My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3447: Heaven and Earth Make Dragon

The golden dynasty is silent everywhere!

Except for the star giant, who set foot on Ten Stars Lianzhu, at this moment, including Jin Wuxiang, no one spoke! Everyone felt the monstrous anger of Ye Di, the rage vented by the stars of heaven and earth!

"Zhan Dao Patriarch, pushed Ye Di in a hurry... Maybe we can see the true power of Heaven and Earth Zun after being occupied by the World Zun!" Gui Zang's eyes were full of interest. He naturally didn't want Ye Di to lose, and he didn't want him to lose. This is not only Ye Di betting, not only Zhan Dao Patriarch is betting, he is also betting!

Although the blood wound on his chest was still full of fire, but Yedi could only save him if he was alive!

In the dark clouds, the stars are lit up, and the stream-like star lines are continuously connected together, forming a series of beautiful and gorgeous starry sky patterns——

"Tian Bone, or Wang Pin!" The Patriarch Dao Slayer's tone was a bit difficult. How could an old demon like him who have lived for countless years have not heard of Wang Pin Tian Bone? He had even seen one before, but that king-grade celestial bone was crippled, and it was completely incomparable with the "Aotian Bone" displayed by Ye Di!

In the eyes of the ancestor of Slashing Dao, this king-grade celestial bone of Yedi was able to control the profound meaning of heaven in the starry sky. This is the most incredible!

"Old demon, see it... With Yedi's potential, you will definitely be able to stand on top of the heavens in the future and become one of the best, and you, now causing a disaster for eight million relatives, still think about how to do it. The blood of the descendants beg for mercy——" The voice of the ancestor of the world war continued to communicate with the ancestor of Zhandao in Taixu.

"A mere piece of the king-grade celestial bone can't break the way of heaven that I feel. It's a pity. If Ye Di grows for ten thousand years, he may be able to achieve my achievements in countless years of hard work, but now... he is far from enough." The self-confidence of Taoist Master is enough to be heard from the tone.

"If you look down on him, today you still have to say whether you can leave alive or not--" Huanyu Zhanzu's ridiculous tone ceased, and he turned directly and said coldly.

"I don't believe that a junior can be enchanting enough to be comparable to me!" Patriarch Zhandao couldn't rub the sand at all. He was already careful enough, but now he didn't expect that the ancestor of the universe would be more conservative than him, so...not optimistic. He is optimistic about Ye Di?

What kind of situation is this?

"Just now, Gui Zang and Ye Di were in short-handed combat, and Gui Zang did not take action. Didn't you think about why?" Huanyu Zhanzu said at the point.

Patriarch Zhan Dao thought carefully, and he did notice this scene. The situation at that time was really weird. According to common sense, the ghosts should not recognize the counseling without fighting, and indeed shouldn't!

"That's because Ye Di hijacked sister Guizang's avenue. Everyone knows that Lord Guizang treats her sister as his life and can't tolerate any mistakes!" Zhan Dao ancestor said coldly.

"Strong words!"

Huanyu Zhanzu almost wanted to spray this old confusion, Dang even said: "That is the ghost who knows it, even if you do everything and lose everything, you can't defeat the night emperor!"


The words of Huanyu Zhanzu drew bursts of chills!

If this is another personal statement, there is no credibility at all, but this is the ancestor of the world war! The weight of the statement can be imagined!

"What about you! If you are you, what will happen to Ye Di!" Zhan Dao Patriarch asked suddenly, he also had a temper. If you don't believe it, you don't believe it. He just looks at what the World War Patriarch said, and there is no reason to argue. Come.

"Me? I'm willing to give Yedi shoes--" Huanyu Zhanzu is not afraid of others ridiculing, "Master Guizang is really smart, not only chooses to befriend Yedi, but also makes her sister really become Yedi's way. Slave, if Ye Di let my daughter be his slave, I will say nothing."

Patriarch Zhan Dao stopped talking.

The ancestor of the world war is ashamed to be inferior to the emperor? Still envious of Oni Zang and his sister who has become the slave of the Yat Emperor? So who does Patriarch Zhan Dao talk to to reason?

"Did I misheard me just now? The ancestor of the universe was arguing with the ancestor of Dao Zhanyu. Although the ancestor of the universe did not say clearly, but it seems...if he fights against the emperor, he will admit that he will lose?" Difficult to understand.

"Did there be auditory hallucinations? The World War Ancestor is as famous as the super powers such as Ghost Store, Zhilun Tiandi, Duantiandao, and so on. How can it not be able to fight a little Yedi!"

"Send my daughter to Ye Di as a way. This World War Ancestor really dare to say anything! I don't know what his wife would think when she heard it!"

"Emperor Ye is really so powerful? He is now using the power of the ‘king-rank Heavenly Bone’ to break the method of Dao-Zhan Dao Patriarch? Hehe, I don’t believe in killing--"

"Ten stars and beads, what is Yedi doing!"

"The Golden Dynasty imperial city is hidden in the endless galaxy by the ancestor of the slash. If the Ye Emperor wants to destroy the Golden Dynasty, he must shatter the galaxy. This is undoubtedly whimsical and impossible!"


All the spectators were shocked by the quarrel and conversation between Huanyu Zhanzu and Zhandaozuzu on one side, and on the other side, their eyes did not even dared to blink, for fear of missing any detail of the star giant!

Boom boom boom -

The star giant is running!

That's right!

Just run!

One, three, five!

In the ten-star chain, the speed of the entire star giant slowed down when it stepped on the fifth star! Yedi is now transformed into a giant of stars, so mighty is so powerful!

Even the earth and the void, blessed by the supreme aura, are swaying crazily at this moment, as if they may collapse at any time!

I don’t know how many people have seen with their own eyes that the star giant has not only the forehead, but also the back, limbs, and all the traces that represent the "Heaven and Earth", especially on the forehead of the star giant.

"Stars, heaven!" Su Jin used the star giant, slammed on the seventh star in the ten-star chain!


As the Emperor Ye said the four words ‘star’ and ‘heaven’, countless constellation patterns seemed to rise and fall, and the strands of star lines seemed to exude the extremely weird power of the stars, heaven and earth!


The star giant is on the seventh star, take another step! Stand firmly on the eighth star! This step is extremely difficult! Because with the growth of Su Jin's strength, his understanding of the way of heaven deepens, every step when he walks through this ten-star chain will increase the pressure by dozens of times!


Starlight, unexpectedly began to condense a head of dragons, each of those dragons seems to have the ability to traverse the galaxy!

"Heaven and earth make dragons? This... Is this the ability of the legendary **** of heaven and earth!" Dao Zhan Dao Master was shocked, incredibly surprised.

"Look at it, when you cry--" Huanyu Zhan Ancestor now feels that his lips are worn out, and he can't persuade this stubborn old demon to return.

On the other side, Gui Qing's eyes were like autumn water, and there were many colors.

"Did heaven and earth make dragons?" Guiqing asked his brother Guizo-sama.

Gui Zang shook his head and said through a voice transmission: "It is the great divine way that is not the world-honored. The Yedi has taken the Taoist fruit of the heaven and earth. It is very deceptive. Apart from the ancestor of the universe, no one in the room can see this. The method he used to grab the'Golden Sky Crow' was almost the same, but unfortunately I didn't see through it."

One end.

One hundred heads.

In the end, there are more than nine hundred heads, like nine hundred galaxy dragons entwined in the sky! This scene is so spectacular, spectacular to the point of amazing!

"Not good!" Jin Wuxiang felt a little bad now.

"These starry sky dragons are made from the heaven and earth respecting the Tao of the Ye Emperor. It is not to be afraid. From the perspective of the scope, the galaxy that hugs the imperial city is obviously more profound. The Ye Emperor and the Taoist Taoist who understand the heavens are obviously more profound. Compared to that, it's still worse than that." The Supreme Hall Master hesitated for a moment, and spoke to comfort Jin Wuxiang.

"Emperor Ye, definitely not as good as Dao Slayer Patriarch——" Jin Wuxiang had to comfort himself in his heart.



This is like a visual feast! Because it is really spectacular, the more than 900 starry sky dragons are dazzling, and at that time, every starry sky dragon started to dive! Dive down crazy!

"Yedi has taken action! He wants to use 999 starry sky dragons to break through the river of heaven and the path of Dao Dao Patriarch!" The monk in the blood-colored neon clothes screamed quickly.

This scream shocked the goddess Rose in the dumb eyes——

Ye Di is so strong, how can that indispensable water drop divine treasure return to his own hands! In this scene, most of the spectators did not want to see it!




With the sound of heaven and earth, the rumbling sound came from the nine hundred dragons in the starry sky that swooped down, and the emperor stepped heavily on it. The star giant just raised his foot, and the other foot has not yet stepped over. The'Tiandao Galaxy' that lived in the imperial city of the Jin Dynasty began to sway!

"Broken!" Zhan Dao Patriarch's voice just fell--


The circle of galaxies surrounding the imperial city began to collapse in the strong light!

Countless people couldn't cover their eyes at first, and when the light dimmed slightly, they looked again!

Collapsing, the entire heavenly galaxy is collapsing, the imperial city protected by it is now cracking, and every black hole vortex that collapses from the void is devouring the imperial city buildings!

The nine hundred and ninety-nine galaxy dragons constantly shuttled through the black hole of the violent collapse of the lightning. The huge dragon body, the dragon's power overwhelming the sky, swept across the entire Golden Dynasty!



In the end, there were no less than five hundred black void caves, which were being shuttled by a galaxy dragon, and the golden dynasty imperial city, no more sound! The Great National Teacher who was so excited before that was shattered alive as early as the first time!


It's Yedi's method!

Look at the howling dragon, the black void cave space, connected in every piece of earth, destruction, all destruction! The entire Golden Dynasty, first the rain of curse, extinguished a wave, and then now...The royal family, including the King of the Golden Dynasty, are all dead! !

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