My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3480: Sword drink moonlight

On the time-space millstone——

The Goddess of Origin placed a round stone table and a round stool in the small garden. In addition to caring for the flowers and plants, she was perfecting her three origin marks of "years", "truth" and "time and space".

Although I knew that it hadn't been long outside, it was 16 years a day in the time-space mill, so months have passed in it. This time, Emperor Ye Tian came again.

"I want to make it clear--" The Goddess of Origin stood up from the stone bench, looking straight at Su Jin.

"What have you figured out clearly?" Su Jin asked calmly.

"It is too difficult to get out of the flawless Avenue of Origins. I still need to learn other things and strengthen my own strength, so that I can one day become a non-World-Honored existence." The goddess of Origin is very serious, obviously thinking quite a bit. Long time.

"What else do you want to learn—" Su Jin asked again.

"Sword. Can you?"

"Will be some." Su Jin hesitated slightly, but it was difficult to refuse. He had practiced the Nine Paths himself, plus the power of the World-Honored One, and it was hard to say that others were greedy.

The goddess of Origin raised her hand, and a cyan dagger floated out, "I have learned some swordsmanship, but it is still relatively shallow. You have to teach me."

"No problem, you can do it."

"Show it at you?"



The goddess of Origins also took a sigh of relief. Although she just said that she hopes to become a ‘unworldly’ existence one day, what she wants to say most is to catch up with the ‘Emperor of the Night’!

"This set of swordsmanship, called Haoyue Jianwu, uses tricky and tricky methods to make it impossible to defend against." When the goddess of Origin said, she in a snowflake skirt appeared directly beside Su Jin, with a sword cut— —

So fast.

The Goddess of Origin most often saw Su Jin watching the stars, but never saw his speed, but this is normal. After all, in her opinion, Su Jin majored in time and space--

One sword, five swords, fifteen swords!

Although the sword moves seem to be messy, but from the traces, they are still rules to follow. The goddess of origin was a little surprised. She didn't feel Su Jin using any power, but she seemed to know her next sword move, except When she first made her sword, the opponent was hiding neatly, but other than that, every subsequent sword seemed to be able to rub the opponent's body.

The Goddess of Origin was a little depressed, and she even blessed the power of her "Road of Origin" on the blade, her speed was not slow, and the surrounding area was full of two people——

"Stop." The Goddess of Origin stopped quickly.

Su Jinyun stood calmly, as if nothing happened just now, looking at the goddess of Origin.

"It's not bad, it's just a mere form without a deep understanding of kendo. This sword is just a weapon blessed by it." Su Jin said.

"It's just not bad? I have practiced this set of "Haoyue Sword Dance" no less than 3,000 times." The goddess of Origin looked at Su Jin, as cold as her in front of others, but now she was a little angry, and her words were not convinced.

"With a sword in your heart, it is possible to step into the sword road. Perhaps very few people have a clear sword heart and become a true swordsman. This road is as difficult as your initial gathering of the Origin Avenue."

Su Jin continued: "So, I still suggest that you use Origin Avenue to bless the Excalibur. With the benefit of the divine soldiers, you can go farther in the future—"

"I want to kill the World-Honored, don't you know that it's not the World-Honored, fellow practitioners of the Nine Paths, why can't I do one more," said the goddess of Origin.

"If you practice for another era, it will be hard to kill the World-Honored one." Su Jin said lightly.

The Goddess of Origin almost threw the sword in anger--

I know that Emperor Ye Tian is powerful, but he doesn't bring such a blow.

"You are so powerful, go and cut, say that my sword is not good, you may not be as good as me." Origin Goddess said indignantly.

"Then you watch?"

"Okay." Seeing that Su Jin was so confident, the goddess of Origin really wanted to see him embarrassed. After all, although this set of sword tricks had just been completed, many detailed tricks were almost dazzling, and she was sure that Su Jin had seen it for the first time. , How could she perform well!


That green sword was taken by Su Jin directly from the goddess of Origin——

Su Jin turned around, took a step forward, swept the green sword with his right hand, and the body also appeared to bend forward, and the green sword was behind his right hand with the tip of the sword slightly upward.

The action is indeed too cool.

The goddess of Origin suddenly blushed, she looked at the blade of the green sword, and began to show a hint of cold light on the blade, and then, the sky around the time-space mill suddenly turned into a cold night!

This sword shook the heaven and earth Qi machine, and near the time-space mill, that is, behind the two of them in the starry sky, an extremely vast moon began to manifest.

Haoyue sword dance? This... Is this the power of Haoyue Sword Dance?

The goddess of Origin looked terrified. The speed of Su Jin's sword can no longer be described as dazzling. When he stepped out almost in one step, he would disappear from the void. When he reappears, in another place, every sword seems to have the afterglow of the setting moon. He is free and easy, and has a mysterious feeling like a hazy moonlight——

so amazing!

Short "Haoyue Sword Dance", but one hundred and thirty-nine sword moves, when Su Jin used the last sword, every step he took before turned into a phantom and appeared.


The green sword bloomed with powerful and unparalleled sword marks, as if it turned into an incomparably vast mountain of swords. The sword drank the moonlight and displayed the incomparable "Haoyue Sword Dance" to the fullest!


A void and sky split, cut outside the boundary wall galaxy, the huge movement, the long-lasting sword light in the distance, I don't know how far it was cut, and it was deeply imprinted in the mind of the goddess of origin.

Su Jin's left hand was behind him, and his right hand sent the sword to the goddess of Origin——

"It's a bit of a shock." The ruddy face of the goddess of Origin was still unfinished.

"This set of "Haoyue Sword Dance" is suitable for you. If you really want to practice swordsmanship, I can teach you. I wish you can kill the world-honor as soon as possible -" Su Jin said with a hand.

"Definitely." The Goddess of Origin continued: "Then teach me that the posture I use to use this sword seems to be a lot worse than you,"

In the latter words, the goddess of Origin couldn't say anything, she just used the first sword, and finally leaned forward.

Su Jin sighed inwardly, walked to her side, swept her behind her arm and lifted a little——

The Goddess of Origin deserves to be the coveted existence of even the mighty ancient sages. Even if the "Haoyue Sword Dance" is not standard, her posture can be seen in this first sword, extremely beautiful.

The second sword-

The goddess of Origin lifted her sword and stabbed upwards forty-five degrees. Then, her heart and soul were shaken. Su Jin faced each other and stretched out her hand to correct her sword dance posture. The very special masculine taste made her feel a little dizzy. !

This, this feeling--

The goddess of origin was a little startled.

"Take your mind." Su Jin said lightly.



A complete set of "Haoyue Sword Dance" pointed out that the goddess of Origin was already sweating. She had never expected Su Jin to be so proficient in kendo. This pressure made her a little unbearable.

Fortunately, Su Jin didn't let her go on, just let her take a bath, change her clothes, and walk out of the'Time and Space Mill' with him.

From the stone building, looking at the small garden ten meters away, the goddess of Origin was flushed. The magical man, Emperor Ye Tian, ​​sat straight on the stone bench and drank tea lightly. Yes, walk out this time. Time and Space Grinding Disc', it should be to kill the'non-world-zun'-

Soon, the goddess of Origin walked out of the stone building in a refreshing light pink long skirt with a slender belt tied tightly around the willow waist.

"Where are you going?" asked the goddess of Origin.

"Go and see the eternal technique of'Enlightening God'." Su Jin glanced at her, took another breath, and then calmly responded.

The goddess of Origin chuckled in her heart, "As far as I know, the eternal art of the Eastern Enlightenment God should be invincible. Even if it is you, it is impossible to follow—"

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