My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3472: Yetiandi


Su Jin slowly opened his eyes, looked at the mighty ancient xian, and then glanced at the person behind him, even if he was three feet away, he could smell the greasy smell of the golden fat man all over his body——

"If you need it, take it yourself." Su Jin said calmly.

The mighty Guxian's eyes lit up. He really rarely saw such a young young man with eyesight. Even though he was greedy, he was too embarrassed to take the half of the mountain deer in front of other people.


Why is it so fragrant!

The mighty Guxian couldn’t help it anymore, he picked up the half of the mountain deer, gluttonously, and said while eating, “As a senior, I don’t want to take advantage of my little brother. I will give you three or two Snow Gods later. Jing, you...Huh?"

This mountain deer, no matter whether it is selected or roasted, is extremely elegant during the tasting process of the mighty ancients. The mountain deer chooses the little doe, the one that has not been produced before--

If you choose a male deer or an adult female deer, no matter how fragrant the meat is, it will have a faint fishy smell. And the texture of this venison is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It doesn't have much fat after one bite, and it has a faint sweet taste.

wonderful! Wonderful!

Su Jin calmly looked at the mighty Gu Xian, thinking that the golden fat was really ugly--

He is one meter tall, his teeth are still thin, and his front teeth are floating outside——

Taking advantage of the tasting time of the mighty ancients, Su Jin noticed the weird situation. In the star pattern, there are more than a hundred strong men. In the most central position, there is a woman holding a blue rabbit. , Dimly unable to see her face, but he always felt that this woman had never looked at him from beginning to end.

"It's been a long time since I had such a wonderful barbecue." Mighty Guxian wiped his mouth with his fat little hand. "I didn't expect my little brother to be so superb in cooking! Would you like to follow me? Nothing else. No one in the place dare to offend you."

"Follow you and give you barbecue?" Su Jin asked strangely.

"Yes, little brother, you may not know who I am, now I will tell you, I am not ordinary..." The mighty Guxian suddenly patted his little hand, and he immediately pulled up two golden sails on the Great Jiang Shenzhou. , The word'Mighty' is written on it!

Su Jin dumbly--

The world is really amazing. I didn't even think of a barbecue to attract this person. Isn't this little fat man the ‘Mighty Ancient Sage’ that the messenger of God had notified him?

Gu Xian was not so domineering either.

"Fellow Daoist, follow the mighty ancient sage, your future will be magnanimous in the future. The mighty ancient sage will also teach invincible divine art. This will be your best choice--" On the Dajiang battleship, many cultivators rushed to shoot. Flattering, shouting at Su Jin.

"Yes, the mighty Guxian is very good to his servants, aren't they just guys? We are different from others, we are Guxian's guys!"

"Don't hesitate anymore. If you miss this village, there will be no more shop. Do things for Gu Xian, in the whole world, where to find Yo——"

"Have you seen? We can all follow the mighty ancient sages, to the Hundred Generations God Realm, to live in the big palace, to be served by the palace maid... Why didn't you respond? Are you stupid by the surprise from heaven?"


The mighty Guxian, now being slapped by the flattery of comfort, he is triumphant, thinking that the little Taoist aunt of Origin sees him so graceful, is it possible that he wants to be happy? After all, after all, his power is not diminished back then——

Su Jin sneered inwardly.

Regardless of whether a man is a man or a man, if the visitor is an ordinary and powerful person in the gods of this century, the fault is that the other party is a mighty ancient sage, so naturally he is a great enemy. Why does he need to give the right side?

"Senior, I have eaten the meat, please leave--" Su Jin continued to close his eyes and said slowly.

The smile of the mighty ancient Xian froze immediately, and the full of vanity seemed to be extinguished in an instant...

Refuse to follow?

This young man gave up such a great opportunity!

Accident, very unexpected!

"You think about it again, no hurry, let's not hurry." Mighty Guxian himself was not embarrassed, and while hesitating, he did not give Su Jin the Snowflake Divine Crystal, but just threw something away—

It was a piece of green slip, once revealed, Baoguang radiated in the darkening darkness, and its power was not weak.

"It's only half a mountain deer, the mighty ancient sage actually gave this person a great treasure! It's too exaggerated -" There is a follower in the DJI God Ship, who has never been treated like this before, and can't help being envious.

"Relax, as long as we do well in the future, in case one day pleases Gu Xian, what kind of great Xian Zhongbao is there?"

"But this is too incredible. Is the meat so delicious? Does the mighty Guxian really like this man's cooking skills? To be honest, we are not bad at doing it, why there is no such good thing."

"Also, last time I caught a king of the mountain and made a soup for Gu Xian. The meat is too old. Gu Xian always emphasized that things should not be big, but delicate and delicate."

"King of the Mountain, the meat is always old, OK!"


The mighty Guxian hesitated, reluctantly, and wanted Su Jin to change his mind and do things for him. He took a fancy to Su Jin’s talent, but unfortunately, not everyone wants to be a partner——

Su Jin said lightly: "Since the predecessors said that meeting is a predestined relationship, this treasure is handed over to me, but there is a suspicion of a deal, so put it away."

"Well, vulgar, undesirable, undesirable!" said the mighty Guxian, but he was surprised in his heart. This person either didn't know the treasures, or he didn't really want to follow. No matter, if this is the case, can it still be a direct kidnap?

"But a wild wild man, why does Gu Xian want to solicit soliciting?" The elder with the door of origin, unable to see how special Su Jin is, directly asked curiously.

"You people at the Gate of Origin know what a fart, this little brother, barbecue craftsmanship, a must! Just now that mountain venison, part of the flesh melts in the mouth, this is the best meal I have eaten in these years—— "The mighty ancient xian shook his head and sighed five and six, and walked into the void.

"The mighty ancient sage deserves to be the most edible power! I'm afraid the Hundred World Domain Lord will have a headache—"

"Except for the mother of origin, the Eastern Qiming God can crush this mighty ancient wise man. With other great abilities, I really can't think of anyone more powerful than him."


The gate of origin? Su Jin glanced at the woman holding the blue divine rabbit. He only felt that the other party was very young, unlike the "Mother of Origin" notified by the angel of God, but the Mother of Origin must have a lot to do with this woman!

The mountain breeze caused the bonfire to falter from side to side. Su Jin's whole body, sitting in a circle, seemed to be buried by the collapse of a space, and disappeared into this barren wilderness——

The goddess of Origin suddenly glanced at the bonfire place, and she was a little surprised... Everyone thought that she was a wild man, who knew that the other party had such a terrible understanding of space and time!

"Huh? Where's the destined little brother?" The mighty Guxian looked around, except for the fiery charcoal fire, he no longer knew where Su Jin was--

"Is a master." Origin Goddess said lightly.

"It's a pity, I don't know if I can see it. The benefits I just gave are less, but I should give him less! I should give him my stove! He must be hard to resist, it is for my use!" Mighty Guxian regrets .

"It's really amazing. I've never seen anyone who has such a thorough understanding of time and space. It seems that the powerful people invited by the Hundred World Domain Masters this time are extraordinary." The Daqingfeng Master of the Origin Gate sighed with emotion.

"The goddess has just condensed the Avenue of Origins, and part of it is the origin of time and space. If this person makes a little bit of advice for the goddess, the goddess will benefit infinitely. Unfortunately, we haven't found him to be a strong one!"

"No." Origin Goddess frowned, who is she? Need someone to teach?

"My Lord Goddess! There are so many masters among the heavens, and sometimes you still need to lower your body. Besides, it is not a shame to ask for advice and make suggestions." A peak master shouted to Origin.

"Yes -" The goddess of Origin turned her face to it.

It's true.

Su Jin came to this day, because of the "space-time kendo", coupled with Sen Luo Aotian, his understanding of space-time stars, has reached a level that he didn't dare to think before.

However, the appearance of the mighty Guxian and others really gave Su Jin some inspiration. Now it is only a day, two days before the time agreed with Feng Guyi and the others, but he can change his identity and go deep into the realm of the gods——

Changing status is easy, but Jin Wuxiang and Ye Gongyi know themselves and need to hide deeper.

The corner of Su Jin's mouth rose, and in a deep air, his face began to change greatly. For this reason, he also changed into an extremely dazzling golden robe, and then rolled his sleeves, watching the lights of thousands of families, and said lightly:

"Here, I will be the Ye Tian Emperor for two days."

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