My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3485: Qingtian Mansion

The years have left traces here——

Su Jin has reason to guess that this is a peerless fairy burial, but as time goes by, he walks further and further, and he starts to doubt himself.

Here, there is not only an endless night, but also an extremely gorgeous scene.

For about two hours, Su Jin was on a blue mountain range and saw the twinkling starry sky. Stars formed an extremely beautiful star field, which appeared in the sky. Just the sky above his head, how billions of stars!


A piece of starlight, coiled and intertwined, transforms into a dragon among infinite stars, overlooking the world, followed by starlight dragons, condensing between breaths.

Su Jin's eyes flickered, walking out of the mountains, and finally stepped on a piece of coke. He leaned over and touched the earth with his fingers. The opposite side was like carbon dust, but he couldn't escape, and there was a starlight dragon in Gaotian, which couldn't make people. God left.

Even Su Jin would not choose to take risks. In his eyes, those dragons that swallowed the stars were transformed by the infinite heaven!


Su Jin's body stiffened, he turned his head abruptly and looked at an old man with disheveled hair with a somewhat unbelieving gaze. He was holding a monk who had just died and fell into the darkness.

The old man seemed to be extremely heavy. Su Jin followed him to observe the footprints. At this time, he saw his scalp numb. Normal people walked. Although they would leave footprints on the ground, it is impossible to leave them. The depth of the back of the shoe——

The old stone man, holding the new corpse, sobbed and left--

Su Jin is now a little confused in his mind, how can someone still live from ancient times to the present when he can divide the corpse of the stone man, whether the old stone man is a human or a monster!

Subversion, Su Jin's cognition has been completely subverted here!

Su Jin wanted to catch up with the old stone man, but apart from leaving an extremely long footprint, he followed him for nearly a stick of incense, and never saw each other again. He even thought he was dazzled.

At present, Su Jin knows that he is still safe. He has a destiny gourd on his body to cover his destiny. At least until he sees the'Eastern Enlightened God', he has no worries about his life. He even changed his appearance to avoid being recognized. risk--

If you change it to before, Su Jinda does not need to be like this, but the test here is definitely not a killing. The mysterious youth must have a purpose--

"Daoist, you are so courageous! You dare to walk here alone." When a team of eight people looked at Su Jin, someone said directly.

Among the eight people, there are two monks who were seriously injured——

"When I came, I was alone." Su Jin showed a sad expression, "Can you find out?"

"Don't go ahead, really don't go..." Someone in the team hurriedly said, "There is a valley there, and the valley is full of stone vines. We originally had seventeen people, half of which were folded in there!"

"Any other people from God's Domain attacked you?" Su Jin asked curiously.

"Hey, those stone vines can hurt people! They are cut constantly!"

"Then can I go with you?" Su Jin showed some ‘fear’ expressions on his face.

"Yes! Which God Realm are you from?"

"I'm from... a different time and space." Su Jin wanted to pretend to be a monk in the Eastern Peak God Realm, but he thought about it. After all, it is the Peak God Realm. Some are too garish, but it is better to be low-key.

"Ah! It turns out to be fellow daoists in different time and space, we are from the Unlucky God's Domain——"

"Unlucky God's Domain?" Su Jin was stunned.

"Order God's Realm, now other God's realms say that we are unlucky God's realm, we think so too, what do you say is our business--"

The sound stopped abruptly.

Su Jin turned around slightly and saw another four-person team quietly appear——

"Have you been to Shigu?" The four of them are two men and two women. Their dresses and temperaments are quite extraordinary. Once they showed up, they didn't ask Su Jin and others about their identities. They asked whether they had been to Shigu.

"No!" Su Jin raised his left hand, the fourth person looked nervous and quickly denied.

"Shigu's stone vine fruits, you'd better hand them over, and then roll out—" Among the four, the Chinese-clothed youth glanced at Su Jin, "We are the people of the Peak Divine Region'Qingtian Mansion', and that Shigu is us Qingtian Mansion first discovered it."

"Ah, it turns out to be fellow daoists of the Peak God Realm, we...we don't have the ability to get close to those stone vines, let alone pick the stone vine fruits--" a monk said in a flustered manner.

"Brother Lin, kill them one by one, until they hand it over." Said that he was a young man in Huayi from Qingtian Mansion, and gestured directly to Lin Yi.

The nine people, including Su Jin, are just a bunch of ants in the eyes of the people of ‘Qingtian Mansion’!


The monk on the far right spouted a mouthful of blood, his neck seemed to be firmly grasped in the air, his whole body was kicking, and he was caught.

K~~~ The neck was twisted off directly, Lin Yi raised his hand casually and threw it aside.

"We really haven't picked it--"

"Yes, we dare to swear by our own avenue and never get a stone vine fruit!"

"Everyone in Qingtian Mansion, should you be satisfied now?"

"They are not satisfied." Su Jin looked at the others and said lightly: "What they want is not Shitengguo, but to kill people and prevent the news from leaking out."


An unsheathed sword light dazzled directly into the field of vision. Except for Su Jin, the eight people from the Unlucky God's Domain had all been beheaded!


The one who drew the sword was the female cultivator next to Lin Yi. This sword should have died with Su Jin and all nine people, but Su Jin was unscathed, which surprised her very much.

The Huayi youth stared at Su Jin, "I am the young master of Qingtian Mansion, Duan Ling. Who is your Excellency——"

Su Jin's face was calm, and he slowly raised his hands, including the two beautiful girls, all seemed to have been suppressed, and he was directly supported by him.

"Who are you, I don't want to know." Su Jin snapped his fingers, and the four of them rolled their eyes and disappeared in a flash!

Su Jin was still a little puzzled. He mixed up with the team so that he could get some information, but in a blink of an eye he was wiped out by the people of the'Qingtian Mansion'. As for Shi Tengguo, he was not interested at all, so he treated these people as a person. treasure--


The melodious music is still spreading in the darkness...

Origin Goddess' eyes were red, and she remembered what Su Jin had said to her! From then on, stranger! To sever the relationship so resolutely, it is natural to know that the two are enemies!

No, the goddess of Origin really doesn't want to, and since knowing that he is not the world-honored person, until now, she hasn't been able to slow down.

"What should I do..." The goddess of Origin buried her head in her arms.

She knew that there was a time to choose, because here, Su Jin had to kill all the people in the four gods, leaving no one in order to win this amazing bet!

Among them, including her--

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