My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3463: Gudi shot


The fourth layer of stars and sky, violently suppress it! Now the "Nine-Nine to You Xingchen Tian" has four layers of heaven superimposed on it! But Yedi was shocked directly!

"Cut! You won't kill the world-honor!" Many Song family members roared in unison--

"Only four levels of the sky, Ye Di has gradually declined! Don't worry! He definitely can't withstand the suppression of the ninety-nine levels. You must know that the suppression of each level is not double the power. The angels are still powerful. It is such a terrifying means!" said Song family members when they were nervous.

"Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, this is the place where the ancient emperor Xingkong ruled. I heard that the ancient emperor of Xingkong refined all the ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, carried it with him, and walked in the entire heavens. It was invincible. ——"

"Since it is invincible, why did it fall? Since the ancient emperor of the sky has passed away, who killed him?"



After a rumbling sound, but only a dozen breaths passed, the number of layers of the stars has reached as many as fifteen layers!

That thick boundless continent, the crystal red is still spreading! Upon closer inspection, in the dark space, Ye Di had already begun to use his hands to hold the ‘Ninety-Nine to You Xingchen Tian’ with 15 layers of sky!

"You are not the Lord, and you have not fully awakened yet! Otherwise, you will never be so bad! This is only the fifteenth floor, you are already tired! I want to see how long you can hold on!" The angel of God burned his body frantically, he The large and small Zhou Tian in the body has all turned into a surging fire that burns everything!

The qi sea of ​​the angel of God, at this moment, seemed to stir up a thousand waves, and after the fire set off the long silence qi sea, he was still insisting! Insist on seeing the moment Yedi was killed by the town----


The sky full of stars and thunder, woven orthogonally in the crystal red power!

This scene is amazing!

Looking at the ancient starry sky and thunder in the lost country, the ghost house and the ancient **** emperor were able to contend with the power of the unworldly ‘Great God’s Way’, and immediately guessed something--

"God's messenger really has old eyes, and it is far from resurrecting without the world-honor, otherwise, this level of means would not be enough to see in front of the world-honor during the strong period of the year! It can only be broken by blowing a breath." Guizo said in disbelief. .

"Although the ancient emperor of the starry sky is amazing enough to be comparable to the world-honored one, the distance is still a bit far away, but the current emperor is far from growing up. This level of means is a good thing for him now. ." Ancient God Emperor said.

"Sir Shenhuang means...Is the Ye Emperor able to carry this'Ninety-Nine to You Xingchen Tian'?" Gui Zang asked.

Before, Gui Zang still had a lot of confidence in Yedi——

But now, the attack of "Ninety-nine to You Xing Chen Tian" by the angel of God is really too strong, even the current Ye Emperor, it seems that it is just to be able to resist.

"This is equivalent to... It is equivalent to the fact that Ye Di has to hold up with his hands, ninety-nine stars in the universe! This is too difficult." Feng Gu took a cold breath.

"You think, now he is not the world-zun or the night emperor?" Mo Hongyu asked suddenly.

The ghosts, the ancient gods, Feng Guyi, Dao Guichen and others were all silent.


In the blink of an eye, the sky was shaking, the black space, the huge power unexpectedly spread to the location of the "lost sea", the starry sky was shaking frantically, and the Ninth Secret might also suffer unimaginable losses due to this turmoil!

For example, outside the palace where Song Qianji is now!

On the one hand, Song Qianji, who became a useless person, hopes to see the moment when Ye Di died, but on the other hand, he is sad to discover how useless he is now! The palace behind him, after this aftermath sweep, opened a large horrible crack, and it may collapse at any time!

"God, go!" There is a Song family monk, hurriedly holding on to Song Qianji!

"My father!" Song Qianji was a little disappointed.

Sure enough, after he became a waste, even his immediate family members seemed to ignore him. If it were before, his father Song Zhentian would be the first to appear before his eyes!

Song Qianji has not forgotten! All the contempt he suffered and the reasons for the abolition of the avenue were all thanks to the night emperor!

"Patriarch is preparing for the battle, the battle with Ye Di! Let's go quickly..."

"I won't go! Get out! Get out of me! I want to see him die with my own eyes!" Song Qianji was crazy and wanted to kick someone away, but then he was slapped severely by the opponent——


This is just a member of the Song family, Song Qianji doesn't remember this person anymore, he... how dare he hit himself?

"From childhood to adulthood, don't forget why you looked down on other collateral children! This slap is to remind you of the past!" The Song family monk changed his face directly, where he would be polite.

"You dare to beat me! What a low-level idiot you are, how dare you..." Song Qianji felt that his cheeks were swollen, and he was going to tear him up, but what can he do now? There was no power in his whole body, and he was kicked to the ground in the end! Those shoes, which belonged to the boots made by the Song family, actually stepped on his cheeks!

"Do you think you are a superior son of God now? Huh?" the other party said harshly.

"My father won't let you go! No!" Song Qianji stared, tears streaming down, his fists were tightly clenched, and he didn't want to give up, shouting: "Come here! Come!"

"It's impossible for anyone to come, your maids are all starting to flee! In the entire Song family, they are beginning to go crazy, and the world will bloodbath the'Tianxu Secret Realm'! You... you still worry about the Patriarch not to die, otherwise you will It’s impossible to live for decades of life—"

"Yedi must die! How can Yedi not die like this..."

Song Qianji didn't believe it, he wanted to swallow this humiliation, as long as he could see the moment when Ye Di fell, it didn't matter if he died!



At this moment, there are already twenty-nine layers of stars and sky, as if not far away, all suppressed in that black space! And the tall figure in everyone's field of vision, but at this moment, with his feet gently shocked——

A brightly-colored **** of Buddha's seal, slowly spinning under the feet of the Buddha! The Buddha seal with the word ‘卍’ alone is as big as a lost sea! With the golden light shining, there are nine rings of halo on the periphery, blessing the Buddha seal of the word ‘卍’!


On the twenty-ninth floor of the star sky, in the palm of the world-zun Yedi, some crisp and subtle cracks appeared!

The messenger of God was crazy, pointing directly at the top of'Ninety-Nine to You Xing Chen Tian'! There, there is an extremely terrifying phantom, slowly condensing out!

"The ancient emperor of the starry sky! My God!!" Song Zhentian roared with red eyes, excited.

"Emperor Ye is so enchanting. Now it seems that only the ancient sages and the ancient emperor of the starry sky have come to heal him! Even though it is a phantom, you should know that the'Ninety-Nine to You Xingchen Tian' is flooded, but It's all the divine will of the ancient emperor of the starry sky!" Jin Wuxiang ignited a great fire of hope, and he didn't want to take revenge himself! He only hoped that Ye Di would die soon!

"This finger of the messenger of God! Condensed the phantom of the ancient emperor in the starry sky! This is probably his last chance! He... he wants to suppress all of the'Ninety-Nine to You Xingchen Tian' and destroy it directly. If you don't fall away from the Lord, everything about him will be shattered!"

"The ancient emperor of the starry sky who once swept through the sky, if he were alive, I don’t know how amazing it would be! But now that the emperor of the world has not grown up, now is the best time to kill him! If you miss it, the heavens and the earth will be Fighting!"

"Look at the angel of God! I'm afraid he won't see the scene of the fall of the night emperor! He turned out to be...not a human?" Someone was shocked and said in horror.

Many people clearly saw the messenger of God--

The messenger of the heavens turned into a bronze **** bone, the original internal organs, none of them existed, this really did not exist, it was not the burning of the fire!

Moreover, when the angel of God burned the bronze-colored skull and divine bones in Daohuo, the green fireworks in his anger slowly disappeared! And inside that white robe, there were four large pieces of dry human skin, which began to bloom with extremely dazzling light!

Those are four human leather papers with words on them!

"Ye Di! The ancient emperor of the starry sky will kill you! If you can withstand the power of the ninety-nine to secluded stars, kill the shadow of the ancient emperor, and sweep his divine will, you will eventually die! I will give it to God The will is passed on to all the pinnacle gods, all the highest, must kill you as the ultimate goal, no matter how enchanting you are! I know there are no fewer than a hundred reincarnators than you! "

The messenger of God seemed unwilling, its bronze divine bones began to crack and then turned into a mass of ashes, and the four pieces of human leather that belonged to him were vacillating in the dark space——


Ninety-nine to Youxingchentian, on the top layer of the peak sky, the phantom of the ancient emperor in the starry sky seemed a little dazed. Then, he continued to gather his divine will, and as the divine brilliance gathered in his body, his The figure gradually solidified! The figure quickly follows the remaining dozens of heaven... Kill the night emperor below!

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