My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3454: The ancient sword music, played today!

Lost in the sea, Ye Gongyi's short words have proved his intention!

He came to kill Ye Di!

Both of them were in the center of the Lost Sea, on both sides of the coast, surprised and doubtful, all surprised Ye Gongyi appeared!

Among the Supreme Nine Secrets, there is a great sage who is extremely nervous! This Ye Gongyi, entrusted the angel of the heavens as the ‘Ancestor Zun’, and was also the domain master of the ‘Hundred Generations of God’s Domain’ soon! But even so, how could he come so recklessly to kill Ye Di alone!

"Could it be that the messenger of God changed his mind! But that's impossible! The future domain master of God's Domain for a hundred generations must not be lost--" There is the Song Family Daxian, who saw Ye Gongyi's identity, puzzled.

"Perhaps he is unique!"

"Pity me waiting for Daxian, watching Ye Di in the lost sea, dare not go and kill! Or, it depends on the future domain master of the Hundred Gods Domain, who has some strength! Of course, if he can kill Ye Di Best, our Ninth Secret of the province is worried!"

"There is an angel from the heavens protecting this young domain master, don't worry!"


On the other hand, Su Jin, Xiao Suxian and others didn't know the origin of Ye Gongyi!

Very strange--

"One person, is coming to kill Yedi? Is this person crazy?" After seeing the power of Yedi, the ancient **** emperor was sincere in whether it was to bless him with the three kinds of secrets before or to destroy the Jin Dynasty. admiration!

"I am so self-confident, worthy of being a role model for my generation! I want to return to the dust, smiling proud of the younger generation in a different time and space, if you are really struggling with Ye brother life and death, I am afraid that you will not even have the courage to resist!" Dao Guichen Tao.

"This person does not belong to the Supreme Nine Secrets, and the great sage aura on his body is extremely strange. It seems that he has been infused with Daxian power and promoted to a great sage, and his roots and bones are completely incompatible with his cultivation. , And even light up the Zhoutian meridian--"Gui Zang was also surprised.

"Niluantianyu knows that the Lord is powerful, it is impossible to send an ordinary great sage over!"

"Could it be..." The ancient **** emperor's head suddenly became big, and he tried to stare at his small watery eyes and said: "No! He...he came from the realm of gods for a hundred generations!"

Here I just guessed the identity of Ye Gongyi!

On the other side of the lost sea, has already shouted!

"Hundreds of Gods Domain! Come on!"

"Hundreds of Gods Domain! Come on!"


The killing intent in Ye Gongyi's eyes gradually followed the sound wave and began to grow!


A blood red demon knife was directly grabbed by Ye Gongyi, and he madly poured great sage spirit into the demon knife! That knife, as if forcefully smashing the sacred mountain, turned into a huge shadow of the sword, and it smashed from above Su Jin's head from a distance!

Ye Gongyi wanted to laugh, as if he saw the scene of Ye Di being chopped to death by him!


Ye Gongyi froze with a smile. He didn't see the scene of Ye Di's death under the huge knife shadow. When he was still trying to figure out the situation, the entire abdomen seemed to be cut by thousands of knife marks, and it was painful! And he was beaten up all over!

That was a finger, and the finger just now pointed towards Ye Gongyi's sea of ​​anger!

The sea of ​​anger exploded!

On the coast of the Nine Secrets, several great sages reacted directly, appeared behind Ye Gongyi, and caught him!


It was almost impossible to think about it. Ye Gongyi yelled in panic and frantically drilled out a bottle of pill, as if he didn't need money, and poured his head into his mouth! ! !

problem occurs!

Secret Realm of Tianxu, Song Family!

Song Zhentian was shocked, and at the same time, the angel of God also disappeared in the palace! Appear on the lost coast!

"Ah! Zuzun! Zuzun save me!!" Ye Gongyi grew up with little combat experience, how can I know what an expert is!

Now the ancient **** emperor, looking at the unmoving Ye Emperor, is almost two big!

"Father, you said it was... that was the heir of the Hundred Generations of God's Domain, Ye Gongyi!" Feng Guyi felt dizzy.

If others don't know, Feng Guyi, as the king of different time and space, would not know the situation of the Hundred Generations of God's Domain! That hundred generations of God's Domain, Ye Family, single pass from generation to generation!

Even so, the Ye Family firmly controls the entire "Hundred Worlds God's Domain"! Ye Di just made the move, I don't know what happened to Ye Gongyi! And look at the envoy of God, very much like the first generation ancestor of the Ye family! !

Ye Gongyi Qihai was blown up, and it was already the third blood spurted out! The messenger of God is checking the situation. The more he checks, the more silent, his body is faintly uncontrollable, trembling!

"You abolished Yi'er--" The emissary of God said to Su Jin with a hoarse voice.

"Crap, then scrap." Su Jin responded indifferently, "This is the first time I have seen such a great sage, I'm afraid it wasn't the drug that came out, "The King of Medicine"?"

The messenger of God will make Ye Gong easy to take it with a golden pill! Soon after, let a great sage of the Song family hold Ye Gongyi! As for him, the killing intent is permeating, and those killing intents seem to be materialized, flocking to Su Jin!

"In the realm of the gods, life and soul will become slaves forever, but you have made a big mistake with the eternal jade tree to solve all the imprints of heaven slaves in the abyss world!" , This is the second serious crime! Now, you are trying to abolish my Yier again, you can't die too much!"

"I said you are endless? Are there some old fools in the Supreme God's Domain? Your life is a life, but Lao Tzu's life is not a life?"

Su Jin asked, "Do I still beg him to kill me?"

This is really unreasonable! He understands what the other party means, that is, he must give up resistance and let Ye Gongyi kill him.

"What a night emperor against the sky! You hold your own strength, laugh at my incompetence, the old man will come to see how much you have!" The angel of God couldn't help it, and shook hands fiercely!

That grip, the world is dark!

This old dog! Su Jin suddenly became alert!


Su Jin turned into a cluster of starlight and disappeared directly from a distance. As soon as he walked on his front foot, the place where he was sitting just now collapsed suddenly, turning into a land of annihilation!


Including Su Jin, there are a total of 3,000 of him, manifesting in the lost sea!

Three thousand shadow phantoms!

The messenger of the heavens has an anger that can't be concealed. He raised his arm and waved it again!

This time Su Jin was really surprised! He felt as if there was a mysterious talisman gleaming behind him, and when he looked at the other "Shadow Incarnations", behind each of the Shadow Incarnations, a purple sky stele began to appear!

Boom~~~ Su Jin felt that his physical body and shadow incarnation were all suppressed in the void. In any case, he could not get rid of the suppression of the purple sky stele. This was what shocked him most!

In the darkness, a total of three thousand purple sky steles, shimmering with purple light, suppressed behind the emperor! These three thousand purple sky steles make people look extremely shocking!

On every purple sky stele, a touch of mysterious words began to flow, and those words flowed in mysterious light. It was these inscriptions that suppressed the emperor!

Now the party of the Supreme Nine Secrets is happy! Full of cheers!

"As soon as an expert makes a move, he will know if there is any! The envoy of the gods is angry and begins to take action to suppress the night emperor! That night emperor was directly suppressed!" The Song family in the secret realm of Tianxu, the most happy!

"Our **** son of the Chi family was also abolished by the night emperor! The suppression of the messenger of the gods really relieves your breath!" Daxian from the mustard seed valley laughed.

"His Ye Diqian shouldn't be absolutely wrong, and shouldn't abolish the future domain master of the God's Domain for hundreds of times! If he doesn't do this, maybe he can live a little longer!"

"That's it? Ye Di is not as scary as the rumored one!"

"It's the messenger of the gods! The night emperor is still inevitable. We just wait for the messenger to take off his head!"




The best interpretation of these two words is on the side of the ancient gods——

The messenger of the heavens shot and suppressed the night emperor, how can this be good! Under too much tension, Feng Gu and a few women were silent directly, for fear of seeing the scene where Ye Di was beheaded!

At this moment, the messenger of God is mad with hatred! He was also wrong, he shouldn't let the grandson of the clans who don't know the height of the earth to follow!

"Struggle, struggle!" The messenger of God waved his finger, and when even a scene appeared, he continued angrily: "I won't let you die so easily! I want you to watch and I know that The Dao women who guard the Dao realm sacrifice, I want you to feel despair!"


Su Jin looked at the scene, really... he really saw an altar that was about to be set up in his eyes, and the girl Wang was being led there!

"Oh." Su Jin turned to look at the angel of heaven, including the 2999 shadow avatars, and all said, "I have to admit that you have some means, but just so, you want to suppress me? Isn’t it too whimsical?"

The messenger of God was obviously shocked--

Three thousand Su Jin, raised their hands together, lightly patted the void in front of them!


In the dark starry sky, there was a star giant, Pentium Starfield, that giant was too tall, every step on the starry sky seemed to shake the world!

Almost at the same time, a circle of Buddha's ring began to slowly expand, and then expanded, enveloping all the shadow incarnations, the Buddha's ring exuded a powerful and unparalleled Buddha's glory!

Boom! A golden avenue, hitting the depths of eternity! Many people rubbed their eyes as if they were mistaken! They all saw a faint golden Buddha walking on the golden avenue!

Immeasurable God and Buddha! The immeasurable **** and Buddha, wrapped in a bodhi tree, stepped on the golden road——

Immediately! The sword body road halo, full of endless sadness and unwillingness, began to slowly condense outside the Buddha road halo!


See the terrible vision again!

Who buried the sword, who held the sword, the ancient sword song, played at this moment! That piece of sword body Dao sword **** vision, not seeing the sword god, but seeing a boundless sword grave!

At the center of countless sword graves, an ancient sword with a sheath was inserted, but that sword... has been out of its sheath by an inch of sharpness!

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