My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3446: Lawless!

Slashing the ancestral door, once the old ancestor made his move, he was shockingly powerful——

Gui Zang was moved, frowning and looking towards the direction of the ‘Golden Dynasty’ imperial city. The giant gray hand just now had the power not to lose the Yedi’s sky arm, although both arms collapsed——

"This old demon really has a lifeless achievement. It turns out that I have the same fame as the ghost hiding, the world war ancestor, Zhilun Tian, ​​and a few of them. I didn't expect that the power he displayed now has surpassed me and so on." The Tibetans are now showing concern.

"Yedi is not the world-honored person, is he still afraid of the old monster?" Guiqing looked at her brother Guizang suspiciously.

Gui Zang shook his head, "Ye Di just awakened the World-Honored One, and the power is no longer the same. According to legend, the World-Honored One at the peak can crush thousands of gods with one palm. If the Ye Emperor now has this kind of power, Can it be consumed here?"

"This, it seems to be right--" Guiqing couldn't help but sink.

Now, in the eyes of everyone, the method of the ancestor Slashing Dao is far from this!

Around the entire imperial city, celestial fluorescence began to flicker. That super imperial city was already huge, but now it was surrounded by a galaxy vaguely. This Dao-Zhan Dao Master seemed to insist on protecting the Golden Dynasty!

"Okay! It's worthy of being the ancestor of the Dao Sect! Even if you shoot now, you have also made a remarkable battle!" Jin Wuxiang was overjoyed. Made Gu Xian!

This kind of power, what kind of ghost hiding, what world war ancestor, what breaking heaven, the Dao-Zhan Dao ancestor obviously has already thrown these supreme superpowers far!

Jin Wuxiang never expected that--

At the moment when the dynasty fell, Patriarch Zhandao was still willing to make a move!

Su Jin was really surprised now.

The ‘galaxy’ surrounding the entire imperial city seems to have a spirit, cursing the wind and rain, once it falls into it, it seems to be plunged into the endless abyss, not entering the galaxy at all!

This Dao-Zhan Dao ancestor, for his understanding of the Dao of Heaven, I am afraid that it has become a unique existence!

The terrified Great National Master, as well as His Majesty the King who looked up in the golden palace, are now so grateful that the curse will never fall, just wait for help, Zhan Ye Di can be done!

"The ancestor is great!" In the ancestral door of Zhandao, all the disciples couldn't hide their excitement. Before the Ye Emperor had won successively, where would they be seen? The ancestor's shot now is a force that no one can imagine!

"Gui Zang is probably dumbfounded now. Our ancestor's power is beyond his ability! This Ye Di is like a sparrow in the eyes of our ancestor, and he can kill it with his hands-- "

"This is the true strength of our ancestral sect! That Ye Di Xiaoer can only stare at him now, to no avail, unable to destroy the Golden Dynasty, and can only wait for death!"

"Time is on our side! We can afford it, he Yedi...cannot!"

"Prince Wuxiang! Hurry up, did you see our ancestors take action? You Jin Dynasty, we cut the ancestral door and sheltered." A disciple became so arrogant that he even got up against the five people of Jin Wuxiang. There is an intention to despise his Jin Dynasty.

"Indeed." Jin Wuxiang was very satisfied, and then said loudly: "Unlike some forces! The mouse is short-sighted, so timid that he dare not even squeak!"

In the six stars palace, everyone's mind is full of question marks!

Who are you mocking!

Mrs. Star Palace is now angry and Wu Lai. She saw Jin Wu's face of everyone, mocking the Six Star Palace, but she could only endure it. The fact is like this. Her Six Star Palace did not help!

"Nine princes! We are blood-colored, we can be considered meritorious!" The monk with blood-colored neon clothes felt that Jin Wuxiang didn't care about them, so he immediately reluctant.

"Of course! Scarlet support, I Jin Wuxiang is unforgettable! You just wait for a good show! Ye Di is now a turtle in the urn, don't worry about it!" Jin Wuxiang felt comfortable and extremely comfortable.

The goddess Qiangwei is a little unhappy now, but she hasn't seen it yet. The blood drops **** treasure that is being handed to her has been taken by Ye Di. Although she sees the power of Dao Dao Patriarch, she sees it, but in her heart... There is a particularly uncomfortable feeling.

Just when the goddess Rose was silent--

On the battleship of the six star palaces, a touch of extremely vast power appeared vaguely!

"Old demon, why are you still not dead? It's a contest between young people now, what are you intervening?" The power that descended on the Six Star Palace was actually a voice that was too imaginary and concentrated.

World War Ancestor!

The voice of the ancestors of the world war!

In the Zhandao Ancestral Sect, the old voice Dang Even responded: "I haven't seen you die yet, how come I'm one step ahead of you—"

"Cut! You have lived too long, we are still juniors compared to you! Moreover, I am not old, I also gave birth to a daughter, just like Guizang, we are both young and young." There is no shortage of ridicule in the voice, but the voice is very clear.

Jin Wuxiang now... dare to be angry but dare not speak! Originally, Dao-Zhan Dao Master made a move, and it was already a pleasant surprise. Now if he is to ridicule the Six Star Palace again, this universal war ancestor, still can't slap him to death?

"You six star palaces, why don't you make a move?" the old voice asked in the ancestor door of Zhandao.

"Everyone knows who I am in Huanyu. Usually, I like to travel around the mountains and watch the excitement. What does the Jin Dynasty care about me? Come and see, just come and see—" Huanyu Zhanzu's voice continued to resound .

Patriarch Zhandao fell into silence for a while.

But after about five or six breaths, Dao Zhan Dao Master said: "This son, I want to kill..."

"Hehe, if you can do it, then try it." Huanyu Zhan Ancestor continued to pass down his voice in the way of wandering around, "But can't you listen to me?"

"Say." Dao Slayer Patriarch said coldly.

"If I were you instead, I would ask your disciple to prepare a piece of white cloth and cover you directly, then dig a hole and bury it, so that all mundane long-cherished wishes will be fulfilled, and the province will be annoying."

"You...what on earth are you trying to say?" Dao Zhan Dao ancestor was a little angry.

"Don't cause serious disasters for future generations, you cut the ancestral family line, and are related to 8 million. If it is just because you are an old demon that inflicts your family, your offspring will not be wronged--" Huanyu Zhanzu said with a smile, directly The disciples of Zhandao Zumen were taken aback.

"So, you are on the side of the emperor?" The ancestor Zhandao was unbelievable. He didn't know what medicine was sold in the ancestor of the universe, so he asked directly.

"Of course! Inevitable! I let my wife arrive here in a battleship, just to wish Ye Di's victory, and then I will go back home, when we have six star palaces, that can be regarded as a big face--" Huanyu Zhan Zu is not without expectation.

"Yingzun? Which one?" Zhandao Patriarch asked.

"I... I welcome Heaven and Earth Respect." Huanyu Zhanzu couldn't help but said with a smile.

Welcome to the heaven and earth!

This result disappointed the people in the Six Star Palace! Especially Mrs. Xinggong, she had long known that her husband was going to welcome his respect back, but Heaven and Earth were really worthless!

If the **** of heaven and earth is still in its heyday, the true **** of heaven and earth may be worth it, but its Tao fruit is picked off by the emperor, and the emperor will become the emperor of heaven and earth. There are still countless years to go. The current emperor is beheading. In front of the Patriarch, as weak as an ant, it is not worth mentioning!

Except for the powerful dialogue that makes people dare not speak...everyone wants to know how the Yedi would destroy the Golden Dynasty and how to get rid of the methods of the ancestors!

This kind of power, even a ghost in its heyday, would have to spend a considerable amount of time and power to find a way, and the night emperor has consumed it until this point, and the power can only go downhill——

"Xiao Xiao cuts the ancestral sect, after taking this king to destroy all the supremacy! Then liquidate with you!"

Su Jin's voice came from the thunder, but in everyone's ears, his voice was obviously with strong anger, Ye Di... was angry, and Dao Zhan Dao Master shot, really annoyed him!

"A younger generation thinks that he will be lawless if he obtains the Taoist Fruit of the Heaven and Earth Venerable? Your qualifications are as far away as the ancestor me by tens of millions of galaxies." Dao Zhan Master also responded strongly.

"Sorry, I was lawless!" Su Jin narrowed his eyes--

Then, Su Jin's feet shook slightly!

From afar, the star giant roared! It was actually stepping on the sacred soil of the Golden Dynasty, trekking and running directly to the emperor! At that moment, I saw the star giant leaning over gently, directly holding Ye Di, swallowing it in his belly!


A huge momentum appeared at the feet of the entire star giant!

The devastating vision, like a real scene, appeared in everyone's eyes!

Ten stars in a row, huge stars like ancient times, condensed on the galaxy! That wind and rain has disappeared! It is replaced by the starry sky! The stars in the starry sky all began to condense into streamer star lines, as if they were connected! !


The extreme roar, turned into a roar, howling in the entire Golden Dynasty! At that moment, everything was silent!

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