My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3473: Time and Space Mill

Hundreds of Gods, Tiange City.

The calm night, unconsciously getting deeper, the goddess of Origin was arranged in the'Wangtian Palace Que'. It is rumored that this is the place closest to the sky, and the highest point of this palace, every time a faint cloud and mist will come— —

A blue rabbit jumped and ran out the door, and the goddess of Origin was sitting on the big bed with the curtains on a circle of subtle patterns of origin.

The goddess of Origins sighed in her heart. Before nightfall, a peak master scolded her, saying that she wanted to be taught humbly. If her mother didn't help her, no one would dare to say that to her.

"The origin of time and space, I began to comprehend from the origin of time and space -" The goddess of Origin closed her eyes, and for a moment, she wandered into the emptiness, the supreme luck in the Supreme God Realm, all reflected in her mind, and the infinite stars in the deep space, long-term Time and space seem to become mixed.

So hard-

The Origin Goddess felt dizzy for the first time, as if the starry sky was no longer a starry sky, but like countless inverted apertures, turning her almost nauseous and unable to support it.

Try again!

The goddess of origin is not convinced at all-

About half an hour, the goddess of Origin almost vomited blood. Just when she wanted to give up, she saw the chaotic time and space, the blur gradually cleared, and she couldn't help but look at it carefully.

"What a great time and space perception." Origin Goddess was shocked!

She seemed to see droplets of water, and each drop of water seemed to represent a starry sky. Then, in the process of her wandering too vain, those water beads gleamed and turned into extremely profound Taoism. Mark, was involved in a grinding disc.

That chaotic time and space, turned out to be transformed by a mill! That mill table, telling the vicissitudes of life, seems to be old for a moment, and it seems to be full of vitality in a flash, that time and space millstone is too vast, the goddess of origin feels that she has exhausted her life, I am afraid that it is difficult to bear! If he walked on that millstone, he might have disappeared in time and space before he reached the end.

How many strong are there in the entire Hundred World God Realm! Regardless of the Eastern Enlightened God, even the mighty ancient sages, he didn't even discover this time-space millstone!

"It's you?"

A slightly familiar voice, instantly awakened the Goddess of Origin——

The Goddess of Origin looked intently, and there was a strange figure on the grinding plate. She had definitely heard the sound just now, and immediately she thought of the young man barbecued in the wasteland.

"You--" The Origin Goddess was shocked, and hurriedly wanted to retreat to the state of being too imaginary.

"Your Origin Avenue is good. If you want to feel the years, you can smash this time Dao scar." Su Jin said lightly.

The goddess of Origin did not answer, she only felt a time mark, always swirling in her soul. When her soul returned to her body, she felt the terrible Su Jin!

Wangtian Palace! The highest floor.

The goddess of Origin opened her eyes and raised her one hand, the time mark directly exudes a wonderful luster, sinking and floating on the palm of her hand——


Hesitated to decide.

"The origin of time, the origin of time and space, I can all experience it in his avenue, I... what should I do." The goddess of Origin was embarrassed, she rarely hesitated like this, but when she thought of her current situation, It is difficult to suppress the other eighty-eight peak masters, and even the envoys from the gods that her mother gave to her before, the monument to the heaven and the world, were all overtaken by Dafeng——

Lower your body, lower your body——

The goddess of Origin closed her eyes, and finally gritted her teeth, and crushed the time mark with difficulty. Immediately, a circle of brilliance drowned her body, and she disappeared into the palace.


When the goddess of Origin could look at things, she found that the place where she appeared was already above the millstone. Under her feet, the reckless star man was spinning with the millstone of time and space, but she had no sense of rotation.

"How did you change your appearance?" The goddess of Origin asked calmly.

"It's just a habit." Su Jin said: "Some people have more than one face, one in front of the person, one behind the person--"

"I heard from my mother that there was once a Tianxian who was in charge of the King's Court of the Years, and the moment could delay the years for a hundred years. What is your relationship with the King's Court of the Years?" asked the goddess of Origin.

This is something she has to guess. Su Jin is too mysterious. In the eyes of the goddess of Origin, the power of time and space alone is no less than the power of the ancient sage——

"It doesn't matter." Su Jin said indifferently: "I have been comprehending here for sixteen years. If I don't understand everything, you can ask me."

"Sixteen years?" The goddess of Origin was shocked. This time-space grinding plate really had the effect of delaying the passage of time. She hesitated a little, her face was slightly red, "I, do I want to apprentice?"

"It's up to you. It doesn't matter if you don't." Su Jin glanced at Origin Goddess——

I really want to watch it a few more times. This Goddess of Origin is so handsome. In fact, Su Jin almost laughed in his heart. What? He knows that even if the Goddess of Origin is in the realm of the Hundred Worlds, it is not a threat to him. It doesn't matter whether he teaches or not. The words of apprenticeship, but the other party put forward it first, I didn't force it.

The goddess of Origin dodged her eyes, and finally worshipped her teacher with embarrassment——

"Master, what's the name of Master..." The goddess of Origin was like this for the first time, and she couldn't help asking if she didn't know if she would offend her.

"Emperor Ye Tian." Su Jin said seriously.

"My Dao of Origins initially condenses the roads of the gods, and only builds some truths and rhymes. You think, should I first repair the origin of time, or the origin of time and space, or the origin of truth? Or is it... other?" Asked it out.

"Whatever you want to do, do whatever you want--" Su Jin said.

"If I don't follow the Dao of Origin, what else can Master teach me?" The anger in the goddess of Origin thought that this young master was too casual, obviously not caring about her.

"What do you want to learn? I will--" Su Jin's face was particularly natural, and he didn't blush at all when he said this.

The goddess of origin really feels arrogant!

Immediately, the goddess of Origin began to have a problem, saying: "The Eastern Enlightened God, now in the realm of a hundred generations, he possesses an eternal skill, which is particularly powerful."

"What technique?" Su Jin asked.

"I won't tell you." The Goddess of Origin hummed: "The Eternal One Art is extremely powerful, but the Eternal One Art is also created by man. I said, you can't let his Eternal One Art become mine—"

"You... have a big problem for me?"

Su Jin feels like she is really dead. This woman's tone is so big that he feels a headache. Is this asking herself to create an eternal skill for her?

"Don't you know everything?" The goddess of Origin felt a little familiar, and her face began to show innocence.

"One day, sixteen years in my time and space mill, then I will create an eternal skill for you." Su Jin said calmly.

The goddess of Origin shook her heart, this young master, really okay? This is unlikely, but if he can't, how can he respond so easily?

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