My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3471: Mighty ancient sage

Circles of galaxy dragons, turning into faint rays of light, also gradually disappeared in time and space, the last purple-gold gourd, all the corpses of the Golden Dynasty and the Supreme Nine Secrets were collected, turned into a little rainbow light, like a shimmering Like the stars, they go far away in the lonely Tianxu secret realm——

Su Jin's pace is not very fast.

Now, Su Jin's heart is just endless cold.

Judging from the words of the angels of God when they passed away, the so-called "no wise man in the world" is only aimed at some low-level human domains, not including the highest!

It is ridiculous to think about it, after all, it is the highest! High above!

What enlightened God, what mighty ancient sage, Su Jin... really want to learn!

Along the path of reversal, Ye Gongyi's unwilling and resentful gaze, as if cannibalism, Su Jin drinking, following the Avenue of Stars, across the Shenhe River, and following...


One day later.

Hundreds of Gods Domain.

At present, the Hundred Generations of God's Domain can be said to be panicking.

As early as two hours ago, a strange scene appeared from time to time in the prosperous area of ​​the Hundred Generations of Gods!

At that time, there were unexpected events in the sky, and many people mistakenly thought that under the dark clouds, it would be rain, but the result was surprising! In that dark cloud, what was under... turned out to be a corpse!

That scene made people shudder——

"Yesterday, our young domain master suffered a great calamity outside! He was dismantled by others, his cultivation was blasted, the avenue was smashed, and he is currently undergoing a secret treatment!" A monk from the Hundred Worlds of God's Domain, panicked and constantly discussing Tao.

"Heaven descends from the corpse, this is an ominous omen!"

"In these two hours, according to statistics, five million corpses have been laid down in that dark cloud! There are rumors that among them is the King of the Golden Dynasty!"

"The Jin Wuxiang of the Golden Dynasty has arrived early, and I heard that I have told the domain master about the situation! Someone...someone destroyed the Jin Dynasty. Among the five million corpses, some belong to the descendants of the Jin Dynasty."

"My God! Who can destroy the Golden Dynasty!"

"What about the other?!"

"The others belong to the Supreme Nine Secrets, the Golden Dynasty and the Supreme Nine Secrets, all have been destroyed! Who has this kind of power, even our Hundred Generations God Realm is not afraid of them, throwing those corpses down—"


Many monks in God's Domain of a hundred generations are trembling.

There are boundless continents in this divine realm, but in many places there are divine corpses. This kind of invisibly caused pressure on the monks of the divine realm for a hundred generations, is simply incomparable!

Repression, fear, as if there exists in the depths of the hearts of all the cultivators of God's Domain for a hundred generations, even the suppression can't be suppressed——


Borderless territory, supreme luck seems to have rendered the edge of the "Hundred Worlds of God's Domain" a golden halo! Immediately, an extremely exciting news began to spread all over the world!

"God of Eastern Qiming! God of Qiming has come to help us in God's Domain for a hundred times!"

"Domain master notice! The Origin Clan is also on its way! It also includes the mighty Guxian! That's Guxian, who is also coming!"

"The Eastern Qiming God, used the art of reaching the sky! It is really a super invincible existence, and with just a single operation, it controls the supreme luck of the entire Supreme God Realm!"

"It deserves to be the heavenly power of the pinnacle of God's Domain! With the God of Dongfang Qiming, who would dare to offend my God's Domain for a hundred generations! I hope the other party will not leave after seeing it!"

"Such majestic supreme luck has already sealed off the God Realm for a hundred generations! Enlightened God is destined to let the demons retreat—"


This technique is terrible.

But at this moment, in a desolate area outside of the far away Hundred Generations God's Domain, Su Jin looked at this scene with nothing special on his face.

In the past day, Su Jin walked in the starry sky, felt time and space, and perfected a little bit of kendo insight, understood a little, and became confused, but there was nothing that a pot of wine could not solve.

As early as half a day ago, Su Jin arrived here. In addition to returning the body of Jin Wuxiang’s sword dynasty emperor, he passed by and found some strange condiments——

Except for a relatively crude mountain salt, Su Jin didn't know anything else, and after a little inquiries, he walked in the desert and cut no less than ten spirit beasts.

Among them, there is only one kind, a spirit beast that resembles a mountain deer. The meat is fragrant and tastes good. Su Jin is now in front of a fire, with his elbows on his knees, holding a jar of wine, and roasting on the fire. It's also that mountain deer--

The world is going to be in chaos.

Even Su Jin knew it himself.

Now from time to time, there are superpowers with tyrannical auras that enter the Hundred Generations God's Domain from the distant starry sky, and the supreme aura cannot stop these people, they are all invited by the Hundred Generations Domain Master.

The distant starry sky, a Shenzhou with an alternative design, is sailing, slowly rushing to——

"Sister Dao, have you succeeded in condensing the Avenue of Origins?" The mighty ancient xian asked the Origin Goddess who was stepping on a circle of stars on the bow of the ship with his teeth and dancing claws.

Rolled in that huge star pattern, not only the goddess of Origin, but also 88 peak masters, as well as some cultivators of the door of origin with good cultivation.

"Senior don't want to call me like this again." The goddess of Origin said with an unmoved expression.

Some young monks at the gate of origin all showed anger at the mighty ancient sage. Although the other party is an ancient sage, he is very addicted to food, and it is not long and greasy. You want to chase the goddess of their origin?

"How old is I to grow you? It's okay to call you that? Also, how is your mother now? But I really admire your mother. It is absolutely unprecedented to condense the Spirit of Origin into your Avenue of Origin. The feat I've ever done, by the way, when she is at her peak, she can open the door of origin, can you have the road of origin?" the mighty ancient xian asked curiously.

Teeth itching

Now to the monks in the Gate of Origin, they are all angry! This mighty ancient wise man, it is true that which pot is not opened and which pot is not opened.

The Mother of Origin has permanently disappeared in the long river of years and no longer exists. The goddess is sad, and today is also her most unhappy day.

And the door of origin is so easy to open anywhere! For Origin Goddess, there is still a long, long way to go-

"Mighty predecessor! You are a predecessor to our old guys, let alone our goddess. You should say that we are obsessed with our goddess for several epochs." The peak master did not appreciate at all and responded indifferently. Get up with the mighty Guxian.

"The Great Tribulation! The Great Tribulation is coming, and how old do you care about me? You guys, what is beauty that you really don't understand, the beauty of the goddess, even I am tempted -" Mighty Guxian He gave a high evaluation without hesitation.


Really shameless!

If the monk at the Gate of Origin hadn’t known that the other party was the real ancient sage, I’m afraid he would go straight up and tear him up. The age difference is too big—

"The front is the realm of the gods of a hundred generations. When you get to the place, I also ask the seniors to respect yourself." The ethereal autumn eyes of the goddess of origin, looking towards the vast continent, said lightly.

Mighty Guxian just wanted to respond to her, and then sniffed into the void, "Wait a moment, do you smell it?"

Monk at the Gate of Origin, his face turned black immediately--

This mighty ancient wise man, really, like him, has a nose that is more sensitive than a dog? Looking at the appearance of this little fat man, I'm afraid it has nothing to do with eating.

The goddess of Origin was taken aback for a moment, and then at the request of other peak master elders, some did not know what to do, because the mighty ancient sage had already appeared in a wasteland.

In fact, in the heart of the goddess of Origin, the mighty Guxian is just a senior, and she still respects this person quite a bit. She has just taken the lead, and I am afraid there is still something to be desired in the future——

"Follow." Origin Goddess said lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the goddess of Origin and his party, directly following the mighty ancient sage, fell not far behind him together.

The sky is going to be late, and the light brought by the supreme luck will glow with glaze in the evening light of the Scarlet God Day, but not far from the mighty ancient xian, there is a bunch of bonfires that are nearly extinguished!

The mighty Guxian stared at the half-life of the mountain deer, his eyes just wanting to shine, but as a senior, he was not good at grabbing, and finally looked at the young man who was sitting cross-legged, his eyes closed and practicing, and he cleared. He cleared his throat and said, "Little brother, open your eyes to see who is here? Now that we can meet here, this is enough to prove that you and I are destined!!"

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