My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3476: Convergence of Powers

He went around and said: "There is no news about the World-Honored One. I heard that the Dongfang Qiming God, even divination of three trigrams, didn't calculate where he was hiding, but knew that he was in the realm of the Hundred Worlds——"

"The Hundred Generations of God's Domain, three hundred and sixty-six worlds, where can you find it so easily, you can only wait for him to show up in person." Origin Goddess said.

"By the way, the mighty Guxian came here once earlier and was stopped by me." Doudou took out the handkerchief distressedly, not knowing what wronged the goddess was outside, and quickly handed the handkerchief to her hand.

The mighty ancient sage——

From the bottom of her heart, the goddess of Origin loathes that greasy little fat man, thinking that Master Ye Tian, ​​should not lose the mighty ancient sage in terms of strength, if he is willing to come to this day song city with himself.

In the thick night, the clouds and mist rolled on the railings, the goddess of Origin always thought of the "Dragon Blood Tree" being cut off, and that person left without looking back after sixteen years of getting along with each other. She wanted to stom her feet and hated herself——

The movement of the Chaosheng Banshee, as if accompanied by people in a dream, reminds the Origin Goddess several times, asking her to enter the palace to rest, the Origin Goddess stopped for a long time, and just wanted to go in, but her face was filled with joy, and she saw a glitzy light. , Appeared from a distance...

The smile gradually froze~~~

The other party is on his side, yes, but it's not the person the goddess of Origin wants to meet!

The visitor, dressed in luxurious robes with purple and gold patterns, looks mature and looks only thirty years old.

"Coming again?" Muttered in circles, and quickly saluted. She knew that the goddess had no feeling for the eldest son of the enlightened God, and the other party was really entangled and endless.

"My father just said that you are back, I just rushed here." Long Chutian saw the indifferent expression of the goddess of Origin, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Zu'er, this is the'Essence of Myriad Mother's Jade' I found in the treasure house of the Hundred Gods Domain. ', for you—"

"How do you know my name?" the goddess of Origin asked strangely.

"Have you forgotten that I visited the Gate of Origin with my father that year, and I specifically asked your mother, but you were still in the eighth stage of inheritance, so I didn't bother you." Long Chutian smiled.

"Give it to Doudou, she likes--" Origin Goddess said slowly.

"Aha? Thank you, Master Long." He went to pick it up with both hands.

Long Chutian was very embarrassed, and was relieved at the last thought. He put the'Essence of Myriad Mother Chalcedony' in his pocket, and then said: "Grandpa, I heard that you have completely inherited the door of origin, and you will open this door in the future. It's just around the corner, but unfortunately your mother is gone... My father wanted to come here in person in the past few years, he wanted to help us both..."

"Stop it, Young Master Long Chutian, in the Eastern Peak God Realm, besides being the son of Qiming God, what else can you remember?" The Goddess of Origin asked.

Long Chutian's face is slightly ugly--

he knows.

Also understand.

Although the words of the goddess of origin are very offensive, they are all true, enlightening God is his father, and to outsiders, he is equivalent to growing under the shadow of giants! That is the existence he can never surpass!

"Zu'er! I didn't expect me to be such a kind of person in your heart." Long Chutian's breathing became unstable, and then said: "In this case, it is better to take this opportunity and I will prove it to you!"

"Proof?" Origin Goddess was stunned.

"Yes, this time without the World-Honored, it will bring catastrophe to the Supreme Divine Realm. There are super powerful forces, such as ancient sages and so many. Those families and young men are countless. I will lead everyone and kill the World-Honored!" Long Chu Tian said solemnly.

"Our goddess, we must not kill the world-honored person. Once she opens the'Festing the Heaven and Conferring the World Monument', even if it is Young Master Long, I am afraid there will be no chance --" Doudou couldn't help but say.

"Things are man-made! Even if it is His Majesty Zu'er who is unparalleled in the light, I have to prove myself and strive to dim Zu'er's light! Because I am Long Chutian! This time I want to let the world know that I... not only Qiming Son of God!"

After Long Chutian finished speaking, he turned around and left, resolutely--

"He is angry." Dudou said to the goddess of Origin.

"It's not my business."

The goddess of Origins walked into Wangtian Palace and returned to her room. When she went back and forth and thought carefully, she said to Doudou: "Dudou, you can check something for me."

"whats the matter?"

"To check someone, it's best to ask, among the great powers invited by the Hundred World Domain Lord, is there one named Ye Tiandi? If you find out, tell me where he lives—"

Now, for the goddess of Origin, where is Su Jin is very important...

At this moment, Su Jin housed the time-space grinding plate in the sword body road halo in the nine realms. He... actually arrived in Tiange City, but used the fate gourd to hide his breath. Now he is actually no different from ordinary gods.

When he came, he saw Tiange City, and there was a monumental monument with a long charm. This was the ninth monument he had seen. He knew that it was the so-called "seal of heaven and the world," and three hundred and sixty. The Hundred Generations of Gods’ Domain composed of six worlds is extremely vast, and the'Monument of Heaven and Conferred World' does not know how many exist—

Su Jin feels this battle is more difficult!

But in terms of the Hundred Generations of God's Realm, although this realm is much stronger than the Jin Dynasty, but the angel of God has attracted great power, but he has to be treated with caution.

No, as soon as he appeared in Tiange City, Su Jin felt no less than a hundred extremely powerful auras——

Even late at night, the streets are equally lively...

Su Jin soon came to a ‘Qin Fang’ and knocked on the door to enter——

"The guest officer is closed, you..."

It was the artisan of Qinfang who opened the door, and his opponent rubbed his wistful eyes, even when he saw a virtuous pearl floating past——

When Fate Gourd left its corpse in the Hundred Generations God's Domain and 366 worlds, there were still a lot of valuable treasures left in it, and there was no shortage of heavy weapons, but Su Jin could also use it.

"How long will it take to build a piano?" Su Jin asked.

"What kind? The higher the grade, the more time it takes. For example, the most precious "forged dragon piano" in our piano room not only has strict requirements on materials, but also requires many years of immersion and sacrifice." The workshop craftsman looked at the Xianzhu's eyes lightly.

"This treasure, change all your piano pictures——"


Not long after, Su Jin glanced inside a spiritual slip, and finally walked out of the Qinfang——

The cyclist building.

A restaurant in Tiange City that is not too remote, when Su Jin walked in, the guest room was full, but the drinking place was not closed, and there was room for it.

Soon, in the rearmost corner, there was a young man dedicated to carving.

The noise around him seemed to be unable to affect this young man. A time carving knife was condensed in his hand. The carving knife was slightly transparent, and there was a section of dragon blood tree in his arms, which was just taking shape.

"This time it was too lively. Guess what, who did I see just now?" Someone hurriedly walked in, before he had time to drink, he laughed and said, "Wang Wang, there are a total of 10,000 Ming Wang. The momentum is too great!"

"Oh? This is not the time when Shizun has arrived. Have you seen the Supreme God of Dafa Shi?"

"When it arrives, they are all among them, and there are some mysterious people with prominent identities who are walking side by side with the Supreme God of Dafa Power. At that time, Shizun Shizun was too strong, and you could still hear the singing of the Chaosheng Banshee just now. No? The singing of the Chaosheng Banshee stopped abruptly when Shizun Shizun appeared. Obviously, he didn't dare to offend this person—"

"It's unimaginable that an undeveloped world-honored person can cause so many ancient powers to come over!"

"Now, the Gate of Origin, the Lord of the Hundred Generations, and the Enlightened God of the Eastern Peak God Realm, are all ready to wait for the unworldly Lord to show up. You said, will he see such a battle? Dare to show up and run away?"

"It's possible, after all, it hasn't appeared for so long—"

"Just now there was an old Taoist who was personally greeted by the Hundred Generations of Territory Lords. I heard people say that it was another God's messenger who hid in the remote ancient realm. He was called the ‘God’, and he was the Shizun of the years who he went to inform."

"So many powerful people gathered in the Gods Realm for a hundred generations, I really look forward to—"

"The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good, come out!" someone hurriedly shouted at the Xianke Tower.

Outside the window, the Buddha is shining to the world, and the whole city seems to be rendered by Jinhui——

In the sky above Tiange City, a golden monk strode from inside the city and greeted one person outside!

That golden monk possesses super-powerful Buddhism and Taoism, and the person he meets is even more shocking! That person is headless, wearing a blood-stained Buddha robe! !

"Little Shenxiu..." Su Jin seemed to be aware, glanced out the window, shook his head and smiled faintly, and continued to carve out the lines of time and path on the dragon blood tree.


More than the noise!

The entire streets of Tiange City are crowded with people!

"Shenxiu, my Buddha pattern leads to the Buddha's land. It feels really good to see that you are not dead yet—" The golden monk looked at the little godxiu, and his words were full of indifference.

"Sin Buddha Shenxiu, living just to atone for sins." Little Shenxiu said.

"The Jin Wuxiang donor in the city said, you are... now under the seat of the world-honored-" Jin Seng said.

One stone caused a thousand waves!

Little Shenxiu, who is not under the seat of the Lord?

Even in the Wangtian Palace, the goddess of Origin quickly walked out, not the world-zun... what does it look like?

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