My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3451: Boss with five swords

At this time, Su Jin did not know that Miss Wang was interlacing her fingers in the ‘Secret Realm of Tianxu’, her arms raised, her eyebrows lowered on the back of her fingers, and she kept praying--


Lost in the sea!

A piece of great sage power that covered the sky and sun directly smashed into the earth barbarian. His mountain-like body was actually hit hard! But the 20-odd great sages of the other party were equally unhappy. Nine of them were seriously injured, three were killed by the earth, and the rest were all in jeopardy!

"Retreat—" Su Jin said immediately when he closed his eyes.

When Da Diman heard Su Jin's voice, he knew that he could hardly oppose the great sages of the other side, and began to return.

Just now Gui Zang had already informed his sister of his situation by sound transmission. Now Gui Qing, when looking at Su Jin, he was grateful and saw that the earth brute returned from damage, and even blessed him with a recovery formation.

"Brother Dao, you go--" Su Jin said indifferently.

"I can't help it a long time ago." Dao Guichen looked forward to it. He was a famous fighting lunatic in different time and space. When he just watched the earth's reckless play, he had long been itchy and could not help but wanted to go. Try the skills of those people!

Before Dao Guichen walked over, an extremely powerful force came from the direction of the ‘Secret Realm of Heavenly Ruins’!

"Guichen, come back!" The ancient **** emperor hurriedly called to Daoguichen.

Dao Guichen only felt that Liufu had an unpredictable force and frustrated. In shock, he knew that the other party was far beyond his ability, and he dared not walk over.

"What a night emperor, I really dare to go to death and come—"

Everyone who spoke was very familiar with him. It was the Dao-Zhan Dao Master who left from the Jin Dynasty more than an hour ago! Moreover, as the voice fell, he actually appeared!

Patriarch Zhandao was wrapped in layers of tattered linen, and his skinny face was faintly visible, and he slowly stood on the other side of the lost sea.

The ancient **** emperor didn't wait for Su Jin to speak, and after calling Dao Gui Chen, he appeared in a range of 100 meters from the ancestor of Dao Slash!

"Senior Zhandao, why is this?" No way, the ancient **** emperor had to be a junior in front of this ancestor, the other party was really alive for too long.

"Ancient God Emperor, you are on the wrong team. Originally, Alien Time and Space should be on our side, especially when the Lord Envoy of God appeared, you should wake up in time and shouldn't help Yedi anymore--" The Patriarch Zhandao obviously Familiar with the ancient **** emperor, he said coldly.

"Speak nicely, I will respect you, senior, it is not nice... I was the same as you yesterday, half of my foot stepped into the coffin. As the ancient emperor of different time and space, why do you need to make decisions? "The ancient **** emperor is now proud, Chunfeng proud, he doesn't know how many years he can live, and the other party's current miserable situation does not make him sympathize at all!

"God's messenger, are you not afraid!" asked Dao Zhan Dao Master.


"Wake up in time and come to our side, Different Time and Space will be saved." Zhan Dao Patriarch once again reminded the ancient **** emperor coldly.

"I haven't finished speaking yet... Compared to Yedi, what is the messenger of the heavens? You are too old, dim-eyed, and unknowingly put your family in danger. Let's look at the Jin Dynasty, you cut the end of the ancestral door , No better than the Jin Dynasty."

"You--" Patriarch Zhandao was really angry. He rarely felt absurd and ridiculous. He continued: "The angel said, as long as the Ninth Secret of the Supreme Secret builds the altar, he will lead down to heaven. Zhu', Ye Di? One blow will kill you, and you will die under Tianzhu!"

"It's good to say everything, and it's too much! The emperor just wants to tell you one thing! The one who doesn't understand...It is you!" The momentum of the ancient **** emperor is not weaker than that of the ancestor Zhandao. In my eyes, even some great sages have scalp numbness!

The Supreme Nine Secrets, every secret realm, all began to condense the sight of the lost sea!

At this moment, the ancestor of Slash Dao and the ancient **** emperor are almost ready to fight!

"I want to know where you are optimistic about the Emperor Ye! Even if the messenger of God is born, you are not willing to turn your heads -" Dao Dao Patriarch gently stepped towards the ancient **** emperor.

At this step, countless people are frightened!

The expression of the ancient **** emperor also began to be solemn, extremely solemn!

"It doesn't take long for you to know that the angels of the heavens are nothing compared to them!" The ancient **** emperor began to burn endless great sage divine will, raging flames, or the kind of great sage fire that can even melt the rules of the avenue——

"I've been waiting for this battle for a long time." When the ancestor Zhandao looked at the ancient **** emperor, his piercing eyes were staring at the opponent, his aura turned from strong to weak, and then back to the peak--

Come down...

Patriarch Zhandao unexpectedly began to return to the appearance of a middle-aged man from the vicissitudes of death, he was no longer in a skinny state!

The ancient **** emperor's expression was a little shocked. He had just been paying attention to the changes in the aura of the Patriarch Zhandao, and the results he had obtained far exceeded his expectations!

Once, the ancestor of Dao Slashing, in order to slash the three corpses, without asking the world with his relatives, countless years later, some people said that this ancestor of the slashing of the three corpses successfully cut the three corpses and had a terrible achievement on the path of self——

But just now, the ancient **** emperor discovered that it was much more than that!

"You... slashed yourself by five knives." The ancient **** emperor's tone was a little shocked, how could he beat such a Daoist Master! Such an ancestor of Dao Slash, even the ghost hiding in the peak, is too late!

No wonder, in the Golden Dynasty, the Ye Di gave everything away, and did not hesitate to be injured, only to break the galaxy that protected the'Golden Dynasty' imperial city. However, the art of siege of the galaxy was just something that the ancestor of the slaying master could use. That's it!

"Yes, don't say it's you...Even if Gui Zang, you, Duan Tian Dao, and Zhi Lun Tian Di join forces, they may not be my opponents!" Zhan Dao Patriarch is very confident, and this confidence is not casual.

"Then not long ago, during the Jin Dynasty, why did you leave--" the ancient **** emperor asked.

"Yedi's methods are very weird, so naturally I have to take precautions!"

"It seems that you have been overly cautious." The ancient **** emperor had some headaches. Although he was given the opportunity by the emperor to successfully walk out of the coffin, he still went back to the origin and returned to the middle-aged posture, but in this state, the ancestor of the sword , How many hits can you take the opponent?

But at this moment, in Feng Guyi's eyes, the gap between her father and the ancestor Zhandao was also very big, which made her almost despair!

"Ancient God Emperor, here today, raise your power of different time and space, cut off the head of this ancestor, and come to see me--" Su Jin's voice was heard by many people!

Including Feng Guyi!

"You want to kill my father! Patriarch Daoist, the aura has five changes! Father just said that the opponent has cut five knives, and the powerhouse who cuts five corpses is truly invincible in the world!" Feng Guyi I'm really angry, even if I know that Yedi is not the world-zun, but Yedi's request is too excessive!

Su Jin looked at Feng Guyi's exotic face and said lightly: "Who harmed your father?"

"You, that's you--" Feng Gu turned his face away, full of disgust.

There is another thing Feng Guyi didn't say. Gui Zang is also at the same level as his father, and now his momentum is gradually improving, and he can obviously play. Why should he let his father face such a terrible existence!

"Zhan Dao Patriarch is not your father's opponent." Su Jin said seriously.

"You let go..." Feng Guyi almost burst into swearing, but the word'fart' was never said.

"A bet?" Su Jin said coldly.

"Are you gambled with my father?" Feng Guyi was almost out of anger when he was in the mood.


"What are you betting on?"

"You bet that Dao-Zhan Dao Master can beat your father, but I can't. It's as simple as that. Don't worry, even if your father is defeated, he will not die. I will save it--" Su Jin said, no doubt It was a reassurance pill for Feng Guyi.

"Okay." Feng Gu's anxious heart calmed down. With Yedi's personal assurance, it was naturally better.

The ancient **** emperor now knows that if the ancestor of Dao Swordsman only cuts three corpses, he may still have some advantages. When slashing four corpses, he can only escape, but now... the opponent has cut five swords and he is connected to the opponent. There is no right to escape in front of you! How about cutting off the opponent's head?

"Senior Divine Sovereign, you take out all the strength you have hidden, so that Dao Slayer Patriarch is often powerful--" Su Jin passed the voice over, jokingly.

Immediately, Feng Guyi's amorous glance was a bit of a plan to stare at Ye Di. How could she have the urge to fight Ye Di now?

The bitterness of the ancient **** emperor gradually disappeared, and the night emperor just transmitted it to him again! This also made him smile again!

"Haha, since the Lord Yedi has spoken, how can I not fight! Old demon, come on!" The eyes of the ancient **** emperor suddenly began to glow blue!

The ‘Great Sage Flame’ lingering around the ancient **** emperor turned blue! !

"Tian's secret! When did you get the Secret of the Sky-" Dao Zhan Dao's ancestor closed his face and his eyes widened.


The power of the ancient **** emperor is about to set off this lost star sea! His breath and power seemed to be soaring wildly, and in a short period of time, it was infinitely nearly doubled! This... this is terrible!

"Let's take a look!" The ancient **** emperor laughed bravely, and a very special blood blue flooded into his eyes!

"Dou, Douzi Tian Mi!" Patriarch Zhan Dao's expression changed suddenly, he knew that this was not an illusion, and the aura of Mi that day was absolutely true!

The secret of the sky, the secret of the word fight, and the ancient gods! How is this possible!

"Old demon! Take me a hand that covers the sky!" The ancient **** emperor almost laughed and cried, think about it, he was originally at the same level as the ghost, so he was blessed by the night emperor with two kinds of secrets. What is the effect?

Lost in the sea and sky, destroying, suppressing, and covering up the secrets of the sky, makes countless people afraid! The distance here is not too close to the highest nine secrets, but at the moment the nine secrets and the rolling nebula are obviously also affected by the appearance of the hand of the sky!

The ancient **** emperor, the yellow robe hunted and hunted, a palm came up, and when a palm shattered the starry sky, the lost sea sky turned into darkness. At this moment, only the blue sky-shielding hand was still emitting a strong secret light!

"Dou Zi Tian Mi, Zhe Tian Mi, these...Although they are threatening to me, you are still a little behind me!" Dao Zhan Dao Patriarch, stepping on the road without touching his body, actually ignored the hand that covered the sky. The suppression, towards the ancient **** emperor... just shoot and kill!

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