My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3481: Will you kill me

Can't pick it up by yourself?

Su Jin smiled, in the heart of the goddess of Origin, but the invincible Emperor Ye Tian, ​​if he can't take it down, who else can do it?

"Oh? So powerful—" Su Jin's questioning tone was slightly gentle.

"Even if it's not the world-honored person, the chance of surviving is very small under the eternal technique of Enlightening God. You definitely don't believe it, you will know it after a while." The serious expression of the goddess of Origin is not false, she is true Think so.

In fact, Su Jin really wanted to tell her that he was really not the world-zun, and that it was a fake. Of course, it is naturally impossible for him to let the goddess of origin know.

Su Jin stopped responding to her, and the time-space grinding disc turned into a tiny bit of white light, quietly disappearing——

When the goddess of Origin followed Su Jin out of the Time and Space Mill, she was really shocked!

This retreat was actually a retreat outside the ten worlds! The entire "Hundred Worlds Divine Realm", three hundred and sixty-six big worlds, now centered on the "Void Realm Great World", that terrifying Dao fire has spread to ten nearby big worlds! Moreover, it cannot stop spreading rapidly!

Fortunately, this is most of the monks in the big world, and most of them retreat to the surrounding big world, and the casualties are not large—

Su Jin waved his hand gently, and a scene condensed. The scene was naturally at the center of the battle between Qiming God, but the battlefield was like a fiery purgatory!

The goddess of Origin stared blankly, and then she looked at the neighborhood. She didn't know what the big world was here, but because of escape, a lot of people gathered nearby! When I look at it, there are crowds of people!

"It's still a mighty ancient wise man! He just blasted this hag into the alien realm with a punch, and now he is present, and the Shizun has not yet taken a shot. The Supreme God of Dafa is slightly injured, and the God of Enlightenment has no intention of doing it. Just thinking that the mighty ancient sage can punish the'non-world-zun'!" someone said.

"Dafa, the supreme god, just took the blow of ‘not the world’s-honored’, and he ignited endless incense, coupled with the burning of the great sage’s divine will, he was still injured—"

"Oh, this dog is amazing! Brother Dao, which big world are you from? I came to Shenlin Great World. Just now my home was destroyed, and I had to escape here."

"Our Era Immortal World is also ruined, that man's Vulcan Avenue is simply invincible, and he has burned ten great worlds!"

"Don't panic! The mighty Guxian has just punched through the eternal world and almost killed the ‘unshizun’! In my opinion, he will not survive today."

"The monument to seal the heavens and the world can't stop the spread of Taoist fire. This dragon will not die. Sooner or later, the Taoist fire will spread to the entire Hundred Gods Realm. By then, there will be three hundred and sixty-six big worlds, and they will be destroyed in one go!"

"Enlightened God will not allow this to happen!"

"Ah! Not good!"


The earth-shaking rumbling sounded in the distant battlefield! The scarlet blood burst out from the huge hole that was blasted out by fists, and that young phantom gradually solidified——

This is the first time Su Jin has seen the real body of this counterfeit!

For some reason, even though this person looks like a young man, the faint wickedness exuding from his body makes people always feel that something is wrong.

"Under the attack of the mighty ancient xian, he seems to have no injuries at all—" The goddess of Origin took a breath, and the killing technique she applied to the other party with the killing technique of the'Heaven Sealing and Sealing the World', the effect is still there, only on the other party The body seems to be tickling.

Su Jin's face was solemn.

He felt the pressure on this fake product——

"Hey~~~~I'm not dead!" The mighty Guxian gave a long hey, his eyes rounded, his expression is as funny as it looks.

"Be careful—" the supreme **** of Dafa momentum reminded the mighty ancient sage, and said: "He has a king-grade celestial bone. It was just that day that the bone injured me."

Dafa is the supreme god, the appearance of a middle-aged man, with two sideburns, one white and the other cyan. On his left shoulder, there is a terrible hole, the size of a fist, and it will not heal for a long time.

Wangpin Tiangu!

Su Jin had a bad feeling in his heart. At that time, during the Jin Dynasty, Huanyu Zhanzu promised him to open a "peerless immortal burial" for him, and to take the "king grade bones" from the grave of all beings to himself.

Now, I don’t know if the king-pin celestial bone on this counterfeit is the piece from the grave of all beings--

"Damn it, even though you changed your appearance, I recognize you even if you turn into ashes! The Wangpin Sky Bone and Sky Arm have made you nothing to hide!" I don't know how far away, Jin Wuxiang gritted his teeth, and Su Jin is in the world. He only found less than one hundred of the corpses that were sown in God's Domain, more than six hundred emperor descendants, and may never find them all!

"Lord! There are so many great abilities, don't worry! Our hatred, today is about to be reported!" The Supreme Hall Master quickly comforted.


neither knows--

Su Jin's current expression is as weird as it is.

"A strong man like you should have become famous and shouldn't stand here." The goddess of Origin took a look at Su Jin.

"Why can't you stand here?" Su Jin felt ridiculous. He was anxious that the counterfeit would wipe out all the enemies. He felt that he was the one who should stand the most.

"No one knows you, who knows you Yetian." Origin Goddess said.

"Why should I let others know about me?" Su Jin asked in surprise.

"You--" The Goddess of Origin flushed.

"I'm no longer your master, but you are eager to make me Ye Tian Emperor famous in a battle, are you thinking for yourself?" Su Jin glanced at the goddess of Origin.

"Nothing at all!" The goddess of Origin turned around, really, does she really have such thoughts?

After all, the mighty Guxian is now really aware of the seriousness--

The surrounding void, as if the temperature was also rising, the mighty ancient sage was secretly surprised, could it be said that as the Dao Fire burns, the greater the diffused area, the stronger the power of this ‘unworldly’? Is he taking luck? Shouldn't, this is the power of that door!

"Xiao Ming! Xiao Ming! Hurry up--" the mighty Guxian cried and shouted at the distance.

Little...Xiao Ming...

The world is in an uproar!

There are so many spectators in the entire Hundred Gods Realm. The mighty ancient sage is only one meter by one meter tall, and he is fat and fat. He is a golden fat man. The Xiao Ming who is calling now... doesn't mean... the Eastern Enlightened God?

The master God of the dignified Eastern Peak Divine Realm, being called by the mighty ancient xian, his worth seems to have fallen all the way from the sky to the abyss!

Qiming God’s face is naturally a bit unsightly——

"The mighty Guxian should call me, but I'm not very good at fighting." At the critical moment, it was the **** Dao brother who was shouted by the angel of God at the time to relieve the siege.

"What are you? You go away...Xiao Ming, use your eternal skill... I don't feel right..." Mighty Guxian jumped around, but he felt that he had walked a long way, but he was still around Spinning around is inseparable from this virtual world!

"No world-honored, today is your death date." Dongfang Qiming God, there is no time to care about it now. Although it has damaged his majesty, he only needs to kill this ‘un-world-honored’ and everything will return to normal!

"My opponent, it's not you..." The evil-faced young man licked his lips and looked at the Qiming God.

"Come, come, and fight with Lao Tzu for another two hundred rounds, Lao Tzu pierces your skull--" the mighty Guxian raised his fatty right hand and shouted at the young man.

"You stupid pig, you have a scent of green onion that makes me very hateful, and it smells even worse when it burns. Go away..." The young man with a touch of evil glanced at the mighty ancient xian and responded.

It is Gu Xian after all.

It's hard to kill, it's better to let it go.

The mighty Guxian seemed to feel that his personality was insulted, and he ignored the blazing fire around him. He wanted to fight the opponent desperately!

"Retreat—" Dongfang Qiming God directly shouted softly.

"You are a wicked little girl, you can see how Qiming God uses the eternal magic to cure you, you..." Mighty Guxian pointed out as he said, but his feet were a bit unambiguous. If you let go, go quickly.

At the place of the Goddess of Origin, Su Jin watched the battle with all his attention. He wanted to see if the so-called one-of-a-kind technique of Enlightening God was as invincible as the Goddess of Origin said.

However, Su Jin slightly felt the difference, and glanced sideways, the Goddess of Origin quietly touched his hand with her finger—

Su Jin immediately interlaced his hands in front of him and asked faintly: "Zu'er, if I am the Emperor Ye Tian, ​​who is standing in the field at this moment, will you kill me?"

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