My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3459: Toggle Avenue

The incense burns, and the altar of God opens!

Fire Duck and Miss Wang, who are being sacrificed, are not desperate now! As the victims of "Ling Gong" and "Zhi Shou Dao Realm", no one can save them except Ye Emperor——

Moreover, the Ye Emperor currently has no good solution. The two women who die first must be the two women, and then the Ye Emperor!

The deep night, as if the three bright moons hanging on the day could not be illuminated, and on the other side, two divine suns, the phoenix mourned, even if one pointed to the ancients, the night emperor will eventually pass away and become a legend. Not a generation legend-

The world is everywhere, the Nine Secrets of the Supreme Qi Luck, the power of the endless avenue, including the starry sky, the power seems to be transformed into thousands of colors, starting to condense like catkins-like strips, densely covered, and begin to be absorbed by the'Altar of God' !

Su Jin's body shook violently...

The Wenluo that belonged to the "Heaven and Earth Sovereign" on his head quickly began to shatter and was as strong as him. With the heaven and earth power being taken away, it seemed that he could do nothing!

Death is like waiting for death quietly!

In the secret realm of Tianxu, Song Patriarch Song Zhentian, now clenching his fists, the excitement on his face is hard to conceal!

Song Zhentian saw that Yedi's Taoist body was trembling, and the power of Heaven and Earth Lord was being deprived of the'Altar of God'!

This is probably the most surprising thing for everyone from the Song Family, the Supreme Nine Secrets, the Lord of Niluan Domain, etc.—

"My son has a thousand opportunities and looks like an ancient sage! But yesterday, because of you, he was ruined by the Tao, and there was no way to reincarnate! In the future, he will only be able to live a mortal life bleakly. This is all thanks to you! Ye Di! Your retribution!" Song Zhentian didn't want Ye Di to die quietly like this, he hadn't even said a word to his enemy, even if he lashed out at him!

"Ye Di! When you abolished my son's cultivation base yesterday! Have you ever thought that in the near future, there will be such an end?" Mustard Seed Valley, also has a middle-aged person full of hatred.

Although his son’s Yuhe’s talent is not as good as Song Qianji’s, he is considered to be an outstanding existence in the same generation. This Yedi has turned him into a short-lived person. Now Yedi has suffered bitter results. How could he not be sarcastic. Fan!

"How rampant you were when you destroyed my Golden Dynasty! But it's only half a day, how is your Ye Emperor now? Isn't it rampant?" Jin Wuxiang is very happy, new and old hatred, as if to vent at this moment!

Su Jin heard what those people said--

He didn't care at all, he was just looking at the altar now.

The fire mandarin duck cried, and Miss Wang was looking at Su Jin, although she was speechless, but in that look, there seemed to be more guilt.

The vitality of the two women seemed to be being seized. Once the altar of God was launched, it was absolutely difficult for them to live!

Although the Tao fruit power of Su Jin Tian Di Zun is fading, it is not too fast!

"You carefully help me observe and observe the flaws of the messenger of God——" Su Jin transmitted to Wang Qiang.

Wang Qiang could feel that her life was dying, and now she was willing no matter what Yedi told her to do! Even if you close your eyes and die!

"I...I can't see clearly." Wang Qiang conveyed to Su Jin. She was already weakening. I am afraid that after a while, only endless darkness is waiting for her.

"Don't be distracted, I will protect you from death, now... I will grant you another unparalleled good fortune, so that you can be promoted to the rank of super Taoist gods!"

Su Jin's words are very clear. Although it is scary, does he really have more energy now? Wang Qiang was a little worried, and she didn’t think Yedi had the ability to compete against the altar of God——

Just now, Ye Di pointed a finger far away, and the other pointed out.

Now, the emperor of the night also points to the sky, and this finger is also shaking the world! !

The two white moons in the sky seemed to be moving, rotating with the only blood-colored moon in the dark long sky! Finally merge!


On the other side, Phoenix crowed! The phoenix essence fire that evolved from the **** sun was burning another **** sun, and the two **** suns almost collided in two breaths!

Dark on one side, day on the other!

Su Jin stepped to the sky! The whole body exudes extremely powerful Fuxi Taoist rhyme! His hands, in the middle of the darkness and the day, unexpectedly began to make a weird posture for others!

That's...Tai Chi!

"Look carefully, feel carefully, before Tianzhu has descended--" Su Jin's voice appeared in Wang Qiang's ears. Of course, the same words seemed to reach the soul, appearing on the other side of the'Lost Sea' , In the heart of Da Shi Guiqing.

Su Jinmo was flying, he waved Tai Chi, his left hand was dark, his right hand was day, and the whole world seemed to evolve an extremely terrifying Tai Chi Tao map!

At that moment, it seemed as if there was a phantom, which instantly merged in Su Jin's body——

At that moment, Ye Di... felt as if he had become the second Fuxi Taoist god!

The world is shocked!

"Move the avenue--" Master Guizang had just seen Fuxi with his own eyes. He really saw that the phantom and the facial features were extremely clear. Could it be that Fuxi's inheritance today is about to break out completely?

this is too scary.

At this moment, the world seems to have only that altar and a circle of ‘gossip’!

"Up to now, you still want to give her a chance! As everyone knows, she has been used as a sacrifice to sacrifice to God, and there will never be a way of life!" The angel of God is also a little unstable now, and he can't believe what he saw. !

Earlier, the messenger of God saw that Sui Ren had inherited the Yedi. He was shocked at that time, and now... the one that moves the road is obviously not Sui!

It's Fuxi!

It's amazing!

"Am I allowed?" Su Jinfa made a voice and asked the angel of God.

"Okay! Okay! You Ye Di is arrogant! You don't even put God in your eyes! I have long seen that you are a **** against the sky, nothing! What if you have Fuxi inheritance! God, omnipotent!" Angrily said.

That is……

That phantom was the Fuxi Taoist **** just now?

I was stunned, not only Song Zhentian was stunned, but almost every cultivator of Dao masters and Supreme Nine Secrets was dumbfounded——

Song Zhentian's face will be distorted! A trace of fear grew deep in his heart, and he couldn't suppress that fear at all!

"Emperor Ye has the blessing of Fuxi Taoist God!" Jin Wuxiang's face was pale, and he took a step back in shock.

Jin Wuxiang doesn't know about this...

When he was in the Buddha Land, Yedi was trying to compete with the little **** show who was added by the evil spirits. At that time, the Yedi gave Wang Qiang a chance. At that time, Wang Qiang's improvement was great. He was surprised by this, but now he sees Yedi. With the inheritance of Fuxi Taoism, he understood!

"Among the heavens, two ancient sages who once knew everything in the days, have been inherited by the Ye Di! Who is this Ye Di!" Although the Song family members are very confident in the angel of God, At this moment, the avenue was moved, and it was obvious that Yedi wanted to save Wang Qiang and the fire duck——

"Two ancient sages! Suiren clan and Fuxi, once invincible, why should they pass on to this god-defying night emperor!"

"So what! The inheritance does not mean that you are the ancient sages! Inheritance is inheritance, and reincarnation is reincarnation. If he is the reincarnation of Fuxi Taoist god, we should be more worried! It is a mere inheritance, and we can't live under Tianzhu!"

"What the **** is God's messenger doing! Why didn't Tianzhu activate yet--"


The tense situation made the Supreme Ninth Secret anxious——

And all the people in the lost sea are almost all in sluggishness now.

Gui Zang saw his sister's condition, and he immediately moved at that moment. This opportunity was not only given to the king girl, but his sister was also sitting cross-legged with her eyes closed, feeling it!

"No wonder, it's no wonder that Ye Di can hold my sister's Heavenly Fate Avenue——" Gui Zang said with emotion without concealing it.

"Your sister's Heavenly Fate Dao, belongs to the Taoist school, and it is at the level of Taoism. Of course, compared with the Fuxi inheritors... the difference is not a star and a half. Of course Yedi Lord can hold your sister's Dao." Said the emperor.

Guizo was not angry either, but nodded in agreement!

"Fuxi and Suiren, two inheritors of ancient sages, can Ye Di resist the altar of God?" Xiao Suxian was scared to cry and asked quickly.

"I don't know yet--" the ancient **** emperor said: "However, the true power of the night emperor will completely burst out!"

Upon hearing this, Feng Gu showed an expression of expectation that he had never had before!

Real power? Isn't this Yedi's strongest time yet?

Xiao Suxian was a little confused. The people around him seemed to be hiding something from her. Does Ye Di still have an identity she doesn't know?



look forward to.

It seems that several emotions are all integrated in everyone's heart! The Supreme Nine Secret hopes that the emperor will pass away soon! But I'm afraid to see a bad scene. The inheritance identities of Fuxi and Sui people are too scary. Compared with that, Heaven and Earth Zun seems to be nothing, after all, the power of Heaven and Earth Zun is being taken away now——

Fire Mandarin Duck and Miss Wang are all shaking together now, and a ray of blood shed from the corners of their mouths almost at the same time!

"Resist, it's all in vain!" The angel of God laughed.

As sacrifices to the two women, there are now faint circles of wonderful power around them, which are affecting them! If it weren't for a circle of Fuxi Road Xia rising under Miss Wang, I am afraid that just this inexplicable method would have caused both of her to die instantly!

The fire duck, suddenly screamed at this moment——

In the vision of the fire mandarin duck, the whole world seemed to be spinning frantically. She felt that she was going to die soon, and she was going to die before Miss Wang!


Su Jin suddenly shouted, and the fire duck woke up in pain. She saw the phantom of an old man in Ma Pao, as if it appeared in front of her!

The old man in hemp robe seemed to be very kind, slowly raising his hand, and wisps of flame appeared on his palm, directly pressing on her forehead——

"It's useless! As sacrifices, they must die!" the angel of God shouted.

The sacrifice must die!

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