My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3479: Tyrannical appearance

Isn’t it true that the World-Honored One is really like a brother!

Jin Wuxiang and the Supreme Dao Hall Master are now extremely scared. They have seen the fierce power of the World-Venerable more than once. The current situation is the same as before, or even worse!

Fortunately, people at the Gate of Origin are not vegetarians either!

The eighty-eight peak masters directly stood in their respective positions, and a heavy pressure was exerted on everyone. Soon, eighty-eight phantom sacred mountains appeared in the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles!

Each peak owner settled on the sacred mountain that they dominated! Each of these eighty-eight imaginary sacred mountains began to rise a beam of light, propping up an extremely powerful circular road map above the crowd!

"Can block the sky arm!" The Master of the Great Dao Palace was overjoyed.

"The gate of origin is really amazing!" Jin Wuxiang also admired.

The goddess of Origin, her temperament is becoming more and more ethereal now. In her eyes like autumn water, there is a touch of special Taoism, her arms spread out, and wisps of lightning spread from her left arm to her right arm——

As for the eight thousand monuments of concluding the heavens and the world, lightning intertwined on each of the monuments of concluding the heavens and the world almost at the same time!

Chi Chi Chi Chi——

The stele of Fengtian and Shishi, suspended secret characters, on those steles, there are different inscriptions, as if they were written by God!

Each "Stele of Sealing the Heaven and Conferring the World" forms an eight-sided barrier, and the word "Sky" travels through the void, and then every handwriting seems to contain supreme power, hitting the phantom in the center of the mist!


Screams started one after another, but the phantom hadn't fallen down yet!

"Good evildoer! We...we can't hold it anymore!" On the eighty-eight sacred mountains, the peak owners saw sweat on their foreheads, and the'circular road map' that protected the sky was also in the hands of the arm that day. When pressed, the rotation becomes slower and slower.

at last……


The extremely tyrannical road map began to crack, just like glass, it may collapse at any time!

"The monument to seal the sky and the world has been opened." The goddess of Origin knew that her mission was completed, and her role was limited to this.

Of course, there is also a ‘God’s Handwriting’. If the mother is still there, it must be the mother of her mother’s origin to perform it, but now, she knows that she is far from worthy.

"Run away!" Eighty-eight peak masters shouted in unison.

Jin Wuxiang and the Supreme Master, see the situation is not good, run the fastest! King Tang and the sixteen princesses were trembling with fright, and could only flee again by gritting their teeth—

"Do I need to escape?" The Goddess of Origin looked at the Eighty Eight Peak Master with cold eyes.


"You can try." You Fengzhu said.

"I've heard that there is still an eternal technique without the world-honored goddess. It is called the Scripture of Seizing the Heavens. This technique can be used to stop the monument of consecrating the heavens and the world. He will not let me go." Tao.

The scene was silent again.

"You... take everything with you--" said the goddess of Origin.

"No! I won't go." She cried and refused to leave, why didn't she know that the world still has such magical skills!

"Go, there is the Eastern Enlightenment God, the mighty ancient sages and them, I should be fine." said the goddess of Origin.

"No! Ten Thousand Ming Kings and Heavenly Disciples were all beheaded! This is not the world-honored person, even this kind of pain can persist!" A peak master was surprised.

"The mighty ancient sage is fighting this person!"

"Goddess, we can't keep you! Don't worry, I will collect the origin of fire. In the future, we will beg to enlighten God, gather your true body, and make you alive——"


The eighty-eight sacred mountains of imaginary quality were shaken by the beating of the heavenly arm. Among them, 30 sacred mountains had cracks, and many peak owners suffered heavy losses under this blow.

"Go!" Eighty-eight peak masters stopped together and turned into eighty-eight divine rainbows, and all began to retreat away!

If you don't leave, you will all die!


Above the goddess of Origin, the circular road map completely collapsed, and she also closed her eyes, silently waiting for the coming of death——

Beforehand, the goddess of Origin would never have thought of such a situation. The intrepidity of the'unshizun' exceeded her imagination several times. She originally thought that even if they were no match, the Eastern Qiming God and the others would be able to kill this person. , As a result... when the sky arm descended on him, no one stopped him.

"Goddess!" When Doudou was taken a hundred thousand miles away, there was still the magnificent sight of the sky arm in her vision, but she might never see the goddess of origin again.


Am i dead?

Regret for death.

The Goddess of Origin thinks so. For one thing, she is sorry for her mother, and the Avenue of Origins has not been accomplished. This death humiliates the Gate of Origin. If the "Tinder of Origin" gathers in the future, can the Goddess who walked out be her——

Secondly, it can't be said to be a pity, it's just a pity. She wanted to achieve something in the future and proved it to the emperor Ye Tian who had already broken the relationship between her teacher and apprentice. She didn't lose him!

As a result, the result is so dead--

The goddess of Origin had a thousand times in her mind for a while, flashing countless pictures, she found a very strange situation, in those pictures, except for some of the pictures when she was with her mother, many more were with that night. The'Sixteen Years' of the Heavenly Emperor together!

After a few breaths, the goddess of Origin slowly opened her complicated eyes——

Suddenly astonished!

Not only was she shocked, even the countless people who came and were watching this scene from a distance were all shocked!

A slowly rotating ‘Time and Space Mill’, I don’t know how many breaths, it quietly condenses out of the void! And the person standing on the edge of the time-space mill is...Su Jin!

That is, Emperor Ye Tian!

At least the goddess of Origin is staying now-


From the state of holding his hand, Su Jin seemed to have his palm up for a moment, and slowly stretched out his right hand in front of him, raising his palm!

An imaginary arm, filled with the rhyme of time and space, glowing with an imaginary white color, raised it directly toward the'hand of the sky arm'!

boom! boom! boom!

The quadrangular sky of the Void Realm Great World, instantly enters the night! The entire Void Realm Great World, whether it was the void or the earth, shook severely at that moment! And that empty white space-time arm, instantly began to gather countless stars——

That vain hand of time and space! It seems to be covered with dense stars!



That sky arm was instantly shattered to pieces!

It was too shocking. Every monk who rushed over watched this scene with incredible eyes!

"Which power is this! It turned out to be... able to compete with that'unshizun'!" Someone's voice was full of tremors. Yes, the sky arm was broken, and was caught by a mysterious man standing on the'Time and Space Mill'. Can be shattered!

"He got off the origin of Taoist Girl! It's terrifying, is this an unknown ancient sage?"

"There are rumours circulating that the Origin Taoist girl once asked people to find an existence named'Emperor Ye Tian' in Tiange City. From this point of view, this person is the Emperor Ye Tian!"

"Awesome! Really awesome. With this power, why not be afraid of not being the world-zun! The Origin Dao Nu is really lucky, to be able to overlap with such a great power. If he hadn't appeared in time, the Origin Dao Nu's 100 lives would not be enough to kill that day. ——"

"Emperor Ye Tian, ​​time and space are powerful! The origin of the Taoist girl seems to be very familiar with him, her eyes are red, is this... is this emotional or?"


Trance, all trance!

That's right, the female origin of the Taoist eyes reddened, just like losing someone to the Emperor Ye Tian. Although she was no longer a master and apprentice, she was still too weak and weak, especially compared to those ancient sages.

At that time, on the empty millstone, one day's "sixteen years", during the days and evenings, as if all came out in my mind, the goddess of Origin did not care about the opinions of other people, and went straight to the empty millstone at that time, staring at countless people's dull eyes. In, hugged... Emperor Yetian——


The time-space grinding disc suddenly turned into a whirl of white light and disappeared directly into the void.

"Oh! I'm so angry!" The mighty Guxian smashed a magic arm, and even if there were towers and shadow towns on top of his head, he easily evaded, and even took a leisurely trip, and took out a chicken leg and put it in his mouth. With a chuckle, the chicken thigh bone was severely thrown out by him.

His origin little Taoist girl was abducted! Mighty Guxian is very angry now, so annoyed that he wants to stop him!

At the boundary wall galaxy of the Void Realm Great World, the time-space milling disc was then manifested——

Hold tight.

The goddess of Origin seemed to be afraid that Su Jin would run away, until she felt a little embarrassed in this way, she finally blushed and let go and took two steps backwards.

"Why didn't you attack just now?" Su Jin frowned, with a questioning tone.


How to attack.

The goddess of origin was stunned.

This guy, scold her as soon as they meet?

"At any time, you can't give up the hope of life. The integration of your three origins of'time and space','truth', and years, plus the blessing of your initial condensed Origin Avenue, will give you at least 20% chance to escape, so why stand there? Death?" Su Jin continued to question.

"I can... can I be so good?" The goddess of Origin was scolded and confused. It seemed that there was a chance, but the chance was not great. The ‘Sky Arm’ with Tianwei was too powerful.

"Fart, what are you pretending to be in your mind? Just like you are still cultivating, so easy to give up yourself, your mother shouldn't have given birth to you at that time, it's better to choke to death after giving birth -"

"In my mind, I pretend to be...a person." When the goddess of Origin said the last few words, her voice was very small and vague, even if she was scolded now, she would not be angry. Perhaps this is the joy of escaping from the dead!

Su Jin looked at the Goddess of Origin and sneered constantly——

The goddess of Origin quickly stroked a bunch of long hair in front of her, and said hurriedly: "I know you are amazing, but I didn't expect you to be so amazing, don't want to cut that ‘not the world-honor’?"

Can't kill the Lord?

Kill yourself? It's ridiculous!

Su Jin was helpless, and in the end he could only shook his head in response. Now the big murderer who walked out of the Peerless Immortal Burial still didn't know his true identity, and it didn't hurt him. He couldn't stop it unless necessary!

"The world only knows that the world's noble Lord, the Eastern Enlightened God, the mighty ancient sages and so on are some'first-class' powerful people, who knows you Yetian Emperor, if you cut down that great evil spirit, you will definitely be a blockbuster and let the world know." Origin Goddess Say.

"I will wait and see again." Su Jin could only respond to her perfunctorily.

Wait and see!

The final blow? The goddess of Origin is convinced that she does not believe that Su Jin will not make a move——

After a while, the goddess of Origin looked at the small garden that still belonged to her, and when she ran over, she shouted in surprise.

The chopped dragon blood tree, in these days in the time and space mill, has re-stemmed, and has grown luxuriant leaves!

On the millstone of time and space, one day is sixteen years. Su Jin walked out of the millstone more than once. The battle became more fierce, and the ‘fixing the sky and the world’s stele’ seemed to be of little use to the mysterious culprit!

Moreover, many powerful joint shots seem to arouse this person's fierceness——


There are three hundred and sixty-six big worlds in the Hundred Generations of God's Domain, and the "Void Realm Great World" now, the sacred fire has begun to spread, and it has actually burned into the four nearby big worlds!

Su Jin was calm, if he could, he would rather go to the "Peerless Immortal Burial" where the ancestors of the universe were wounded!

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