My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3455: Three thousand-day monuments, instantly broken

The ancient sword song suddenly became excited--

In a trance, every monk who paid attention to this battle seemed to see the revival of kendo. In that terrible kendo vision, countless divine swords flew out of time and space in a flash!

Yedi's sword body aura! The sword embryo of Kaifeng'sword embryo' gradually rose from the halo. The sword, like mountains and rivers, the magnificent scene, people seemed to foresee the future of sword repair and prosperous!




Countless marks of swordsmanship seem to be condensed from time and space. The marks of swords are like light, and each handle contains sharp, sky-breaking, and overlord intent!

"Good evildoer!" The angel roared violently!

There are three thousand purple ‘celestial monuments’, and the inscriptions are getting clearer and clearer, but the scars of the sword falling all over the sky are flying around the sky, constantly attacking the three thousand monuments!


The scene that many people didn't want to see appeared!

There is a purple sky monument, under the attack of countless sword marks, the monument is filled with imaginary divine swords! At this moment, there was a crack on the purple monument!

"Impossible, how could Ye Di be comparable to the messenger of the heavens! He is only a counterfeit! Those are sky monuments, real sky monuments, which can kill the enchanting power, but why can they be cut into cracks!" In the secret realm of Tianxu, the Song family could not accept what they saw with their own eyes.

The messenger of God, currently their Song family, is the last to rely on, and is also the strongest backer of the entire Ninth Secret, but this good time is not long, but it allows them to see such an uncomfortable sight.

"It's okay! Look at the cracked sky stele that is being restored! This shows that Ye Di can't cut the Taoist rhyme contained in it at all. As long as the sky stele is not broken, Ye Di can't get away!"

"Quick! The speed of building the altar of the gods must be faster!" Song Zhentian watched the clansmen get a little confused, and made a decisive decision!

"When will the fire girl of the spiritual palace arrive!" The second master of the Song family also roared around, asking several Song family members.

"Immediately, immediately!"


The second master of the Song family has no choice at all. Now Ye Di has become the mortal enemy of the entire Nine Secrets of the Supreme Secret. From the moment God’s messenger makes a decision, everything will be hard to restore—

Either Ye Di died, or the Song family was destroyed! Of the two, only one can be saved!

That being the case, the second master of the Song family no longer has more illusions, and does his best to help the angel of God and kill the emperor!

If the messenger of God cannot kill the Ye Emperor in the "Lost Sea", it can only succeed with the "Altar of God"!

Miss Wang was held hostage and stood not far away from the unfinished "God Altar". As long as she looked sideways at the condensed scene, she felt a little uncomfortable.

Not only because of Yedi——

And she "knows and guards the realm"!

Why doesn't even one person come to his home? Even if it’s not saved, it’s okay to bring a sentence——

In the past, Wang Qiang was wronged, and all her brother Yun Zhibai came to protect her. The so-called family member, Zongmen, seemed to not take her seriously. Now, once the altar of God is set up, she will be driven to the altar together with the "fire mandarin duck" who has not yet arrived, and sacrifice to God!

far away!

A wave of fire broke through the barrier, and it was a **** ship that could open up frontiers! Above, the fire duck was looking horrified, and she saw the altar built in a clearing!

The altar of God has been built up to a thousand stories! There are also sacred trees flooded with lightning, placed on the top of the altar, this...this altar is almost complete!

The fire mandarin duck is now **** by the sacred rope that binds her. What is ridiculous is that the person who tied her is still the elder of the clan!

"Sister Wang Qiang——" Huo Yuanyang's face has never been better, without a **** face, when he looked at the same desperate Wang Qiang, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Finally, the fire duck was taken to Wang Qiang's side and stood with her.

"You spirit palace, really willing to." Wang Qiang sighed.

"I heard on the way that someone who knew the Dao Realm threatened the Song family, but why did the Song family turn a deaf ear to it?" Huo Yuan Duck asked.

"The threat of hypocrisy." Wang Qiang said: "Your ancestor, why can't you protect you?"

"I returned to the Spirit Palace with my ancestor before, but the ancestors of the gods were disturbed because of the disturbances in the Song family, the Chi family, and the Bai family. I went back, and I... Vulcan Taoist girl, offering sacrifices to God is also the most suitable--" Huo Yuan Yang said with a wry smile.

too difficult.

The fire mandarin duck smiled bitterly, and asked: "What about you? I heard that your brother has been imprisoned, and he knows that he should not abandon you when he guards the realm."

"Use the two of me as sacrifices to sacrifice to God. Zhi Shou Dao Jing is eager to see that scene. Although you hear the fierce resistance of'Zhi Shou Dao Jing', you will not see anyone coming. Yedi's meritorious'Knowing and Shou Dao Realm' will definitely have great benefits..." Wang Qiang said.

"Ancient legend is really true."

The fire duck no longer cares. In her limited time, where is she still thinking about how to live, she immediately said: "The messenger of the heavens has always existed in the realm of the gods. It seems that he is not invincible. "

That's right! Who can be invincible in the world?

The messenger of God, at least has the power to kill Ye Di without a single blow! The two are still wrestling, and Ye Di hasn't had any decay yet! Even the balance of power!

"Your resistance is all in vain! The more you struggle, the heavier the suppressing power of the monument will be! If this continues, you will be suppressed by the monument in the eternal darkness, which is a path without light, trillions of dollars planted. It's hard to get out!" The messenger's face was solemn, obviously he hadn't expected this to happen.

The resistance of the Ye Emperor was so strong that the angel of God could not help but put away his contempt!


Open one more!

A red demon light turned into a monstrous halo, enclosing the body of the Three Thousand Heavenly Stele and the Three Thousand Night Emperor. In the void of the Lost Sea, there was a 19,998 story "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower". 'It manifested, the momentum that burst out at that moment, unexpectedly rushed a beam of demon light on the top of the town demon tower!

God, got a big hole out!

On the Demon Tower of Wuxiang Town, countless paper-like talisman seals began to fall on every layer of the demon tower. These talisman seals seemed to be guided in the dark, all hitting the three thousand purple sky steles!

"Bake--" Fuzhuan spontaneously ignited, igniting an extremely bright demon fire, and the vermilion path on the Fuzhuan was frantically attacking those monuments!

Bang bang! Many purple sky steles have been shaken!

There are three thousand sky steles, of which at least more than a hundred are cracking——

The messenger of the heaven swept in front of him with one hand, and a circle of bright clouds began to condense into a giant ‘octagonal mirror’ with glittering exposure! Then, he took the virtual palm of the magic mirror and rushed directly to the "Demon Tower of Wuxiang Town"!

The terrifying mirror light seemed to penetrate the ancient time and space, extremely eye-catching in the dark! As the column mirror shines on the "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower", the whole town demon tower begins to tremble, faintly collapsing!

Su Jinmeiyu picks!

"Boom boom boom..."

In the rumble, all nine ways are open!

Nine circles are like galaxy circles, enclosing the "Lost Sea". Nine circles, the nine circles are extremely shining, as if they have turned into annual rings. Everyone can feel their own Small!

Under the full opening of the Nine Paths, the "Wuxiang Town Demon Tower" is blessed! The messenger of God was shocked to find that his divine realm, the brilliance that shone on the town demon tower, could hardly collapse this tower! And more than that, his Buddha Realm could not even shake the Demon Town Tower!

It's too scary--

Among the nine paths, there is the path of Buddhism, and there is an eye-catching golden avenue in the path of Buddhism. Countless Buddhas seem to have become path-walkers, and the immeasurable gods and Buddhas seem to be in that circle of Buddha paths!

Among the nine roads, there is Senluo Avenue! This is the one that shocked the world the most besides Buddhism! The road ring of the Senluo Avenue is full of blue ink streamers, and there are many star continents floating in it! This is the plane of Sunro! And it's still a terrible one to inherit from the Outian King bone!

Among the nine roads, there is the loneliest road! It is precisely because it is not very noticeable that many people see its very special side!

In the ring of flames, there is only the phantom of an old man in a linen robe, carrying the fire on his waist, walking silently in it, moving forward! With each step he took, the fire basin began to be lit!

"Suiren!" The angel of heaven exclaimed in anger.

Su Jin seemed to be immersed in inexplicable sentiment, even if he was suppressed by the purple sky stele, he seemed to be indifferent!

At this moment, in the eyes of the ancient gods and others, the posture of the emperor of the night is simply unspeakable arrogance!

This is the night emperor-

A guy who makes people love and hate! Feng Gu watched the nine roads open, like nine galaxies, ring after ring, gorgeous yet magnificent!

The messenger of God already has a very bad feeling!

The current night emperor, the nine ways are strong! The nine circles are like galaxy rings, and the light suddenly appeared, making it hard to look directly at it!


The nine circles suddenly began to shrink from the outside to the inside with Su Jin as the center!

Three thousand monuments were broken in an instant, and the world seemed to have the illusion of pause in time and time. The flow of time seemed to be slow, much slower. In the lost sea, the endless fragments of the monuments seemed to be turned into countless stones, spreading in every corner!

The three thousand-day monuments were all swept into pieces——

It is unexpected and unbelievable!

Those faces with shocked faces and stunned eyes are everywhere!

And Ye Di, the Ye Di, stood proudly in the lost sea, with a cold expression and a dashing posture, as if not taking away a trace of cloud!

"The altar is complete!!" Song Zhentian erupted in a roar like the sky, and the angel of God immediately faced Su Jin——

"God's altar, sacrifice the Taoist girl, and lead Tianzhu, chance." The angel's figure turned into a ball of light and slowly disappeared into the lost sea.

And that 999-story God altar, began to appear in the Supreme Ninth Secret for the first time! The altar exudes a faint luster, directly attracting the attention of the world!

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