden Dynasty is not an existence that you can destroy if you want to. I, the Golden Dynasty national teacher, will declare your death today!"

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