My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3448: Go to the Supreme Ninth Secret!

The golden dynasty, the golden dynasty that has been promoted to the ‘highest divine realm’, is destroyed!

The Hallmaster of Jidao was full of gray and defeated, and he was trembling all over. When he saw Jin Wuxiang, he saw the nine princes of the Golden Dynasty, as if his body was emptied of strength for a moment, and he was paralyzed on the spot! !


Half a day ago, the emperor of the night announced that within three days, the Jin Dynasty would be destroyed! This has not been a whole day!

"Perhaps, Oni Zang's decision is correct..." Musashi smiled bitterly now. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own eyes, he would never believe in this situation.

The method of the ancestor Slash, that kind of existence, Ye Di can break through! Mie is almost equivalent to the'Golden Dynasty' of the Supreme God's Domain!

"Your vision is not as good as those of the great sages who have already left." Master Oni Zang looked at Musashi, "there have been great sages who are proficient in divination and fortune to the fall of the Golden Dynasty."

"We Baoqing Guizang..." Musashi asked hesitantly.

"In the Jin Dynasty, there is no one on my side. I'm just afraid of accidents. I let them leave earlier. I didn't expect the Jin Dynasty to perish so quickly." Gui Zang shook his head, no trace of regret on his face.


Now, the Master of the Great Dao is panicked——

"Nine Princes! You... when will the helping hand you mentioned?" The Hall Master of Ji Dao looked at Jin Wuxiang and asked.

"It doesn't matter..." Jin Wuxiang was in a daze, shaking his head.

"Why is it not important! As long as you have a prince who has no phase, the Jin Dynasty will not perish! Look at what Ye Di is doing now! Even if your Jin Dynasty is destroyed, he will still humiliate you Jin Dynasty!" The Master of Jidao looked at Jin Wuxiang, and pointed to the scene of the imperial city condensed in the void!

Jin Wuxiang turned his head and stared at that picture blankly, the murderous intent in his eyes was increasing crazily!

"Ye Di!!" Jin Wuxiang got up like crazy--

In that picture, dozens of starry sky dragons were carrying out the corpses of the emperor in the remaining ruins of the palace! And when a Buddhist chain was entwined with a man wearing a crown, Jin Wuxiang went crazy! Scarlet eyes, growl and growl at Su Jin!

Your Majesty the King of the Golden Dynasty! The corpse by the dragon!


Star giants and ten stars are scattered!

Su Jin was expressionless, wiped the blood from his lips, and the figure appeared in everyone's vision——

Behind Su Jin, there was only a starry dragon swimming slowly!

Hundreds of royal families, from the king to the prince who Jin Wuxiang valued most, and even the bodies of his two sons, were held by the dragons and placed on the dragon who followed Su Jin!


A chain of Buddha and Taoism, tied and tied to the dragon body, a full 687 members of the royal family, all dragged into the void by the starry sky dragon!


In the ancestral gate, the old ancestor suddenly shouted, and a circle of monstrous great sage light circled the whole family, opened a starry sky avenue, and disappeared in a flash!

"Can't run." Su Jin glanced at the direction where Zhandao Ancestral Gate disappeared, and didn't care about letting the other party live for a while.

"Lord! Let's go!" The Master of the Great Dao Palace said with a dark face.

"Ye Di! I'm fighting with you!" Jin Wuxiang was a little anxious, coughing up the blood of the great sage, he was already seriously injured, and now he used his strength rashly, almost died in pain——

"There is still a chance!" The Hall Master of Extreme Dao knew that he could not be like Baoqing Guizang. He had completely offended Ye Di, so he could only choose to stand on the side with Jin Wuxiang, if Jin Wuxiang said before. Indeed, their advantage is still great!

"Yeah, I still have a chance! Ye Di! You have to pay for what you do!" Jin Wuxiang yelled, already collapsed!

"Ye Di! When you face Niluantian, Supreme Nine Secrets, Hundreds of Gods, and Divine Envoys! You still have no chance! Remember the Lord's words, you must die!" The Supreme Hall Master took out a crystal , Ignited with the great sage's will, and immediately there was a beautiful moving pattern pattern around!

The moment Jin Wuxiang disappeared, his eyes were still full of blood and hatred! It was from that moment that he vowed to personally let this emperor of the night experience any torture in the world!

At the scene, the blood-colored people...Everyone seemed to grow a pair of imaginary fluorescent wings, and then, a circular divine formation slowly swirled around, including Goddess Rose, and left as well—

"Just let them go like this?" Guizang asked when he saw Su Jin coming, and quickly endured his injuries.

"Otherwise? But they won't be able to run for a long time, and they will see you again soon."

Su Jin seemed to be a little tired and said, "It's a pity that my divine power has almost been exhausted. Even if one of them walks out at will, they can easily cut me off, but they are scared and just flee."


Oniharu and Musashi all looked at Su Jin at this time——

Even at this time, Ye Di was still testing her Baoqing Guizang! This is nothing more than telling Guiharu that she, her brother, and Musashi can kill him now!

"Ye Di joked--" Gui Zang shook his head gently.

"It's just a joke with you." After Su Jin finished speaking, he transmitted the voice to the ancient **** emperor and others, and asked the ancient **** emperor to bring people to join him. Then he looked around, except for the battleships of the six star palaces. No one stayed.

Six Star Palace, Mrs. Star Palace, and all the elders of the six parts came out.

"Liu Bu Xing Gong! Welcome... respectfully the Venerable——" Mrs. Xing Gong no longer dared to despise Ye Di, and said quickly.

"Originally I thought that the one who couldn't help but cut the ancestral door." Su Jin said indifferently, "this beautiful sister, if this king loses to this golden dynasty, what will you do?"

Mrs. Xinggong was shocked, and the blood on her face began to fade, "Don't dare! My husband asked me to wait here to welcome the elder, naturally wanting to see the heaven and earth victorious and destroy the golden dynasty!"

Obviously, Mrs. Xinggong’s earlier thoughts were all thoroughly studied by the Ye Emperor. In fact, it is not difficult to guess, after all, there is a lesson for the ancestors of Zhan Dao!

"Huanyu, you can be here!" Master Guizang asked loudly as he walked with Su Jin.

"The husband said, he will appear in due course, currently... he is still in another time and space--" Mrs. Xinggong quickly responded to Gui Zang, not dare to conceal anything.

Su Jin's gaze swept across the six star palaces one by one...

In the end, Su Jin kept his gaze on the girl.

Luan Xingyu, staring at Su Jin eagerly——

"Oh." Su Jin said lightly: "You six star palaces, leave..."

"My husband said, I must ask the venerable for a favor." Mrs. Xinggong finally lost her calmness on her face and said quickly.

"I can't help, and I don't have time." Su Jin sneered. These six star palaces did not help the Jin Dynasty, so he naturally wouldn't be too embarrassed. Although he didn't help him either, it could be regarded as showing goodwill, just so-called help. Why should he help? Owe them?

Mrs. Star Palace's heart jumped, and she hurriedly said: "The husband said it is not anxious, if the emperor Ye is willing to help, our six star palaces will have to thank you at all costs!"

"Thank you again? Tell me about it—" Su Jin didn't think there was anything else that would interest him now.

"The treasure map of the starry sky where the king grade bones are located, a peerless celestial burial, and even the husband can help the emperor at the highest heaven!" Mrs. Xinggong said seriously.

Wangpin Tiangu! Unfortunately, it is a treasure map, and you still need to find it yourself.

The benefits of a peerless celestial burial are unknown. You also need to take risks yourself, go in and search for it, which is not worth it.

"I have no shortage of king bones. Peerless Immortal Burial is not interested. I have no shortage of manpower to conquer the Hundred Gods Realm, the Nirvana Realm, and the Supreme Nine Secrets! Let's go away--"

Su Jin refused Liubuxinggong's kindness. He saw the ancient **** emperor and Feng Gu and the others approaching, he knew it was time to go.

"Yedi has the ability to reach the sky, is it impossible to save my daughter even in the reincarnation?" Mrs. Xinggong got anxious!

Once upon a time, her six star palaces were so low-pitched to people! Zhan Zufujun is still in the world, alongside Guizang, Zhiluntian, Duantian Dao, and Zhan Dao Patriarch! Even the ancient **** emperor standing next to the emperor at this moment is nothing more than the same level as her husband and ancestor in the universe!

"Born a ghost, I shouldn't have been born in the flesh." Su Jin was a little annoyed, waved his hand and said, "I can't help you—"

"Husband said you can!"

"Then let your husband, find the bones of the king for me, and bring out that peerless fairy burial for me, and I will save her!" Su Jin pointed to Luan Xingyu and said coldly to Mrs. Xinggong.

In the void, almost before Mrs. Star Palace's discoloration changed, the voice of Huanyu Zhanzuo came down!

"I... I should! I just ask the Lord to see her pitifully and give her a chance to become a normal person—"

After the voice of Huanyu Zhanzu disappeared, Mrs. Xinggong's face faded! Digging the king's bones and digging for the celestial burial will kill Huanyu Zhanzu! She had heard the ancestor of Huanyu talk about the immortal burial, and Gu Xian was very likely to die in it!

Su Jin was speechless.

Then, Su Jin pointed to Luan Xingyu, his voice softened, "Come here, from now on, follow me and wait for your father to come back."

"My father has found countless genius doctors and can't cure me, mother, I don't want to..." Luan Xingyu said hesitantly.

"Go...your father said that only he can save you in the world--" Mrs. Xinggong has seen the trouble now, where else to say, urging Luan Xingyu.

Luan Xingyu, looking back after three steps, finally came to Su Jin's side in a complex expression.

The ancient **** emperor, Dao Gui Chen, including the Guizang brothers and sisters, and Musashi-sama who came here are all staring at this girl Luan Xingyu carefully!

This woman is the only daughter of Huanyu Zhanzu!

The battleship of the six star palaces opened up the galaxy in the boom, and left here under Luan Xingyu's reluctance! Disappear!

"Lord, Huanyu Zhanzu not long ago was in a different time and space, in front of my coffin, and talked with me—" the ancient **** emperor said hesitatingly: "This woman, even if the ancient sage is alive, it is difficult to save, she On that day of that year, it should be dead, but Zhan Zu used the means to save it to the present."

Su Jin took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "There is indeed only me who can save, but it will pay a very high price. I have to take the risk to open the "Eternal Life Hall" for her, and protect the way with immeasurable gods and Buddhas. To use the inexhaustible life power of the life monument. In short, I am not sure."

"The Huanyu Zhanzu is a ruthless person. As long as he promises, he will definitely do everything before he die--" the ancient **** emperor said again.

"It doesn't matter, let's go." Su Jin said in a cold voice with the murderous intent in his eyes.

"Where are we going next?" Feng Guyi looked at Su Jin and asked.

Su Jin cleared his thoughts, no longer thought about it, and responded to Feng Gu: "Originally planned to go to Niluantian, but now...I am going to the Ninth Secret!"

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