My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3452: Eternal Fantasy God

As it was about the death of his father, Feng Guyi knew that this was Su Jin’s help and blessed his father's "Tian Secret", but compared with the power of different time and space and the safety of his father, how can a bet lose? What-

Many monks in the Supreme God's Realm have rumors that different time and space are inferior to other God's realms!

The ancient **** emperor hung a sigh of relief in the golden long coffin, but because he was not dead, Alien Time and Space could still be valued by others, but in many people’s eyes, Alien Time and Space is still too weak——

At this moment, the ancestor of Dao Slashing both arms in one fell swoop, and shouted: "Heaven is the same body! The way of transforming the nine gods, dragons and snakes, the way of transforming the ancient astrology, the sage of the ancients is coming!"

The hand of covering the sky was slapped in the position where the ancestor of the sword was standing. As a result, he used the same body of heaven to avoid this palm. The vast hand of covering the sky was shot into the endless and deep sea of ​​lost!

The ancient **** emperor felt a great crisis!

Ancient astrology, trace the steps of Gu Xian! Is this Dao Zhan Dao Master still a human! Strong is not such a strong method!


A nine gods dragon snake with nine snake heads in full length. The dragon body opened its eyes from the darkness of the lost sea. The nine snake heads are terrible, and the eighteen scarlet snake pupils seem to have opened in the sky. God eyes!



The ancient **** emperor stared blankly, watching an ancient starry sky appear! Those golden footprints were actually manifested in the ancient starry sky! Those footprints are those of the ancient saints! Now... Now it can be used by this Dao Slash Patriarch!

The power displayed by Patriarch Zhandao surpassed everyone's imagination——

"Haha! Yedi, I'm afraid I didn't even think of it! The Patriarch of the Dao Swordsman actually cut Wuzi, the power has reached its peak, and it is far beyond their ability to contend!" Tianxu Secret Realm, Song Family! Now the people in the entire secret realm are looking at the scene manifested in the "Lost Sea", this scene is extremely comfortable for them!

"The treasure sword is not old! The treasure sword is not old! The ancestor of Zhandao has been famous for a long time. Now he is born, he will stand on top! The ancient **** emperor is strong enough, but compared with the current ancestor of Zhandao, it is not a little bit worse!"

"Zhandao Ancestral Sect, I am afraid that we are going to be in the Secret Realm of Tianxu, this old ancestor will become a truly invincible existence, of course...except for the angel of God." Someone said at the end, the voice was also quieter. .

"I really want to know what Ye Di feels now--"

"Want to destroy our Tianxu Secret Realm? In another trillion years!"


Thousands of voices finally turned into a huge wave of astonishment! !

Nine dragons and snakes, can't swallow the ancient gods! The starry sky and ancient road that appeared on the head of the ancient **** emperor, and the footprints of the ancient sages, could not step on the **** emperor in different time and space!

Patriarch Zhan Dao is already dumbfounded-

The step of a sage in ancient times requires an extremely profound charm of the Heavenly Dao. It took him so many years to condense the charm of the Heavenly Dao to the point of clarity. After it is displayed, it will be even more difficult to condense!

In other words, there is only one chance for the ancestor of Zhan Dao to perform the "Step of the Sage of the Ancients"!

According to Zhan Dao Patriarch's idea, killing an ancient **** emperor is not too bad! But I was afraid, people did not kill, and this trump card was wasted!

"Third Secret!!" The ancestor Zhandao exclaimed, his voice even worse than crying! How could he think that the ancient **** emperor still has a secret, and it is also the most powerful "no" word in the sky secret!

On this day, secretly add the body, with the cultivation base of the ancient gods, directly escape into the depths of the eternal time and space, no problem! Not to mention the mere "step of the ancient sage", even if it is the real ancient sage, I am afraid that he will not die for a while!

"Why is this!"

This sentence appeared in every secret realm in the Supreme Nine Secrets——

Originally, the ancient gods were mortal! The footprints that the ancient sages have stepped on were used by the ancestors of the slashing path. Daxian could not bear that step, but the other side was unscathed!

Too angry!

A lot of the Nine Secrets of the Highest Secret are so angry!

"It's impossible. I have never heard of Tian Mi appearing in your different time and space, and you have a long coffin covering your body, and you have no chance to capture Tian Mi, you..." Patriarch Zhandao still saw the strange Place.

"Don't ask, to ask is to cut off your old dog's head--" The ancient **** emperor is very happy, now he is able to control destruction, this Dao Dao Patriarch, he can really fight!

"Someone is helping him!" Patriarch Zhandao was depressed, yes, it must be! If he is the one who guesses, it must be Ye Di! That kid, really cunning!

I saw the ancient **** emperor walk out of the secret state of the word ‘no’!

"Something in the way!" With just one punch, the ancient **** emperor blasted through the body of the Nine Gods Dragon Snake, and when he twisted lightning between his five fingers, he once again condensed the front of the box, hitting the dark heaven!

Dao Zhan Dao Master immediately moved away, the ancient **** emperor's blow, it was almost like a blow to his nose!

This ancient **** emperor! From the perspective of Patriarch Zhandao, it is a little unbelievable! The ancestor of the Dao Slash in the state of the same body of heaven and Dao, thinks that no one can trace his true body back! But just out of caution, I just removed my body, otherwise the consequences are really hard to say!

Feng Gu looked at it with trepidation. It was only now that her father King Gu Shenhuang had the upper hand, she was relieved——

It was... I was scared to death.

"If this is the case, your father still can't fight this Dao Slash Patriarch, then what is the use of your different time and space?" Su Jin said lightly and continued to recover.

"I should have lost." Feng Guyi felt like a trick, but she didn't care.

"Give up?"

"Yes. What do you want us to do in different time and space?"

"It's not what you want to do for me, but you..." Su Jin whispered quietly.

"Speak, let me...huh?" Feng Gu Yidang was in a daze and looked directly at Su Jin. This guy is really...couldn't it be her idea!

"Looking at you—"

Su Jin's short three words directly caused Feng Gu to take a step forward, and finally stood beside Luan Xingyu, refusing to approach him! And not only that, she also taught Luan Xingyu something in a low voice, as if she was reminding a girl who is as simple as a piece of paper not to approach the bad guys.

Now, the ancient gods are becoming more and more unreasonable!

The ancestor Zhan Dao was also shot out of anger. The two men fought each other and fought again and again. The great sage divine fire filled the circle and circle, and the void collapsed layer after layer!

"I'm telling you now! You are old, you should have been in the earth long ago! You should leave the future of the ancestral door to the younger generation!" The ancient **** emperor turned his fists into his palms, the thunder and lightning in his palm, and the thunder in the void All connecting!

"I haven't lived enough yet! It's you, already in the coffin, why were you carried out!" The ancestor Zhandao's mouth was equally vicious, and the angry ancient **** emperor shook all over——

"Wu Fang Tian Lei, let me guide! Wu Fang Yu Lei, Illusory God's true understanding!" The ancient **** emperor yelled, "Look at me smashing your old bone!"

Point the lightning!

Thunder Palm!

Dao Zhan Dao Master is very aggrieved now, don't underestimate these five imperial thunders, this is the ancient **** emperor's personal display, it is extraordinary! Although Dao Zhan Dao Master is now the same body, but for such an overwhelming illusion **** thunder light, his body will be numb if he is slightly infected, and the opponent will use this little time to truly hurt him!

hateful! Patriarch Zhandao is now being crushed and beaten, avoiding again and again——

If it weren't for Ye Di to make a ghost behind his back, how could he not even be able to deal with an ancient **** emperor! As we all know, Tian Mi has a time limit! The current ancient **** emperor, although there is no wordless heavenly secret blessing, the effect that the third secret has just increased is already there!

The power of the current ancient **** emperor has increased to an incredible level!

"Do you want to force me to leave the heavens? Dreaming! When the effect of your heavenly secret ends, I can slash your divine body by raising my finger --" Zhan Dao ancestor roared at the ancient **** emperor.

"Although the avenue is boundless, my illusion **** Thunder Road is also boundless! You can't avoid it!"

When the ancient **** emperor's self-confidence burst out, in the lost sea, all was filled with lightning! This kind of lightning flashes endlessly, as if lighting up a large area of ​​stars, it is terrible!

"You really **** it!" The ancestor Zhan Dao rushed out of the state of'Heaven and Dao', he grabbed a handful of red incense, lightly waved it, the incense was lit!

With the wave of the ancestor Zhan Dao, the incense and the floating smoke are turning into a special path!

"Oh! You are really willing!" The ancient **** emperor shot a giant blue thunder hand, and when the giant hand pressed against the ancestor of the sword, it was directly cut into a dozen pieces by the smoke trail from the incense——

"You and I don't waste time! Take the strongest blow! Split life and death!" Zhan Dao ancestor shouted loudly.

"it is good!"

The ancient **** emperor is not welcome when he sees the other party saying this. He first lifted his right palm and looked at the palm, then lifted his left palm, looking at the left palm as well, followed by a twisty blue lightning like an earthworm, as if Born out of the dark--


The void of the ancient **** emperor's body seemed to be squeezed away, and reached the extreme in a flash, and the void of the whole body burst open! A huge phantom of the phantom god, its head can break through the sky, the whole body seems to be surrounded by a whirlwind-like miniature of the "star field", standing up from behind the ancient **** emperor in shock, the phantom of the phantom **** raised its head !

"Oh!" Grandmaster Zhandao gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, what else could he say? What's the strongest blow, it's important to escape quickly!

Patriarch Zhan Dao couldn't imagine that the ancient **** emperor, who was blessed by the three kinds of heavenly secret effects, could open the ultimate ‘Eternal Illusory God’ technique!

So, a staggering scene appeared——

Patriarch Zhandao turned around and left without looking back! It took only one breath to get out of the lost sea! It turned out to be the Song family in the ‘Secret Realm of Tianxu’!

This... how could this old man be so embarrassed? Say the strongest hit, if you say you don’t hit it, you won’t hit it? This lets Zhan Dao Zumen's card face go!

"Old boy slipped fast!" The ancient **** emperor coughed again and again, his face flushed! But in the corner of his eyes, tears faintly burst out.

The Eternal Illusory God was originally a dream that he would never be able to achieve, but he never thought that with the help of Ye Di, he realized it, although he knew it was only once!

But also died without regret!

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