My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3450: Song Qianji's pleasure

Although the momentum of shouting Ye Di to go back was great, almost all the Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret knew very well that it was Ye Di who had just destroyed the Golden Dynasty!

"Brother Earthman——"

Su Jin saw the other party shouting, "Go warm up."

"Honorable Lord!" Dadiman burst into a powerful war spirit, as if he was afraid that Su Jin would change his mind, he directly swung his'cloak warhammer' and walked into the vast sea of ​​lost directions!

"Can you... help my brother stop the bleeding first--" As Guiqing said, she blinked, trying hard not to let the tears fall, she didn't dare to look at Ye Di.

The Dao injury of the ghost is indeed very serious. It should be said that it is more serious than expected. If this continues, within a month, the Dao fire on the chest will burn all over the Dao body, which is difficult to save.

"Naturally, I have trusted the ghost hiding." Su Jin said lightly, "No matter, the ghost hiding meditate. It's a small injury, it's not worth mentioning in the eyes of this king."

Ghost hiding hesitated.

Previously, Ye Di refused to save him, probably because he couldn't believe it. He would rather die than make people unhappy.

With Guiqing's support, Gui Zang took a deep breath, nodded, and sat down cross-legged.

I saw a strand of blue aura, slowly drifting out of the palm of Su Jin's raised palm, the blue aura seemed to be in an irregular state, slowly drifting towards the ghost store——

Chi Chi ~~~

The Dao Huo was quickly enveloped by the green air when it was visible to the naked eye, as if it was extinguished, and when the ghost was hiding in that moment, he felt that his internal organs seemed to be active, and the road to the road seemed to be expanding!

The expansion is nearly one-third bigger!

As long as Gui Zang is running the great sage divine will, he will feel the power rolling forward from the "big and small Zhoutian", and the trajectory of the Zhoutian has also opened up to the point where he can't even dream of it!

Ye a great opportunity! This... it's probably not impossible to surpass the ancestor Zhandao in the future! The old demon of Patriarch Zhandao, in front of Guizang and them are the seniors of the seniors!

Even though Su Jin turned away from his youth, he closed his eyes on his own and began to recover quickly--

Lost at home!

Dadiman challenged him. Every time he took a step, his figure would expand in a circle! When he walked to the central area, his body was already comparable to a mountain, and he mentioned the'cloak warhammer' severely, and shouted: "I am the barbarian and the barbarian! Who of you wants to die first!"

"The Yedi and his ilk are actually some arrogant people! I'll come!" A young man in a garb, holding the **** Baoshan in his hand, the mountains and rivers rose with a wave, and when he waved again, the mysterious image **** sun began to shine in the lost sea. Above!


Da Diman doesn't play anything with each other at all, don't look at his size now, but his speed is not slow, he appeared in front of the young man in one step!

One hammer!

Just a hammer--

This young man was directly smashed into a chest, fell into the lost sea, disappeared!

"Quite Xiaoxian, I can't even take a straight look!" Da Di was so depressed, he never thought that his first opponent was not Daxian.

"Me! Ling Palace Nie Yunqing!"

"Me! Gu Feng, Elder of the Spirit Palace!"

"Hey, it's not bad this time. I heard that your ancestors are locked up in the spiritual palace? This is a big joke. Isn't the ancestor of the spiritual palace in charge of your spiritual palace?" Da Diman laughed loudly. ask.

House ugliness——

It's really a family ugly!

Gu Feng and Nie Yunqing, although they are not the fire mandarin suffocating the blood, they are just byproducts. Now they hear the ridicule from Dadiman's mouth, their faces are naturally a little unsustainable. You must know that there are still many Supreme Ninth Secrets watching-

"I tore your savage mouth!" As soon as Gu Feng raised his hand, a circle of thunder vision flashed above his head, and when he raised his arm, he grabbed a dragon-head magic knife intertwined with thunder in his hand!

"You are still far away, take my hammer!" The earth said to the other party lazily, and the cloak warhammer swung up a circle of prominent rainbow light and directly killed it!




Da Di Man took a little longer this time, probably only a dozen breaths, these two people only had to resist hard! After the last blow of the flashing hammer shadow, Gu Feng and Nie Yunqing had countless broken bones in their bodies!

"What are they all? It's not too addictive! Come again—" Da Diman couldn't wait, dragging the ‘cloak warhammer’ that had already turned into a mountain range and slammed to the other side!

On the other side of the lost sea!

There are more than 20 great sages, their faces are green! This earthman has the blood of a giant, and it is not comparable to the ordinary great sages. Just now he even cut two great sages, I am afraid that he has not even sweated!

That's all!

The most frightening thing now is the Ye Emperor who is recovering!

"Stop him!" There is a great sage in Shangyang Palace, who directly turned into Yang Huo. He really doesn't believe it. More than 20 great sages can't kill this barbaric?

"I! Song Mingyang, the great sage of the Song family! You are in the lost sea today, and the night emperor will fall here today!" The great sage of the Song family, among more than twenty people, is extremely powerful!

"Daxian Song Family! The Lord Yedi, the first one is going to crush your Tianxu and cut off the heads of all your Tianxu! It's like destroying the Golden Dynasty! Strongly kill!" Dadi Manchong Went in, but the next moment, he felt tremendous pressure——


Secret Realm of Tianxu.

In a prosperous palace, suddenly came the sound of sweeping broken bowls——

Several maids looked at the Son of the Song family in horror, and even knelt down in panic!

Song Qianji was full of resentment, he could no longer be the son of the Song family! All this is given by Ye Di! Now his avenues are completely destroyed, like a waste, no! Even inferior to the useless, Ye Di ruined everything about him!

"What about the bitch! Get the bitch—" Song Qianji wanted to kick over the stool and overturn everything, but he found that he didn't even have the strength to stand for a while! He was holding the edge of the table, the spar jade case that could be blown into ashes in one breath, now he can't even set it off!

"Patriarch, the Patriarch has not yet let the girl Wang come over--" The maid said in a sincere and frightened voice with a strong sense of fear in her tone.

"My dad! My dad! Call him over!" Song Qianji felt like he was going crazy. Just before the cup of tea, many genius doctors walked out of his room, although the genius doctors did not explain. But all he shook his head and sighed lightly, and he knew that there was no possibility of practicing in this life! Even if it is rebuilt, it can't be done!

"The Patriarch is discussing matters and is discussing the plan to kill the Ye Emperor——"

"Kill Ye Di? Is Ye Di here?" Song Qianji's eyes lit up suddenly and he asked, breathing quickly.

"Now that the emperor has appeared in the lost sea, please rest assured that the **** son has heard that the gods of the hundred worlds have also declared war on the emperor. The real messengers of the heavens will walk the way for the sky. The Patriarch is currently receiving them—"

"Who else?"

"In Niluantian, there will be people from the Patriarch of Dao Slash and the Jin Dynasty—"

"Good, good! How can you not let that **** know about such a great thing! You tell her! Let her completely stop thinking about Ye Di! She will never see Ye Di until she dies, although I It's a useless person, but she will become my woman soon!" Song Qianji showed a cruel smile on his face, as if the news of the appearance of the emperor was the most happy thing for him at the moment.


A maid hurried out of the room.

"The son of God looks like this, I'm afraid I still don't know how serious the matter is. Even though the Ye Emperor came, but... But Ye Emperor destroyed the Golden Dynasty..."

Many of the maids were worried. The Golden Dynasty was destroyed, and Ye Di was destroyed by one person. This was not a good thing for them in the secret realm of the Tianxu. Obviously, Song Qianji knew nothing about the news and was Keep in the dark.

And in a remote wooden building not far from this palace, Wang Qiang was placed here. She was picked up by the Song family from the "Zhishou Daojing", and the expression on her face was always numb.

Things seem to be destined. She wants to become a wasteful wife and take care of her death. In the end, I am afraid that she will not be able to rely on the identity of Song's daughter-in-law. This... Although this has not happened yet, if there are other options, She would rather die!

Song Qianji is a notoriously hypocritical person, ten times more hateful than the God Child of the Chi Family, and compared to... and that person, it is simply a world of difference!

"Hey." Two maids walked into the wooden building and found Wang Qiang, but they didn't show any respect.

"Something?" Wang Qiang responded indifferently.

"The Son of God has confessed, let us come and tell you one thing."

"what's up?"

"Emperor Ye has already appeared! He is coming to our Song family, the son of God also said that as long as Ye Emperor dies, he will notify you of this good news as soon as possible!" A maid on the left sneered.

Wang Qian was stunned.

Unprecedented tension, gushing out of my heart! Didn't Ye Di go to the Jin Dynasty? Why did you get to the Supreme Ninth Secret so soon! This is the Song family, but the secret realm of Tianxu in the Supreme Nine Secrets!

"The son of God told you a **** to stop thinking, your brother has been locked up, and it is impossible to come out again. As soon as Ye Di dies, you will become the daughter-in-law of the Song family and take care of the son of God all your life!" A maid sneered.

Yedi, why did you come--

Wang Qian felt that he was not thinking too much, but this place was definitely not the place where Ye Emperor could come! She has become a laughing stock now, and was given to the Song family by the family. She really doesn't deserve Ye Di to do this...

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