My Beautiful and Bossy Wife

Chapter 3487: Scarlet Fireworks

For sixteen years, he was an enemy, but he did not hesitate to teach.

Sixteen years, day and night, scolded, hating iron can not make steel.

In sixteen years, he cut the dragon blood tree and broke the bond, but the iron and blood was tender.

There is a lot of trouble in the world, even if the gate of origin is her home, nothing has been spent on the millstone of time and space, happy and free——

"Xiaoming! Xiaoming, you..." The mighty Guxian stared roundly, feeling that the whole world had collapsed. He couldn't do this Enlightened God, and his extreme anger began to look at the 88 peak masters at the Gate of Origin!


The mighty Guxian stepped forward, and the monstrous fierce might was spreading from him! He raised his hand, a copper spoon, as large as a lake, directly shook the sky and earth, and directly photographed all the 88 peak masters into the soil!

"Kill! I killed you!" The mighty Guxian took a copper spoon and danced into art. In an instant, he provoked all the eighty-eight peak masters and beat them continuously in the void!

The screams and the cracked bones make people look scary!

There is a place, very far away--

After Su Jin killed the four of the "Qing Tian Mansion", he walked westward along the stone valley where he had done it. He felt more and more, until he walked into a bronze mountain and river.

This mountain and river, the city wall is still there, and the eternal years were ruthlessly buried here. Under the city wall, Su Jin can still feel the strong majesty here.

On the wall, bloodstains are everywhere, and the cracks are shocking--

After the bronze mountains and rivers were ruined, there were no known how many powerful people later visited. Su Jin discovered patterns one after another. It was a blood-colored paint that recorded the past.

Su Jin closed his eyes, touched the patterns with his fingers, and kept his pace——

The power of Maha Town's prison eye quietly appeared. Although he closed his eyes, the stars and flames in his mind remained the same.

It turned out that the sky here was once blue, the sea tides, and seabirds flocked. From the tribes to the last gods, there was the real first age, the Bronze Age!

These patterns, the Taoist rhyme contained in them, even in the years, cannot be extinguished——

"Brother, don't want to run away."

At some point, Su Jin was awakened by a strange nervous voice. He looked at the tense old stone man at the foot of the city wall——

"Senior is in a hurry. I walked all the way here. I never thought I could bump into Senior." Su Jin walked over, out of the corner of his eyes, he saw a handful of new soil at the foot of the city wall.

Not long ago, the old stone man came here, sobbing and holding the corpse, buried the man, and went into the soil for peace.

"Heaven and Dao are intertwined, this celestial burial has been opened, there is no one to live, you, you don't want to go quickly--" The tears on the corners of Lao Shiren's eyes were not dry, not as artificial, and he kindly asked Su Jin to leave.

"Why did the senior bury the corpse at the foot of the city wall?" Su Jin asked.

"The Bronze Emperor will protect the victims. There are many corpse caves outside the city, and they will come out every time the moon is full..." The old stone man responded blankly, but he suddenly held his head, "I, Why do I know this, why do I..."

Before Su Jin could stop him in the future, he saw the old stone man go crazy, stepping into nothingness, and disappearing again! Even his "Mahe Town Prison Eye" is hard to hide!

Lao Shiren, why can’t he die over time--

Who is he.

Su Jin was dumb, walking along the direction where the old stone man was going crazy, touching the pattern on the city wall with his hand, and after walking for about half a stick of incense, he came to the city gate without knowing it!


Appeared again!

The footprints of the old stone man! Su Jin has some surprises!

To be honest, Su Jin was a little bit afraid of this city. Even at the foot of the city wall, he could feel an indescribable power, oppressing his heart, but in the city, there are few buildings, as if he can see through it at a glance!


Crying, very faint crying.

Using the eyes of the prison of Maha Town, Su Jin looked into the lonely city. In the center of the city, in a ruin, there was actually this huge coffin with dark blue and green spots. He could not tell whether the old stone man was hiding in In the coffin, or hiding behind the coffin, crying...

"Senior, I have something to ask for advice." Su Jin refused to miss the opportunity and hurriedly said.


On the bronze **** coffin, the coffin lid quietly opened a gap, a pair of small eyes were scared, and the coffin lid was a little trembling.

"Ask, ask, run away, go south...southern there is a way to survive." The old stone man trembled.

Su Jin said earnestly: "Before you, you hugged your body and buried it. You didn't know good or evil, but you did good?"

"I don't know, pitiful, too pitiful, they are all corpses--" The old stone man shook the coffin lid with his hands.

"Who do you think is the most pathetic?" Su Jin asked.

"God, God is the most pathetic."


"God is not benevolent and regards everything as a humble dog. Ruthless is the most pitiful, I... I have a baby who has an incurable disease at a few years old. The fate that God arranged for him is very pitiful, and God is even more pitiful..."

"This is pathetic."

Su Jin said in a cold voice, "If everyone in this world wants to kill Senior, what will happen to Senior?"

"Why, why do you want to kill me, you... go away, you haven't seen me... haven't seen me--" Old Stone Man said timidly.

"Last question, I'll leave after asking." Su Jin said: "How many of the patterns on the city wall were painted by the predecessors? Among them, most of them are pictures of strong heaven."


The coffin was still shaking, but he did not respond to Su Jin anymore.

Su Jin waited for a long time, finally smiled freely, saluted the divine coffin, turned and left.

After a stick of incense, Su Jin turned his face, with a strange touch on the corner of his mouth! Most of the senior old stone man he knew was following him cautiously. Although he could not see it, he could feel it.

"Xiongtai! Can you find World Honor in Xiongtai?" Suddenly, a small team shouted at Su Jin.

At this time, walking alone can still live alone. Most of them are people with advanced cultivation bases. Even if it is a team, they don't dare to underestimate it.

"No." Su Jin said indifferently: "Do you have any news?"

"Hey! I didn't even find the root hair! That's really ruthless, the world-zun, my supreme beauty refused to show up when he died, now the people at the gate of origin have set up the beacon, ready to take the origin fire at any time — "Someone said to Su Jin.

Su Jin's long-lasting Taoist heart trembled...

The prison eye of Maha Town, looking all over! Suddenly, there was an extremely desperate voice in Su Jin's ear!

"I won't... won't get in your way..."



Su Jin clenched his fist, and the nine people around him were swallowed by a collapsed void in an instant!

A fierce might that can be felt by any existence in the world, just like the tide of the sky, rolling to faraway places!

Kill, kill! Su Jin couldn't help it at all, and it was all full of endless killing thoughts! The gate of origin, eighty-eight peak masters! To die!

Dongfang Qiming God, to die!

Dafa is the supreme god, dying!

Mighty ancient sage! One figure after another appeared in Su Jin's mind. His Mohe Town prison eyes, along with a pair of sharp sword eyes, began to turn into an extremely terrifying crystal red color!


A golden avenue seems to have penetrated the eternal void! Yellow light, dazzling!

On the Golden Avenue, a person, like a lone wolf, surrounded by void, endless crystal red power, began to gather in his body! Under the feet, on the Golden Light Avenue, the crystal red ‘Great God’s Way’ power is turning into extremely mysterious **** fireworks, starting to burn!

"No Shizun, it has appeared!" Dongfang Qiming God suddenly shouted!

Eternal magic, cut fate! Although the dead cannot be cut, the Yedi is alive! The God of Dongfang Qiming can be cut down!

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