My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3486: The death of origin

In the distance, above the black sea, there was a vague figure of a demon girl, who was turning over the clouds and raining. The goddess of Origin was sitting among the stone monuments, raising her face in her arms—

The Goddess of Origin has never seen the Chaosong Banshee, but she has heard of this big name, this woman has big tricks that are unknown.

Thinking of this, the goddess of Origin is a little uncomfortable. If she really got to that point, would he not let her go without Ye Di?

And can you really kill him?

Eighty-eight rays of light appeared not far from the Goddess of Origin——

The Origin Goddess secretly yelled badly. Although she knew that they were the eighty-eight peak masters of the Origin Gate, they were her own people, but because Su Jin stepped on the'time and space mill' and rescued her from the sky arm, she was already Exposing the fact that I don’t know the world-zun!

Now, the Dongfang Qiming God cannot calculate Su Jin's position, but he can find the Goddess of Origin!

"My Lord Goddess, the four great realms of Gods, searching everywhere, but the world-zun is not there, God Qiming would like to ask you for a favor..." There was a sigh from the peak master, and the feeling of seeing the goddess of origin without a face immediately indicated his intention.

"Under the arms of the sky, you, as the peak masters and elders of the gate of my origin, would rather sacrifice my future head of the family to do such a despicable act. It is no surprise." The goddess of origin was apathetic. After scanning the eighty-eight peak masters, they said.

"You have an indestructible origin fire, even if it falls under the arms of the sky, it can be recovered in the future -" You Peak Master said again.

"I want to know, in your eyes, is there still a goddess of my origin..."

Now, Goddess of Origin is ashamed of being the Goddess of Origin!

"Isn't it right before the goddess came?" Some peak master couldn't hide his anger and asked.

"You mean...the monument to seal the heavens and the world, and God's handwriting?" The goddess of Origin was stunned.

The Heavenly Sealing Monument and the God's Souvenirs were originally on her, but after inheriting the Dao of Origin, her mother has completely fallen and disappeared. The Heaven Sealing and Sealing the World Monument and the God's Souvenirs were also taken away by these peak owners.

Could it be that this is her mother's decision?

"You have been smart since you were a little Bingxue. You must understand at this moment. The Mother of Origin has already seen everything. We are the people of the Gate of Origin, and so are death! Her command, we dare not fail to follow her orders! Fighting against the Lord is origin. The heavy responsibility of the gate!"

"My Lord Goddess, no matter how you are bewitched by that world-honored person, now you must also focus on the overall situation! Thinking that the world-honored person is against the sky, here, if we don't want to do everything we can, including you, the four The cultivators of God's Domain are all going to be destroyed in his hands!"

"He is not against the sky!" Origin Goddess shook her head, defending.

"Who is he! Throughout the ages, there is no record of the misfortune caused by the World-Honored One! This person is extremely cold-blooded, even if you become the last person, he will definitely be cut off without hesitation, and take this opportunity to completely Awakening is not the power of the Lord!"

"no no!"

The goddess of Origin was covering her ears. She had been on that ‘Time and Space Mill’ for 16 years. She believed in her own feelings, that Ye Tiandi was definitely not the kind of person these peak masters said!

"Ming stubborn! Everyone, take down this rebellion of taking refuge in the world-honored!" Dafeng master shouted.

The atmosphere suddenly reached a state of tension!

The Origin Goddess is really fed up, she knows that no matter what she says now, the other party will not believe it!

From under the arm of that day, when these elders preached to collect her origin fire, she had been desperate, knowing that she was just a victim of being exploited!

On the eyebrows of the goddess of Origin, a silver lotus bud imprint is slowly flowing with a wonderful light, and soon, the lotus bud imprint will directly bloom!

"What? This is...this is pupil technique? When did our goddess appear with divine eyes!" There was a peak master inconceivable.

"It's too surprising, how could she... In the gate of origin, even the mother of origin has never had a **** pupil--"

"So what! She is a sinner who betrays the door of Origin! Why not catch it. After she is used to lure him away, let Qiming God beheaded with her, and then the origin fire will be collected. Ten thousand years later, The new Origin Goddess will dominate the door of our origin and regain its glory!"


The goddess of origin slowly got up, her toes gradually lifted off the ground!

The fairy pupils of truth began to run their magical powers frantically, sweeping towards the 88 peak masters!


The eighty-eight peak masters were all discolored, and their faces were pale!

"An eternal magic! It turned out to be an eternal magic!" Eighty-eight peak masters sensed a wonderful trait. In each of them, the avenue seemed to be loose, and the rhyme of the Tao was beginning to be lost!

And the surrounding, from the first ‘Dutian Peak’ phantom, began to condense!

In a blink of an eye is the tenth seat!

Block fifty!

In the end, there are a full eighty-eight sacred mountains, squeezing Bahuang Liuhe, and on top of those eighty-eight sacred mountains, every sacred mountain begins to emit divine light--

In this scene, the eighty-eight peak owners are naturally familiar!

This kind of power can only be exerted when the 88 of them unite! But now, there is only one Goddess of Origin, one person!

When did the goddess of origin possess the eternal magic?

And it's such a monstrous eternal technique!

"Extremely slashing the earth!" There is a Tsing Yi peak master, raising his arm to transform the magic sword, his magic sword is vast, but just lifted up, a white sword flashed by, his sword skills collapsed, and Dao Yun was instantly smashed. !



In front of the Goddess of Origin, this Tsing Yi peak master, in the eyes of the other 87 peak masters, couldn't even lift the sword!

A series of mysterious movements began to emerge in this world, beautiful music, full of sadness and Qiang, but not from the black sea! This sound... turned out to be from the goddess of Origin!


Oh my god!

At the Gate of Origin, eighty-eight peak masters discovered that the goddess of Origin was actually using the terrifying means of the "Tide Sound Banshee"!


A sound wave visible to the naked eye swept across all directions! Sweep all the eighty-eight peak masters away!

The goddess of Origin was stunned. She thought that the ‘Backing of Heaven’ technique was very powerful, but she never expected it to be so overbearing. She... she was even asking herself in her heart at this moment that she... can be so powerful!

"Everyone! Although this sound attack is not as powerful as the tide of banshee, it is terrifying enough! My power is surging, and my blood is hard to calm down!"

"Goddess! Don't let yourself be wrong, you have divine eyes, plus this eternal skill, as long as you help you lead out ‘Not the World’s Lord’, we eighty-eight old guys, willing to go back to the door of origin to apologize to you!"

"This technique can't be better against the world-honored goddess! Wake up!"


The goddess of origin felt sad--

It's really sad.

"This pupil is called the Immortal Pupil of Truth. This eternal technique is the'back to heaven'." The goddess of Origin said with red eyes, "The Immortal Pupil of Truth is not opened for me by the World-Honored, but it is also not the World-Honored Technique. Created by me, you tell me now...let me use this technique against him?"

Not the Lord.

Create a ‘Eternal Magic’ for the goddess of origin, and bear the magic of heaven!

Shocked, shocked the eighty-eight peak masters of the Gate of Origin——

Before the Origin Goddess, fortunately, she was rescued by Su Jin, and spent a lot of time on the time-space mill, before this eternal skill could be used again.

These people, the goddess of Origin, have no longer nostalgia, the door of origin, from then on... it is no longer her home!

High in the sky, a Tao map composed of eighty-eight divine lights blasted the void directly, and the goddess of Origin walked into it, refusing to be taken away by others——

"You can't escape!" A peak master said angrily: "Dongfang Qiming God, will capture you!"

"What should we do now?"

"Let's go! Go to Jianfeng Fire Bone Platform, but the sacred fire burns up from below layer by layer, unless the Lord does not appear, she will die!"

"Sure enough! Qiming God made a shot—"

The Goddess of Origin kept the ‘years’, ‘truth’, and ‘time and space’ all at their peak, but when the black sky began to transform into the shape of a hand, she knew that she could not escape!

"I won't... won't stand in your way—" The goddess of Origin was determined in her eyes, in the **** hand, overlooking all directions. Although she did not see the person's figure, her voice turned into the truth. Mark, spread all over the world!

Why bother?

Qiming God looked indifferent, looking at the Goddess of Origin in his palm, and seeing her aura getting weaker and weaker, he knew that her Origin Avenue had begun to ignite.

The inner organs of the Goddess of Origin, Zhou Tian above the sea of ​​Qi, the Avenue of Origin began to collapse, and endless power began to flow into the meridians, breaking every inch of meridians!

She knew... she was going to say it... She really hoped that after ten thousand years, the origin of the fire condensed, she is still her now, and she still remembers the 16 years spent on the time-space mill...

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