My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3477: Beautiful show

"It doesn't matter who I follow, whoever the immeasurable gods and Buddhas follow, I will follow—" Xiao Shenxiu said.

The golden monk was silent, "That is my Buddha's fault."

"Recently, my body is devilish and evil, and the Buddha's mind is very clear, and I have seen the other shore infinitely. The Buddha's choice is correct, it is the wrong mind of the person." The little **** said.

"The deity who has never heard of the world, surrounds the bodhi, has the Buddha's fruit to prove the way, but is it true or false?" asked the golden monk.

"is true."

"The Buddha's eyes are covered with dust, and the Buddha tree is stained with evil spirits. I came here to take away the Buddha tree. In the future, when the Buddha tree is washed away, the Buddhist path can still open up a supreme sunny day." The golden monk said.

"If you can take it, take it without telling me --" Xiao Shenxiu said.

"I told you that you are not under the seat of the World Venerable, why do you dare to come?" The golden monk was a little strange, and stopped asking about the Buddha tree.

"I came to see you one last time." Xiao Shenxiu answered truthfully.


This is a bit crazy.

Countless gods cultivated, all of them looked angrily. The last words of this little **** show, seemingly unintentional, are actually provoking everyone! Everyone knows that this golden monk came to kill the world-honored person, and now...the little godxiu actually said it was to see the golden monk for the last time?

In the world, there is such a fresh and refined way of pretending to be paralyzed?

In the city, there are already people who can't help--

A divine rainbow came from the void, it was...Long Chutian!

The Goddess of Origin was at the highest point of the'Wangtian Palace', and she saw it very clearly, thinking that Long Chutian was really crazy trying to show off.

"I'm asking you, where is it if you are not World Honored?" Long Chutian asked Xiang Xiaoshenxiu with a questioning tone.

"Who are you." Xiao Shenxiu said.

"Long Chutian!"

"Who is Long Chutian——"

"You!" Long Chutian's anger was hard to conceal, and he looked at Xiao Shenxiu angrily, his indifferent temperament made him feel uncomfortable.

The golden monk replied: "Long Chutian is the son of Dongfang Qiming God——"

"Oh." Xiao Shenxiu said.

"Let me ask you one more sentence, you can tell me honestly! No, where is it!" Long Chu is in anxious weather. From the corner of his eye, he saw the goddess of Origin is watching them on the Wangtian Temple. Wherever he dare to neglect, he naturally wants to be oneself The domineering side showed up.

"I don't know." Xiao Shenxiu said.

Vomiting blood

Long Chutian was about to vomit blood, Xiao Shenxiu replied like this, as if to perfuse him, it could even be said to be ‘playing’? Too annoying!

"If you can't get out of the world, then I will force him out! First kill you under his seat! Little Shenxiu!" Long Chutian shouted angrily.

"I won't fight." Xiao Shenxiu replied.

"Don't you dare? The Buddha is also afraid of death?" Long Chutian asked angrily.

"You beat me, and I don’t know where the world-honored person is. I suffer. I will defeat you. Your father Qiming God will come forward for you. I will suffer for you, so I will not fight." Xiaoshenxiu Said lightly.


Long Chutian was about to be driven mad, and sure enough, he still couldn't take off the hat that his father was the God of Enlightenment. He wanted to prove that he was so difficult?

"Then why are you here! Are you not here to help the World-Venerable?" Long Chutian was about to collapse.

"He wanted to see me, so I came. By the way, if the domain owner has something to do with transcendence, I might be able to help a little bit. This can also be regarded as helping the Sin Buddha Xiao Shenxiu relieve some karma." Xiao Shenxiu said.



In the domain master of the century, we must take over the work! This little Shenxiu's head was kicked off by a donkey? Bold, extremely bold!

"I care who you are! You die for me!" Long Chutian raised his fist, sucked in the endless power, and slammed directly towards Xiao Shenxiu!

"If you hit you, your father can't make a move?" Xiao Shenxiu asked after avoiding the blow.

"No need for him to act!"

"Then you ask your father first—"

"You! You!" Long Chutian felt that his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys were all irritated by qi, and then his brain heated up and roared: "I said it in front of the people of the world! As witnessed by the people of the world, life and death are up to you. , My father won't make a move!"

"I believe it." Xiao Shenxiu replied.

Long Chutian was only stepping on a magical Dao Formation, which seemed to absorb power in the dark void. His whole body was brilliant and brilliant, and his power was raised to the point of extremely tyrannical!

In just one step, Long Chutian appeared not far in front of Xiao Shenxiu, he knew that Xiao Shenxiu would not hide again this time!

"Die to me!" Long Chutian roared fiercely, and the Quan Feng carried the endless divine light and blasted towards Xiao Shenxiu!

Little Shenxiu just lifted the Buddha's palm, and a piece of imaginary Buddha light quickly condensed on his palm, and his Buddha's palm suddenly became bigger and bigger again——


Long Chutian is already powerful enough, with this punch, he has the confidence to kill Daxian! But that is, when this punch banged in the horrible palm of the little god-xiu, it was in the bang, and even a splash of water did not come out!

The golden monk was a little surprised, "One flower, one world, palms the other side of the sea, the little gods show...Your Buddhist teachings started to surprise me."

"Far not as good as my Buddha Samadhi." Xiao Shenxiu said modestly.



That palm seemed to grab Long Chutian in an instant, and then the endless shadow of Buddha fist, like raindrops, greeted Long Chutian. The fierce golden Buddha fist did not intend to kill this person. , But slightly broke the bones, with just the right amount of force-

But it hurts too.

Long Chutian was in terrible pain and screamed constantly.

"Okay, my son is not yet in your turn to teach." There was a voice in the dark, calm and brisk, but it also stopped Xiao Shenxiu's boxing.

"Your father told me not to beat you anymore. I hope you will wake up in time and stop thinking of not killing the world-honored person. His Buddhism is in the realm of Samadhi. Maybe a fart can make you realize and reconcile in time. His gap."

Little Shenxiu threw Long Chutian to the golden monk, and continued: "Go back to rest for half a day, and you will be healed—"

Long Chutian now covers his face.

The bones in his body were cracked a lot, but Long Chutian's arms could still be called. He was ashamed... He was ashamed of the people of the world, and he was ashamed of the goddess of Origin, Zuer——

Moreover, Long Chutian broke his promise. Although his father, Qiming God, did not take action, he broke his vow of life and death. In other words, this might have reduced his father's prestige a lot.

In the Cyclamen Tower.

The young man is still carving the piano in the corner. After all, he is a soft-hearted person. He shouldn't have cut the dragon's blood tree that is hard to grow on the empty mill at that time...

"Zu'er! You believe in me, you must believe in me, I can kill the World-Venerable!" Long Chutian screamed at the Goddess of Origin on the Wangtian Palace.

Upon hearing the words, the little godxiu turned around, headless body, towards the distant goddess of Origin——

Gradually, under the gaze of countless people, the little Shenxiu folded her hands together and gently bowed towards the goddess of Origin. He still felt familiar. The lingering years and time and space marks on this woman showed that she was infected with someone's chance— —

Then, the little Shenxiu turned to the golden monk and asked: "Brother Buddha is waiting for me to ask. The domain master is willing to let me settle in this city and promote the immeasurable Buddhist scriptures. I can comfort hundreds of billions of dead souls and cross my sea of ​​suffering."


In the distance, a Hundred World Domain Master spoke.

The golden monk is dumb, this little **** show is really not afraid of death, but think about it, if he just recites the Buddhist scriptures, it will not hinder the gods of the century.

Just as Xiao Shenxiu walked to the golden monk and wanted to walk with him...

The goddess of Origins was very nervous. She always felt that Xiao Shenxiu bowed to her just now, as if it meant something. She quickly asked, "Senior, wait a minute."

"Ask, I don't know what to ask." Xiao Shenxiu said.

"Why do you bow to me?" Origin Goddess said.

"You came from the'Gate of Origin', and you are the daughter of the mother of Origin. I have foreseen the achievements of the heavens in the future. I am just making a...good bond -" Xiao Shenxiu responded.

Long Chutian pointed to Xiao Shenxiu, shaking his lips, as if crazy, and said: " demon monk... Zu'er is mine, you demon monk..."

The goddess of origin is a little confused...

Is it just because of this, can I really...

The goddess of Origin would be wrong, thinking that Xiao Shenxiu knows something, like this kind of Buddha who is not afraid of everything, may know where the Yetian Emperor is, after all, even her future can be foreseen.

"Everyone, there is news! In the South Bank Void Realm Great World, there has been a World-Venerable!" Suddenly, the whole Tiange City was resounding this news.

Even Su Jin, who was concentrating on carving the piano in the Xianke Tower, was taken aback for a moment.

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