My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3462: Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian!

Destroy, silence, in the crisscross of the sky, in the dark space, it seems impossible for any creature to exist——

"Tick it..." The weird figure slowly emitted a brilliant red light from the Great Shinto. At the same time, the fire mandarin duck and Miss Wang were also protected by the Great Shinto!

Eyes full of cracks, God sacrifices to the gods to kill such a powerful force, even?

He hasn't even been able to kill Ye Di!

"God sacrifices to the gods!"

"God... sacrifice to the gods!" The messenger of God was about to collapse, and his tone became more and more anxious. The only two'claw marks' left on the bone altar were directly eliminated. In the dark space, the thin lines of claw marks seemed to be everywhere. This was originally the three claw marks on the altar, but now...the destructive power created now is beyond imagination!

boom! boom! boom!

The crisp voice seemed to appear on the giant figure——

just now!


Because of the curse of immortality, the Lord of Niluan is truly immortal, but because of this, the pain he feels is tens of thousands of times more than the ultimate torture in the world!

The moment when the altar was launched, the darkness also contained the Lord of the Inverse Chaos. He was already careful enough to avoid the'Tianzhu', but the attack of the angel of God's'God Sacrifice Killing' directly caused him to eat enough. suffering!

At that moment, it seemed as if the body had shattered into hundreds of billions of pieces. There was not a single wound, and there was great pain. The Lord Niluan almost passed out. He even felt that he was beaten to ashes by the'God Sacrifice Killer'. Only the long and painful reorganization process is left!

Still...not dead--

The messenger of God, as the main messenger, was confused at that time.

And the crystal red figure representing the world-honored person, slowly raised his finger, as if jokingly, his finger bends down——


The void on the finger directly condenses a white sword! That white sword, as if there is a long galaxy, is exuding the charm of the mighty swordsman avenue!


But for a moment!

The bone altar was directly cut to pieces, and the angel of the heavens was also the first to bear the brunt! Was cut by thousands of prominent swords!

"Ahhh!" It was not the messenger of God who screamed, but also the Lord of the Inverse Chaos Domain!

For the Lord of Niluanyu, the sky full of sword light greeted him again. That sword light was too terrifying, even more terrifying than any sword **** he knew. It only touched the edge of the sword light. This terrifying power that the souls are about to be killed is constantly torturing him!

The angel of heaven stared blankly at that huge white divine sword, like Xuanbing, standing on his head——

Rumble~~~ The angel of heaven fought back with both hands frantically, and he didn't know how deeply his body was suppressed by that kendo style!

"If I don't die today, your God Realm for a hundred generations will be transformed into a slave realm of the World-Honored One, allowing you to taste the feeling when the supreme was driven into the abyss!" Su Jinfa said his original voice.

God’s messenger, finally understood--

He and Su Jin must live one! No, Su Jin must die! Otherwise, the Hundred Worlds God's Domain will suffer a catastrophe! In this world, the most painful thing is not death, but rather being a slave! This is more painful than killing them! Lessons from the past, there is the "Queen of God's Domain"! That God Realm is still ridiculed by the world! !

"Hahahaha—" The angel of heaven suddenly burst out of power several times more than his own, and said with a burst of laughter: "Since it's all like this, it doesn't matter if I die! However, if I can not kill the world-honored person, it can be regarded as being able to give to the heavens. The creatures have explained it!"

"He's burning his internal organs!" Miss Wang hurriedly let out a voice and told Su Jin.

"Yes! I...I sacrificed myself! Only in this way...Only in this way can I kill you—"

The messenger of the heavens seemed to look away, without any nostalgia in his tone, a monstrous Dao fire was ignited all over him, and that Dao fire melted the dark space layer after layer!

messenger! Sacrifice!

I didn't expect such a terrible scene to happen!

Supreme Ninth Secret, Song Family!

"God's messenger, the body of the sacrificial messenger, what level of power do you want to attract?" There was a Song family junior who said with a pale face.

"Just now, the power shown by the Lord Yedi can hold the power of the three claw marks of the'God Sacrifice to the God'! But why is the Messenger so confident? Could it be that after sacrificing himself, he can really kill the Yedi!"

"The night emperor is not dead, our Ninth Secrets will all follow bad luck! Damn it—"

"The Lord of Nichaos Territory is shivering in a corner of that dark space! This is a famous super sage, even the Supreme God Territory, the Lord of a Territory! Now...only worthy to curl up there, dare not speak!"

"How dare he speak up? Yedi is not the world-honored status, and it has almost come true! The Golden Dynasty is destroyed first, and they will not be better off against Chaos Tianyu. What if Yedi can't die! Same as us, we have this worry!"

"Only Yimen Shikong has followed the right people! Rumor has it that they have long known the news of the birth of the world-honored one! That's why they dare to place such a big bet and be an enemy of the other supreme! It's hateful, why didn't Ye Di tell us "Feng Yaozu" Naive!"


Under the attention of countless people-

The white robe of the messenger of God began to be wrapped in the raging fire, and his robe and hat vanished into gray in an instant! What kind of head is that? Black skin, no white eyes, shrouded by a black magic!

"Ye Di! I hope this blow... you will be satisfied!!" After the messenger of God laughed miserably, he roared up to the sky with a roar from his exhausted bottom: "Ninety-nine to You Xingchen Tian, ​​ninety-nine days' Xingkong Gu The emperor's supreme suppresses the divine will and kills me!"



The huge movement caused even the Supreme Ninth Secret outside that dark space to tremble! This messenger from the heavens, offering sacrifices in the body of the messenger, is actually going to draw ‘Ninety-Nine to You Xing Chen Tian’, and... also to grab the divine intent of an ancient sage and kill the Ye Emperor!

Not good!

Lost overseas, the ancient **** emperor and Gui Zang looked at each other, and they were a little uneasy! They did not expect that the messenger of God would be so cruel and would not hesitate to sacrifice and resort to monstrous means!

Now, Xiao Suxian is still in shock. Since she followed Ye Di, she has been wondering why he can remove the imprint of the Heavenly Slave. Later, after Ye Di wore the vest of the'Emissary of God', she thought she understood it, until now... …The status of not being the world-honored person, completely made her realize!

If Yuan Zhenzhen, the princess of Heaven knew that Ye Di was not the World-Honored One, I am afraid he would follow him desperately--

"This person is really crazy!" Gui Zang was uneasy, his face was solemn, to the extreme!

"The ancient emperor of the starry sky can actually use the power of the ancient emperor of the starry sky by offering sacrifices? It's not good--" the ancient **** emperor couldn't help feeling a little frightened.

The ancient sage, the ancient emperor of the starry sky, are on the list! Moreover, in countless eras, Fuxi, Suiren, etc. have all disappeared. After disappearing, in the long years, a starry sky ancient emperor appeared, which truly affected the existence of the entire heavens!

"As long as the night emperor does not die, the'Hundred Generations Divine Realm' where the messenger is located will be turned into a slave realm! This is why he is so crazy!" Feng Guyi said.


Really worried!

For Feng Guyi now, Ye Di can't cause problems! Ye Di is immortal, in another time and space, she will eventually have a good explanation, if the Ye Emperor is beheaded, even if Ye Di is not the world-zun, after she loses her backing, the entire time and space of another side will be difficult to rise! Will be permeated in the eternal flames of war!

No one will miss this scene, everyone's eyes are all staring quietly at that seemingly boundless dark space!

Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, like a Milky Way, with ninety-nine floors! Among them, the divine will of the ancient emperor Xingkong seems to be everywhere!

Looking up, looking at the ninety-nine layers of heaven, in addition to feeling vast, there is an unparalleled amount of pressure to suppress! Too tough, no wonder the messenger of God has such confidence!

When the "Nine-Nine to You Xingchen Tian" showed the tendency of the sky to collapse and suppressed downwards, the darkness seemed to be excluded!

There, someone is standing! It is Yedi!



Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, the first layer of heaven, has been brazenly suppressed!

The crystal red figure directly raised his hand, the palm of his hand seemed to support the sky, the terrifying power of the Great Divine Dao, crystal red spreading, the first layer to the quiet starry sky, directly seemed to turn into a crystal red boundless continent!


Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, the second heaven, superimposed once again!

The crystal red figure of the world-zun Yedi trembled when the second layer of heaven was superimposed--

too difficult!

It is too difficult!

That endless crystal red is being supported by the palm of the unworldly honorable person. With such a devastating amount of pressure, it is impossible for anyone in the Supreme Nine Secret to take a breath!


The third floor to Youxingchentian, crashed down! And this is only the third floor to You Xing Chen Tian, ​​in the eyes of many people, it has already made that Ye Di overwhelmed! ! You know, there are as many as ninety-nine layers of heaven in the soaring stars!

Could it be that Ye Di, is going to die today? ! !

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