My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3461: Sacrifice

Greetings, not the Lord!

The monks in the supreme realm seemed to be shocked by the words of the ghost hiding and the ancient **** emperor. Yedi, who had just obtained the Taoist fruit of the heaven and earth not long ago, has now become the ‘unsovereign’!

Although they all sound silly, but it is really like the gap between the sea and the water drop...

Silent, suffocating expressions everywhere!

"Did I have heard it wrong? Different Time and Space welcomes the Zun, isn't it welcomes the Heaven and Earth Zun!" Someone in the Song family hasn't shaken his mind yet. When he looked at other people in a sluggish state, he almost confirmed that he didn't. Wrong!

"Receive Tianzhu with bare hands, take it with bare hands! No wonder Ye Di can perfectly use the power of'Zun Tiandi' in such a short period of time. He is clearly using this deity as a cover for himself! That crystal red divine power is not The power of Blessed One's "Great Shinto"!"

"This is the strongest means for Ye Di to be confident! It's not the world-honored person, we are so miserable to conceal--"

"Niluantianyu, the Supreme Nine Secrets, and even the Hundred Gods Realm and the Golden Dynasty! These supreme beings, if you know that the Yedi is not the world-zun, you will never provoke him, absolutely not! The non-world-zun back then, in all the highest gods' realms His status is comparable to that of God! This is a super existence that can truly surpass'Heaven'!"

"We... Did our Song family offend the World-Honored One?"

"I sealed the demon ancestor's innocent way... I also sealed the demon ancestor's innocent way, and I also offended the world-honored--"

"Oh my God! They are all liars, saying that Ye Di pretends to be a messenger from the heavens, and helps the heaven slaves of the instant gods to remove the imprint. Is he still pretending to be? With the unpredictable divine power of the Great Divine Dao, he can directly erase the immortal power that God has imposed on him. Heavenly slave seal of all beings!"


Now, the faces of Song Zhentian and the second master of the Song family are all green!

Jin Wuxiang stayed.

The Supreme Hall Master was just like him, especially when he heard the three words ‘No World Honor’, he almost collapsed on the ground——

"My Ji Dao Temple... the person who offends is not the World-Venerable!" The Master of the Ji Dao Temple couldn't believe it. He felt that if this matter was true, it would not be enough to compensate for the 180 generations of his ancestor.

But how can this be fake!

This is the ancient **** emperor of different time and space, and the master ghost of Baoqing Ghost Cang, welcome together!

"Patriarch! My Secret Realm of Tianxu, the Song Family! The one who offends the World Honored One, now how do you explain this——" Song Family Second Master asked Song Zhentian, "Before, I asked you to send back the girl who knew the Dao Realm. But you don't listen at all. You must use this woman as a guide to sacrifice to God and force Ye Di to come and destroy my Song family!"

"What if it's not!" Song Zhentian said not to panic, but his desperate expression couldn't hide it!

"Take Tianzhu with your bare hands! Heaven and Earth Zun can't do this at all! How cunning are the Ancient God Emperors of Ghost Store and Different Time and Space? Even they all agree that Ye Di is not the World Zun. You are still stubborn. I want to kill Ye Di with the help of God's messenger!" The second master of the Song Family is now extremely disappointed with this Patriarch!

Song family, chaos!

Not only the Song family!

Sea of ​​Yang God, Spirit Palace, Zhishou Dao Realm, Mustard Seed Valley Capital, Shangyang Palace, Kanzhen Dao Sect, Jurchen Taiyuan Hall, Feng Yao Ancestor Innocent Dao, these eight supreme secret realms also felt the disaster of extinction!

"Mustard Seed Valley, Mustard Seed Valley is offended by the Lord!"

"Injustice! Injustice! Injustice! My Jurchen Taiyuan Palace, even with you, declared war against the World-Honored One!"

"Our demon ancestor's innocent way, only to send a few gods, have blessed the'Ten Thousand Immortal Blood Drops Killing Array', will the World Venerable be open to this?"

"No World Honored, he has a lot to do with the Taoist girl who knows the Dao Realm! He will definitely not make a move against us knowing the Dao State. Our Dao Master will definitely let Wang Qiang Dao Girl plead with the Unworldly Lord!"

"Our spiritual palace, help the night emperor! We are not ashamed of conspiring with other secret realms in the Buddha land. The night emperor will definitely read this feeling and will not surrender to the spiritual palace! Look, our spiritual palace ancestors will soon be Released—"

"In case, without the world-honored one, he would die under Tianzhu..."


It is a matter of life and death for everyone, and all kinds of shameless words have appeared, and in fact, many of the Ninth Secrets know this battle! Either the messenger of God and the Supreme Nine Secrets won, and the Ye Di died. Either they are destroyed!

Outside a palace--

Song Qianji was still in a trance, his face was full of hideousness!

why! Why not the Lord! Song Qianji hates it! He knows what these three words mean to him, which means that he will not take revenge anyway, nor dare to take revenge!

Die! Song Qianji's eyes were red, staring at the dark space. This is probably his last wish. As long as Ye Di dies, everything will have a chance--

Dark space.

The giant figure shining three crystal red brilliance, slightly tilted his head, he was holding a pillar of heavenly death light with his palm, and at this moment, a bright red phantom appeared slowly! That is a Phoenix Spiritual Fire evolved from Shenri!

Miss Wang and the Fire Duck only felt the heat wave high, very hot and hot. The two of them just took a look and saw the Phoenix Spirit flying above their heads, carrying the divine light of the heavenly scorpion——

Immediately, Su Jin turned around and took a gentle step, directly shattering the altar! !

"It's useless!" God's messenger said angrily: "As long as the sacrificial text appears, it doesn't matter if the altar does not exist! Even if you are that one, you are also God's mortal enemy, the mortal enemy of the heavens!"

"You can't see the day when the heavens are dead--"

The huge crystal red figure slowly looked towards the angel of heaven, his voice, expression, and breath all seemed to have changed!

"You... Are you the Ye Emperor or the World Lord!" The emissary of God was shocked.

"On the day of my recovery, there is no way. On the day of my recovery, the heavens will not be famous. On the day of my recovery, the God is at my feet, no longer dare to call God!"

" are so courageous!" Hearing this, the angel of God didn't know how terrified he was. He had seen so many repairs against the sky, but no one had ever dared to be so in front of an angel of God. Such insult to God!

Aware of the seriousness of the situation, the angels of God saw that "Tianzhu" could not harm the emperor of the night at all, and immediately his heart was overwhelmed!

Qiang Qiang--

The messenger of God took out a short knife shining with stars, and slashed it fiercely on his dry right arm! The shriveled right arm suddenly scoffed at sparks.

Finally, a drop of extremely dark blood was forced out by him!

"Emperor!" The angel of God roared wildly: "Tianzhu can't kill you. I recite God's sacrificial texts and use methods of sacrifice and killing that have never been performed before. If you don't believe it, you can't kill you!"

Words fall.

The angel of God floated that drop of dark blood towards him, and his hands connected to the drop of blood to cast a divine light, his voice kept constantly, and he personally recited the content of the ‘sacrifice’, ordinary people could not hear what he was chanting!

But it’s strange to say that as the angel of God chanted ‘God’s Sacrifice’, the floating rituals in the dark space, as he chanted a sentence, it would sparkle!

It's amazing! About less than ten breaths or so, the angel of the heavens breathed quickly, and shouted: "God sacrifices to the gods!"

The cold giant suddenly opened a vertical pupil on his forehead! Crystal red vertical pupil!


Tianzhu is descending, and the power of'God Sacrifice to Killing God' is also beginning to appear!

"Go!" The angel of God bounced that drop of divine blood directly into the void!

That drop of blood, rumbling, was changing its shape. The shape was actually a three-foot-high, careful bone altar. The whole body was white glazed porcelain, but there were three weird ‘claw marks’ on it!


After the bone altar was condensed and formed, the first claw mark on it faded away strangely and disappeared!

Click! Click!

Every monk who watched the battle directly felt the horror! In the dark space in front of me, the sights imprinted in my mind are all cracks! This bone altar turned out to be the ultimate secret of "God Sacrifice to Kill"!

"It's too strong, the technique performed by the messenger of God is really too strong!" Countless people were excited!

"It turns out that Tianzhu is just an appetizer! This "God Sacrifice Killing" is the great method of the messenger! Look! The unworldly figure that the Ye Emperor transformed into was drowned by countless slashes!" Although there are Song family members still You are not afraid of the World-Honored One, but if you can kill the Yedi right now, you will naturally get it done once and for all, and you don't have to worry about the entire clan being destroyed.

"Does the claw marks on the bone altar come from God? It's too bullish, it's all right! The entire dark space will be annihilated--"

"Not the world-honor? I don't know how many tens of thousands of years it will take when awakening and resuscitation! Unfortunately, I can't wait for that day, and Ye Di has no chance! This **** sacrifice to the gods is enough to wipe him out of the world!"


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