My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3478: Monstrous god

South Bank, the big world of the virtual world, not the world-zun?

Who is the unlucky person who is willing to be the first bird at this time?

Su Jin was dumb, but didn't care about it. There are always people who want to show the limelight for their own benefit. To put it simply, they just want to be famous and want to be crazy——

In this way, Su Jin carve the incense for half of the time, and the last news that came was even more weird. He had to put away the piano embryo and walked out of the "Xiankelou" with his hands.

"The South Bank Void Realm Great World, the World Venerable is slaughtering! A heavenly arm, a sky-reaching, omnipotent, many powerful people, none of them are enemies of the same, all of them have been bombarded and killed!" A monk was pale.

"The Great World of Void Realm, was sealed by the domain master to King Tang of the South Bank, the family of King Tang, the chief elder, has the cultivation base of ancient sages! It was smashed through the road by the arm of the day, so it died!"

"King Tang, King Tang was too late to bring everyone from his family. At the time of the incident, there was only one woman beside him, fleeing to Tiange City!"

"Yes, there is no doubt about it!"

"Hundreds of domain masters, mighty ancient sages, Dongfang Qiming God and others, all started to go in that direction..."


Su Jin listened to the noisy discussion, feeling more and more weird——

Nine Dao, Heaven Arm, he is the only one who is not the world-honored person, why are those people saying so realistically? Although Su Jin knew that the other party was fake, after all, if he used the sky arm, he might not be really confident, and he would kill the strong man who was close to Gu Xian's cultivation.

In ‘Wangtian Palace Que’.

Blue Tudou was looking at the goddess of Origin with a nervous face. She didn't know what happened when the goddess disappeared yesterday, but she knew that the goddess had appeared now, but the goddess was still disappointed and even cared about the ‘Emperor Ye Tian’!

"Can't find it--" The goddess of Origin dodged her eyes, "Also--"

"What are you thinking about! Let's go, if the Ye Tian Emperor is really powerful, he will definitely go there without the World-Honored One appearing. The peak masters are still waiting for you to open the'Feng Tian Feng Shi Shi'!"

"My cultivation is far less than my mother, that is not the world-honored person, I...I don't know if I can see him." The goddess of origin is extremely complicated, and finally she turned into a magical rainbow. In the admiration of countless people, they began to converge with the 88 peak masters of the Gate of Origin!

A star pattern is shining brightly!

The goddess of Origin was frosty, as if she felt something, she looked sideways at Tiange City, but as a result, she saw only one back and walked into the darkness——

On the other hand, at the strong invitation of the golden monk, the little god-xiu refused to go south, but the golden monk did not force it, and together with the Chaosheng Banshee, went to the South Bank Void World.

Soon, one after another golden footprints stepped out from under Su Jin's feet——

Little Shenxiu, without a head, sensed the power of Buddhism emerging from Su Jin, and showed up.

On a street corner.

"Do you know what happened?" Su Jin asked Xiao Shenxiu directly.

The reason why Xiao Shenxiu came to this Hundred Generations God Realm and refused to leave with excuses, Su Jin always felt that something was happening—

"Something really happened." Xiao Shenxiu said, "The fake world-zun may have something to do with the Peerless Immortal Burial. Three hours ago, people from different time and space came to the Buddha's land. The ancient gods let me venture into this world of gods. , Just want me to find you and tell you something big happened."

"What's the matter?"

"The ancestor of the universe, by the order of the emperor, went to pry the peerless immortal burial, and fell into the different time and space with a stubborn body earlier, and the whole body was only half of flesh and blood."

Xiao Shenxiu gently waved her hand, and a picture appeared in Su Jin's eyes——

In the picture, the body of the Huanyu Zhanzu, from the right shoulder down, is only half left, half blood bone, and half still intact. The sight is shocking and creepy!

"Burning the great sage -" Su Jin was a little surprised.

"It's not entirely true. The ancestors of Huanyu Zhan died not long ago. He said that he saw an incredible scene in the Peerless Immortal Burial. He used the immortal burial to help Ye Di, but he ended up in trouble."

"What did he do?"

"A peerless murderer was released."

"Who else knows about this."

"Gu Shenhuang, Feng Guyi, the ghost hides them--"

"You go to a different time and space, take my words, let them stabilize the wounds of the ancestors of the universe, and open the Hall of Longevity after I return, and then save their father and daughter."

Su Jin hesitated slightly, "If you come, I will act accordingly. I will not reveal my true identity for the time being. As for the fake non-world-honored person, I will let him show off for the time being."

"I'm going now--" Xiao Shenxiu said.

Watching Xiao Shenxiu leave.

Peerless Immortal Burial, releasing the big culprit, Su Jin secretly has a headache, what kind of existence has been released by the ancestor of the universe, how can he impersonate him!

Although it was not a bad thing for Su Jin, it was good for him, but the feeling of being impersonated was always uncomfortable, and he had to take a look at whatever he said.

Without further ado, Su Jin walked into the void and left Tiange City in a flash——


South Bank, the world of virtual world.

Countless divine lights, turned into light spots, walking in the starry sky, these are all monks rushing to the South Bank Void Realm Great World, this is only the effect caused by the Central Great World, it is conceivable that the other three hundred and sixty-five Great World The world, how many people rush there!

The Goddess of Origin and her party were not too slow, but when she led the crowd to the Great World of Void Realm, the largest piece of ‘Glazed Glass Sea’ had been boiling for a long time! As a result, millions of miles around were filled with water and mist——

"Ahead, but the Golden Dynasty, Jin Wuxiang?" The peak master with the gate of origin saw Jin Wuxiang and the Hallmaster of Jidao stop with a sullen face and quickly asked.

The Master of Jidao originally didn't want to follow this Hundred Generations God Realm, but his disciples were all slaughtered in the Song Family. At this time, he could only come to the Hundred Generations under Jin Wuxiang's persuasion.

"It turns out to be fellow fellows of the Gate of Origin——" Jin Wuxiang arched his hands.

"Is it sure that it is not the world-zun?" the goddess of Origin asked indifferently.

"Absolutely! I don't even know the Lord Yedi, it turns into ashes! Look at that glazed sea of ​​illusion, it is blessed by his Vulcan Dao at this moment, which causes the fog to cover the sky!"

"Everyone, the Lord is extremely cunning. Now the sea of ​​fog is full of sky, and he has the secret of the sky. Now the'Eastern Enlightenment God' is using that piece of glaze and the sea of ​​fire to become the world's nobleman. I believe this person can definitely be picked out this time. ——" The Great Hall Master said earnestly.

"If it's that easy, it would be great, we have to open the monument to seal the sky and the world."


Guanghua flashed--

The goddess of Origin took a step back gently, and the mighty ancient sage with loose teeth came over again! Next to him, there were two people standing next to him. One was wearing a yellow robe, and the other was a girl with a miserable front. This girl had a delicate figure and was wearing a red, blue, and yellow noble clothes.

"Introduction, I met Xiao Tang Wang--" The mighty Guxian still had minced meat on the corner of his mouth. Today, I don't know what's going on, he always hiccups, and the goddess of Origin looked speechless for a while.

"Everyone at the Gate of Origin..." Wang Wang was so desperate that he was struck by this catastrophe. He bowed his hand at the person at the Gate of Origin, choked up several times.

"If you don't have this great evildoer, it will harm the common people, Tang Wang can rest assured that the door of my origin will not be punished." You Peak Master couldn't help saying.

"Then what does it look like if it's not the world-honored one?" Jin Wuxiang asked.

"Extremely young, with endless methods of shocking the world. Our world **** city was swept away by him with only one arm of the sky. Fortunately, Xiao Wang crushed his life-saving treasure at the time, and was lucky enough to bring my little sixteen to escape." Tears are running and wiping.

Little Sixteen——

The sixteenth princess of the Tang family.

"Heaven Arm Technique, only the World Honored Association! You mighty, don't you quickly use the Heavenly Sealing and Sealing Monument to suppress the evil spirits?" Jin Wuxiang said anxiously.

"What anxious--" Mighty Guxian glanced at Jin Wuxiang, "It's a waste to use it, let's see if many strong people can take him, it's absolutely necessary, it's never too late to use it."

"Although the monument of Fengtian Fengshi has not been activated by the goddess, the French language it carries has already been effective in suppressing it."

"Hey, sister Dao, I heard you are looking for someone, have you found it?" Mighty Guxian licked his face, rubbed his fat hands full of oil and water, and looked at the origin of the Dao girl.

"It's okay." The goddess of Origin turned her face to it.

"Well... what is the emperor of heaven, can I be as powerful as me? You, the door of origin, can really consider me seriously--" The mighty ancient xian didn't blush, didn't breathe, and didn't evade that other people were there. , Said.


At this moment, the battle was caught off guard, and the momentum skyrocketed to the extreme!

"It's not the world-honored discovery!" The mighty Guxian's expression was amused, and he disappeared!



"Dongfang Qiming God, really amazing!" Jin Wuxiang exclaimed.

The Master of Extreme Dao nodded and said: "I have calculated the position of the World Honored so quickly, those 10,000 figures are actually the Emperor of the Ming disciple! This power alone is enough to shake a Supreme God Realm!"



In the mist, a sky arm descended from the sky! It’s just that the arm seems to have slightly changed that day, there are many black barbs all over the arm that day—

"Don't move! Those Ming Wang's disciples, don't move!" Jin Wuxiang shook his figure, "This is an eternal magic of the world-honored, a magical magic! Damn it!"


The goddess of Origin darkened her eyes. Didn't the world-zun also have such a tyrannical eternal trick? Just now she heard that the world-zun is very young, and she also has a young master, but I don't know which one is stronger than the other.

As for the eternal magic, the goddess of Origin did not want to think about it at all, because the guy finally left categorically, without even looking back, regardless of the sixteen years of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the love of getting along in the four seasons.

"This person is so strong!" The Goddess of Origin sighed and said: "Get ready, I will open the'Feng Tian Feng Shi Shi' to suppress him."

"Yes, yes! It's better to be safe." Jin Wulian hurriedly said.

The Goddess of Origin lightly stepped on the foot, and all the ‘Steles of Sealing the Heaven and Sealing the World’ all over the Void Realm trembling slightly!


In the distant sky, a deep blue ocean wave is rolling up! Accompanied by the extremely pleasing movement, it began to roll forward, overwhelming the sky, and smashed toward the ‘un-world-zun’!


An indifferent voice burst out from somewhere in the center, and the trembling banshee's shocking methods were actually drunk by a word! That deep blue sea wave is rewinding! Can't get close to the center at all!

"It's so fierce and mighty!" The peak master was shocked. The Chaosong Banshee is definitely a super power, although it is not as good as the mighty Guxian and a limited number of people, but it can't lose much.

Strands of brilliance are blooming on the goddess of Origin! The Eighty-Eight Peak Master directly felt her changes!

"Goddess...when was it so strong!"

"Time and space, time, truth, these three origins have almost reached the point of perfection!"





There are at least 8,000 ‘Steles for Sealing the Heavens and the World’ in the Void Realm Great World, and at the same time shining heavenly majesty! And the phantom in the center of the fog seems to feel the pressure directly——

"Not good!" Eighty-eight Peak Master was shocked and angry!

I saw a sky arm, as if carrying a vast sky, directly above the heads of the goddess of origin and everyone, slowly descending!

"Get up! Get up!"

"How come! Dongfang Qiming God and the others, they are clearly dealing with the unworldly Lord, why does he still have the energy to attack us?"


That ‘Not the World’s Lord’ actually didn’t want the ‘Second Heaven and Conferred World Monument’ to be opened, but directly killed the Goddess of Origin! !

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