My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3475: Back to Heaven

The face of the goddess of origin, stunned, red like a pepper——

Su Jin didn't have any random thoughts. His palm was against the back of the Goddess of Origin, his eyebrows were lightly imprinted, and he slowly opened, and then he reminded the Goddess of Origin: "Be calm, use your'Origin of Truth' to deliver me to you. The Dao Mark refining."

The goddess of origin, even if she calms down, closes her eyes and feels the operation of the "Zhou Tian" in her body, and quietly welcomes Su Jin's means——

Immediately afterwards, one after another wonderful Dao marks, as if condensed in the spirit of the goddess of origin, these Dao marks are jerky and difficult to understand, and they can't end after several attempts, as if they cannot be shaken.


Try again!

The Goddess of Origin is not only incomprehensible, this is not the scope of her ability. If it is time, time, space, and Dao marks of truth, she may not be so troublesome, but those Dao marks do not belong to this list——

"Everything and everything has its origin. Don't be too troublesome. It's easy for you." Su Jin's voice seemed to turn into a faint warm current, unwinding in the ears of the goddess of origin.

Su Jin separated some of his'Mahe Town Prison Eyes' and Shentong Daoyun, so that this woman could feel it would be a little harder at first, but it was already the fastest way he could think of.

That part is exactly the key to his creation of the "one magic trick" for this woman!

It is to trace the origin! Anti-virtualization, if this woman turns on her own divine pupil because of this part, it is the icing on the cake, it is naturally better. If it can't be turned on, the eternal magic can also be successful.

In the first half of the month, skin contact, no less than ten times——

The Goddess of Origins is also quite competitive. It can be said that in the past 16 years, her understanding of her own origin road has been unimaginable. In the first half of the month, she opened her own pupil, the ‘eye of truth’.

In the second half of the month, the heavens in the goddess of Origin continued to inject time and space, time and astrology, and began to infuse the trail of truth. It was not until this time that she knew that Su Jin could really create the level of ‘One Thousand Eternal Art’!

The goddess of origin did not know--

From 16 years ago, on the first day she promised, Su Jin started to prepare and never slackened. This eternal technique will definitely shine in the heavens in the future.

Su Jin personally tested Zhou Tian, ​​the goddess of origin. Her Zhou Tian meridian has expanded ten times more than it was at the beginning. It contains several kinds of Dao marks, shining like galaxies.

In the last week, Su Jin kept letting her understand, answering all questions, and solving the confusion caused by the "One Thousand One Spell" and the solution in the most understandable way.

Su Jin can only do this--

This is an eternal technique, but Su Jin created it for her according to her own understanding, and she cannot use it. During this period, she needs to use this technique to connect her'origin road'. In the end, how powerful it is, remains to be verified. .

When this technique, on the last day, reached perfection to the point that it could no longer be perfect, the goddess of Origin was praised by Master Ye Tiandi! This is the first time!

"I use a technique, you use your'one technique for eternity' to try the power." Su Jin calmly stood opposite the Goddess of Origin.

"Good—" The Goddess of Origin is very confident.

The present goddess of Origin is simply beautiful and incomprehensible. There is a silver lotus bud mark on her forehead. When it opens, the fairy pupil of truth will open. At this moment, when the fairy pupil opens, he sees Su Jin's display. A golden avenue into the stars.


The Goddess of Origin looked at it with the "Truth Immortal Eye", and when she stepped on it, she actually stepped on a space-time avenue! Contains the golden avenue of time and space!

Su Jin was already very satisfied, and immediately pointed to the starry sky and a handle of the void sword mark, which turned into a sword lotus, and its power became stronger and stronger.

The goddess of Origin took a deep breath, her hands dancing like butterflies, and when she turned around in the void, she was even more beautiful. However, she began to have imaginary sword marks all over her body, which began to condense. A virtual sword lotus appeared above the head!

Go back to the end of the truth, go back to the source! It’s a pity that the "Truth Marks" of the Goddess of Origin are not inexhaustible. She can bless all the years and time and space in this sword lotus. The power may be extraordinary, but this eternal art has a time limit. At present, her ability can be used once, and there will be at least a week interval, otherwise the truth trail will not be able to make up for it.

"It's okay--" Su Jin said earnestly: "When you reach the level of ancient sages, all the enemy's magic will be in your hands. It's just a matter of time."

"It's so powerful." The goddess of Origin looked at the sword lotus that she had beaten out, watched the sword lotus vanish the void, and muttered: "Why is it so strong?"

"Simple, because your eternal skill goes back to the origin of my kendo. This sword lotus has my three-point kendo in it." Su Jin said calmly.

"What's the name? It was created by you. You should have a deeper understanding. You can give it a name—" The Goddess of Origin said embarrassedly.

"This technique goes against the way of heaven. Even the secrets of the sky can be used to trace back some sources. I originally didn't want to create this technique." Su Jin said truthfully. He had been entangled for a month, but then let it go. To create, this technique is not perfect at all, let alone the level of an eternal technique.

"Name it!" Seeing Su Jin's answer to the question, the goddess of Origin had a hint of anger in her ethereal eyes.

"Let’s call the Heaven-Backing Technique, dig out the roots of its human divine technique, and bless oneself. It’s also a good name to call it—"

"You are such a genius."

The Goddess of Origin said so, she didn't know how shocked she was. Who can create it forever? Even the ‘Eastern Enlightened God’ here now, the mighty ancient sages and others, cannot be created in every era, and none of them have the experience of creating the ‘one magic technique’!

"Sixteen years, but in one day, you have also obtained what you want to learn, leave--" Su Jin said with a hand.

"Aren't you going to Tiange City?" The goddess of Origin was anxious and asked quickly.

"Why go to Tiange City?"

"The vicious and wicked World-Honored One has already destroyed the Golden Dynasty and the Supreme Nine Secrets one after another. Now they may be near the Hundred Generations God's Domain. The Hundred Generations Domain Master has invited great power to come and kill the World-Venerable. Why don't you go together?" asked the goddess of Origin. .

Su Jin was silent--

The goddess of Origin looked eagerly, she didn't know why, and felt that every time she mentioned the world-zun, the figure of the emperor on the night seemed to be much colder, and she even thought it was an illusion.

"What would you do if you saw the World-Honored One?" Su Jin turned his back, stepped towards the stone building, and asked.

"The ‘Stele of Sealing the Heaven and Sealing the World’ at the Gate of Origins needs the blessing of the Dao of Origins. Once the world-zun appears, I will naturally kill this murderer." The goddess of Origin said without thinking.

"Insist on what you insisted on, now I will drive you out of my Yetian emperor's gate, and on the way to not kill the world, if you don't look back, then you have to never look back, just like this--"

After speaking, Su Jin gently brushed his sleeves! The two-foot-diameter dragon's blood tree was directly cut by a virtual sword mark in that small garden!

"You--" the goddess of Origin was about to cry with anger. If the dragon blood tree is placed elsewhere, it may not grow to such a thick level for thousands of years, but because of the divine water flowing in the eyes of Yin and Yang. Only in the past ten years, the rise has been fierce.

So, Su Jin said that he cut it.

The goddess of origin knows that this cut, the reality of the master and apprentice, is like the dragon blood tree, broken!


The time-space grinding disc, speeding up its operation, actually raised a very strong time of Daoxia, the goddess of Origin was unable to stand still, and was actually thrown down for a moment. She watched the empty grinding disc gradually disappear, and her body in the void It seemed to be emptied of strength in an instant...

Although it was only sixteen years in the millstone of time and space, she remembered all of them with the ability to originate the goddess every day. She also couldn't say what it was like.

A young man, from the barren land, she never looked at the other person high, but she became her master, Emperor Ye Tian! But how can the power of time and time be clear! These sixteen years, just like the seeds of flowers and plants, not only sprouted in that garden, but also sprouted in the depths of her heart!

The so-called Master, the number of times she has called in the past sixteen years is also very few.

"I despise me so, then I won't be able to show you the world-zun——" The goddess of Origin went back from deep space, back to the path of the gods for hundreds of times, until the sky above Tiange City, in her mind, the figure of the Yetian Emperor still lingered. go with!


It seems that the magnificent movement of the children of the sea has been sounded for several hours around Tiange City. The beautiful music makes the mind clear and pleasant.

Wang Tiangong.

When I walked out, the stars were shining, when I came back, the stars were like yesterday. The goddess of Origin was numb, and when she appeared on it, there was a blue rabbit lying on the ground, and when she turned her body, she turned into a blue girl.

"Goddess, you...Where did you go!" The girl tensed her expression. After seeing the goddess of origin, she came over.

"Go out to relax." Origin Goddess said: "Doudou, this voice—"

"Goddess, this time, there are a lot of super big people here. This piece of music is from the "Tide Sound Banshee". Whenever the tide goes up and down, the Dao Yun on her body will play the music, which is extremely powerful."

"In the past day, nothing happened, right?" Origin Goddess said with great thoughts.

"Yes! The peak masters have all come to look for you, but you are not there, and the eldest son of God Qiming, who is called...what is his name, also wants to see you, but Dudou doesn't like him, he looks at me The look in the eyes is disgusting--" Going around.

"The Eighty-Eight Peak Master, it must be a monument to seal the sky and the world." The goddess of Origin nodded and said, she walked to the railing, looked around, and sighed.

Immediately afterwards, a hand shadow quickly shook in front of the goddess of Origin——

"Goddess, are you okay." The girl Dudou always felt that the problem of the origin of the goddess was relatively big, and it felt wrong no matter what.

"It's okay."

The goddess of Origins has a small mouth, her eyes are red, "Isn't there any news?"

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