My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3460: Unwilling to be with the sky

Now, everyone is not surprised--

The power of Yedi Tiandizun is still fading, but he still feels weird, he...has not seen any decline! And not only is she giving the Wang girl a peerless opportunity, but the fire girl in the palace seems to be being given the Tao by Sui Ren phantom!

In the Supreme Nine Secrets, no one knows the girl the Fire Duck! She is also known as the person who is most likely to become the **** of fire in the future!

It's just that the fire mandarin duck is precisely because the Vulcan Dao is too terrifying, and the power of the Vulcan is somewhat mutated. Her "Sky Star God Flame" is the biggest obstacle restricting her to go far in the future!

just now……

Now this obstacle seems to be disappearing!

But as the angel said, everything is just in vain! The entire "Altar of God", surrounded by different clouds, the seven orifices of the fire mandarin ducks, all began to bleed outside——


The messenger of God began to worship, and the thousands of shades of glow began to condense the words of God, as if they were sacrificial texts! The angels of God are all proud now, knowing that Ye Di is over!

Ye Di worked so hard to save the two women, and now the sacrifice is made, even if the two women are not dead, Tianzhu will come down, but the probability that the two women will not die is very small. This is still in the two ancient sages. Probability under shelter!

"I...I can't hold it anymore--" Miss Wang felt that there was nothing in front of them, and the floating sacrificial texts seemed particularly uncomfortable. Every time those sacrificial texts flashed, their vitality seemed to be taken away.

Su Jin's face was cold, and when he turned the heaven and earth into ‘heaven and earth yin and yang’, he slowly moved towards the two women and waved lightly!


Fire Mandarin Duck and Miss Wang, their bodies trembled fiercely! Two clusters of strong emerald light, wafting and vomiting from their bodies——

Vitality was restored in a flash! Although the altar of God is robbing them of their vitality, they now have the power of life, a steady flow, and even directly resolve their crisis!

This is... the power of life!

When Su Jin was at the Tomb of All Living Beings and fighting side by side with Emperor Huang, the living monument of the Tomb of All Living Beings could bless the power of living creatures! Now that the monument of life is on him, he can naturally bless him too!

"This Ye Di! It really can hold it!" The people of Kan Zhen Dao Sect were so anxious that they could not wait to get the knife right now and give Ye Di a happy life.

"The fire girl in the spiritual palace and the Taoist girl who knows the Taoist realm are now being given the power of life by the emperor! What level of means is this? It's incredible!"

"Emperor Ye is using the inheritance of two ancient sages to clear the road for the two women! If these two women do not die, they will be terrible in the future! Especially the fire mandarin ducks in the spiritual palace..."

"Emperor Ye can no longer be described as a evildoer. This man is wrestling with the altar of heaven, his breath is not weak but prosperous! And under the palm of the star giant, he still suppressed the ancestor of the slashing corpse! , Fortunately there is an envoy from the heavens, otherwise, can our Ninth Secret contend against the night emperor?"

"That's it! Ye Di tried his best, just struggling to the death, and the messenger of God standing on our side, even Tianzhu has not used it!"

"Those sacrificial texts are stripping away the vitality of the sacrifices, but never expected that Ye Di's life force would actually resolve the crisis between the two women."

"Emperor Ye is immortal, and the Nine Secrets of the Highest Secret will definitely perish! Including the Hundred Generations of God's Domain, you will have to pay a great price--"



The shock that the Supreme Nine Secret Monk couldn't tell, continuously turned into various expressions, appeared on everyone's faces, and the power of the Ye Emperor had exceeded everyone's expectations!

"The messenger of God has already started, and within a moment, Tianzhu will come. This is the last night that the emperor will survive. It is a pity that he has the opportunity." Seeing the move of the messenger of God, Song Zhentian did not relax at all.

After Song Zhentian’s reminder, the lord of Niluanyu, Jin Wuxiang, the second master of the Song family, and even Song Qianji, who has become a useless person, also appeared outside his palace, quietly waiting for the fall of Yedi——

On this day, it is destined to be included in the history of the Supreme Nine Secrets!

God altar, God messenger, night emperor!

"Ahead, endless darkness is waiting for you, are you ready? Your relatives, friends, souvenirs, and everything has nothing to do with you anymore!" The angel of God gently raised his hand, and a ray of blood floated from his fingertips. Those sacrificial texts merge together!

"Just listen to your bragging, hope you don't let me down--" Su Jin passed down his voice and said lightly.

"Then I will send you on the road! These two women are my sacrifices to God, no one can save! Even you! Now, I will kill these two women first, and then beat your body into shape. Fen powder, completely let you disappear in the years!"

The voice of the messenger of God fell!

Boom boom boom -

The yin and yang fish that had turned into heaven and earth were torn to pieces in a sudden! On the altar of God, the sacrificial text shined with extremely powerful light! As if turning everything into darkness!

Yedi was drowned in darkness, only the altar of heaven was still shining with mighty light!

In a flash!


A quiet world divine light turned into a beam of light from the darkness, blasting down towards the girl king and the fire duck!

Huh, Huh, Huh~~~

In the quiet black space, a strange breath seemed to resound in everyone's ears! The night emperor, the angel of heaven, and the altar of heaven are all in that wonderful space, but can people hear the strange breathing?

Fire Yuanyang and Miss Wang had already accepted their fate! The two women held hands together and closed their eyes—

One breath, two breaths, Miss Wang and the fire duck are very strange in their hearts! They knew that they were ‘dead’, they knew this was Tianzhu, and there was no one to live under Tianzhu!

But since it's dead...Why didn't you feel any pain just now?

No one dares to believe--

Quiet, too quiet, especially in that kind of darkness.

"No!" Song Zhentian saw with his own eyes that the altar of God was launched just now, sweeping away the void where the night emperor was located. Now, although their Ninth Secret has turned into a dark sky, they are not in that'dimension', and any of them cannot be destroyed. To the land of the highest nine secrets!

Song Zhentian was stunned.

The beam of light that the ‘Quiet World’s Divine Light’ had just landed on the heads of the two women did not seem to be able to kill them! There, there is a giant hand formed by crystal red power, supporting that beam of light! !

"Ah! What happened!!" Jin Wuxiang went mad, his eyes staring out.




The angel of God was also in that black space, roaring constantly! With every roar of his, there will be a pillar of quiet world blast through the darkness!




Every beam of divine light is a part of "Tianzhu"! Constantly booming in the darkness! !


The crisp sound seemed to follow the sound of breathing! In that dark space, two extremely red eyes opened!

Boom~~~ From a giant figure, a brilliant red light swept a circle of waves from the giant figure's head!

boom! At the location of the heart, under the feet, at the same time there is a crystal red aperture sweeping in the dark space!

"Ah! are! So you are!!!" The angel of heaven seemed to have discovered something extraordinary, and roared in horror, bursting out in his unprecedented shock!

what happened!

Linggong, Zhishou Dao, Mustard Seed Valley Capital, Shangyang Palace, Tianxu Secret Realm, Kanzhen Daozong, Jurchen Taiyuan Hall, Innocent Dao of Feng Demon Ancestor, Sea of ​​Sun God. In every secret realm, there are countless people watching this battle——

"Tianzhu! Full of eight Tianzhu descended, is Ye Di dead? Is Ye Di dead!" Many people were scared to cry at this moment, it was really terrifying, and there was fear in their hearts constantly pouring out!

"Not yet, not dead yet..." When someone responded, he found his voice trembling.

"What kind of power is this, what is this! The altar of the gods and the angels of the gods can't kill the night emperor?"

"The messenger of heaven, the voice of the messenger of heaven seemed to be scared... what did he see——"




In that dark space, the angel of God kept facing that figure... blasted a dazzling ‘Tianzhu’!

Ten ways, fifty ways! One hundred! But five breaths, a total of nine hundred "Tianzhu", bombarded the giant that exuded crystal red brilliance!

And at this time, the lost sea! Gui Zang and Ancient God Emperor looked at each other, almost crying with excitement! it's time--

Immediately, the ghost store and the ancient **** emperor exchanged, as if to release the most terrible declaration to the entire world! !

The ghost storehouse and the ancient **** emperor roared in unison: "Unwilling to be with the sky, forever will not be the world-zun! Baoqing ghost store, different time and space, welcome the world-zun!!!"

Unwilling to be with the sky.

Eternal...not the Lord! !

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